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first in human evaluation of a novel polymer free drug filled stent

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JACC: CARDIOVASCULAR INTERVENTIONS VOL 10, NO 2, 2017 ª 2017 THE AUTHORS PUBLISHED BY ELSEVIER ON BEHALF OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY FOUNDATION THIS IS AN OPEN ACCESS ARTICLE UNDER ISSN 1936-8798 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcin.2016.10.020 THE CC BY-NC-ND LICENSE (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/) First-in-Human Evaluation of a Novel Polymer-Free Drug-Filled Stent Angiographic, IVUS, OCT, and Clinical Outcomes From the RevElution Study Stephen G Worthley, MD,a Alexandre Abizaid, MD,b Ajay J Kirtane, MD, SM,c Daniel I Simon, MD,d Stephan Windecker, MD,e Sandeep Brar, MD,f Ian T Meredith, MD,g Sharad Shetty, MD,h Ajay Sinhal,i Alexandra Popma Almonacid, MD,j Daniel Chamié, MD,b Akiko Maehara, MD,c Gregg W Stone, MD,c on behalf of the RevElution Investigators ABSTRACT OBJECTIVES This study sought to assess the safety and effectiveness of the drug-filled stent (DFS) (Medtronic, Santa Rosa, California) in the treatment of patients with coronary artery disease BACKGROUND Polymer-free drug-eluting stents have the potential to improve clinical outcomes and facilitate shorter durations of dual antiplatelet therapy The polymer-free DFS is made from a trilayered continuous wire with an outer cobalt chromium layer, a middle tantalum layer, and an inner lumen coated with sirolimus Small laser-drilled holes on the abluminal stent surface control drug elution METHODS The RevElution trial enrolled 100 patients with de novo coronary lesions 2.25 to 3.50 mm in diameter and length #27 mm in cohorts of 50 patients for angiographic, intravascular ultrasound, and clinical assessment at or 24 months, with optical coherence tomography performed in a subset of 30 patients at each time period The primary endpoint was angiographic in-stent late lumen loss at months compared with Resolute zotarolimus-eluting stent (Medtronic) historical control data RESULTS Fifty patients with 56 lesions were treated with DFS in the 9-month cohort In-stent late lumen loss was 0.26 Æ 0.28 mm for DFS and 0.36 Æ 0.52 mm for Resolute (pnoninferiority 1 year) stent throm- IVUS = intravascular bosis (ST) (2–4) Human autopsies and clin- ultrasound ical MI = myocardial infarction OCT = optical coherence tomography evaluation by optical METHODS coherence tomography (OCT) demonstrated incomplete DEVICE endothelialization and late acquired malap- formed from a trilayered wire with the inner core DESCRIPTION The polymer-free DFS is position (i.e., positive remodeling) as strong material removed to create a continuous lumen intervention correlates of very late ST (5–7) These histo- within the stent structure that is coated throughout QCA = quantitative coronary pathological findings have been associated with sirolimus The middle layer is tantalum, which angiography with chronic inflammation and hypersensi- enhances radiopacity, whereas the outer layer of co- ST = stent thrombosis tivity responses, which are most likely due balt chromium maintains stent strength despite a thin TLF = target lesion failure to the polymers used with first-generation strut thickness of 81 m m Based on a drug density of TLR = target lesion DES (5,8–10) w1.1 m g/mm and the circumferential outer stent PCI = percutaneous coronary revascularization SEE PAGE 157 surface area, the total drug load is 99 m g for a 3.0 mm diameter  18 mm long stent Small laser-drilled holes Second-generation DES utilize more biocompatible (w20 m m diameter, w6 per strut, w1,800 holes for an polymers with reduced inflammation, improved heal- 18 mm stent) on the abluminal surface of the stent ing, and lower rates of ST and repeat revascularization determine the rate of drug elution directly into the compared to first-generation DES (11–15) Partly as a arterial wall (Figure 1) result, the mandatory duration of dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) after DES implantation has recently STUDY DESIGN The RevElution trial planned to been reduced in societal guidelines from 12 to months enroll 100 patients at 14 sites in Australia, Latin in patients with stable ischemic heart disease (16,17) America, and Singapore to evaluate the clinical safety However, longer duration DAPT decreases the risk for and efficacy of DFS for the treatment of de novo coro- ischemic events even with second-generation DES, nary lesions (Online Table 1) Treatment was permitted and as such the optimal duration of DAPT remains in up to lesions in separate native coronary arteries controversial (18) In addition, all polymer coatings on with a reference vessel diameter between 2.25 and 3.50 DES are prone to bonding, webbing, cracking, and mm and length #27 mm Key exclusion criteria were peeling during stent expansion and delivery, defects myocardial infarction (MI) within 72 h of the intended that may serve as a thrombogenic nidus and decrease procedure, target lesion in a bypass graft, previous the uniformity of drug delivery, resulting in throm- stenting in the target vessel within months, target bosis or restenosis (19,20) A polymer-free metal sur- lesion within 15 mm of a previously placed stent, face stent that is capable of controlled antiproliferative planned percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) of drug elution may avoid the adverse effects of polymer- any vessel within 30 days post–index procedure, and induced inflammation, thrombosis, and nonunifor- planned PCI of the target vessel within 12 months post- mity, and could potentially allow for a shorter DAPT procedure Additional angiographic exclusion criteria duration (21) are shown in Online Table consultant fees from Medtronic; research grant support from Abbott Vascular, Biosensors, Biotronik, Boston Scientific, Medtronic, and St Jude Medical; and Speakers Bureau honoraria from Abbott Vascular, AstraZeneca, Bayer, Biosensors, Biotronik, and Boston Scientific Dr Brar is an employee of Medtronic Dr Meredith has served on the Medtronic Coronary and Structural Heart Strategic Advisory Boards Dr Shetty has received consultant and speaking fees from Medtronic, Abbott Vascular, Boston Scientific, and St Jude Medical Dr Sinhal has served as a consultant for, has received consultant fees from, and has received grant support from Medtronic Dr Almonacid has received institutional grants from Medtronic, Boston Scientific, and Abbott Vascular Dr Chamié has received consultant fees from St Jude Medical Dr Maehara has received consultant fees from Boston Scientific and research grant support from St Jude Medical and Boston Scientific Dr Stone has received consultant fees from Reva Corporation Manuscript received September 18, 2016; revised manuscript received October 18, 2016, accepted October 19, 2016 Worthley et al JACC: CARDIOVASCULAR INTERVENTIONS VOL 10, NO 2, 2017 JANUARY 23, 2017:147–56 Evaluation of a Novel Drug-Filled Stent F I G U R E Construction and Abluminal Drug Elution From the Drug-Filled Stent The antiproliferative drug sirolimus coats the internal lumen of the stent (left) The drug elution is controlled and sustained through natural diffusion from abluminal holes (center) via direct interaction with the vessel wall (right) Patients were divided into cohorts in which quantitative patients are followed annually to years The primary coronary angiography (QCA), intra- endpoint was in-stent late lumen loss by QCA at vascular ultrasound (IVUS), and clinical outcomes months in the 9-month cohort compared with a his- were assessed at months (n ¼ 50) or 24 months torical control (in-stent late lumen loss at months (n ¼ 50) Subgroups of patients in the 9-month cohort from the Angio/IVUS substudy of the RESOLUTE US underwent OCT at post-procedure, month, study [A Clinical Evaluation of the Medtronic Reso- months, and months, and subgroups of patients in lute Zotarolimus-Eluting Coronary Stent System in the 24-month cohort undergo OCT at post-procedure, the Treatment of De Novo Lesions in Native Coronary months, months, and 24 months (Figure 2) All Arteries With a Reference Vessel Diameter of 2.25 mm F I G U R E RevElution Study Design The 9-month cohort is presented in the current analysis Angio ¼ angiography; IVUS ¼ intravascular ultrasound; OCT ¼ optical coherence tomography; RVD ¼ reference vessel diameter 149 150 Worthley et al JACC: CARDIOVASCULAR INTERVENTIONS VOL 10, NO 2, 2017 JANUARY 23, 2017:147–56 Evaluation of a Novel Drug-Filled Stent T A B L E Baseline Characteristics in the 9-Month Cohort T A B L E 9-Month Angiographic and Intravascular Ultrasound Outcomes DFS Patient characteristics Age, yrs DFS (n ¼ 49 Lesions) n ẳ 50 66.2 ặ 10.1 Angiography Male 76.0 (38) Reference vessel diameter, mm Prior myocardial infarction 20.0 (10) Late lumen loss, mm 2.68 Ỉ 0.39 Prior PCI 16.0 (8) In-stent 0.26 Ỉ 0.28 Diabetes mellitus 30.0 (15) In-segment 0.11 Æ 0.22 Insulin treated 10.0 (5) Late lumen loss index Hyperlipidemia 84.0 (42) In-stent 0.17 Ỉ 0.20 Hypertension 76.0 (38) In-segment 0.07 Ỉ 0.21 Current smoking Family history of CAD 12.0 (6) 42.6 (20/47) Reason for revascularization Stable angina 56.0 (28) Minimum lumen diameter, mm In-stent 2.30 Ỉ 0.41 In-segment 2.05 Ỉ 0.36 Diameter stenosis, % Unstable angina 18.0 (9) In-stent 13.69 Ỉ 12.09 Silent ischemia 6.0 (3) In-segment 23.28 Æ 8.02 Positive functional study 30.0 (15) Target vessel location (per patient) Left anterior descending 52.0 (26) Left circumflex 32.0 (16) Right coronary artery 26.0 (13) Binary angiographic restenosis, % In-stent 0.0 In-segment 0.0 Intravascular ultrasound Neointimal hyperplasia volume, mm3 14.81 ặ 8.96 9.76 ặ 5.57 Lesion characteristics n ẳ 56 Volume obstruction, % TIMI flow grade 98.2 (55) Stent malapposition, % AHA/ACC type B2/C lesion 76.8 (43) After procedure 12.5 (6/48) Reference vessel diameter, mm 2.70 Ỉ 0.43 Persistent 4.1 (2) Minimum lumen diameter, mm 0.97 Ỉ 0.28 Late acquired 0.0 (0) % diameter stenosis 63.82 Ỉ 9.51 Lesion length, mm 12.85 Ỉ 5.21 Values are mean Ỉ SD, % (n), or % (n/N) DFS ¼ drug-filled stent(s) Values are mean Ỉ SD, % (n), or % (n/N) AHA/ACC ¼ American Heart Association/American College of Cardiology; CAD ¼ coronary artery disease; DFS ¼ drug-filled stent(s); PCI ¼ percutaneous coronary intervention; TIMI ¼ Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction death, MI (Q-wave or non–Q-wave), or clinically driven target lesion revascularization (TLR) by PCI or to 4.2 mm; NCT00726453]) (22,23) The present report describes results through months in the 9-month cohort, all of whom were enrolled in Australia Follow-up in the 24-month cohort is ongoing Patients were prescribed the same DAPT regimen as in the RESOLUTE US study, a minimum of 75 mg of aspirin daily indefinitely and at least 75 mg of clopidogrel daily for a minimum of months in all patients and for up to 12 months in those not at high risk of bleeding per investigator discretion All patients provided written informed consent, and the protocols were approved by the institutional review board or ethics committee at all sites coronary artery bypass graft surgery Target lesion failure (TLF) was defined as the composite of cardiac death, target vessel MI, or clinically driven TLR Target vessel failure was defined as the composite of cardiac death, target vessel MI, or clinically driven target vessel revascularization Clinically driven TLR (or target vessel revascularization) was defined as unplanned repeat revascularization of the target lesion (or target vessel) with positive functional ischemia study or ischemic symptoms and an angiographic diameter stenosis $50% by QCA, or revascularization of a target lesion (or target vessel) with diameter stenosis $70% by QCA without angina or a positive functional study MI was defined using STUDY DEFINITIONS Lesion success was defined as the Society of Cardiac Angiography and Interventions attainment of 90% strut coverage (Figure 5) 0.0 Myocardial infarction to coverage At months all DFS-treated lesions had Independent bench testing has confirmed 2.1 (1) improved radial strength of DFS compared with the 0.0 Resolute Onyx DES despite the internal lumen in the 2.1 (1) DFS (37) Confirmation of this radial strength was 0.0 observed by OCT and IVUS in the RevElution trial, in Clinically driven target lesion revascularization 0.0 Clinically driven target vessel revascularization 0.0 Definite or probable stent thrombosis 0.0 which the mean stent diameter and minimal lumen diameter remained unchanged at 1, 3, and months compared to post-procedure Values are % (n) STUDY LIMITATIONS First, the RevElution 9-month DFS ¼ drug-filled stent(s) cohort was modest in size and not powered for clinical events However, the sample size was adequately hyperplasia thickness over covered struts at months powered to compare in-stent late lumen loss with by OCT was low at 0.15 Ỉ 0.04 mm By IVUS DFS and historical control Resolute, and showed no there were no cases of late acquired (9-month) mal- significant differences (indeed, a trend toward lower apposition, consistent with favorable vascular healing late loss with DFS) The sample size was also sufficient to analyze healing by OCT and inhibition of The RevElution trial is unique in its assessment of neointimal hyperplasia by IVUS and OCT Additional stent strut coverage by OCT at numerous time data in this regard are forthcoming from the 24- points High rates (>90%) of stent strut coverage month RevElution cohort Direct comparison of DES were observed as early as month post-procedure, and DFS strut coverage is limited by substantial and increased progressively through months This variation between studies Larger controlled studies rapid healing may be indicative of the lack of in- with long-term follow-up are required to examine flammatory response with DFS as seen in porcine whether the favorable healing responses evident in studies (31) and is similar to that seen with a BMS the present study translate into improved clinical (32) Endeavor (Medtronic), Resolute, and Xience outcomes and the ability to safely discontinue DAPT (Abbott Vascular, Santa Clara, California) DES show at an early time point (e.g., month) Second, pa- near complete coverage by OCT at late time points tients in the 1-month and 3-month OCT cohorts were (12 and 13 months) (33,34); however, given the desire not the same, and thus serial healing between these for earlier discontinuation of DAPT to reduce risk for time points can only be indirectly addressed Third, bleeding time given the absence of a concurrent control, most points is desirable In this regard, mean 3-month comparisons to other devices should be considered stent strut coverage by OCT with Endeavor and hypothesis generating Fourth, as an unblinded Xience has been reported to be 81.5% to 87.1% and single-arm study, some degree of bias cannot be 77.1%, respectively (33,35) The near-complete heal- excluded, although the use of the propensity score ing of DFS at month may allow for shorter duration method to balance covariates, imaging core labora- of DAPT, a hypothesis warranting adequately pow- tories, on-site study monitoring, and independent ered clinical trials clinical events adjudication adds rigor to the results complications, healing at earlier Strut coverage by OCT has recently been reported Finally, the present study excluded enrollment of the with other polymer-free DES The polymer-free highest risk patients, such as those with ongoing ST- sirolimus-eluting stent Nanoỵ (Lepu Medical Tech- segment elevation MI, left main intervention, or nology Co Ltd., Beijing, China) demonstrated over- dual-stent bifurcation lesions Also, treated lesions all median strut coverage at months of 93% were relatively short and not severely stenotic (interquartile range: 83.2% to 96.5%), with appro- Demonstration of the safety and efficacy of DFS in >90% such patients must await the results from large-scale ximately two-thirds of lesions having strut coverage However, high heterogeneity in the real-world experiences Worthley et al JACC: CARDIOVASCULAR INTERVENTIONS VOL 10, NO 2, 2017 JANUARY 23, 2017:147–56 Evaluation of a Novel Drug-Filled Stent CONCLUSIONS REPRINT REQUESTS AND CORRESPONDENCE TO: When implanted in simple and moderately complex Dr Stephen G Worthley, GenesisCare Pty Ltd, de novo coronary lesions, the DFS resulted in non- Building 1, The Mill, Huntley Road, Alexandria, New inferior 9-month in-stent late lumen loss to the his- South torical worthley@genesiscare.com.au Resolute DES data, little neointimal Wales 2015, Australia E-mail: stephen hyperplasia with 0% binary restenosis, and a high degree of early stent strut coverage with minimal PERSPECTIVES malapposition, indicative of a favorable early healing profile The 9-month TLF rate was low (only 2.1%), and none of the first 50 patients developed a stent WHAT IS KNOWN? Polymers typically utilized in DES are associated with bonding, webbing, cracking, and peeling during thrombosis within this time frame DFS may avoid stent expansion and delivery that can lead to thrombosis or polymer-associated restenosis adverse vascular responses, potentially improving clinical outcomes compared to polymer-based metallic DES, and allow for shorter WHAT IS NEW? The polymer-free DFS provides controlled duration of DAPT Large-scale clinical trials are drug elution from an internal lumen and results in noninferior required, however, to demonstrate whether the 9-month in-stent late lumen loss to historical Resolute DES data, favorable properties of DFS translate into improved 0% binary restenosis, and a high degree of early stent strut event-free survival after PCI in patients with coronary coverage with minimal malapposition artery disease ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors thank Maria Parke, MS, Vania Lee, and Donna Corum for study management; Yun Peng, MS, for statistical support; and Nicole Brilakis, MS, MBA, and Colleen Gilbert, WHAT IS NEXT? 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Ngày đăng: 04/12/2022, 10:36


