Slide 1 My Linh Truong Cancer Cancer Cancer Lifetime probability of developing and dying from cancer, Canada at a Glance 2006 (p 6) Lifetime probability of developing and dying from cancer (Canada,200[.]
Cancer Cancer Cancer My-Linh Truong Lifetime probability of developing and dying from cancer (Canada,2003) All cancers: Developing: 41.2% (M), 37.6% (F) Dying: 27.4% (M), 23.1% (F) Common types: Prostate/Breast Lung Colorectal Lymphoma Bladder/Body of uterus Lifetime probability of developing and dying from cancer, Canada at a Glance 2006 (p.6) G.1 Lifetime probability of developing cancer (M & F) 12 12 11.4 Developing(M) M>>F Developing(F) Percentage (% ) 10 8.8 6.7 6.1 5.5 2.9 2.5 2.7 2.3 Prostate(M)/Breast(F) Lung Colorectal Lymphoma Bladder(M)/Body of uterus(F) Type of cancer Lifetime probability of developing and dying from cancer, Canada at a Glance 2006 (p.6) Percentage(%) G.2 Risk of dying from cancer LUNG 100 90 80 70 90.91 60 50 40 26.09 55.17 30 20 94.32 56.00 54.10 32.46 52.24 37.04 30.00 10 Female Male Prostate(M)/Breast(F) Lung Colorectal Lymphoma Bladder(M)/Body of uterus(F) Lifetime probability of developing and dying from cancer, Canada at a Glance 2006 (p.6) Striking points Developing cancer: male > female Prostate (M), Breast (F): highest percent Lung: very high in male The highest risk of dying: lung cancer Lifetime probability of developing and dying from cancer, Canada at a Glance 2006 (p.6) ... Bladder(M)/Body of uterus(F) Type of cancer Lifetime probability of developing and dying from cancer, Canada at a Glance 2006 (p.6) Percentage(%) G.2 Risk of dying from cancer LUNG 100 90 80 70 90.91... uterus Lifetime probability of developing and dying from cancer, Canada at a Glance 2006 (p.6) G.1 Lifetime probability of developing cancer (M & F) 12 12 11.4 Developing(M) M>>F Developing(F)...Lifetime probability of developing and dying from cancer (Canada,2003) All cancers: Developing: 41.2% (M), 37.6% (F) Dying: 27.4% (M), 23.1% (F) Common