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Q a i The Dog On The Bus TCf moi va cum tCf rainy /'reini / (adj) miCa feet /fi:t/ (n) chan conductor //kan'dAkta / (n) ngi/di chi huy, ngi/di lai xe pay /pei/ toan / tra tien cho get on len xe have a seat ngdi put /put/ (v) dat, de > * - Bai tap luyen nghe I Be hay nghe va dien "Yes" neu cau dung va dien "No" neu cau sai vao dau ngoac dofn ( ) The woman wants to buy a ticket for her dog on the bus 95 ( ) I don't want the dog to sit near me ( ) The woman don't want her dog to have a seat II Be hay nghe va chon mot dap an dung nhat What is the weather like on that day? A Sunny B Rainy C Windy The woman gets on a bus w it h _ A A big dog B A small cat C A monkey Are its feet clean9 A Yes, they are B No, they aren't C I don't know The dog can't put his feet A On the bus B On the chair C On the floor X Chu ) thich - x pay for tra tien cho I pay 10,000 dong for that book Toi tra 10.000 dong cho quyen sach 96 The Cat And The Mice T'• va- cum tu Tu moi mice /mais / (n) chuot tie /tai / (v) buoc bell /bel / (n) cai chuong neck /n e k /(n )c o any more khong ni/a hole /'houl / (n) cai 16 kill /kil / (v) giet around / araund / (prep) vong tron hard /ha:d / (adj) kho khan Bai tap luyen nghe I Be hay nghe va dien "Yes" neu cau dung va dien "No" neu cau sai vao dau ngoac ddn ( ) The cat is afraid to kill the mice ( ) The mice want to be friends with the cat 97 ( ) The old mouse is clever, but it's hard to like that II Be hay nghe va chon mot dap an dung nhat There are many mice _ A I n a new house B In an old house C In the hole All the mice come to _ A A big hole B A big house C A small hole If we can tie around the cat's neck, we'll know when he is coming, and the cat can't catch us any more A A clock B A bell C A letter It isn't hard _ A To say things B To things C To kill the cat Chu '), thich - Am "igh" dtftic phdt dm Id [aij V Vi du: high, light, right 98 J H d i4 — -— » * _ * / The Cock And The Fox \ Ta moi va cum tu cock / kok / (n) ga fox /foks / (n) cao play with chcfi vdi say /sei / (v) noi must / mAst / (v) phai, bat buoc hear / hio / (v) nghe be glad to vui mitng Bai tap luyen nghe I Be hay nghe va dien "Yes" neu cau dung va dien "No" neu cau sai vao dau ngoac ddn ( ) The cock and the fox are real friends ( ) The fox and the dogs are good friends ( ) The cock is very clever II Be hav nghe va chon mot dap an dung nhat Where is the old cock sitting9 A In a tall tree B On a tall tree C On the floor What does the fox say to the cock? A All the animals are good friends B Let's be friends, too C A and B / Chu X thich n Am ”ee" ditqc phdt dm la [i:J v _J Vf du: meet, week, sleep 100 A Crow And A Fox TCf mdi va cum tu a piece of meat mot mieng thit drop / drop / (v) rcfi crow /krou / (n) qua good idea y kien hay, y tiidng tot word / w8:d / (n) tit, Idi noi loudly /'laudli / (adv) to (tieng) ground /graund/ (n) mat dat moment /'m9um(3)nt / (n) choc, lat mouth / mau0 / (n) mieng I Be hay nghe va dien "Yes" neu cau dung va dien "No" neu cau sai vao dau ngoac dofn ( ) The crow wants to eat a big meal ( ) The crow doesn't sing for the fox ( ) The fox doesn’t get the piece of meat 101 II Be hay nghe va chon mot dap an dung nhat 1.The crow gets a piece of meat A In her mouth B In her hand C On her head 2._The fox sees the crow and wants to get A The piece of meat B The crow C The tree After a moment the fox has _ A A bird B A piece of meat C A good idea III Be hay nghe va dien tti eon thieu vao cac cho ben du’di de tra Idi cau hoi Where is the crow0 She is in a tall tree What is in the crow's mouth0 A piece o f What does the fox want to do? He wants to the piece of / Chu X thich Am "ow" dittic phdt dm Id [ au ] V VI du: crow, cow, now, flower 102 J Hoi 49 A Big Tiger And A Little Monkey TCf mdi va cum tCf another / 0nAd0r / (adj) & /ia c , them angry /'xr|gri / (adj) gm n dt? always /'a:lwciz/ (ad\) luon luon mountain /'mauntin/ (n) nui tell /tel/ (v) ke, bao again / a'gein / (adv) /ai little /'lit(3)l / (adj) n/zo S Bai tap luyen nghe I Be hay nghe va dien 'Yes" neu cau dung va dien " No" neu cau sai vao dau ngoac ddn ( ) The little monkey is happy to bring the big tiger some food 103 ( ) The tiger jumps into the water and comes out again ( ) The little monkey is very clever II Be hay nghe va chon mot dap an dung nhat There is (a re ) _ in a mountain A A big tiger B A little monkey C A and B What does the tiger ask the monkey to give him9 A Some food B Some drink C Another tiger Is the little monkey happy? A Yes, he is B No, he isn't C No he is How is the tiger when he hears what the monkey says? A Happy B Angry C Sad Is there a real tiger in the water? A Yes, there is B No, there isn't C Yes it is , Chu X thich Please come with me Hay di cung vdi tdi "with" la giOi tu: co nghla la "cung vdi" 104 Hal 50 + A Story About A Fox And A Bird TCf mdi va cum tCf both / bouG / (adj) ca hai forest /'forist / (n) rttng bowl /boul / (n) cai bat once / WAns / (adv) xita wide /waid / (adj) rong porridge /'poridcfe / (n) chao help yourself xin mdi, xin c(i tii nhien invite /in'vait / (v) mdi bottle /'botl / (n) chai, lo full /ful / (adj) day delicious / di'lijos / (adj) ngon 105 Bai tap luyen nghe I Be hay nghe va dien 'Y es" neu cau dung va dien "No" neu cau sai vao dau ngoac ddn ( ) The bird goes back home without eating because it is full ( ) The fox invites the bird to its house for dinner ( ) The fox can't eat the food in the bottle because the mouth of the bottle is too small II Be hay nghe va chon mot dap an dung nhat The bird and the fox live in a _ A Village B Forest The bird has a C Town mouth A Long and wide B Long and small C Big One day the fox invites the bird to its house A To play B To see its house C For dinner 106 III Be hay nghe va dien tif eon thieu vao cac cho ben difdi de tra Idi cau hoi Why does the bird say it is full? Because it the food in the bowl Where is the porridge? It's in the _ Is the fox really full? , it _ i Chu X thich ; \ Am "ou" di/dc phdt dm la [ au ] v_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J Vi du: house, mouth, about, hour DAP AN BAI 1: MEMBERS OF MY FAMILY Bai nghe I have a big family There are six people in my family They are my mother, my father, my aunt, my uncle, my sister and I My mother is a cleaner She works on a street My father is a salesperson He works in a bookstore My aunt is a teacher She works in a school My uncle is an engineer He works in a company My sister is an accountant She works in a bank I am a student I go to school every day Bai dich Cac tlianh vien gia dinh Toi co mot gia dinh ldn Co ngUdi gia dinh toi Co me toi, bo toi, co toi, bac toi, chi gai toi va toi Me toi la ngiidi quet rac Ba lam viec d tren diidng Bo' toi la nhan vien ban hang Ong lam viec hieu sach Co toi la giao vien Co lam viec d triidng hoc Bac toi la ky suf Bac lam viec mot cong ty Chi gai toi la nhan vien ke toan Chi lam viec d ngan hang Toi la hoc sinh Toi di hoc d trtfdng hang 109 Bai tap luyen nghe I in a company in a bank in a bookstore on a street in a school II have in mother uncle BAI 2: A PHOTO OF A FAMILY B nghe This is a photo of a family The father’s name is Minh The mother’s name is Hanh The father is fortyfive and the mother is forty-two Hanh is a worker and Minh is a doctor They have a son and a daughter They study in Doan Thi Diem Primary School The son is in Class The daughter is a student of Class They are Vietnamese The son is Huy, the daughter is Van Anh They are good students They both study hard Their parents love them very much 110 Bai dich Mot btfc anh cua gia dinh Day la mot biic anh cua gia dinh Ten cua ngUdi cha la Minh Ten cua ngUdi me la Hanh NgUdi cha 45 tuoi va ngUdi me 42 tuoi Ba Hanh la cong nhan va ong Minh la bac si Ho co mot trai va mot gai Chung hoc d trUdng tieu hoc Doan Thi Diem Cau trai la hoc sinh ldp va co gai la hoc sinh ldp Ho la ngUdi Viet Nam Cau trai ten la Huy, co gai ten la Van Anh Chung deu la hoc sinh gioi Ca hai hoc rat cham chi Bo' me rat yeu thUdng chung Bai tap luyen nghe I Yes No Yes II B A B BAI 3: A GARDEN OF MY FAMILY Bai nghe There is a garden behind my house There are many flowers and grasses My mother likes the flowers, but my father likes the grasses I often help my mother water the flowers and help my father water the grasses We can exercise in the garden in the morning every day 111 Bai dich Vifdn cua gia dinh toi Co mot cai vUdn dang sau nha cua toi Co nhieu hoa va co Me toi thich hoa, bo toi thich co Toi thudng giup me toi tUdi hoa va giup bo toi tUdi co Chung toi co the tap the due d vUdn vao moi buoi sang hang Bai tap luyen nghe I No Yes No II.l.A C B BAI 4: MY UNCLE Bai nghe My uncle is a policeman He is more than thirty years old He often goes to work by bus On the bus, the thieves are afraid of him He is very clever and brave He often says, he likes his work, because he can help others and many things for the people After work, he often tells stories for me I hope I will be a policeman some day 112 Bai dich Chu toi Chu cua toi la canh sat Chu ay hdn 30 tuoi Chu thUdng di lam bang xe buyt Tren xe buyt, nhiing ten trom deu sd chu ay Chu rat thong minh va dung cam Chu thufdng noi, chu thfch cong viec cua minh, vi chu co the giup nhiing ngUdi khac va lam nhieu viec cho moi ngifdi Sau gid lam, chu thUdng ke chuyen cho toi nghe Sau nay, toi hy vong toi se trd canh sat Bai tap luyen nghe I No No Yes II C B C BAI 5: MY FRIENDS Bai nghe Nam, Due, Viet, Linh and Tung are my good friends We are all in the same school We go to school together, but our hobbies are different Nam likes playing the violin Due likes diving Viet likes riding a bike Linh likes collecting stamps Tung likes making kites 113 Bai dich Nhufng ngifofi ban cua toi Nam, Diic, Viet, Linh va Tung la nhiing ngUdi ban tot cua toi Chung toi hoc cung mot trUOng Chung toi di hoc cung nhau, nhu'ng sd thich cua chung toi khac Nam thich chdi dan violong Diic thich lan Viet thich di xe dap Linh thich sifu tap tem Tung thich lam dieu Bai tap luyen nghe I c d II Yes - are a violin b e Tung BAI 6: MY THREE GOOD FRIENDS Bai nghe I have three good friends They are Tu Long and Khai Tu is from Hanoi His favourite foods are rice and salad He doesn't like milk at all Long is from Hai Duong His favourite foods are vegetables and fruit, and he doesn’t like meat Khai is from Thai Binh He likes eating hamburgers and butters very much, but he doesn’t like salad or rice 114 ... lam nhieu viec cho moi ngifdi Sau gid lam, chu thUdng ke chuyen cho toi nghe Sau nay, toi hy vong toi se trd canh sat Bai tap luyen nghe I No No Yes II C B C BAI 5: MY FRIENDS Bai nghe Nam, Due,... hoc d trtfdng hang 109 Bai tap luyen nghe I in a company in a bank in a bookstore on a street in a school II have in mother uncle BAI 2: A PHOTO OF A FAMILY B nghe This is a photo of a family The... teacher She works in a school My uncle is an engineer He works in a company My sister is an accountant She works in a bank I am a student I go to school every day Bai dich Cac tlianh vien gia dinh

Ngày đăng: 05/12/2022, 20:49