School Date Class Period UNIT 1 FEELINGS Lesson 3 (page 15) 1 Objectives By the end of this lesson, students will be able to obtain the following 1 1 Language knowledge and skills Vocabulary scared, b[.]
School: ……………………………………… Class: …………………………… Date:…………………………………… Period: ………………………………… UNIT 1: FEELINGS Lesson (page 15) Objectives By the end of this lesson, students will be able to obtain the following: 1.1 Language knowledge and skills Vocabulary: scared, bored, hungry, thirsty Sentence pattern: (Minh)'s (thirsty); What's your name?; My name's (Vinh) Skills: Talk about how other people feel and ask someone his/her name 1.2 Competences Self-control and independent learning: Building up an awareness of taking care of others in their family or community Communication and collaboration: Being collaborative and supportive in teamwork Critical thinking and creativity: Building up non-verbal communication skills through feeling expression 1.3 Attributes Kindness: Knowing how to share joyfulness or sympathize with others Diligence and Honesty: Building up interests and good habits in learning English Accountability: Becoming responsible for others Teaching aids and materials - Teacher’s aids: Tiếng Anh i-Learn Smart Start Student’s Book and Teacher’s book, Class CDs, Flashcards, DCR & DHA on Eduhome, Projector/Interactive Whiteboard /TV (if any), PowerPoint slides - Students’ aids: Tiếng Anh i-Learn Smart Start Student’s Book, Workbook, Notebook Procedures A Warm up (5 minutes) Fill in the missing letters a Objectives: Students can fill in the missing letters b Content: Filling in the missing letters c Expected outcomes and assessment: - Task completed with excellence: Students can fill in the missing letters correctly and quickly - Task completed: Students can fill in the missing letters correctly - Task uncompleted: Students can fill in the missing letters but with some difficulties d Organization Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Option 1: "Musical dictation" game - Divide the class into teams - Write the sentence in wrong order (E.g., thirsty/Minh’s/.) - Be ready with a pencil and a piece - Have each team take out a pencil and a piece of paper of paper - Play some music and have teams pass their pencil from one student to the next within the group - When the music stops, the students who have just received - Give their answers the pencil write down on their paper what the teacher has dictated to them - Give the first team to write the sentence in correct order one point The team that gets the most points wins Option 2: "Read my lips" game - Divide the class into teams - Say a sentence silently Page of - Have the students try to guess what the teacher has said - Follow T’s instructions - Give that team one point if it’s a correct guess The team - Try to guess the letters so as not to that gets the most points wins be hanged B New lesson Task D Listen and read (CD1 - Track 26); Listen and repeat (CD1 - Track 27) (10 minutes) a Objectives: Students will be able to listen, read, and repeat “What’s your name?” “My name’s… ” b Contents: Listening, reading, and repeating c Expected outcomes and assessment - Task completed with excellence: Students can listen, read, and repeat correctly and fluently - Task completed: Students listen, read, and repeat but with minor difficulty - Task uncompleted: Students have difficulty in listening, reading, and repeating d Organization Teacher’s activities Students’ activities D Listen and read (CD1 - Track 26) - Introduce the situation - Have students call out the people they can see - Follow T’s instructions - Play audio and have students listen and read chorally - Listen and read chorally and in pairs and in pairs Use DCR Listen and repeat (CD1 - Track 27) - Have students look at the useful language box - Follow T’s instructions - Play audio Have students listen to the useful language - Listen and practice chorally/ pairs - Have students practice the useful language Use DCR "Hot seat" game - Divide the class into teams - Have a student from each team sit on the chair facing the - Do as guided classroom with the board behind them - Write a word on the board - Have the other students spell the word - Spell and guess the word Give the first team to guess correctly one point The team that gets the most points wins Task E Play the “Chain” game (10 minutes) a Objectives: Students will be able to play the “Chain” game b Contents: Playing the “Chain” game c Expected outcomes and assessment - Task completed with excellence: Students can play the “Chain” game correctly - Task completed: Students can play the “Chain” game but with minor difficulty - Task uncompleted: Students have difficulty in playing the “Chain” game d Organization Teacher’s activities Students’ activities E Play the "Chain" game - Have students look at the example Use DCR - Listen and as guided - Divide the class into groups of four - Work in groups of - Have the students stand up - Have Student A turn to Student B and ask the question, - Take turns to practice the “Chain” then have Student B answer game - Next, have Student B turn to Student C and ask the question, then have Student C answer Page of - Continue until all students have practiced - Have some groups demonstrate the activity in front of the class - Demonstrate the activity in front of the class in groups Consolidation and homework assignment (10 minutes) Teacher’s activities Consolidation (5 minutes) Option 1: “Musical chairs” game - Have students sit on their seats - Play music and ask them to move around - Take away two chairs and suddenly stop music Have students sit on any chairs The two students who have no chairs to sit on will make questions and answers E.g Student A: What’s your name? Student B: My name is (Vinh) Swap roles and continue Option 2: "Whispering" game - Divide the class into teams - Have students from each team stand or sit in a row - Whisper a word/ sentence to the first students of each team - Have the first students whisper the word/sentence to the second students - Have teams continue whispering the word/sentence until it reaches the last students - The last student in the row has to say out the word/sentence - Give the first team to say the word/sentence correctly one point The team that gets the most points wins Homework Assignment (Help students homework correctly) (5 minutes) Workbook (page 13) C Listen and () the box - Have students look at exercise C page 13, identify all pictures and guess the answers - Play audio Have students listen and tick the correct box - Have students listen and check the answers D Look, read, and () the box Have students look, read and tick the correct box E Look, trace, and draw lines Have students look at the pictures, read the question and answers, then trace the answers and draw lines Check understanding part C, D, E as a whole class and give the correct answers to the students Notebook - Do the exercises in Tiếng Anh i-Learn Smart Start Notebook on page 13 Phần mềm trò chơi tương tác DHA - Play the games in Unit 1, Lesson (Look and find, Listen and find, Grammar) Students’ activities - Do as guided - Join the activity and try to get the seat - Swap the roles - Follow the T’s instructions - Practice the game - Do as guided Page of Reflection a What I liked most about this lesson today: ………………………………………………………………………………………… b What I learned from this lesson today: ………………………………………………………………………………………… c What I should improve for this lesson next time: ………………………………………………………………………………………… Page of ... Students listen, read, and repeat but with minor difficulty - Task uncompleted: Students have difficulty in listening, reading, and repeating d Organization Teacher’s activities Students’ activities... class in groups Consolidation and homework assignment (10 minutes) Teacher’s activities Consolidation (5 minutes) Option 1: “Musical chairs” game - Have students sit on their seats - Play music... playing the “Chain” game d Organization Teacher’s activities Students’ activities E Play the "Chain" game - Have students look at the example Use DCR - Listen and as guided - Divide the class into