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[ Team LiB ] • Table of Contents • Index • Reviews • Reader Reviews • Errata • Academic C# Cookbook By Jay Hilyard, Stephen Teilhet Publisher: O'Reilly Pub Date: January 2004 ISBN: 0-596-00339-0 Pages: 800 The C# Cookbook offers a definitive collection of solutions and examples for this new programming language Recipes range from simple tasks to the more complex, and are organized with respect to the types of problems you'll need to solve as you progress in your experience as a C# programmer Nearly every recipe contains a complete, documented code sample showing you how to solve the specific problem, as well as a discussion of how the underlying technology works and a discussion of alternatives, limitations, and other considerations where appropriate [ Team LiB ] [ Team LiB ] • Table of Contents • Index • Reviews • Reader Reviews • Errata • Academic C# Cookbook By Jay Hilyard, Stephen Teilhet Publisher: O'Reilly Pub Date: January 2004 ISBN: 0-596-00339-0 Pages: 800 Dedication Copyright Preface Who This Book Is For What You Need to Use This Book How This Book Is Organized What Was Left Out Conventions Used in This Book About the Code Using Code Examples Platform Notes Comments and Questions Acknowledgments Chapter Numbers Recipe 1.1 Determining Approximate Equality Between a Fraction and Floating-Point Value Recipe 1.2 Converting Degrees to Radians Recipe 1.3 Converting Radians to Degrees Recipe 1.4 Using the Bitwise Complement Operator with Various Data Types Recipe 1.5 Test for an Even or Odd Value Recipe 1.6 Obtaining the Most- or Least-Significant Bits of a Number Recipe 1.7 Converting a Number in Another Base to Base10 Recipe 1.8 Determining Whether a String Is a Valid Number Recipe 1.9 Rounding a Floating-Point Value Recipe 1.10 Different Rounding Algorithms Recipe 1.11 Converting Celsius to Fahrenheit Recipe 1.12 Converting Fahrenheit to Celsius Recipe 1.13 Safely Performing a Narrowing Numeric Cast Recipe 1.14 Finding the Length of Any Three Sidesof a Right Triangle Recipe 1.15 Finding the Angles of a Right Triangle Chapter Strings and Characters Recipe 2.1 Determining the Kind of Character Recipe 2.2 Determining Whether a Character Is Within a Specified Range Recipe 2.3 Controlling Case Sensitivity when Comparing Two Characters Recipe 2.4 Finding All Occurrences of a Character Within a String Recipe 2.5 Finding the Location of All Occurrencesof a String Within Another String Recipe 2.6 The Poor Man's Tokenizer Recipe 2.7 Controlling Case Sensitivity when Comparing Two Strings Recipe 2.8 Comparing a String to the Beginning or End of a Second String Recipe 2.9 Inserting Text into a String Recipe 2.10 Removing or Replacing Characters Within a String Recipe 2.11 Encoding Binary Data as Base64 Recipe 2.12 Decoding a Base64-Encoded Binary Recipe 2.13 Converting a String Returned as a Byte[ ] Back into a String Recipe 2.14 Passing a String to a Method that Accepts Only a Byte[ ] Recipe 2.15 Converting Strings to Their Equivalent Value Type Recipe 2.16 Formatting Data in Strings Recipe 2.17 Creating a Delimited String Recipe 2.18 Extracting Items from a Delimited String Recipe 2.19 Setting the Maximum Number of Characters a String Can Contain Recipe 2.20 Iterating Over Each Character in a String Recipe 2.21 Improving String Comparison Performance Recipe 2.22 Improving StringBuilder Performance Recipe 2.23 Pruning Characters from the Headand/or Tail of a String Chapter Classes and Structures Recipe 3.1 Creating Union-Type Structures Recipe 3.2 Allowing a Type to Represent Itself as a String Recipe 3.3 Converting a String Representation of an Object into an Actual Object Recipe 3.4 Polymorphism via Concrete or Abstract Base Classes Recipe 3.5 Making a Type Sortable Recipe 3.6 Making a Type Searchable Recipe 3.7 Indirectly Overloading the +=, -=, /=, and *= Operators Recipe 3.8 Indirectly Overloading the &&, ||, and ?: Operators Recipe 3.9 Improving the Performance of a Structure's Equals Method Recipe 3.10 Turning Bits On or Off Recipe 3.11 Making Error-Free Expressions Recipe 3.12 Minimizing (Reducing) Your Boolean Logic Recipe 3.13 Converting Between Simple Types in a Language Agnostic Manner Recipe 3.14 Determining Whether to Use theCast Operator, the as Operator, or theis Operator Recipe 3.15 Casting with the as Operator Recipe 3.16 Determining a Variable's Type with the is Operator Recipe 3.17 Polymorphism via Interfaces Recipe 3.18 Calling the Same Method on Multiple Object Types Recipe 3.19 Adding a Notification Callback Using an Interface Recipe 3.20 Using Multiple Entry Points toVersion an Application Recipe 3.21 Preventing the Creation of an Only Partially Initialized Object Recipe 3.22 Returning Multiple Items from a Method Recipe 3.23 Parsing Command-Line Parameters Recipe 3.24 Retrofitting a Class to Interoperate with COM Recipe 3.25 Initializing a Constant Field at Runtime Recipe 3.26 Writing Code that Is Compatible with the Widest Range of Managed Languages Recipe 3.27 Implementing Nested foreach Functionality in a Class Recipe 3.28 Building Cloneable Classes Recipe 3.29 Assuring an Object's Disposal Recipe 3.30 Releasing a COM Object ThroughManaged Code Recipe 3.31 Creating an Object Cache Recipe 3.32 The Single Instance Object Recipe 3.33 Choosing a Serializer Recipe 3.34 Creating Custom Enumerators Recipe 3.35 Rolling Back Object Changes Recipe 3.36 Disposing of Unmanaged Resources Recipe 3.37 Determining Where Boxing and Unboxing Occur Chapter Enumerations Recipe 4.1 Displaying an Enumeration Value as a String Recipe 4.2 Converting Plain Text to an Equivalent Enumeration Value Recipe 4.3 Testing for a Valid Enumeration Value Recipe 4.4 Testing for a Valid Enumeration of Flags Recipe 4.5 Using Enumerated Members in a Bitmask Recipe 4.6 Determining Whether One or More Enumeration Flags Are Set Chapter Exception Handling Recipe 5.1 Verifying Critical Parameters Recipe 5.2 Indicating Where Exceptions Originate Recipe 5.3 Choosing when to Throw a Particular Exception Recipe 5.4 Handling Derived Exceptions Individually Recipe 5.5 Assuring Exceptions are Not Lost when Using Finally Blocks Recipe 5.6 Handling Exceptions Thrown from Methods Invoked via Reflection Recipe 5.7 Debugging Problems whenLoading an Assembly Recipe 5.8 HRESULT-Exception Mapping Recipe 5.9 Handling User-Defined HRESULTs Recipe 5.10 Preventing Unhandled Exceptions Recipe 5.11 Displaying Exception Information Recipe 5.12 Getting to the Root of a Problem Quickly Recipe 5.13 Creating a New Exception Type Recipe 5.14 Obtaining a Stack Trace Recipe 5.15 Breaking on a First Chance Exception Recipe 5.16 Preventing the Nefarious TypeInitializationException Recipe 5.17 Handling Exceptions Thrown from an Asynchronous Delegate Chapter Diagnostics Recipe 6.1 Controlling Tracing Output inProduction Code Recipe 6.2 Providing Fine-Grained Control Over Debugging/Tracing Output Recipe 6.3 Creating Your Own Custom Switch Class Recipe 6.4 A Custom Trace Class that Outputs Information in an XML Format Recipe 6.5 Conditionally Compiling Blocks of Code Recipe 6.6 Determining Whether a Process Has Stopped Responding Recipe 6.7 Using One or More Event Logs in Your Application Recipe 6.8 Changing the Maximum Size of a Custom Event Log Recipe 6.9 Searching Event Log Entries Recipe 6.10 Watching the Event Log for a Specific Entry Recipe 6.11 Finding All Sources Belonging to a Specific Event Log Recipe 6.12 Implementing a Simple Performance Counter Recipe 6.13 Implementing Performance Counters that Require a Base Counter Recipe 6.14 Enable/Disable Complex Tracing Code Chapter Delegates and Events Recipe 7.1 Controlling when and if a Delegate Fires Within a Multicast Delegate Recipe 7.2 Obtaining Return Values from Each Delegate in a Multicast Delegate Recipe 7.3 Handling Exceptions Individually for Each Delegate in a Multicast Delegate Recipe 7.4 Converting a Synchronous Delegate to an Asynchronous Delegate Recipe 7.5 Adding Events to a Sealed Class Recipe 7.6 Passing Specialized Parameters to and from an Event Recipe 7.7 An Advanced Interface Search Mechanism Recipe 7.8 An Advanced Member Search Mechanism Recipe 7.9 Observing Additions and Modifications to a Hashtable Recipe 7.10 Using the Windows Keyboard Hook Recipe 7.11 Using Windows Hooks to Manipulate the Mouse Chapter Regular Expressions Recipe 8.1 Enumerating Matches Recipe 8.2 Extracting Groups from a MatchCollection Recipe 8.3 Verifying the Syntax of a Regular Expression Recipe 8.4 Quickly Finding Only the Last Match in a String Recipe 8.5 Replacing Characters or Words in a String Recipe 8.6 Augmenting the Basic String Replacement Function Recipe 8.7 A Better Tokenizer Recipe 8.8 Compiling Regular Expressions Recipe 8.9 Counting Lines of Text Recipe 8.10 Returning the Entire Line in Which a Match Is Found Recipe 8.11 Finding a Particular Occurrence of a Match Recipe 8.12 Using Common Patterns Recipe 8.13 Documenting Your Regular Expressions Chapter Collections Recipe 9.1 Swapping Two Elements in an Array Recipe 9.2 Quickly Reversing an Array Recipe 9.3 Reversing a Two-Dimensional Array Recipe 9.4 Reversing a Jagged Array [ Team LiB ] [ SYMBOL] [ A ] [ B ] [ C ] [ D] [ E] [ F] [ G ] [ H] [ I ] [ J] [ K ] [ L] [ M] [ N] [ O ] [ P ] [ Q ] [ R ] [ S ] [ T] [ U] [ V ] [ W] [ X ] [ Z ] zip code, regular expression patterns for [ Team LiB ] Brought to You by Like the book? Buy it! ... Range Recipe 2.3 Controlling Case Sensitivity when Comparing Two Characters Recipe 2.4 Finding All Occurrences of a Character Within a String Recipe 2.5 Finding the Location of All Occurrencesof... Classes Recipe 3.29 Assuring an Object''s Disposal Recipe 3.30 Releasing a COM Object ThroughManaged Code Recipe 3.31 Creating an Object Cache Recipe 3.32 The Single Instance Object Recipe 3.33 Choosing... Delegate Chapter Diagnostics Recipe 6.1 Controlling Tracing Output inProduction Code Recipe 6.2 Providing Fine-Grained Control Over Debugging/Tracing Output Recipe 6.3 Creating Your Own Custom Switch

Ngày đăng: 04/12/2022, 09:31

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