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READING PRACTICE TEST NO 1 PART 1 Read the text and answer the questions that follow The increasing power of the internet and the growth in the number of its users suggests great potential (tiềm năng).

READING PRACTICE TEST NO.1 PART 1: Read the text and answer the questions that follow The increasing power of the internet and the growth in the number of its users suggests great potential (tiềm năng) for internet advertising The internet was used primarily by scientists and by professionals and the computer industry, but there are now millions of users of all ages and professions There are three basic types of advertisements appearing on the internet The first is what is called a banner ad (biểu ngữ) These are small, rectangular advertisements that a business places on its internet site to provide information about its products This type of ad is simply a static display (tĩnh), but the increasing sophistication of the technology allows them to be more interactive The second type is small, square ad placed at the bottom of an internet page These are called bottom ads (quảng cáo cùng) A bottom ad has only the brand name of the product being advertised The bottom provides a link to the product site where more information is available The third type is call an interstitial ad or a pop up (nổi lên) ad and is similar to a television ad because it uses visuals and sometimes sound Interstitial ads are controversial because they appear automatically without the users requesting the information the advertisements provide 1, What is the article mainly about?(đại ý bài) A The growth of the computer industry B New uses of the Internet C The changing face of advertising D The mainly types of internet advertisements 2, What reason is given for the growing popularity of the internet advertising (lý do) A The cost of Internet advertising is low B There are more internet users of all types today C There are few restrictions on this type of advertising D The internet users need access to more information 3, Which type of ad only features the name of the company's product? A bottom ads B Banner ads C Interstitial ads D Pop-up ad 4, Which will allow greater interaction in banner ads? A Computer users' growing skill B Discussions among users C Improvements in computer technology D Customers' need for information 5, Which of the following is not true? A The internet is becoming more popular B Business usually uses banner ads to provide information about their new products C A pop-up ad appears unexpectedly D An interstitial ad also called a television ad PART 2: Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space Mark your answer by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D Nowadays people are more aware that wildlife all over the world is in _16 _ Many species of animals are threatened, and could easily become _17 _ if we not make an effort to _18 _ them There are many reasons for this In some cases, animals are _19 _ for their fur or for other valuable parts of their bodies Some birds, such as parrots, are caught _20 _ , and sold as pets For many animals and birds, the problem is that their habitat – the place where they live – is _21 _ More _22 _ is used for farms, for houses and industry, and there are fewer open spaces than there once were Farmers use powerful chemicals to help them grow better 23 , but these chemicals pollute the environment and _24 _ wildlife The most successful animals on earth – human beings – will soon be the only ones _25 _, unless we can solve this problem 16 A danger B threat C problem D vanishing 17 A disappeared B vanished C empty D extinct 18 A harm B defend C protect D serve 19 A hunted B chased C game D extinct 20 A lively B alive C for life D for living 21 A exhausting B departing C escaping D disappearing 22 A earth B soil C land D area 23 A products B fields C herbs D crops 24 A spoil B harm C wound D wrong 25 A left B over C staying D survive ... and could easily become _17 _ if we not make an effort to _18 _ them There are many reasons for this In some cases, animals are _19 _ for their fur or for other valuable parts of their bodies... successful animals on earth – human beings – will soon be the only ones _25 _, unless we can solve this problem 16 A danger B threat C problem D vanishing 17 A disappeared B vanished C empty D extinct

Ngày đăng: 25/11/2022, 15:53

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