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Luận văn thạc sĩ UEB public service quality and customer satisfaction at yen bai department of planning and investment hành chính công

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Tiêu đề Public Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction at Yenbai Department of Planning and Investment
Tác giả Nguyên Ngoe Anh
Người hướng dẫn Prof. Lars-Torsten Erikkson, Dr. Phan Chi Anh
Trường học VNU-UEB
Chuyên ngành Public Management
Thể loại Master Thesis
Năm xuất bản 2015
Thành phố Hanoi
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UPPSALA l M VKRSI I ÉT & £ U P P S A L A V V N UNIVERSITET *** MASTER THES1S OF MPPM PUBLIC SERVICE QUALITY AND CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AT YENBAI DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND INVESTMENT A u th tìr : S u p e r v is o r : N C U \ KN N(;(K AMI PROK i.ARS-TORSTEN KRIKSSON S u pervisor: [)R PHAN C HI ANH Class : Hanoi, l anuary - VI PPM Intakc ƯPPSALA UNIVERSITÉT VNU U N IV E R S n Y OF UPPSALA UNIVERSITET VNUUEB ECONOMICS & BUSINESS ACKNOWLEDGE MENT After few months of working intensivc, it is time my master thcsis completed vvhich investigate the relationship betvveen the public quality Service and customer satisíaction Firstly, like to would exprcss my gratiíudc to supcrvisor my Prof Lars-Torstcn Erikkson and Dr Phan Chi Anh for the meaningful comments, remarks and through engagement the lcaming process of this master thesis Furthermore, vvould like to thank the participants in my survey, who have willingly to share their precioưs time during the process of intervievving Finally, I like to thank my beloved classmate, who have supportcd mc throughout entire process, both by giving me useful comments to complete my master thesis and motivating me during wording my master thesis Respectíully, Nguyên Ngoe Anh ABSTRACT This study investigates the relationship betwcen public Service quality and the customcr satisíaction bascd on qucstionnairc survey Adopting SKRVPERK modcl (Parasuraman, et al, 1988) this study applies statistical tools to analyze the data collected at Yenbai Department of Planning and Investment in 2014 The rcsults of this study indicatc and the signiíicant íầctors f'or customcr satisíầction in public Service of Yenbai Department of Planning and Investment Based on those results, the suggestions and recommendations to improve puhlic Service qưality at Yenbai Department o f Planning and Investment are mađe Topic: “Public Service Quality and Customer Satisĩaction at Yenbai Department of Planning and Investnient” Level oH hesis: Master o f Public Management Authors: NịỊuyen Ngoe Anh Instructors: Prof Lars-Torstcn Erikkson and Dr Phan Chi Anh Master deĩense day: December 5,h, 2014 Aim: The purposes of this study are to asscss the public Service quality based on opinions of customers making transactions at Yenbai Department of Planning and Invcstmcnt; to study on the rclationship and factors alTecting customer satisfaction; to givc suggcstions and rccommendations to improve public scrvicc quality at Ycnbai Department o f Planning and Investment IMethod: By combining SERVỌUAL scale of Parasuraman, this stutiy wi 11 asscss public Service quality through dimcnsions: ' I I Transparency (TR) _ , Attitudc o f stìs (AT) _ _ I I ! Administrutivc proccdurcs (PR) I _ I C om petency of staíís (CO) I I J - —— - - : -777'." - Empathy of staíỉs (CM) I ỉnírastructures (INFR) Result & Conclusions: lu summary, researching on customer satisíầction about public Service at the Reception and Returning Result for Business Registration Scction of Yenbai Department ơf Planning and Investment is one of factors for leaders of city and dcpartmcnts to determinc the current situation of providing public services and aims to complcte in the future This is one of thc solutions to shorten timc to enter market o f entcrpriscs On the basis of application of the scale measuring components of Service quality (SERVPERF), the relationship betvveen Service quality and custoincr satisfaction and customer satisfaction modcl of Parasuraman and Spreng - Mackoy so that the thesis has identiíìed ĩactors affecting customer satisfaction, quantifies the impact o f each factor on customer satisfaction, and develop the fírst modcl on customer satisfaction about public services at the Department of Planning and Investment of Yenbai city The research results show that the components o f public Service and affecting customcr satisíầction including empathy, competcncy ot' staffs, iníVastructurcs, procedures, transparency and attitude o f staffs Expectations and desires o f the customers about public services arc basically shown through rcsearch results It is consistent vvith the results ot' customer surveys before data analysis With public scrvices, particularly in thc ríelcl o f public administration scrviccs, customer desiretl to rcccivc polite attitudc, courtcous, reliablc o f staffs, as well as transparency o f process, proccdurcs, mcthod of payment, fees, and timc to provide Service Contribution of the thesis: ()n the basic of this research results, the thcsis proposcd a Iiinnbcr of solutions and rccommendations to enhance customer satisiầction bascd on the actual perception of the positive aspects and limitations in providing puhlic Service, through íaetors illustrating the systcmatic and gencrali/ed charactcristics of thc rcscarch model The Department should registration for intcllcctual property o f Logo and Slogan; better implement issued quality policy aims to shorten the time to enter the market of enterpriscs IV The Department o f Planning and Investment Yenbai shoulci organize to apply rescarching on custom er satisfaction with public scrviccs in thc City, to rcspect the indcpendence o f research implemcntation Thesis liniitations: Time and íìnancial budgct limit Small samples, so that the author could not usc more technique to investigate (such as SEM ) Suggestions for future research: Collecting more samplc Using SEM (Structural equation modeling) technique to analyze the rclationship betvveen Service quality and Custom er Satisfaction Key vvords: Public Service quality, customer SERVỌUAL V satisíaction, SERVPERP, CONTliNTS I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background 1.1.1 Introduction about establisliment process ot theProccdu Result Retum for Business Rcgistration Section 1.1.2 Functions, tasks of the Division of Reception and Returnof Business Registration 1.1.3 Results at the Reception and Returning Result for Business Registration Section o f Yenbai Department of Planning and Investment from 2008 to 1.2 Research question 1.3 Research purpose and speciíìc objectives 1.4 Subjects and scope of the stu d y II FRAME OF REKERENCE 2.1 Five gaps Service quality m odel 2.2 IVIeasuring Service quality: SERVQUAL sca lc 2.3 The studies applying SERVQUAL andSE R V PE R F 2.4 Kactors affecting public Service q u a lity III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Research m o d cl 3.2 Discuss relevance of research modcl ĨIIpublic sector 3.3 M ethodology 3.3.! Research m cthodology 3.3.2 Research process 3.4 Preliminary rescarch (qualitatỉve) 3.4 i Research purposes 3.4.2 Implementation 3.4.3 Rcsults 3.5 Pormal rescarch (quantitative) 3.5.1 Analytical ữamevvork: 3.5.2 Scale VI 3.6 Data analysis process 20 3.6.1 Reliability analysis hy Cronbach’s alp h a 21 3.6.2 Exploratory factor analysis 22 3.6.3 Regression analysis 23 IV DATA AN AI-V S I S 24 4.1 Data description .24 4.1.1 Gender 24 4.1.2 A g e 25 4.1.3 Education lev el 26 4.1.4 Sources of Iníbrm ation 26 4.1.5 Service used 27 4.2 Reliability analysis 28 4.2.1 Reliability o f Transparency sca le 28 4.2.2 Reliability of Procedure scale 28 4.2.3 Reliability o f Attitude scale 29 4.2.4 Reliability o f Competency scale 30 4.2.5 Reliability o f Empathy scale 30 4.2.6 Reliability o f Inữastructure sca le 31 4.2.7 Reliability o f CUSTOMER SATISKACHON scale 33 4.3 Kactor analvsis 34 4.3.1 l;actor analysis 1'or Transparcncy scale 34 4.3.2 Factor analysis for Procedure sc a le 35 4.3.3 Factor analysis for Attitudc sc a le 36 4.3.4 Kactor analysis for Competency scale 38 4.3.5 Pactor analysis for Empathy scale 39 4.3.6 Pactor analysis for Inữastructure scale 40 4.3.7 Pactor analysis o f customer satisfaction scale 41 4.4 Evaluation Hvpotheses 42 4.4.1 Evaluating customer feelings o f Service quality perfom iance 42 4.4.2 Correlation A nalysis 44 4.4.3 Regression analysis 45 vii lố G a rv in , D.A (19X7), Compeling on Eight Dimcntions of Quality, Harvard Business Revievv, Nov.-Dec 17 C ronin, J J & Taylor, S.A (1992), Measuring scrvicc quality: A reexamination and extension, Jounal o f markcting, Vol 56 (July), 55-68 C rốnroos, c (1984), A Service Ọuality Model and Its Marketing Implications, European Journal of Marketing, 18 (4): 36-44 19 Jam es R Evans and VVilliam M Lindsav (1999), The managcmcnt and control o f quanlity, South - Westem College Publishing 20 J o h n S O akland (1994), Quản lý chất lượng đồng bộ, NXB Thống kê 21 Joseph M J u n and A Blanton G odírey (1998), Jura’n quality handbook, MacGraw - Hi 11 International Editions 2 J u n J M , and F.M C ry n a (1993), Quality Planning an Analysis 3rd ed, Nevv York: McGraw Hill 23 L ehtinen, U & J R Lehtinen (1982), Service Ọuality: A Study o f Quality Dimensions,Working Paper, Service Management Institutc, Helsinki, Pinland 24 01ivcr, R.L (1997), Satisfaction: A Behavioral Perspective on the Consumer, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY 25 P a su m a n , A., V A Zcitham l, & L L Bcrry (19X5), A conceptual inodcl o f Service quality and its implications for futurc research, Joumal oí' markcting, 49(fall), 41- 50 26 P a s u m a n , A., V A Zeitham l, & L L Berry (1988), SERVỌUAL: A MultipleItcm Scalc for Measuring Consumcr Pcrccptions of Service Ọuality, Journal o f Rctailing,64 (1): 12-40 27 P a su m a n , A., L L Berry, & V A Zeitham l (1991), Refinement and Reassessment o f the SHRVỌUAL Scale, Journal of Retailing, 67 (4): 420- 450 28 P a su ram an , A., Bcrry, L L & Zeitham l, V.A (1993), Morc on Improving Service Ọuality Mcasuremcnt, Journal of Retailing, 69 (1): 140-47 29 Philip K otler, Kcvin Lanc Keỉler (2006), Marketing management, Pearson Prentice Mali, New Jersey 30 Spreng & Mackoy (1996), An cmpirical examination o f a model ot perceived Service quality and satisfaction, Joumal of Rctailing, 72(??), 201 - 214 59 31 Tse, D.K & VVilton, p c (198X), Model of Consumcr Satisfaction Pormation: An Extension, Journal of Marketing Research, 25: 204-212 V alarie A Zeitham l and M J B ritner (2000), Service marketing,Boston: Mcgraw-Hill 33 W insm iew ski, M & Donnelly (2001), Using SHRVỌUAL to access customer satisfaction with public sector Service, Managing Service Quality, Vol 11, No 6: 380-388 Z eitham l, V.A., Berry, L.L., P arasu ram an , A (1996), The behavioral consequences of Service quality, Joumal of Marketing, Vol 60 (2): 31-46 60 APPENDIX APPEND1X 1: QUESTIONNA1RE This questionnaire aims to improve the qualitv of receiving and rcturning documents of administrative procedures, serving 'bcttcr for organizations and citi/cns contacting to Ycnhai Department of Planning and Investment Your participation vvill be kept confidential and the results vvill not be provided to any person There is no right or wrong answer; we are only interested in your opinions Please answer the following questions by checking into only box for each ansvver Sincerely thanks for your comments! Part 1: (ìencral information Please provideyour personal intbmiation hy Gendcr: Q Male marking X into your choice: II Female Age: I Ị Under 30 Q ] From 30 to 40 Ị|From 40 to 50 I I Over 50 Education: : Highschool Q Vocational school Q Collcge Ị I University or higher Where you get intonnation on public services: I |Wehsile of Yenbai Department of Planning and [nvestment I ỊNevvspapers radio Ị ^ỊAt thc rcccption placc □ othcr Part 2: Your assessmcnts Please indicate the lcvcl of your agrcement with the statcmcnts bclow and mark X on the your choicc: * Components Sírongly agree (5) Transparency Administrative proccdures and torms are published tui ly at thc reception placc Administrativc procedurcs and 61 torins are published in the vvebsite of Ycnbai Department of Planning and Investment Administrative procedures simple and easy to understand Recciving and documents are accurate arc returning Inĩòrmation and status of'handling documents are easily found in the vvebsite of Yenbai Department of Planning and lnvestment Administrative proccdures The number and requirements ahout contents of administrative documents at Yenbai Department ot Planning and Investment are reasonable 1imc to handle a documcnt reasonable as publie procedure is Procedures and handling stcps as published arc rcasonable Tho administrative proccdures are in accordancc with the law and rcgulations Time to rcccivc documcnts rcasonablc and convcnicnt is Attitudc of staffs Stalĩs vvho rcceive documents havc polite attitude when receive and rcturn documents Stalĩs who receive documents have friendly attitude when ansxvcr questions from customers Stalĩs \vho receive documents not causc any inconvenicnce for 62 peoplc vvhen documents handling their StatTs who receivc and rcturn documents are fair with all customers StaíTs who receive documents take high rcsponsibility for all customers’ documents Competencv of staffs StaỉTs vvho receive documents have good communication skills StalTs who receive documents have knowledge and skills in handling related works StaỉTs vvho receive documents possess good professional knowledge and skills related to the ịob StaíTs who receive documents and Co nsu lt in g customers gi ve rcasonably solve problcms of customers Yenbai Department of Planning and Invcstmcnt settlc customers' complaints timcly Kmpathy of staffs Customcrs easily contact to sỉatTs \vho arc responsiblc tor their documcnts at the departments Stalĩs try to deal with document tlexibly and promptly Customers' rcquircmcnts handled are the rcasonable cared and StaỉTs easily undcrstand customer's requirements the 63 Statĩs are patient eustomers’ opinions to listcn to Inírastructurc* Location and place of room for receiving and retuming documents arc convcnicnt for customers Room tor receiving and retuming documents is spacious and airv Room for receiving and retuming documents has adequate tầcilities (air conditioning, desk, chair, ctc ) Equipments are quite modcm (automatic numbering machine, Computer, Computer for customers to look up documents, etc ) Customer satisĩaction You arc complctely satisíìed with transparency of public scrvices You arc completely satisíìcd with administrative procedurc of public scrviccs You are completely satistìcd with attitudc oi' staỉĩs who provide puhlic scrvices You arc completcly satistìed with competency of staffs who provide public services You arc compỉctely satisíìcd vvith cmpathy of staffs vvho provide public services You arc completcly satisíìcd with inữastructures 64 - Types of public serviccs you participated in □ Registration for establishment of entcrprises hranches and rcpresentative ollìces, registration for establishment of business placcs n Rcgistration tor cditcd the content ofbusiness registration □ Registration for enterprise transibrmation □ Registration for pausing operations o f enterprises, branches and representative offices □ Registration for vvinding up operations o f branches rcpresentative offices, and business places □ Others - Other comments: — - - - - If possible, pleasc let us knovv: Your lull name: — Addrcss: - Sinccrcly thanks for answerim> our queslionmùn’! Best \\ ishes for health, happiness and succcss!!! 65 APPENDIX 2: OUTLĨNE OF THE GROUP DISCUSSIONS (For thc departmcnt of internal quality managcmcnt and staff who receiving and returninỊỊ documents rcceive and process applications) Hcllo Sir/Madam! My namc is Nguyen Ngoe Anh, a student of master program in Public Management, Uppsala University, Swcden Currently I am conducting a rcscarch on "Public Service quality and customcr satisfaction at Yenbai Department o f Planning and Investment" I desire to examine what ĩactors have great iníluence on customcr satisfaction tovvards public services at Yenbai City The focus of the discussion today is to explore and analyze important factors considerably affccting customer satisíaction with public services in Yenbai city The gathered information supports me to accumulate of knowledge and complete the research Then, we can together suggest the elements aíTecting thc improvement of customer satisfaction with public scrviccs So that I am looking forward to your straightforward and sincere opinions from you declare that thc iníormation provided hy you will be o nly used for this scicntitìc research In your opinion, thc customer satisiaction towards public serviccs is exprcsscd through vvhich íactors? Why? In addition to the íactors that you stated above, vvhcther the following tầctors impact on customer satisfaction vvith public serviccs or not? (The intcrvicwcr introduce factors in the scalc to mcasure Service quality which arc not mentioned hy the rcspondents) In your opinion whether Service quality components (faci 1itics, staff competency, serving attitude, reliability, working environm ent ) in the model o f this study are suitahle for customcr satisfaction towards current puhlic scrvices or not? (Discuss all Service quality components) Among the above íầctors, which one is the most important íầctor? (Making priority list) 66 In your opinion, which criteria would affcct thc abovc iactors (analy/c criteria bascd on all íầctors mentioncd as abovc)? In the interaction with customer, which factor, you think, is customer most interested in? What difficulties you have to face when the handling documents is miss deadline or documents are lost? What is the lesson and experience from such situations? How dơ you handle the situation when customers ask you more functions than in regulation o f an administrative agency at the department level? What lessons wcrc learned from this situation? In your opinion, how to eíTectively guide people when thcy participate adniinistrative services? 10 In your opinion, how to improve customer satisfaction with public scrviccs? 11 Are you willing to participate when leaders o f the city implement administrativc rcforms o f the organi/ation? 12 In your opinion, which part, section or contcnts need to takc priority? Why? Pcrhaps GUI' discussion vvill stop here, thank you for taking the timc and interest in providing us this valuablc intbrmation Oncc again, sincerely thank you! The discussion results Question I : The satisfaction o f customer \vith public Service is exprcsscd through íollovving íactors: - Proeedures and process to handle works - Serving of staffs - Access to services - Receiving and Processing fccdbacks from customers - Conditions when welcome and scrve customers - Supporting equipments for providing services Question 3: Whcthcr thc Service components (inírastructures, staff competence, staíYs’ attitude, reliability, working cnvironment ) in research inodel are suitable for customer satisíaction with current public services or not? 67 Question 4: Among the above components, tho most important factor will bc ranked as followcd: - Competency of staíTs - Working cnvironment - Serving attitude - Reliability - Inữastructurcs Question 5: The criteria will impact the abovc íactors are: - Knoxvledge, skills of staíTs - Inírastructures Question 6: Pactors that peoplc are interested in: Rcsults, schedule to handle the work Question 7: When the documents are late or lost, customers may be angry or strongly rcact Thus, staíTs need to keep calm, explain, persuade and make reasonable and acccptablc argumcnts to pcrsuadc citizens Question 8: When people require more than regulated tunctions of adniinistration agency at the department level, íìrstly it is necessary to explain for citizens to uiìderstand and then may ask cxperts in that tìcld for advicc The lcsson is: need always training, improve professional skills and handling iníormation skill Ọucstion 9: 1 ordcr to effectively guidc citizens to participate in public serviccs, Ít IS necessary to: - Disseminate intbrmation on the m ass mcdia such as radio, TV - Publish iníbrmation in the receiving and retuming document areas Qucstion 10: To improvc customer satisfaction with public scrvices, administrative agency at Yenbai city havc to carrv out the following tasks: - Enhancc thc proiessional skills of staíls who participate in handling administrative proccdures - Interest in and invested in equipments and íacilitics - Application o f information technology in supporting handling administrative procedures 68 Ọucstion 11: Ready Ọuestion 12: Pcrsonal opinion: Stage of reíbrming administrative procedures and cnhancing the professional skills o f the staffs Rcducing cumbersome proccdurcs, rcducing travcl timc, vvaiting timc for customers StaíTs have to dceply understand vvorking processes to handle proccdures quickly and Aexibly 69 APPENDIX 3: OUTLINE OF THE BILATERAL DISCUSSIONS (For leaders and hcads of departments) Hello Sir/Madam! My name is Nguyen Ngoe Anh, a student of master program in Public Management, Uppsala ưnivcrsity, Sweden Currcntly l'm conducting a rcsearch on "Public scrvicc quality and customcr satisfaction at Yenbai Department o f Planning and Investment" I desire to examine vvhat íactors have great iníluence on customer satisíaction towards public services at Yenbai city The focus o f the discussion today is to explorc and analyze important factors considerably affecting customer satisfaction \vith public services in Yenbai city The gathered iníormation supports me to accumulate o f knowledge and complete the research Then, wc can togethcr suggest the elements affecting the improvement of customcr satisfaction with public serviccs So, I am looking forward to your straightforward and sincere opinions from you declare that the information provided by you vvill bc only uscd for this scicntitlc rcsearch I The role o f a managcr, what is your assessmcnt o f the documcnt percentage hcing processed in reccnt ycars after applying ISO standards? III your opinion, what tầctors have impact ơn customer satisíaction with puhlic admmistration serviccs at Yenbai City? Hased on the discussed íactors inipacting on the quality of public serviccs follo\vinỵ ISO standards, eompared with the currcnt situation of your department, vvhal you think about these factors? How they impact on customer satisfaction? In addition to the mentioned íầctors, is thcre any other íầctors? (The intcrviewer introduces the íactors in the devcloped measurement scale that the interviewee did nơt mention) Analysis of the impact o f each individual factor: You based on the following factors: 70 Based on the above factors you mentioned (repcat each factor: 1 1'rastructures, compctency of staíYs, attitude of staffs, reliability, \vorking environment, proccdures) the critcria mcasures the abovc factors? (Suggest criteria on the basis o f previous studies and the prcvious discussion results) What you think about factors "prơccdurcs" vvhen the administrative agcncy at the departmcnt lcvel is a unit following law enforcement? In your opinion, which standards arc ncccssary for front staffs? With the role o f a leacỉcr, are you willing to invcst more to improve pcople's satisfaction vvith public services at Yenbai city? Perhaps our discussion will stop here, thank you for taking the time and interest in providing us this valuable iníbrmation Once again, sincerely thank you! The discussion results: Question 1: the document percentage being processed in recent ycars after applying ISO standards has a very positive change, the number o f documents beitig proccsscd next ycar is highcr than last ycar (of the annual pcrccntage is about 95 %) Ọuestion 2: Pactors affecting customer satisíaction vvith public services at Yenbai City: Publicity and transparency about administrative procedures; Procedures is clcar, atlequate and in detail; time for handling udministrativc procedures; attitude of staffs vvlicn serving citi/.ens Ụueslion 3: factors impacting on the quality of public services following ISO standards: - Professional competency o f staffs: is the critical íactor in delivering public scrvices It staffs’ competency is good, the handling of administrative proccdures will be quick, timely and more efficient As a rcsult, the quality o f public administration serviccs will incrcase - The serving attitude of statTs is a subịective íactor strongly affecting the handling document process and customcr satisfaction when they making administrative procedures Because the current regulation in the administrative proccdures are still general and not speciiìc details for each location, thus, serving attitude has great iníluence on working outcomes and customer satisfaction 71 Thereíbre, politc attitude of staffs is an important íactor to improve the quality of scrvices; - The system of rules ahout working proccss and proccdures: The rulcs of working process and procedure are prescribed simply, clearly, and in detailed The guidelines should be concise, comprehensible by using ordinary languagc; - The inírastructurcs o f thc officcs: Ọuality of offices, computers, desks, equipments scrving thc working conditions o f staffs and serving customcrs vvhen thcy are waiting for making administrative proccdures; Transparency: Helping customers undcrstand more clearly about administrative procedures such as documcnt list, fees, schedule to handle procedures, names of staíĩs who are in chargc o f handling documents Ọuestion 4: In addition to the above factors, there are some other factors atiectinu quality in public services: - Monitoring mechanism, comments: Contributing to increase quality of public scrviccs, throuiìh monitoring mcchanisms and coinmcnts, staffs collect fcedbacks and coniments tìom citizens about existing procedures, attitudes vvhen serving citizens, transparcncy; proíessional capability on handling \vorks o f staffs; the level of fees and chargcs; - The lcvel of ỉces and charges: Ọuality o f public scrvices also depends on lactors as tccs and charges of pcrtbrming administrative procedurcs Whether thc fce and charge lcvel are suitablc for íìnancial ability o f citizens or not, and publishcd at thc olTice or not Ọucstiơn 5: Kactors affecting the quality o f public scrvices: - Spirit, attitudc to serve the peoplc and organizations; - Pưblicity and transparency of administrative procedures; - Time to handle administrative procedurcs Qucstion 6: The State authorities at departmcnt level is a State agency lbllovving law enforccmcnt, the agency shall comply with the regulated procedures Procedures are only changed in the process o f receiving and handling administrative procedures for citizcns and organi/ations State agencies at department level rcceive fecdbacks from custorners about the procedures which help promulgating procedures more completely 72 Ọuestion 7: Standards of stalĩs in the work o f serving citi/cns at Yenbai Department o f Planning and Investmcnt: - Professional capacity o f staffs; - Polite and enthusiasm attitudc of the staffs Question 8: Willingness to invest in training staff who participate in the settlcment o f administrative procedures; invcst in modcrn inírastructurcs; application o f information tcchnology to bettcr providing administrativc proccdurcs in ordcr to enhance customer satisfaction with public services at Yenbai Department of Planning and Investmcnt Tliank you for taking the time and interest in helping leaders and heads of departments to provide information Once again, sincere thanks! 73 ... data collected at Yenbai Department of Planning and Investment in 2014 The rcsults of this study indicatc and the signiíicant íầctors f''or customcr satisíầction in public Service of Yenbai Department. .. on customer satisfaction, and develop the fírst modcl on customer satisfaction about public services at the Department of Planning and Investment of Yenbai city The research results show that... 1.4Subjccts and scope of the study Subjects of the study Public Service quality, customer satislaction vvhen using puhlic Services at Yenbai Department of Planning and Investment, and íactors ìccting customer

Ngày đăng: 28/11/2022, 15:20

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Tài liệu tham khảo Loại Chi tiết
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