NGHIEN Cflu - TRAO DOI KHAO SAT GOC LAC CUA TAI TRONG NANG DOI VOl cdNG TRUC Nguyen Hflu Tho Trfldng Dai hpc Bach khoa Thanh phd Hd Chi Minh TOM TAT Dao dgng tdi trgng ndng tren cdc loai mdy true thudng gdy nhieu tdc ddng khdng mong mu nhu tdi trgng dgng ldn, sU chinh xdc ve vi tri chdt tdi vd dd tdi Dodo, viec hqn che gdc ldc cho tdi tr ndng Id rdt quan trgng, Id mdt nhUngyiu td dUdc xem xet ddu tien thiet kihe thdng mdy tr Bdi bdo ndy (1) nghien cUu ve gdc lac cua tdi trgng ndng vUa ldc vd vUa di chuyin theo xe cua true qua md hinh cd hgc, (2) hqn che gdc ldc qua viic sw" dung cdng cu MATLAB/Simulink cho kit q ddng tin cdy ABSTRACT Vibration of hoisting mass of the cranes usually has the undesired impacts on the large dynam ' force, the exact location of loading and unloading Therefore, the anti-sway of oscillating angle for h ing mass is very important One of thefirstfactors is considered when designing the crane systems paper shows the research of oscillating angle for the hoisting mass when it moves and oscillates simul ously following the trolley of the overhead crane through the model of mechanics and (2) solves the a , sway angle with MATLAB/Simulink tool with the feasible results GlCtt THIEU Can eau la mpt nhflng phflong ti|n chu ylu dung de eo gidi hda cdng tac xIp dd, van chuyin hang hda, tang nang suat lao dpng va gia san phim Thilt bi dflpc phat triln nhanh chdng, dap flng cang cao nhu ' cau eua khach hang ca vl chat Iflpng, nang suat van chuyen, thda man yeu cau nang - van chuyin hang theo nhflng quy dao phflc tap, chinh xac tai nhflng vi tri can thiet va an toan qua trinh iii lam vile dilm kit eau cua he thdng cd sfl thdng nhat cao cua kit qua lap rap tai trpng nang, mde treo va cap nang vl mat ddng lflc hpc he thdng phflc hpp Diem treo vat nang hinh lac, dao ddng mat phang hay khdng gian Do vay, vile md hinh hda, md phdng vi tinh toan dpng hpe, ddng Iflc hpe, dilu khien mdt he thdng can cau vd cung quan trpng, nham tang nang suat lap dpng dam bao dp cflng vflng, dp an toan va tin cay cao la nhilm vu cap bach ddi vdi eac nha nghien cflu nhflng nam gan day Dilm dac bilt cua cac loai can cau la cd xe ' He thdng can cau bao gdm eo eau nang, di chuyen mang vat nang, thflc hiin hai chuyen J CO cau di chuyen va CO cau thay ddi tam vdi Sfl dpng mgit phang thang dflng: xe di ehuyen phan loai dfla tren sd bac tfl eua he thdng, dac theo phflong ngang, vat nang ed ehuyen ddng lac TAP CHi CO KHi VIET NAM • Sd (Thang nam 2012) |^9 NGHIEN CtfU - TRAO D(!)l mat phang thang dflng vdi biln dp xac 1111111 < ,1,1 l l u i y c l ; phu thudc vao dac tinh chuyin dpng cua xe Vii aHinh 4.1: Mil hinh Simulink H ^ H -9 Hinh 4.2; Mo hinh Simuhnk \(Si dieu khien PID Nhdnxet:Ci6c lac cua tai nang rat be vdi xe di chuyen 5m, nftm khoang nhd hon dd nen vile flng dung dieu khien bai toan chdng lac rat hieu qua va co y nghia thuc tien cao Neu quang dfldng,xe dich chuyen xa, klioang 20m thi nhflng tinh loan cho thay goc ISc khoang 15 - 20 dd.- Hinh 4.3.a: Vi tri tpa x Hinh 4,3,b: Goc lac cua tai nang TAP CHl CO KHf VIET NAM V 86 (Thang nam 2012) NGHIEN CIJfU-TRAODOl Lan Iflpt cho ehilu d^i day t nh^n cdc gid tri khac md hinh MATLAB/Simulink, ta nhan thay rang, vdi gia tri I c^ng ldn, tfle 1^ chiiu dai day treo dii se dan din dao ddng ldc cfla vat ndng tang, nghia Id gdc l^c tang Dilu dd dSn din tinh bat dn dinh vi gdy khd khan qud trinh xep dd hang hod Vdi gdc Idc trfldng hpp ndy d\icfc dilu khien ehdng ldc nin ehilu ddi day khdng anh hfldng nhilu din qud trinh Ide v^t, gdc ldc v^t nang cd gidi han pham vi cho phip (nhd hon 20 dp) (1)1^1(111 ilay Trcim| Hinh 4.5: Dd thj the hi|n mdi quan h| chiiu dai ddy treo vd gdc ldc f- Vdi gid trj ehilu ddi i = 10m: THAO LUAN VA HU"dNG PHAT TRIEN DI NGHI Qua trinh nang vat; day cap bi chiing va can cd thdi gian 2-3 gidy de tang nang vat cuon cap Sau day edp bi cang, dfldi tac dung cua tai trpng vat ndng Idm day cap gian dai {theo dp dan hdi), chinh sfl gian ddi cua day cap lam eho vat nang tiep xue vdi nin, vat nang khdng dflpc ndng len nhanh ehdng ma phai chuyin dOng ngang quang dfldng rat nhd tac dung cua life ma sdt gifla vat nang vd nen, dd, tren cdc thi tren thdi gian tfl 0-5 giay, thi hi|n rat ro tinh bat dn djnh qud trinh nang vdt Sau thdng dflpc lflc ma sat, vat nang d\iQc nhac kh6i nin va chuyin sang giai doan vat ndng rdi khfii nen, dfldi tdc dpng eua trpng lflc Hinh 4,4.a: Vi Iri toa x (f = iOir Hinh 4.4.b: Gdc lac cua tai trpng nang (6 = 10m) TAP CHi CO KHi VIET NAM • •Khi tang cudn cap nang vat Idm gidm chieu ddi day cap, cung ddng nghia la qud trinh ldc cfla vat ndng giam di rat nhilu, biln dp lac gidm di sau moi chu ky Dieu hodn todn phu hpp vdi dd thi the hi|n mdi quan he ehilu dai d4y treo vd gdc Ide Tdc dp nang vat va gia tde xe ^ chuyin cd dnh hfldng rat Idn din gdc ldc cua tai trpng nang Do dd tdc dO nang tang lln v dich chuyen vdi vdn tdc deu la nhflng y gop phan h ^ che gdc Idc cua v|it nang Bai bio md nhflng cdng vi|c cho tfldng Iai nhfl: xac dinh tdi trpng dpng eua ca cdu ndng, xde dinh tai trpng dpng eho toan he thdng, xay dpng m6 hinh Sd (Thdng nam2012) NGHIEN Cflu - TRAO DOI va md phdng ddng Iflc hpc mim cd kl den sfl biln dang ddn hdi cua co cau qua trinh van hanh, xdc dinh quy lugit dieu khien ehinh xde vi tri dl xIp dd hang hda, ede van dl on dinh va chdng lae cho vat nang, dp ben mdi, dp tin c^y cua kit cau thep he thdng, xdc dinh cdc tham sd tdi flu eho h | thdng, mdi quan he gifla cdc dai Iflpng dpng lflc hpc, dieu khien dung quy dao chinh xdc, toi flu hod he thdng vl thdi gian, khdng gian vd van dl ddng lflc hpc he thdng kit eau thip cua can trpe vdi qua trinh ndng tdi, xdc dinh cde dilu kiln tdi flu cho qud trinh van hanh he thdng cung dflpc xem Id nhflng ylu td nghiin cflu cho tflOng lai.'t* Tai lieu tham khao: [I] Ziyad N Masoud A Control System for the Reduction of Cargo Pendulation of Ship-Mounted Cranes Virginia Polytedmic Institude and State University December 4, 2000 [2] Mike D.R.Zhang, Huanchun Sun and Yaxin Song, A method for analyzing the dynamic response of a structural system with variable mass, damping and stiffness., Shanghai Tong Ji University, 2001 [3] Nader A Nayfeh Adaptation of Delayed Position Feedback to the Reduction of Sway of Container Cranes Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University December 4, 2002 [4] Nitm Ratnakar Dhotre Analysis and Computer simulation of optimal active vibration control University of Sas' katchewan, Canada 2005 [ [5] Tae-Young Lee and Sang-Ryong Lee Anti-sway and Position 3D control of the nonlinear Crane system using Fuzzy Algorithm International Journal of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Vol 3, No 1, January 2002 [6] Fritz J and Dolores Russ Anti-swaying control of a susf pended varying load with a robotic crane Master Thesis of 1' Science College of Engineering and Technology of Ohio t University, August 2002 i| [7], KingShyang Sien Command Shaping control of a crane _ system Master Thesis of Engineering, Faculty of Electrical ' Engineering, University of Technology, Malaysia, 2006 ^' [8] Hanafy M Omar Control of Gantry and Tower Cranes j* Doctoral Thesis of Philosophy in Engineering Mechanics, if Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2003 ll [9] Amjed A Al-Mousa Control of Rotary Cranes Using •j Fuzzy Logic and Time-Delayed Position Feedback Control I Thesis for the degree of Master of Science in Electrical Engi^' neering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, if November 27, 2000 [10] Dooroo Kim & William Singhose Reduction of Double - 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