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English Name: Chuyên đề ôn thi tốt nghiệp Đề ôn thi CHAPTER 1: TENSES PART 1: PRESENT TENSES A Present simple tense a Cấu trúc (form) Loại câu Động từ thường Động từ TO BE Khẳng  I/ you/ we/ they + V  I + am định  He/ she/ it + V(s/es)  You/ we/ they + are  He/ she/ it + is Phủ định  I /we /you/ they + don’t + V  I + am not  He /she / it + doesn’t + V  You/ we/ they + aren’t  He/ she/ it + isn’t Nghi vấn  Do + I/ you/ we/ they + V?  Am I ?  Does + he/ she/ it + V?  Are we/you/they ?  Is he/ she/ it ?  Chú ý: are not = aren’t; is not = isn’t; not = don’t; does not = doesn’t  Cách thêm đuôi s/es Sau thứ số ít, động từ thêm “s” “es” - Thông thường, ta thêm đuôi s vào sau hầu hết động từ - Khi động từ có tận âm: o, ch, sh, ss, x ta thêm es Ví dụ: goes, watches, finishes, misses Chú ý: Những động từ có tận “y” trước phụ âm, ta phải đổi “y” thành “i” trước thêm “es’ Ví dụ: fly - flies; carry – carries b Cách sử dụng (Usage)  Diễn đạt hành động mang tính thường xuyên, thói quen, hành động lặp lặp lại có tính quy luật Ví dụ: Linda goes to school every day My mother usually has breakfast at a.m  Diễn tả thật hiển nhiên Ví dụ: The earth goes around the sun Water boils at 100 degrees C  Diễn tả thời gian biểu lịch trình Ví dụ: The plane arrives at p.m tonight The news programme starts at p.m c Các trạng ngữ thường dùng Trong câu thường có trạng từ tần suất như: always (luôn luôn) sometimes (thi thoảng) often (thường xuyên) seldom (hiếm khi) usually (thường xuyên) never (không bao giờ) Every: every day/ week/ month/ year (hàng ngày/ hàng tuần/ hàng tháng/ hàng năm) In the morning/ afternoon/ evening (Vào buổi sáng/ chiều/ tối) Practical exercises Exercise 1: Change the verb into the correct form: Daniel …………………………………… (fly) to Paris once a year She never …………………………………… (do) her homework Lisa …………………………………… (try) to help her sister Mark …………………………………… (go) home at seven The baby …………………………………… (cry) every night He …………………………………… (miss) her a lot Joe …………………………………… (study) really hard A boy …………………………………… (kiss) a girl Joana …………………………………… (buy) new stuff all the time 10 Tim …………………………………… (watch) this show every night 11 Sara …………………………………… (say) this all the time 12 The teacher …………………………………… (teach) us new things 13 He …………………………………… (pay) me well 14 Barbara …………………………………… (wash) the dishes, and Leo washes the floor 15 Nick …………………………………… (play) tennis twice a week 16 This girl always …………………………………… (push) somebody 17 Isabella …………………………………… (enjoy) listening to music 18 David never …………………………………… (mix) milk and eggs 19 The bee …………………………………… (buzz) 20 Taylor …………………………………… (fix) cars Exercise 2: Change the verb into the correct form: I …………………………………………………… (not ride) horses You …………………………………………………… (not sell) cars He …………………………………………………… (not bring) gifts She …………………………………………………… (not take) pictures It …………………………………………………… (not cost) so much We …………………………………………………… (not seem) so happy They …………………………………………………… (not buy) new products Michael …………………………………………………… (not dance) Michel …………………………………………………… (not run) fast 10 Tim and Kate …………………………………………………… (not work) every day 11 Lucas and Clara …………………………………………………… (not eat) meat 12 I …………………………………………………… (not swim) much 13 You …………………………………………………… (not ski) at all 14 It …………………………………………………… (not hurt) 15 We …………………………………………………… (not give up) Exercise 3: Change the verb into the correct form: …………………………………………………… (I wake up) at five in the morning? …………………………………………………… (you go) to work by train? …………………………………………………… (she drink) coffee every morning? …………………………………………………… (he smoke)? …………………………………………………… (it hurt)? …………………………………………………… (we dance)? …………………………………………………… (they travel)? …………………………………………………… (Emma cook) well? …………………………………………………… (Alexander exercise) regularly? 10 …………………………………………………… (I look) well? 11 …………………………………………………… (you rest) enough? 12 …………………………………………………… (William work) too hard? 13 …………………………………………………… (they travel) often? 14 …………………………………………………… (Anthony go) to sleep too late? 15 …………………………………………………… (you bake) cakes? B Present Continuous tense a Cấu trúc (form) Khẳng định Phủ định Nghi vấn I + am + V-ing I + am not + V-ing Am + I + V-ing? You/we/they + are + V- You/we/they + aren’t + V- Are + you/we/they + V- ing ing ing? He/ she/ it + is + V-ing He/she/it + isn’t + V-ing Is + he/ she/ it + V-ing? * Lưu ý: Cách thêm “ing” vào sau động từ - Thông thường ta thêm “ing” trực tiếp vào sau động từ: Ví dụ: learn - learning; play - playing; study - studying - Khi động từ có tận “e”, ta bỏ “e” cuối từ thêm “ing” Ví dụ: shine - shining; live - living; Ngoại lệ: see - seeing; agree - agreeing; dye - dyeing - Nếu động từ có âm tiết động từ có âm tiết trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ kết thúc phụ âm đằng trước nguyên âm (e, o, i, u, a) phải nhân đơi phụ âm trước thêm “ing” Ví dụ: run - running; sit - sitting; admit - admitting, b Cách sử dụng (Usage) * Diễn tả hành động xảy thời điểm nói (ví dụ a, b) hành động xảy xung quanh thời điểm nói (ví dụ c) Ví dụ: Please don’t make so much noise I’m studying Look at the sun, it is shining brightly We learn maths every Monday afternoon, but this afternoon we are learning English * Thì tiếp diễn đạt ý nghĩa tương lai Khi nói thu xếp rồi, sử dụng tiếp diễn Ví dụ: A: Ann is coming tomorrow morning? B: What time is she arriving? A: At 10.30 B: Are you meeting her at the station? B: I can’t I’m working tomorrow morning c Các trạng ngữ thường dùng  Now, at present, at the moment, right now etc  Hoặc số động từ như: look!, listen! Watch out! etc d Các động từ thường không dùng thời tiếp diễn Các động từ trạng thái bảng sau không chia tiếp diễn chúng động từ tĩnh diễn đạt trạng thái, giác quan tình cảm know (biết) understand (hiểu) have (có) believe (tin tưởng) hate (ghét) need (cần) hear (nghe) love (yêu) appear (xuất hiện) see (nhìn) like (thích) seem (dường như) smell (ngửi) want (muốn) taste (nếm) wish (ước) sound (nghe có vẻ) own (sở hữu) Nhưng chúng động từ hành động chúng lại phép dùng thể tiếp diễn Ví dụ: He has a lot of books (KHÔNG DÙNG: He is having a lot of books) Ví dụ: He is having his dinner (Anh ay ĐANG ăn tối - hành động ăn diễn ra) Practical exercises Exercise 1: Change the verb into the correct form: Anna …………………………………………………… (rest) right now I …………………………………………………… (talk) on the phone at this moment Bella …………………………………………………… (cook) dinner now They …………………………………………………… (help) the teacher right now He …………………………………………………… (run) very fast! Julia …………………………………………………… (bake) a chocolate cake at the moment I …………………………………………………… (have) fun! You …………………………………………………… (dance) very nicely They …………………………………………………… (answer) all the questions 10 John …………………………………………………… (eat) Salad, and I am eating fish 11 Marta …………………………………………………… (drive), and Chris is sleeping (sleep) 12 It …………………………………………………… (rain) 13 I …………………………………………………… (write) my homework 14 We …………………………………………………… (work) on the new show right now 15 Kate …………………………………………………… (lie) in bed now Exercise 2: Change the verb into the correct form: Hannah …………………………………….……… (not study) French in the library She’s at home with her classmates Their students …………………………………….……… (not try) hard enough in the competition He (not read) …………………………………….……… magazine at present Let’s go out now It (not rain) …………………………………….……… any more You can turn off the radio I (not listen) …………………………………….……… to it I want to lose weight, so this week I (not eat) …………………………………….……… lunch Luke …………………………………….……… (not study) Japanese in the library He’s at home with his friends I …………………………………….……… (not drink) wine; it’s only coffee The children (not swim) …………………………………….……… at the moment 10.They (not/ jog) …………………………………….……… in the park right now Exercise 3: Change the verb into the correct form: 11.What …………………………………….……… you (do) …………………………………….……… at the moment? 12 …………………………………….……….it (snow) …………………………………….……… at the moment? 13 …………………………………….……… (she, run) down the street? 14.What …………………………………….……… (you, wait) for? 15 …………………………………….……… (she, run) in the park? 16 …………………………………….……… (your sister/ wear) sunglasses? 17 …………………………………….……… (he/do) homework just now? 18 …………………………………….……….(they / jog) in the park? 19 …………………………………….……… (my friend / sell) clothes? 20 Why …………………………………….……… (you / smile) at me? Exercise 4: Present simple or present continuous She (not study) …………………………………………………… on Saturday He (have) …………………………………………………… a new haircut today I usually (have) ……………………………………………………breakfast at 6.30 Peter (not/ study)……………………………………………………very hard He never gets high scores My mother often (teach)……………………………………………………me English on Saturday evenings I like Math and she (like)……………………………………………………Literature My sister (wash)……………………………………………………the dishes every day They (not/ have)……………………………………………………breakfast every morning Who ……………………………………………………the washing in your house? (do) 10 They …………………………………………………… out once a month (eat) 11 My mom always ……………………………………………………delicious meals (make) 12 Charlie……………………………………………………eggs (not eat) 13 Susie……………………………………………………shopping every week (go) 14 .………………………Minh and Hoa ……………………………………………… to work by bus every day? (go) 15 ………………………your parents ……………………………………………………with your decision? (agree) 16 Where……………………………………………………he……………………………………………………from? (come) 17 Where …………………………………………………… your father ……………………………………………………? (work) 18 Jimmy ……………………………………… usually …………………………………………… the trees (not water) 19 People in Ho Chi Minh City (be) ………………………………………very friendly 20 It (be) ………………………………………a fact that smart phone helps us a lot in our life C Present Perfect Tense a Cấu trúc (form) Khẳng định  I/ you/ we/ they + have + PII  He/ she/ it + has + PII Phủ định  I/ you/ we/ they + haven’t + PII  He/ she/ it + hasn’t + PII Nghi vấn  Have + I/ you/ we/ they + PII?  Has + he/ she/ it + + PII? b Cách sử dụng (Usage)  Diễn tả hành động khứ, hoàn thành có kết (ví dụ a, b) cịn tiếp diễn (ví dụ c, d) a The teacher has just cleaned the board (He started cleaning it some minutes ago and now the board is clean.) b We have already corrected all the homework (We started correcting the homework some minutes ago and now it is all corrected.) c We have learned English for a year (We started learning English a year ago and now we are still learning it.) d I have lived in Ha Noi since 1990 (I started living in Hanoi and now we are still living in Ha Noi.) c Các trạng ngữ hồn thành - just (vừa mới): thường đặt have/has PII - already (đã): thường đặt have/has PII dùng câu phủ định - recently = lately (gần đây): thường đặt cuối câu - yet (chưa, chưa): thường dùng câu phủ định - yet (đã, từng): đặt cuối câu - never (chưa bao giờ): thường đặt have/has PII - for + khoảng thời gian: for years, for a month - since + mốc thời gian: since o’clock, since yesterday, since last week, d Quá khứ phân từ Đối với động từ có quy tắc, ta cần thêm “ed” vào sau động từ (nếu động từ kết thúc với “e”, cần thêm “d” đủ.) Ví dụ: learn - learned; work - worked; live - lived Đối với động từ bất quy tắc: ta xem bảng động từ bất quy tắc Ví dụ: go - gone; see - seen; cut - cut; meet - met Practical exercise Exercise 1: Change the verb into the correct form: I ………………………………………….…… (read) your book several times She ………………………………………….…… (wear) that skirt many times My family ………………………………………….…… (visit) Brazil a few times I ………………………………………….…… (eat) already Marta ………………………………………….…… (finish) her homework You ………………………………………….…… (break) the glass again They ………………………………………….…… (pay) for everything It ………………………………………….…… (never snow) like that I ………………………………………….…… (meet) Anna once 10 We ………………………………………….…… (see) him before 11 You ………………………………………….…… (buy) cars so far 12 There ………………………………………….…… (be) problems 13 I ………………………………………….…… (have) a snake 14 Maria ………………………………………….…… (raise) a monkey 15 The kids ………………………………………….…… (grow) so much! Exercise 2: Change the verb into the correct form: The students ………………………………………….…… (not improve) She ………………………………………….…… (become) really beautiful Man ………………………………………….…… (invent) many great inventions People ………………………………………….…… (not cause) much destruction to the planet I ………………………………………….…… (not learn) to surf The class ………………………………………….…… (not do) tests this month Allison ………………………………………….…… (not find) a few problems with your plan We ………………………………………….…… (not consult) some doctors about this I ………………………………………….…… (not meet) Debbie in the last week 10 In the previous year, we ………………………………………….…… (not double) our income 11 ……………………She ………………………………………….…… (be) sick since Sunday? 12 ……………………You ………………………………………….…… (be) away for weeks? 13 ……………………He ………………………………………….…… (hate) cheese since childhood? 14 ……………………Mark and Katie ………………………………………….…… (be) together for two years? 15 …………………… I ………………………………………….…… (like) mango since my last trip? Exercise 3: Fill in the correct form of the verbs in brackets They ………………………………………….…… a cold (have) Ć To provide some information D To describe street cleaners Question 14 What is the passage mainly about? A What happens to old cans B How metal is made Ć How rubbish is collected D How the soft drink industry works Question 15 How we know that re-using metal cans is very successful? A Every person uses 5000 cans a year B Over 5,000,000 cans are recycled daily C All cans and tins are now made from metal D It reduces the amount of waste to collect Question 16 Which is closest in meaning to "rubbish" in the last paragraph? A food B equipment C garbage D water Question 17 After being taken to the landfill, empty metal cans A are lumed into high quality metal B are washed and sent back to our homes C are separated from rubbish and set to a special factory to be recycled D are made into knives, forks and garden eyuipment Question 18 According to the passage, what is our attitude to old cans? A We are making things difficult for the dusthin men B We are not interested in what happens to them C We could help by sending them to the factory D We should be more careful where we throw them Questions 19-20: Pick out the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently: (0.5 point) Question 19 A crowded B called C excited D wanted Question 20 A B go C no D so Questions 21-22 Pick out the word that has the primary stress that differs from the other three: (0.5 point) Question 21 A machine B money C student D water Question 22 A begin B enjoy C happen D return Questions 23-24: Pick out the word that is of the different topic from the others: (0.5 point) Question 23 A apple B banana C lemon D weather Question 24 A busy B city C casy D lazy I CHƯƠNG TRÌNH HỆ NĂM: (Thí sinh chọn lệ năm làm tiếp từ câu 25 đến câu 40 Questions 25-26: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes each of the following questions: (0.5 point) Question 25 Now she wishes she A can pass the exam B will pass the exam C pass the exam D could pass the exam Question 26 That's wonderful I'm pleased A that you are working hard B to that you are working hard C with you are working hard D that you to work hard Questions 27-34: Pick out ONE best option (A, B, C or D) to fill in each numbered blank, completing the meaning of the passage: (2.0 points) Lan's Malaysian pen (27) is Razali Maryam Maryam is from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia She tells Lin a lot about her country Malaysia is one of the (28) of ASEAN It is divided into two regions, known as West Malaysia and East Malaysia They are separated by about 640 km of the sea and together comprise an area of 329.758 sq km Malaysia enjoys tropical climate The Malaysian unit of currency is the ringgit, consisting (29) 100 sen censet ang The capital of Malaysia is Kuala Lumpur and it is also (30) city in the country The population in 2001 was over 22 million Islam is the country's official religion In addition, there are (31) religions such as Buddhism and Hinduism The official (32) is Bahasa Malaysin (also known simply as Malay) English, Chinese, and Tamil are also widely spoken The language of instruction for primary 227 school children is Bahasa Malaysia, Chinese, or Tamil Bahasa Malaysia is the (33) language of instruction in all secondary schools, (34) some students may continue learning in Chinese or Tamil And English is a compulsory second language (English 9.7-year Curric p.9 10 Giao duc Publishing House) Question 27 A ball B case C point D pal Question 28 A cities B countries C towns D villages Question 29 A at B for C in D of Question 30 A large B larger C the largest D the as large Question 31 A another B other C others D the others Question 32 A dress B food C school D language Question 33 A alien B strong C primary D wide Question 34 A although B because C so D when Questions 35-38: Mark the letter A, B, C, or Don your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions: (1.0 point) Question 35 I say if it rains this evening, I wouldn't go out A B C D Question 36 Tomorrow they finished the work and will leave the city A B C D Question 37 If you have a dream to fly into space, your dream may come truly some day A B C D Question 38 I think he suggests to take showers to save water A B C D Questions 39-40: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions: (0.5 point) Question 39 It is raining so I can't go to the beach A It is raining because I can't go to the beach B It is raining although I can't go to the beach C I can't go to the beach so it is raining D I can't go to the beach because it is raining A are lumed into high quality metal Question 40 They grow rice in tropical countries, don't they? A Rice is grown in tropical countries, don't they? B Rice is grown in tropical countries, they? C Rice is grown in tropical countries, isn't it? D Rice is grown in tropical countries, is it? II CHƯƠNG TRÌNH HỆ 10 NĂM: (Thí sinh chọn hệ 10 năm làm tiếp từ câu 41 đến câu 50 Lưu ý: Bài làm chung trình khơng chấn) Questions 41-42: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet sentence that best completes each of the following questions (0.5 point) Question 41 Now I wish there A be scasons in my area B are seasons in my area C will be seasons in my area D were seasons in my area Question 42 They were pleased A with the traffic problem had been solved B to that the traffic problem had been solved C that the traffic problem had been solved D that the traffic problem to have been solved Questions 43-50 Pick out ONE best option (A, B, C or D) to fill in each numbered blank, completing the meaning of the passage: (2.0 points) 228 London is one of the largest (43) in the world Its population is a lot smaller (44) Tokyo or Shanghai, but it is by far the most popular tourist destination London is probably most famous (45) its museums, galleries, palaces, and other sights, but it also includes a wider range of peoples, cultures, and religions than many (46) places People used to say that it was the dirtiest city too, (47) it is now much cleaner than it was To the surprise of many people, it now has some of the best restaurants in Europe too For some people, this makes London (48) city in Europe Singapore a small city-state in Southern Asia It is a lovely place to visit The (49) are quite close to each other, so travelling between them is convenient The food here is varied-all kinds of Asian food The outdoor food markets are fun and affordable You order your food, and it is cooked right before you Then you go and eat it at a table outside It's a great way to meet people But what I like most about Singapore is that it is (50) Chinese, Malay, Indian, European, and Vietnamese For me, that's the best thing about Singapore (English - 10-year Currie, p.20, 21, Giao duc Publishing House) Question 43 A countries B cities C towns D villages Question 44 A As B by C than D to Question 45 A of B in C for D with Question 46 A another B other C others D the others Question 17 A because B but C so D when Question 48 A as exciting B the more exciting C most exciting D the most exciting Question 49 A attract B attractive C attractively D attractions Question 50 A local B inulticultural C personal D technical Questions 51-54 Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions: (1.0 point) Question 51 The salad is simple but delicious with the parts: prawns, celery, onions, lemon, salt and pepper A B C D Question 52 I think he suggests to recycle things such as bags, cans, and bottles A B C D Question 53 I say if she had an IELTS certificate, she will get the job now A B C D Question 54 Tomorrow they finished the work and will leave the city A B C D Questions 55-56: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions (0.5 point) Question 55 I don't know what I should wear A I don't know what to wear B I don't know what wear C I don't know what wearing D I don't know what should wear Question 56 People have reported that Thien Duong is the longest cave in Vietnam A People report that Thien Duong has been the longest cave in Vietnam B People reported that Thien Duong has been the longest cave in Vietnam C It is reported that Thien Duong is the longest cave in Vietnam D It has been reported that Thien Duong is the longest cave in Vietnam _The end _ 229 SỞ GD&ĐT LẠNG SƠN ĐỀ THI KỲ THI TUYỂN SINH LỚP 10 THPT ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC NĂM HỌC 2021 – 2022 MÔN: TIẾNG ANH Name: _ Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút I Khoanh tròn A, B, C D tương ứng với từ có phần gạch chân phát âm khác với phần gạch chân từ lại (1,25 điểm) A cleaned B played C called D hoped A stop B move C box D hot A action B question C fiction D motion A town B how C know D cow A hour B hair C home D hat II Khoanh tròn A, B, C D để hoàn thành câu sau (2,5 điểm) He football with his friends yesterday afternoon A play B played C is playing D has played C won't she D will she Your mother is a doctor, ? A isn't she B is she Ho Chi Minh City is the one in Viet Nam A larger B largest C most large D largely His parents were very proud him when he got the scholarship A on B in C of D at Mary has promised care of our dog while we are on vacation A taking B take C to take D took Nam was tired, he helped his mother with the housework A Because B Because of C Despite D Although You should buy a dictionary to new words A look for B look after C look up D look at Please your hand if you want to ask the teacher a question A raise B push C rise D lift In an extended family, there are three or even four living under one roof A groups B people C children D generations 10 Hoa: “How about going for a walk?” An: “ ” A Not at all B That's a good idea C Don't worry D It's over there III Cho dạng từ ngoặc để hoàn thành câu sau (1,25 điểm) 230 We should exercise (REGULAR) I often talk to my parents before making an important (DECIDE) It was an film We really enjoyed it (INTEREST) I will some of my close friends to my birthday party (INVITATION) He started collecting stamps five years ago He now has three stamp (COLLECT) IV Khoanh tròn A, B, C, D cho chỗ trống (1,25 điểm) People began to (1) animals in zoos over 3,000 years ago, when the rulers of China opened an enormous zoo called the Gardens of Intelligence In many of the early zoos, animals were taught to perform for the visitors This no longer happens and it is accepted that the (2) of zoos is for people to see animals behaving naturally Today, most cities have a zoo or a wildlife park However, not everybody approves of zoos People (3) think that zoos are a good idea say they provide us with the opportunity to learn about the natural world and be close to wild animals Both of these would not be possible without zoos On the other hand, (4) people disapprove of zoos because they believe it is wrong to put animals in cages, and argue that in zoos which are not managed properly, animals live (5) dirty conditions and eat unsuitable food A keep B stay C hold D rest A problem B danger C condition D purpose A which B who C whom D who A little B every C much D some A at B for C in D with V Đọc đoạn văn chọn đáp án cách khoanh tròn A, B, C D tương ứng cho câu (1,25 điểm) Smokejumpers are a special type of firefighters They jump from planes into areas that are difficult to reach by car or on foot, like the middle of a mountain forest They race to put out fires as fast as they can at the fire site Their main goal is to stop a fire from spreading Using basic equipment such as shovels and axes, smokejumpers clear land and burnable materials like plants and other dry materials They carry water with them too but only a limited amount Although the majority of smokejumpers are man, more women are joining Most important are your height and your weight Smokejumpers employed in the 231 U.S, for example must be 120 and 200 pounds (54 to 91kg), so they don't get any hurt when they land, or get blown by strong winds Smokejumpers must also be capable to surviving in the wilderness In Russia, many smokejumpers knew how to find food in the forest and even make simple furniture from trees The work is dangerous, and the hours are long, but for these firefighters smokejumpers isn't just an occupation They love being able to jump out of planes fight fires, and live in the forest As 28-years old Russian smokejumpers Alexi says "this is the best job for tough guys" What is the reading mainly about? A The life of a Russian smokejumpers B Who smoke jumpers are and what they C Facts about rainforests D How much oxygen rainforests make The word “that” in paragraph refers to A smokejumpers B planes C areas D fires When a smokejumper get to a fire site, he or she first A looks for water B clears the lands C starts a small fire D studies the land If you want to be a smokejumper, you must be A older than 28 B within a certain weight range C male D able to fly a plane The world “occupation” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to A job B equipment C material D ability VI Viết lại câu cho nghĩa không thay đổi (1,25 điểm) Mr Hung doesn't have a car, so he can't drive to work → If Mr They have provided the Covid patients with free food and drink → The Covid patients _ The suitcase is so heavy that I can't carry it → It is such _ “I want a bicycle for my birthday” Mary said → Mary said The man is my new teacher We met him at the airport yesterday → The man _ 232 VII Hoàn thành câu sau dựa vào từ cho sẵn (1,25 điểm) What/ you/ usually do/ your freetime? - _ He/ come/ while we have dinner - _ My sister/ be/ fond/ watch/ cartoons/ TV - _ He/ spend/ an hour/ listen/ English news/ every day - _ You/ wash hands/ soap/water/ reduce/ spread/ infection - _ Bài tập bổ trợ Although he was tired, he walked to the station Despite _ Though Linda earned a low salary, she gave money to her parents In spite of Tom went to work even though he didn’t feel very well Despite _ Julie failed the exam though she worked very hard In spite of Although it was difficult, they managed to climb to the top of the mountain In spite of Even though he is a little overweight, he is actually quite fit Despite _ Despite my warning, they went ahead with their plan Although They went swimming in spite of the coldness of the water Though _ In spite of being bad at pool, she beat him three times in a row Even though 10 She decided to go abroad for a year despite loving her boyfriend very much Although 11 He went on holiday to Thailand in spite of the expensive airfare Even though 233 SỞ GD&ĐT BẮC GIANG ĐỀ THI KỲ THI TUYỂN SINH LỚP 10 THPT ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC NĂM HỌC 2021 – 2022 MƠN: TIẾNG ANH Name: _ Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút Mã đề thi 206 I Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions (1.0 point) Question 9: A tidy B hit C mind D bike Question 10: A pens B chairs C books D toys Question 11: A needed B wanted C visited D watched Question 12: A cinema B center C candy D city II Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions (1.0 point) Madagascar - When to go Madagascar has two seasons, a warm, wet season from November to April, and a cooler dry season between May and October However, different parts of the country have very different weather The east coast is hotter and wetter, with up to 4,000 mm of rainfall per year In the rainy season, there are strong winds, and these can cause a lot of damage Avoid visiting castern Madagascar between January and March because the weather can make road travel very difficult The dry season is cooler and more pleasant The high, central part of the country is much drier and cooler About 1,400 mm of rain falls in the rainy season, with some thunderstorms The summer here is usually sunny and dry, but it can be cold, especially in the mornings, with freezing showers, and it may snow in mountain areas above 2,400m, and even stay there for several days The west coast is the driest part of the island Here, the winter months are pleasant with little rain, cooler temperatures and blue skies The summers can be extremely hot, especially in the southwest This part of the country is semi-desert, and only gets around 300mm of rain per year Question 13: According to the passage, Madagascar has season(s) A four B three C two D one Question 14: What does the word "these" in paragraph refer to? A rainfall B strong winds C different parts 234 D season Question 15: According to the passage, all of the following statements are true EXCEPT A The wet season is cooler than the dry season B There is more rain in January than in June C The summers in the southwest can be extremely hot D Snow sometimes falls in Madagascar Question 16: Visitors should avoid going to eastern Madagascar between January and March because A there are a lot of thunderstorms B the weather is cool and pleasant C this part of the country is semi-desert D the weather can make it difficult to travel III Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer in each of the following questions (3.0 points) Question 17: Your friends are from England, they? A B don't C aren't D are Question 18: The country's economy relies heavily on the tourist A firm B factory C company D industry Question 19: David me to the train station yesterday A takes B took C is taking D will take Question 20: Rosie: “How long have you learned English?” Alex: “ ” A No, thanks B That's a good idea C For years D Certainly Question 21: the TV off This show is boring A Put B Make C Turn D Set Question 22: That song by lots of famous singers A has sung B have sung C sung D has been sung Question 23: If you play the musictoo loud, you the neighbors up A will wake B wakes C woke D would wake Question 24: What you want to the morning? A of B in C at D to Question 25: Jane: “Let's take a break.” Lucy: “ ” A No problem B I'm afraid I can C Yes, I D Yes, let's Question 26: I can't come I have to help my Dad with his new project A therefore B so C because 235 D and Question 27: I'm not a good swimmer, but I wish I well A swimming B could swim C swim D can swim Question 28: Sandra said she me the next day when she got the chance A would call B to call C calling D Call IV Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks (1.0 point) Corona virus germs live in people's throats and mouths When somebody (29) has the corona virus coughs or sneezes or breathes out, the germs come out of their mouth in tiny drops of water Though you can't see the germs, you can sometimes see these tiny drops In cold weather, they make a cloud of steam! So if someone else (30) breathes in the air with the corona virus germs in it, they will probably get the illness It's easy (31) the corona virus germs inside your body when you touch your eyes, nose or your mouth If a person with the corona virus germs on their hands uses a door, the (32) germs can live on the handle for hours When someone else opens the door, they get the germs on their hands too And if they touch their eyes, nose or mouth, the germs will get into their body So you may also catch the corona virus by touching things that someone with the virus has already touched Question 29: A what B who C where D which Question 30: A accidental B accidents C accidentally D accident Question 31: A got B getting C get D to get Question 32: A invisible B noticeable C obvious D secret V Rewrite each sentence so that it means the same as the first one, beginning with the given word(s) (1.0 point) Lucy succeeded in winning the race though she had flu → Lucy managed The train leaves from here, and it goes to London → The train which _ Your house is bigger than mine → My house Although he is old, he still jogs every morning → Despite _ 236 BÀI TẬP LUYỆN TẬP Exercise 2: Change from although/ though/ even though in spite of/ despite, starting as available Although he was tired, he walked to the station Despite …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………… Although it was noisy, the children slept well The children …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Though Linda earned a low salary, she gave money to her parents In spite of ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Tom went to work even though he didn’t feel very well Tom …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… Their product turned out to be a success though the market studies were pessimistic Their ……………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………… Julie failed the exam though she worked very hard Julie ………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………… Although John got the highest result in the class, he still had problems with the teacher In spite of ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Although the road was dangerous, they managed to climb to the top of the mountain In spite of ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Even though he is a little overweight, he is actually quite fit Despite …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10 Although politicians are necessary for democracy, they are still liars and thieves In spite of ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11 Socrates never had much money despite being very famous in his own day - ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12 They managed to work together despite their differences of opinion - ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 13 Despite my headache I enjoyed the film - ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 14 Despite having enough money, he refused to buy a new car - ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 237 SỞ GD&ĐT BẮC NINH ĐỀ THI KỲ THI TUYỂN SINH LỚP 10 THPT NĂM HỌC 2021 – 2022 MƠN: TIẾNG ANH ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Name: Thời gian làm bài: 50 phút Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions Question The professor tried to stimulate interest in archaeology by taking his students on expeditions A encourage B fake C simulate D diminish Question Luckily, Susan got over her operation very quickly A got up B paid for C recovered from D looked at Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions Question People believe that 13 is an unlucky number, A It was believed that 13 is an unlucky number B 13 was believed to have been an unlucky number C 13 is believed that as an unlucky number D It is believed that 13 is an unlucky number Question "Remember to write to your aunt.", I said to Miss Linh A I told Miss Linh remember to write to her aunt B I reminded Miss Linh to write to her aunt C I said to Miss Linh remember to write to her aunt D I said to Miss Linh to remember to write to her Question We have been cooking for the party for four hours A We started cooking for the party four hours ago B We didn't start cooking for the party for four hours C Cooking for the party will be done in four hours D We cook four hours for the party Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions Fathers used to act as the ‘breadwinner’ of their family, and as the teacher of moral and religious values Today, however, those roles are gradually changing More and more women are going out to work and earn money This increases the budget of the family Apart from that, there are various social welfare programmes which financially assist mothers in supporting their children Both these changes have greatly impacted the role of fathers because they make paternal financial support less essential for many families 238 With the burden of financial support reduced, and with a changing concept of a father's role, modern fathers tend to be more involved in children's caregiving They are now spending more time and energy on their children Psychological research across families from all ethnic backgrounds suggests that the influence of a father's love and attention is as great as that of a mother's Fatherly love helps children develop a sense of their place in the world, which helps their social and emotional development Moreover, children who receive more love from their fathers are less likely to have behavioural problems This trend is still increasing and its effects will become clearer and clearer in the future especially in traditionally male-dominated societies Question Which of these is NOT the traditional role of a father? A religious educator B financial supporter C teacher of moral values D caregiver Question Social welfare programmes _ A support families financially B help mothers with domestic abuse C train caregivers D educate fathers about their responsibilities Question The influence of a mother's love is _ that of the father's A as important as B more important than C much greater than D less important than Question The word “who” in paragraph refers to _ A children B development C fathers D mothers Question 10 Children who get more fatherly love will behavioural problems A have more B have a lot of C have fewer D never have any Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions Question 11 Cars cause pollution However, people still want them A In spite of cars cause pollution, people still want them B Because cars cause pollution, people still want them C Although cars cause pollution, people still want them D Cars cause pollution, so people still want them Question 12 She is the woman I met her last week A She is the woman whose I met last week B She is the woman to who I met last week C She is the woman whom I met last week D She is the woman which I met last week Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions Question 13 My cousin will spend at least one year working abroad how things operate overseas A so that B as long as C as so D because 239 Question 14 We met each other at my grandparents' house three years ago and friends ever since A had been B were C are D have been Question 15 If she sick, she would have gone to the party with me A weren't B haven't you C hadn't been D hasn't been Question 16 You have cleaned your bike, ? A don't you B haven't you C you D have you Question 17 Alex out because the door is locked outside A be B wasn't C can't be D must be Question 18 The weather is this week than it was last week A gooder B much better C too better D more good Question 19 The Statue of Liberty in New York is a monument which millions of visitors every year A pulls B interests C collects D attracts Question 20 I wish I English as well as a native speaker A can speak B will speak C am speaking D spoke Question 21 Ho Chi Minh City has been divided into twenty-four divisions since December 2003 A administrative B administer C administrator D administration Question 22 My mother has bought a bag A new Japanese black B Japanese new black C black Japanese new D new black Japanese Question 23 Trains stop here in order to passengers only A get off B pull in C get on D pick up Question 24 He's a professional singer With his beautiful voice, he could A make a bundle B a nine-to-five job C burn the midnight oil D take into account Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions Question 25 A tomato B dominate C practical D universe Question 26 A surface B dentist C factor D describe Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions Question 27 We have no idea who talking to when we have problems A no idea B talking C when D problems Question 28 John's father made him repeated the poem many times A repeated B times C father D poem 240 Question 29 They suggest that we must book a hotel by the Perfume River A suggest B a C must D by Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word that best fits each of the numbered blanks Until he was ten, young Alexander Fleming attended the nearby Loudoun Moor School He was then transferred to Darvel School, (30) he attended with his brothers Alexander learned a good deal about nature during that four-mile downhill hike to He was a quick student and at twelve, school and the four-mile uphill return (31) the age limit prescribed for Darvel School, he was sent to Kilmarmock Academy Two years (32) he joined his brothers, John and Robert, at the home of his elder brother Thomas, who was to become a successful oculist in London (33) Alexander was forced to leave school for economic reasons When he was sixteen, he obtained a job in a shipping company Good fortune, however, was on his side and the side of humanity In 1901, he (34) a share in a legacy which made it possible for him to return to school He decided to study medicine Question 30 A when B which C who D what Question 31 A coming B travel C trip D voyage Question 32 A following B after C later D next Question 33 A However B Although C Because D Also Question 34 A succeeded B included C received D managed Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions Question 35 The plane landed safely A took over B took up C took off D touched down Question 36 After several weeks of not being able to sell the house, the owner reduced the price by 10,000 dollars A purchased B divided C increased D expanded Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the pronunciation of the underlined part in each of the following questions Question 37 A destroyed B received C erupted D appeared Question 38 A shrine B invite C primary D river Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges Question 39 – “Mum I've got 600 on the TOEFL test.” – “ ” A Oh, hard luck! B Good job! C Good way! D You are right Question 40 - "Would you like to join our volunteer team this summer?” – “ ” A I'm very happy B Yes, it is beneficial C Yes, I too D Yes, I'd love to _The end _ 241 ... (finish)………………………………………………… the construction work before the end of this month Erine and Brooke are planning to set off in the afternoon I hope the weather conditions (improve) …………………………………………………... inventions People ………………………………………….…… (not cause) much destruction to the planet I ………………………………………….…… (not learn) to surf The class ………………………………………….…… (not do) tests this month Allison ………………………………………….……... ……………………………………….(travel) to London at three o''clock 11) Mrs Brown ……………………………………….(not/walk) in the garden when the murder happened 12) Mr Black ……………………………………….(not/work) in his study when the murder happened

Ngày đăng: 28/11/2022, 20:46



