Ky y ^ H^i thto ICT.rda'06 Proceedings of lCT.rda'06 Hanoi May XAY DlTNG HE BAM MyC TIEU CHUYEN D Q N G KET HO THUAT NHAN DANG ANH VA UlVG DVNG TRONG GIAM VA QUAN LI GIAO THONG Building a moved target tracking system intergrated with im recognizing technique and applying in supervising and trafl monitoring Nguyen Thanh Hai, Nguyin Cong Djnh Tdm tat: Cdc hi thong bdm dnh muc lieu chuyin ddng rdt cd y nghia Irong nhiiu linh vuc cua d song, ddc biit Id Irong an ninh quoc phong, phdn logi sdn phdm vd qudn ly giao thdn, Bdi bdo ndy Irinh bdy mgt sd kit qud nghien ciru xdy dung he thdng bdm muc lieu chuyi dgng sir dung ky thugt nhdn dgng dnh Hi thong sir dyng ca chi hgc true tuyin ddi tugr cdn bdm vd dugc tiin hdnh song song v&i nhdn dgng vd bdm dnh ddi tugng chuyen dgn, Cdc kil qud nghien ciru dugc ung dung gidm sdt vd qudn ll giao thdng Tir khod: Bdt bdm ddi tugng chuyin dgng nhgn dgng dnh hgc true tuyin, mgng naroi trich chgn dgc trung Abstract: Moved target tracking systems have more and more important roles in fact, especially i defense, products classify and traffic monitoring This paper introduces some results i building a moved target tracking system using image recognize technique The systei learns online the tracking objects, recognizies and tracks them parallelly The researchin, results are applied in supervising and traffic monitoring Keywords: Moved target tracking, image recognition, online learning, neural network feature extracting DAT VAN DE Cac h? thong bam anh doi tugng chuyen dgng hifn dang la van de thai s\f vai nhirng umg dung cua no cac ITnh v\fc cua cugc song d^c biet la van de giam sat giao thong va an ninh quoc phong Da co rat nhieu nghien cuu lien quan den van de bit bam doi tugng chuyen dgng Tuy nhien phin Ion cac hf bam deu t$p trung khai thac van de sai khac giira cac frame anh lien tilp hoac sai lu' •- • u u' A/^-* u ' Akhac giua anh chua doi tugng ehuyen dgng vai anh nen hay hinh dang