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Vu Hai Yen

Department of Environment and Biotechnology, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology


―Người ta chỉ bảo vệ những gì mà họ yêu, chỉ yêu những gì mà họ hiểu, chỉ hiểu những gì mà họ được học‖ đó là một câu châm ngôn khôn ngoan trong lĩnh vực giáo dục, đặc biệt là trong lĩnh vực giáo dục môi trường Cốt lõi của vấn đề truyền thông, giáo dục ý thức bảo vệ môi trường của sinh viên, học sinh đều nằm ở việc giáo dục tình yêu, lòng hăng hái, và trách nhiệm của giới trẻ đối với cuộc sống Nói một cách khác đó chính là tình yêu môi trường được trui rèn và nuôi dưỡng trong môi trường giáo dục

Có 4 con người trong một thực thể sống Đó là thể xác, tâm hồn, trí tuệ và tinh thần Muốn có một con người hoàn hảo, phải nuôi dưỡng cho 4 con người đó Nếu thể xác cần thức ăn, nước uống để duy trì sự sống thì tâm hồn cần được nuôi dưỡng bằng văn học, nghệ thuật, trí tuệ cần nuôi dưỡng bằng kiến thức, tinh thần được nuôi dưỡng bằng vốn sống và những kỹ năng sống Giáo dục môi trường chính là việc giáo dục tính nhân văn và thức tỉnh lương tâm ở mỗi con người Do vậy, để có ý thức bảo vệ môi trường, sinh viên học sinh cần được truyền đạt những kiến thức tổng hợp và cả đạo đức – văn học – thẩm mỹ - nghệ thuật – thể dục để có cái nhìn trọn vẹn và đầy tính nhân văn

về bảo vệ môi trường Bài viết cung cấp một góc nhìn về giáo dục giới trẻ bảo vệ môi trường thông qua việc giáo dục con người, xây dựng một con người hoàn thiện và những phương pháp giảng dạy các môn học bảo vệ môi trường


If you go way beyond the red light, because of sun, can not stand waiting When you pass it,

we breathe a little, then ask yourself: it righ or not? Looks like an action is not correct So we feel

no remorse? Then we rethink myself that no one sees both, but if anyone does not see why, because

if someone fell into his case will be the same only So the key issue here is what? That is the difference between a man and an educated man An educated man is to know ashamed, not having

an education does not know ashamed We still talk to each other that when we do wrong, other people may not know, but heaven knows, that land, and another thing to know, that is the human conscience So the human conscience is that most solid wall fence to prevent people mired in error

So where is the human conscience that? Surely it comes from a comprehensive education: education not only provide knowledge but also bring beauty and spirit where the soul of man It‘s similarly when we talking about environmental education The human intellect, smart, elegant yet relaxed littering the street "Oh, no one looks", "One small pieces of garbage would not have had anything!" It is regrettable that such thinking not only in the beginning of the normal working people are not highly intellectual, but a transient moment the thought of his students, the elegance, nobility, scholars do passive, these people are believed to have education

That is just one small thing In a larger range, not just a man but a factory, an office, a factory, a large enterprise like Vedan, or more recently Tungkuang, or Hao Duong factory They make money by just bringing a certain value but also harmful to society As in the case of companies such smuggling On the one hand they demand goods and services to society with a relatively cheap price, but other aspects of tax evasion, thus harming the common interests of society and harm the industry Vedan still the same On the other hand they produce for the market

to provide essential goods, but when discharging wastewater into the Thi Vai River produced 14

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consecutive years, they have killed a river, causing pollution and affecting health of people, can affect the future

Society has reacted with outrage this incident It is most unfortunate time, or the inevitable suffering that Vedan? Only alone may be inevitable Why is it that happens on the consequences that inevitably still there a reason to consider the risks posed to society at three angles: Because not aware of the deep, full consequences of action that should still make great or because of poverty, we know the consequences but inevitable eye rash because no other choice or by taking action of earnings that despite the consequences and effects of social action

Looking to the angle of education, it comes from an educational backgrounds incomplete and only see one without seeing the two, three So the "education" of our missing what?

Education is the process of consciously held, aim to elicit or change perceptions, abilities, emotions, attitudes of teachers and learners in a positive way Means of contributing to improve the way people learn by conscious action from the outside, contributing to meet the needs of existence and development of man in contemporary society So the core issue here is people want a religious education consciousness of environmental protection, then educate people, education and the knowledge base, the core skills to create a human To train a man need? That is the question that people are doing is education is still concern How students are aware of the environment comes from a complete education?

Research objectives

- Research environment teaching methods through teaching life skills to their students

- Rate propaganda activities, raising environmental awareness at the HCMC University of Technology

- Propose measures propaganda and education to raise environmental awareness in communities through education students life skills to students

Research Content

The study made the following main contents:

- Identify the dynamics of environmental education: The dynamics of environmental education is the training of a human culture, a religion based on the development of physical, spiritual, intellectual and spiritual Environmental education should educate people how to live, humane, ethical, accountable to society and generation

- The skills need for human life: understanding yourself skills, core competencies and skills

to identify happy, ambitions and dreams

- The content should be taught in educational programs to raise awareness in university environments: supporting knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for students to live while facing environmental problems

- Overview of environmental education programs at the HCMC University of Technology PURPOSE OF ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION

What is man?

People, an entity carrying both biologically and socially On the biology, human encompasses all the elements of an animal, should have food, drinking water to survive, said hunger and thirst to know, know to look for food The social and human living purposes, that would live his life and find the meaning of life

If the body is alive with food, water, air the soul, mind, spirit is nourished by others

Beautiful soul is nourished by the farming literature, with the arts as music, dance, reformed, classical drama, opera, painting, sculpture, cinematography Intellectual input was raised by the scientific knowledge, are the areas where people are learning to discover Wisdom is the second from school may have, but can also learn in school life, from life experience, from their determination to train and improve yourself

Man – a being in search of meaning (Plato) Man is a goal seeking animal His life has meaning if he is

reaching out and striving for his goal (Aristote)

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And finally, the decisive factor for humanity is the spirit In daily life, people expressed in a human behavior, politeness, politeness by the moral standards of society In addition to the pillars

of morality, people have to bear the binding legal Therefore, if food can nourish the human body, literary arts nourish the human soul, nurturing intellectual knowledge, the first human nurture is human society So if not enough food to feed people, why?

People protect environment - People have culture - a man educated

People are so, so people will be educated with what virtues, and vice versa education we give people what?

A child who has a background of education, there is a rich culture that received human error, appreciate what others did for her, to know the forgiveness, how to respect others, self-responsible your life, know the difference right / wrong, good / bad, that shame and embarrass themselves, know how to live How to live their lives know this is doing, know what they want, what you want right or wrong, good or bad, know how to map out strategies to the goals of life, to be the and happiness

An educated man is a distinction to be true / false, good / bad, that shame and embarrass themselves If you miss the indiscriminate littering the street, if you accidentally do something contrary to conscience, immoral, we must look back at his own remarks, and how to evaluate their own punishment Environmental education is educate people humanism, understanding and behavior consistent with ethical and should have


Development of fundamental values of man

"Knowledge + Skill + Attitude = Success" - on a formula drawn from the valuable experience

of their predecessors are already successful, and many specialist recruitment business

Basic background knowledge to be taught in schools is the knowledge that each student upon graduation should be achieved Knowledge and professional capabilities of each specific industry is not only a tool for expressing individual capacity to work, said herself that knowledge helps shape thinking coherently and routing solution problem Experience - a different degree required to pass the employment Experience is not necessarily required conditions, but want to confirm their previous business and want to accommodate rapid business, applicants must and should experience

In addition to accumulated knowledge and experience, the completion of soft skills to create for themselves a strong attitude are all elements that meet a foundation for success Skills are things not normally learn in school, not related to professional knowledge, intangible, not a character special skills They decide who you are, how to work, is a measure of efficiency in work To improve skills, required confidence we need experienced, confident engagement

Health - invaluable assets of human

Want to love the environment, from birth, the child must learn the lessons of love broken heart health, love yourself Hands to do anything, to do legs, ears used to do, the eye used for? When we love our body, also a loved one to live as others in life For a young school, love the environment is not picking flowers, not trampled pedal up trees, grass But until the second level, additional children are much more knowledge Understanding ecosystem, the ecosystem components, reciprocal relationships will help students understand the role of the components, support each other to create interactive beneficial to the environment For their third-level students,

to learn the concepts of the living entity, the mechanism of assimilation, catabolism, body systems

in the body, should integrate the general notion of the learning environment to understanding the survival mechanism to preserve the natural values

Environmental Foundation is the most important to educate the general knowledge about the environment for students For the specialized field of study environment, the University will support the knowledge and skills to help students be able to undertake projects related to environmental pollution, environmental management and conserving natural resources For students of other sectors, environmental education departments to give them the basic knowledge of

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environmental laws should apply in their profession Understanding the environment, means that

we determine that the environment is also a living entity that we can not separate from it, it's healthy, we are healthy, it's sick, we sick We need food, it needs food There is such a new environment is clean and healthy

Soul - The indispensable

If the body needs food, drinking water to sustain life activities, food for the soul of literature, art and culture Literature, painting, sculpture, film, drama, music is the kind of culture contributes to enrich the soul of every man and guide them to the lofty goals in life

Each child brings in his part of the material taken from the family and partly from the school

In school, children learn the meaning of literature according to it, enjoying the cultural and artistic works suitable age Children learn the art to learn skills to express themselves through cultural forms At home, children also need parents to play lead, learn how to play as a form offline, dancing, singing, drama to practice skills and enrich the soul

Each field of study are seen in an environmental aspect And the lecturers also teach in the environment in different directions But one thing that all education must be taught, that the attitude

of people towards the environment People should have the vision to live in accordance with environmental ethics No matter how active in the matter sector, also need to understand one thing: the environment is the common property that every human being must preserved, as is culture Acts

of infringing upon the value of environmental resources is stealing people's property, break the intergenerational equity, creating injustice in society Acts of pollution, depletion and environmental incidents as acts of cultural loss and violation of law An educated man is a human culture If not, that culture is that people can not be both educational and social condemnation

Spirit - Material taken from a healthy social

The spirit of every human being has achieved maximum effect or not is by using ingredients from your life Core values and the human potential is determined by a rocket launcher family Mental health and healthy is obtained from a healthy society

What we adults do? Must be computer education for children "dairy" or self-educate yourself? If their parents litter, whether the children have taken it as social norms or not? If parents red light, whether the child is also aware that's probably not probably left right? We, even harrowing also realize that children are damaged by major damage No good example, children do not have the guidance and a path right to step in life Teacher / her parents must be saints, for ethical standards, social lifestyle Besides, they are brought to justice, peace, love, altruism and warm human child

Besides, the need to look at a problem, education should equip people with the skills necessary The nature of an educated man is that each person has skills that differentiate between right / wrong, good / bad, or / and from responsibility for his life Education should give children the skills There is so young to resist the changes, the move of the society

Knowledge - from the school mission

In addition to the platform, from family values to each man still needs to be provided in the knowledge society to move forward together with humanity This knowledge can be educated at school and in society However, school knowledge is considered important Therefore, reform, renewing education is essential Need to be carefully designed programs completion, science, blocks provide the necessary knowledge

What skills neccessary for students?

Understand themselves

First, education should teach people how to understand yourself: Who am I, I was born to do? What is my mission?

Talking about the Vedan case, the business actually is: make money using the business to serve the society through the products, its services, the "Search" by "carrying" and not "cause" ; is money that does not fool anyone, not harm anyone and always gives society something of value It

is always the most prudent way to make money

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The well-known corporations globally successful business thanks to the mission (mission) is clear, both the "standard value" (core values) as a basis and guideline in implementing the action of the mission, from which they will achieve all these ambitions (vision) of his But more important than setting the mission, the standard value, it must be "living dead" with the mission and values of this standard, do not deviate, do not be violated, even in cases the most restrictive So they follow common sense, and business will have achieved everything you want

Everyone knows to make a successful entrepreneur is never easy Radical solutions and the core lies in education Any profession, any field, to succeed, they must want to learn professional

In addition, there should very much about personal factors and environmental objective of the society to grow strong There is still a big gap between the world of business location in Vietnam with friends in the world Therefore, understanding yourself, understanding the market, with global vision and values of their own to pursue is the most important things that can fill this gap

The situation is most difficult to "fire" to try "gold." It is important to have enough confidence and desire for what you have chosen, have loyalty to their values and pursue If we betray those values, the standard of his own life and career will be a lot of risk In business, proper business, serve a valuable social ideals can help business people achieve sustainable success and also respected by society Successful and sustainable society that respected the new end goal that every business in general and in particular every human being towards

Identified life Strategy

Every man is called success in life if they assert their own values So young people need to know what is worthwhile We only have one life, let your life be called live

The worth of "live" only when the learner knows they need to do? Do not know do not know where to go Determine objectives to be incorrect, the wrong way That the highest goal towards which a man is receiving love and respected by society Appreciation, which you only get respect when he brought a lot of value, service for many, many in the social world So, just to the right

"take" to many people "Take" this can mean bringing money, sharing, empathy, trust for everyone So if we get money from health, employment of others, we are only those who lack business ethics

Therefore, environmental education should always indicate the way to go to school success Success is when you achieve what you would "want", but we only succeed when the "carry" are many people around So business ethics, business culture is new hope everyone loved and respected "Because the government is also due to his" is


For other falcuty (not Environment)

HUTECH has set up 16 years with nearly 10 fields training Since 2009, there are four disciplines in the curriculum is knowledge related to environmental education From 2009 on, when moving through credit courses, almost courses in the subjects all have "Human and Environment" as a alternative subject

Water supply technology



Fundemental of Environmental Technology



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Environmental Biotechnology 3

The knowledge provides environmental education

For non-professional sector environment

The branches are not related to subjects such as Business Administration, Mechatronics, Financial Accounting Banking, Industrial Arts, Information Technology to study the subject

"Human and Environment." This course consists of two credits, provides students with the knowledge of Basic Environment, ecology, natural resources (forest, ocean, land, minerals .), population, economic development, society associated with environmental protection, sustainable development

4.2.2 For the industry is closely related to environmental

Related industries such as Construction, Food Technology, Biotechnology: Subject

"Environment in Construction" block provides knowledge about environmental impacts of construction, how to handle environmental pollution from construction activities, writing reports on environmental impact assessment and environmental monitoring reports during construction Course in Environmental Engineering Technology-based food rules settlement of pollution from the plant food The course consists of four modules: water treatment / wastewater, air pollution and other types of solid waste in plant foods

For the near field of study with the most specialized environment, such as Biotechnology industry Due to the volume of knowledge closer to the sector specific Environmental, Biotechnology industry study three subjects related to the Basic Environmental Studies, Fundemental Environmental Technology, Environmental Biotechnology Basic Mon Study Environment provides general knowledge about the environment, natural resources, population, environmental quality, sustainable development Fundemental Environmental Technology includes four modules: water treatment / wastewater, air pollution and solid wastes Environmental Biotechnology is a combination of biological solutions to environmental pollution

Course evaluation form

Extracurricular Activities

1 Contest "Environment and Human" Environment and Biotechnology (E&B)

environmental film and reportage


4 The subjects of architecture - houses - Urban



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Propaganda activities, education and environmental awareness through two forms: teaching and extracurricular organizations often take place at the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology In particular, the extracurricular activities by Union Department of Environmental Science and Biotechnology organizations always sharp, is the subject clear, was not only attracted students in this university but also attracted more than 12 universities in HCMC and Youth Union

in Ward 25, Binh Thanh District

However, advocacy programs and environmental education is to achieve high results Some problems exist in the education of environmental protection both in the classroom and extracurricular hours

The problem still exists

- Subject "Human & Environment" is a subject taught in the first semester when new students into the field Therefore, students also little surprise with how much learning and new teaching methods;

- Most of the students spoke about environmental awareness is a stub and not systematic The essay most students based on emotion, there is less coherent and scientific;

- Students not have the reference (origin .) and assess the reliability of the material (the source of primary / secondary, materials science / art );

- Students not have the combination of resources and present a clear and pure science Students do not have the collective skills and effective team-based work most outstanding individuals;

- Students not have good computer skill;

- Presentation skills and protection of student opinion has not been promoted;

- Classes in Vietnam today are too large Standard, scientific and technical sectors - technology, natural sciences (including teacher training, natural science, technical teachers), agriculture - forestry - fisheries, will be applied from 10 to 15 students / 1 instructor, but the current number of teachers is very low compared with the number of students;

- Extracurricular activities should be heavy academic mostly just attracted students specialized environment What activities related to recreation, entertainment, then do not take much knowledge of the environment and not attract the attention of the students in school

How to resolve?

How to organize classroom

In 2008, HCMC University of Technology has moved completely to institutional credit courses Therefore, its reducing class time, increased study time at home Therefore, lecturers should move to methods taught in question

When the subject began, teachers should clearly state objectives, and most important level is the attitude of students need to achieve when completed subject / lectures

- Trainers should offer a real problem before the lecture, and mentioned the difficulty of the problem in current conditions Faculty and students will discuss how to deal with a problem should make the environment met in my life

- Instructor should ask students how to solve the problem like?

-Make the settlement of different sequential order Make the settlement of Different

-Planning Scheduling problem solve

-Set challenging situations for students to solve challenging situations for students to Set Solve

-Group Discussion Group discussion to understand the problem to understand problem -Assigned essay topic for students / student groups Assigned essays topic for students / student groups

How to organize extra-curricular

Contests, activities should focus on the environmental community, the media should increase more than academic

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The fun activities should be tailored to many different objects with ages, occupations, gender different

Extracurricular activities should be more widely available in offices, public offices, rather than propaganda for the people

Should work on a regular basis and more orthodox

How to overcome difficulties in education

-A working group shall not exceed six people As studies show, a group of six students who will work too inefficient because only a few outstanding individuals work Therefore, teachers need

to split into small groups and assigning group leaders, assigned topics for group leaders Therefore, trainers and team managers just received results from the group leaders When assigned topics, and

must outline the specific work schedule for the team

- "Of the not by giving." Important for people not to fish or sentence that should give people motivation to fishing Teachers who should not stop at the level assigned topics, but also must guide the approach and process information for the lesson, give motivation and attitudes that students should have when dealing with environmental issues

-"It is difficult to solve to get there first": In fact the problem as simple as getting good results Therefore, teachers need to split the problem for students, where difficult to settle there

-Dialogue: Dialogue is the best way to solve the problem Much more dialogue, more students are looking at various aspects of the problem Therefore, schools should take advantage of business relationships with the students the opportunity to exchange and learn from the experiences of their predecessors

-Give students the opportunity to practice At present schools only for students to visit each subject and practice in preparation for graduation This also causes a disadvantage to students, expand the form of internships, working in factories as well as how to teach more effectively -Faculty group to remind students to be first presented to the group after the experience If the first group to show a slow, no interest will be the platform to pull into the following groups do not have the motivation


Education is an important part in real life Is important because it helps narrow the gap between family and society, shortening travel time to the success of human, turning children into mature human beings really Because those teachers and education brings knowledge, experience and life skills to help properly orient the right attitude of learners Environmental education as well Environmental education is also part of education and also take the role, functions and tasks of education But environmental education more sensitive because it must go along with the concept of human education, cultural education, ethics, lifestyle for humans Thus environmental education to ensure a human being and its sustainability

Currently, most universities have turned to credit course, the subject of environmental professionals in the environmental sector has not become a self-selected subject Therefore, environmental education not only focuses on class but also the extracurricular activities, increasing the channel to provide information to help learners enjoy the full humanity of it


Gian Tu Trung, Teaching Resources Life Management, Life Management School, 2010

Hamilton, MT, 2010, available at http://www.teachersmind.com/education.htm

LW Anderson, International Encyclopedia Of Teaching And Teacher Education, University of South Carolina, USA, 1996

Nguyen Thanh An, "What is human culture?" Sai Gon Giai Phong Newspaper, 2008, available at http://chungta.com/Desktop.aspx/ChungTa/SuyNgam/DaoDuc/The_nao_la_con_nguoi_co_van_ hoa/

Ngày đăng: 22/03/2014, 09:20



