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analytical solutions for the fractional diffusion advection equation describing super diffusion

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© 2016 F Gómez et al , published by De Gruyter Open This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial NoDerivs 3 0 License Open Phys 2016; 14 668–675 Research Article Open Acc[.]

Open Phys 2016; 14:668–675 Research Article Open Access Francisco Gómez*, Enrique Escalante, Celia Calderón, Luis Morales, Mario González, and Rodrigo Laguna Analytical solutions for the fractional diffusion-advection equation describing super-diffusion DOI 10.1515/phys-2016-0074 Received Nov 09, 2015; accepted Mar 14, 2016 Abstract: This paper presents the alternative construction of the diffusion-advection equation in the range (1; 2) The fractional derivative of the Liouville-Caputo type is applied Analytical solutions are obtained in terms of MittagLeffler functions In the range (1; 2) the concentration exhibits the superdiffusion phenomena and when the order of the derivative is equal to ballistic diffusion can be observed, these behaviors occur in many physical systems such as semiconductors, quantum optics, or turbulent diffusion This mathematical representation can be applied in the description of anomalous complex processes Keywords: Fractional calculus; Non-local Transport processes; Caputo fractional derivative; Dissipative dynamics; Fractional advection-diffusion equation PACS: 45.10.Hj; 02.30.Jr; 05.70.-a; 05.60.-k Introduction The diffusion-advection equation (DAE) describes the tendency of particles to be moved along by the fluid it is situated in (the convective terms arise when changing from *Corresponding Author: Francisco Gómez: CONACyT-Centro Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico, Tecnológico Nacional de México, Interior Internado Palmira S/N, Col Palmira, C.P 62490, Cuernavaca Morelos, México; Email: jgomez@cenidet.edu.mx Enrique Escalante, Celia Calderón, Rodrigo Laguna: Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica, Universidad Veracruzana, Av Venustiano Carranza S/N, Col Revolución, C.P 93390, Poza Rica Veracruz, México; Email: jeescalante@uv.mx; ccalderon@uv.mx; jlaguna@uv.mx Luis Morales, Mario González: Facultad de Ingeniería Electrónica y Comunicaciones, Universidad Veracruzana, Av Venustiano Carranza S/N, Col Revolución, C.P 93390, Poza Rica Veracruz, México; Email: javmorales@uv.mx; mgonzalez01@uv.mx Lagrangian to Eulerian frames) and the diffusion refers to the dissipation/loss of a particles property (such as momentum) due to internal frictional forces [1] The dynamical systems of fractional order are non-conservative and involve non-local operators [2–7] Several approaches have been used for investigating anomalous diffusion, Langevin equations [8, 9], random walks [10, 11], or fractional derivatives, based on fractional calculus (FC) several works connected to anomalous diffusion processes may be found in [12–19] Scher and Montroll [20] presented a stochastic model for the photocurrent transport in amorphous materials Mainardi in [21] presented the interpretation of the corresponding Green function as a probability density, the fundamental equation was obtained from the conventional diffusion equation by replacing the second-order space derivative with a Riesz-Feller derivative and the first-order time derivative with a LiouvilleCaputo derivative Luchko in [22–24] presents the generalized time-fractional diffusion equation with variable coefficients Jespersen in [25] presented a Riesz/Weyl form of the DAE considered Lévy flights subjected to external force fields, the corresponding Fokker-Planck equation contains a fractional spatial derivative In the work [26], the fractional DE, DAE and the Fokker-Planck equation were presented, the equations were derived from basic random walk models In the work [27] the authors proposed an alternative solution for the fractional DAE via derivatives of Liouville-Caputo type of order (0, 1) Based on the previous works developed by Gómez [27, 28], this paper explores the alternative construction of the DAE in the range (1; 2) for the space-time domain The paper is organized as follows In the next section, we present the fractional operators In Section 3, the analytic solution of the fractional DAE is performed Finally, some concluding remarks are drawn in Section © 2016 F Gómez et al., published by De Gruyter Open This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 License Unauthenticated Download Date | 2/14/17 12:38 PM Analytical solutions for the fractional diffusion-advection equation describing super-diffusion Basic Tools ∫︁x (x − t) α−1 f (t)dt, α > 0, for m − < α ≤ m, m ∈ N, x > 0, f ∈ Cm Also, the fractional derivative of f (x) in the LiouvilleCaputo sense satisfies the following relations J D f (x) = f (x) − κ −2n + erfc(β1/2 j z )) − z 2n−1 ∑︁ k=0 zk , Γ(sk/2 + µ) where κ = 1/s, r = ns + µ, n = 0, 1, 2, 3, , µ = 1, 2, 3, [32, 33] The erfc(z) denotes the error function [30] The Liouville-Caputo fractional derivative (C) of a function f (x) is defined as [29] [︂ ]︂ m α m−α d D f (x) = J f (x) (2) dx m ∫︁x f (m) (t) = dx, α−m+1 Γ (m − α) (x − t) α j=0 (1) J f (x) = f (x) α )︁ (︁ cos(z1/4 ) + cosh(z1/4 ) , s−1 z2κ(1−r) ∑︁ 1−(s/2+r) E s/2,r (z) = βj (exp(β j z2κ ))(β s/2 j s E4 (z) = The Riemann-Liouville fractional integral operator of order α ≥ is defined as J α f (x) = Γ (α) | 669 m−1 ∑︁ k=0 (︀ )︀ x k , f (m) 0+ k! erfc(z) = √ π ∫︁z exp(−t2 )dt (9) Local Diffusion-Advection Equation The equation (10) describes the processes of diffusionadvection ∂C(x, t) ∂C(x, t) ∂2 C(x, t) +ϑ − = 0, (10) ∂x ∂t ∂x2 where C is the concentration, D is the diffusion coefficient and ϑ is the drift velocity, this equation predicts the concentration distribution onto one dimensional axis x D x > 0, (3) D α J α f (x) = f (x) Laplace transform to Liouville-Caputo fractional derivative is given by [29] L[0C D αt f (t)] = S α F(S) − m−1 ∑︁ S α−k−1 f (k) (0), (4) 3.1 Nonlocal Time Diffusion-Advection Equation k=0 Based on the previous work developed by Gómez [27], we introduce an auxiliary parameter σ t as follows where L[0C D αt f (t)] = s α F(s) − s α−1 f (0) < α ≤ 1, (5) L[0C D αt f (t)] = s α F(s) − s α−1 f (0) − s α−2 f ′ (0) (6) < α ≤ The inverse Laplace transform requires the introduction of the Mittag-Leffler function [30] E α,β (t) = ∞ ∑︁ m=0 tm , Γ(αm + β) (α > 0), (β > 0) (7) (8) E2 (−z ) = cos(z), √ (︁ )︁]︁ 1/3 [︁ z1/3 e + 2e−(1/2)z cos z1/3 , 2 (11) where n is integer, the parameter σ t has dimensions of time (seconds) The authors of [34] used the Planck time, t p = 5.39106 × 10−44 seconds, with the finality to preserve the dimensional compatibility, the σ t parameter corresponds to the t p in our calculations Consider (11) in the eq (10), the temporal fractional equation of order α ∈ (1, 2] becomes (12) Suppose the solution C(x, t) = C0 e ikx u(t), E1 (±z) = e±z , E3 (z) = n − < α ≤ n, ∂ α C(x, t) 1−α ∂C(x, t) 1−α ∂ C(x, t) − ϑt − Dt = p p ∂t α ∂x ∂x2 Some common Mittag-Leffler functions are [30, 31] E1/2 (±z) = e z [1 ± erfc(z)], ∂ ∂α → 1−α · α , ∂t ∂t σt (13) where k is the wave number in the x direction and C0 is a constant Substituting (13) into (12) we obtain d α u(x) + (Dk2 − iϑk)t p 1−α u(t) = 0, dt α (14) Unauthenticated Download Date | 2/14/17 12:38 PM 670 | F Gómez et al where The particular solution of equation (24) is ω2 = (Dk2 − iϑk), (15) ˜ t α ), C(x, t) = C0 · e−ikx · E α (−ω is the dispersion relation and ˜ = (Dk2 − iϑk)t p 1−α = ω2 t p 1−α , ω (16) ˜ is the fractional dispersion relation in the where ω medium and ω2 is the ordinary dispersion relation From the fractional dispersion relation (15) we have ω = δ − iφ, (17) now we will analyze the case when α takes different values ˜ = ω2 t p −1/2 , substituting When α = 3/2, we have, ω this expression in (26) we have ˜ t3/2 ), C(x, t) = C0 · e−ikx · E3/2 (−ω ⎛ substituting (17) into (16) we have √ [︃ √︂ (18) where −i δ2 − 2iδφ − φ2 = (Dk2 − iϑk)t p 1−α , (27) where 1 ˜ = ⎝k D ± ω 2 (δ − iφ)2 = δ2 − 2iδφ − φ2 , (26) (19) ]︃ 12 ϑ2 1+ kD2 ⎞ ϑ [︂ √︁ √ D 12 ± 21 + ϑ2 kD2 (28) ⎟ √︁ ⎟ t p −1/2 , ]︂ 12 ⎟ ⎠ solving for φ we obtain ϑk 1−α φ= , 2δ (20) and for δ δ=k √︁ [︃ Dt p 1−α 1 ± 2 √︂ ϑ2 1+ 2 k D ]︃ 12 , (21) k=0 substituting (21) into (20) we have φ= ϑ · √︁ √ [︂ D 12 ± 12 + √︁ ϑ2 kD2 ]︂ 21 t p 1−α (22) ˜ = δ − iφ, Now the fractional natural frequency is, ω where δ and φ are given by (21) and (22) respectively ⎛ [︃ ]︃ 12 √︂ √ 1 ϑ2 ⎝ ˜ = k D ω ± 1+ (23) 2 kD2 ⎞ −i √ D [︂ ± ϑ √︁ 1+ ˜ t3/2 Subwhere, E3/2 is given by (9), in this case z = −ω stituting E3/2 into (27) the solution is ⎡ (︁ )︁)︁ ∑︁ −3/2 (︁ C(x, t) = C0 · e ikx · ⎣ βj exp β j z2/3 (29) j=0 ]︃ 2n−1 (︁ (︁ )︁)︁ ∑︁ zk 3/2 1/2 1/3 −2n , β j + erfc β j z −z Γ(3k/2 + µ) ϑ2 kD2 ⎟ √︁ ⎟ t p 1−α ]︂ 21 ⎟ ⎠ this equation represent the fractional concentration in the medium for α = 3/2 ˜ = ω2 t p −1 , substituting this When α = 2, we have, ω expression in (26) we have ˜ t2 ), C(x, t) = C0 · e ikx · E2 (−ω where [︃ ]︃ 21 √︂ √ ϑ2 1 ⎝ ˜ = k D ω ± 1+ 2 kD2 ⎞ ⎛ −i √ D The equation (23) describes the real and the imaginary part ˜ in terms of the wave number k, the viscous drag ϑ, the of ω diffusion coefficient D and the fractional temporal components σ t Substituting (16) into (14) we obtain d α u(t) ˜ u(t) = 0, +ω dt α (24) ˜ t α ) u(t) = E α (−ω (25) where (30) [︂ ± ϑ √︁ 1+ ϑ2 kD2 (31) ⎟ √︁ ⎟ t p −1 ]︂ 12 ⎟ ⎠ Substituting E2 given by (8) into (30) the solution is ˜ C(x, t) = ℜ[C0 · e i(kx−ωt) ], (32) √︀ ˜ = (δ − iφ) t p −1 The ℜ indicates the real part ω √ and −1 first exponential e i(kx−δt t p ) gives the well-kown planewave variation √ −1 of the concentration The second exponential e−φt t p gives and exponential decay in the amplitude of the wave Unauthenticated Download Date | 2/14/17 12:38 PM 671 Analytical solutions for the fractional diffusion-advection equation describing super-diffusion | In this case exists a physical relation given by α = ωt p = , T0 < t p ≤ T0 , (33) we can use this relation (33) in order to from equation (26) as (︁ )︁ C(x, ˜t) = C0 · e ikx · E α − α1−α˜t α (34) Figure and show the simulation of the equation (34) for α values arbitrarily chosen between [1.3, 2) For α ∈ [1.3, 2), we observe superdiffusion and for α = ballistic diffusion [26] 3.2 Nonlocal Space Diffusion-Advection Equation Now, we consider ∂ ∂α → 1−α · , ∂x ∂x α σx ∂2α C(x, t) ϑ 1−α ∂ α C(x, t) + lp D ∂x α ∂x2α ∂C(x, t) − l p 2(1−α) = 0, D ∂t Concentration α=1.6 α=1.5 α=1.4 α=1.3 0.3 (35) where n is integer, the parameter σ x has dimensions of length (meters) In our calculations we used the Planck length, l p = 1.616199 × 10−35 meters, with the finality to preserve the dimensional compatibility, the parameter σ x = l p The spatial fractional equation of order α ∈ (1, 2] is 0.5 0.4 n − < α ≤ n, (36) A particular solution is given by C(x, t˜) 0.2 C(x, t) = C0 e−ωt u(x), 0.1 where ω is the natural frequency and C0 is a constant Substituting (37) into (36) we obtain −0.1 d2α u(x) ϑ 1−α d α u(x) ω 2(1−α) + lp + lp u(x) = D dx α D dx2α −0.2 −0.3 10 (︁ ϑ 1−α α )︁ C(x, t) = C0 e−ωt · E α − lp x · 2D (︁ [︁ ω )︁ ]︁ ϑ 2(1−α) 2α · E2α − l x − p D 4D2 Figure 1: Concentration distribution for the temporal case Simulation of equation (34) for α ∈ [1.3, 1.6] Concentration 1.6 1.2 √ 0.8 0.6 0.4 (︁ ϑ −1/2 3/2 )︁ lp x · C(x, t) = C0 e−ωt · E3/2 − 2D (︁ [︁ ω ϑ2 ]︁ −1 )︁ · E3 − − lp x , D 4D2 0.2 −0.2 −0.4 (39) ϑ For the underdamped case, with ( ωD − 4D ) = 0, ϑ = √ ωD Considering ϑ = ωD and C(0) = C0 in equation ⃗ = ω is the wave vector and α2 = ϑ is the damping (39), K D 2D factor Now we will analyze the case when α takes different values When α = 3/2, from equation (39) we have α=2 α=1.9 α=1.8 α=1.7 1.4 (38) The solution of (38) is given by t˜ C(x, t˜) (37) 10 t˜ Figure 2: Concentration distribution for the temporal case Simulation of equation (34) for α ∈ [1.3, 2] If α = we find the ballistic diffusion (40) where E3/2 is given by (9) and E3 by (︁ (8), [︁ for the]︁case of )︁E3/2 , ϑ l p −1/2 x3/2 and for E3 , z = − z = − 2D ω D − ϑ2 4D2 l p −1 x3 When α = 2, from equation (39) we have (︃√︂ )︃ ϑ −1 −ωt C(x, t) = C0 e cos lp x · 2D (︂ [︂ ]︂ )︂ ω ϑ2 −2 · E4 − − l x , p D 4D2 (41) Unauthenticated Download Date | 2/14/17 12:38 PM 672 | F Gómez et al (︁ [︁ ]︁ )︁ ϑ2 where E4 is given by (8), for E4 , z = − ωD − 4D l p −2 x4 In this case a physical relationship between α and l p is given by < l p ≤ (︁ ω D − ϑ2 4D2 )︁ 21 (42) Then, the solution (39) for the underdamped case ϑ < √ ⃗ takes the form ωD or η < K ⎛ ⎞ ϑ C(˜x , t) = C0 e−ωt · E α ⎝− √︁ α1−α ˜x α ⎠ · (43) ω ϑ2 2D D − 4D2 (︁ )︁ · E2α −α2(1−α) ˜x2α , where ˜x = (︁ ω D − ϑ 4D2 )︁ 12 0.2 C(˜ x, t) α= α=2 α=1.9 α=1.8 α=1.7 0.6 0.4 ϑ2 )︁ − lp , D 4D2 (︁ ω Concentration 0.8 −0.2 −0.4 −0.6 −0.8 −1 x ˜ Figure 4: Concentration distribution for the underdamped spatial case Simulation of the equation (45) for α ∈ [1.3, 2] x √ Due to the condition ϑ < ωD we have ϑ 2D √︁ ω D − ϑ2 4D2 = , ϑ 0≤ 2D √︁ ω D − ϑ2 4D2 < ∞ (44) Thus, the solution (39) takes its final form (︁ )︁ (︁ )︁ C(˜x , t) = C0 e−ωt ·E α − α1−α ˜x α ·E2α −α2(1−α) ˜x2α (45) Figures and show the simulation of equation (45) for α ∈ [1.3, 2) √ ⃗ or ϑ > ωD, the In the overdamped case, η > K solution of the equation (39) is given by (︂ )︂ ˜ t) = C ˜ e−ωt · E α − ϑ l p 1−α x α · C(x, (46) 2D )︃ (︃ [︂ ]︂ ϑ2 ω 1−α α − lp x , · Eα − 4D2 D Now we will analyze the case when α takes different values If α = 3/2, from equation (46) we have )︂ (︂ ˜ t) = C ˜ e−ωt · E3/2 − ϑ l p −1/2 x3/2 · C(x, (47) 2D )︃ (︃ [︂ ]︂ ω −1/2 3/2 ϑ2 − lp x , · E3/2 − 4D2 D where E3/2 is given by(︂ (9), for the case of E3/2)︂, z1 = [︁ ]︁1/2 ϑ ϑ ω − 2D l p −1/2 x3/2 and z2 = − 4D l p −1/2 x3/2 − D Now, from α = we have )︂ (︂ ϑ −1 −ωt ˜ ˜ lp x · C(x, t) = C0 e · E2 − 2D (︃ [︂ )︃ ]︂ ϑ2 ω −1 · E2 − − lp x , 4D2 D substituting E2 given by (8) into (48) we obtain the solution (︃√︂ )︃ ϑ −1 −ωt ˜ ˜ lp x · (49) C(x, t) = C0 e · cos 2D ⎛√︃ ⎞ ]︂1/2 [︂ ϑ ω · cos ⎝ − l p −1 x⎠ 4D2 D Concentration α=1.6 α=1.5 α=1.4 α=1.3 C(˜ x, t) 0.5 In this case a physical relation is given by (︁ ϑ2 ω )︁ α= − lp , < l p ≤ (︁ )︁ D 4D ϑ ω − D 4D −0.5 (48) x ˜ Figure 3: Concentration distribution for the underdamped spatial case Simulation of the equation (45) for α ∈ [1.3, 1.6] (50) substituting the relation (50), the solution (46) takes the form ⎛ ⎞ ϑ ˜ x , t) = C ˜ e−ωt · E α ⎝− √︁ C(˜ α1−α ˜x α ⎠ · (51) ϑ2 ω 2D 4D2 − D Unauthenticated Download Date | 2/14/17 12:38 PM Analytical solutions for the fractional diffusion-advection equation describing super-diffusion | (︁ )︁ · E α −α1−α ˜x α , where ˜x = (︁ ϑ2 4D2 − ω D )︁ 12 x 3.3 Nonlocal Time-Space Diffusion-Advection Equation √ Due the condition ϑ > ωD, we have ϑ 2D √︁ ϑ2 4D2 − ω D = 2, 673 ϑ 1< 2D √︁ ϑ2 4D2 − ω D < ∞ (52) Now we consider the fractional DAE, when t = 0, x ≥ and x = L, C(0, t) = and initial conditions < x < L, t = : T(t, 0) = To > and < x < L, t = : ∂C ∂x |x→∞ = Applying the Fourier method we have C(t, x) = X(x)T(t), ˙ = DX ′′ (x)T(t), X(x)T(t) Then, the solution (46) is given by (︁ )︁ ˜ x , t) = C ˜ e−ωt · E α −2α1−α ˜x α · C(˜ (︁ )︁ · E α −α1−α ˜x α ˙ X ′′ (x) T(t) = =C X(x) DT(t) (53) x(0) = 0; Figures and show the simulation of the equation (53) for α ∈ [1.3, 2), where the values of α are arbitrarily chosen (54) T(t) = β exp(CDt) The full solution of the equation (10) is ∞ )︁ (︁ ∑︁ λ2m˜t α C(x, t) = β m · E α −Dσ1−α t (55) m=1 Concentration [︁ α=1.6 α=1.5 α=1.4 α=1.3 0.1 · ℑ E iα λ m σ1−α xα x ˜ )︁]︁ ⎤ ⎡ t ∫︁ ∞ ∑︁ ⎣ f m (τ)dτ⎦ + m=1 (︁ )︁ [︁ (︁ )︁]︁ · E α −Dσ1−α λ2m˜t α · ℑ E iα λ m σ1−α xα x ˜ t 0.05 ˜ x, t) C(˜ (︁ where ℑ indicates the imaginary part, when α = 1, we have the classical solution ∞ ∑︁ C(x, t) = β m · exp (−Dλ2m t) · sin(λ m x) (56) −0.05 m=1 ⎡ t ⎤ ∫︁ ∞ ∑︁ ⎣ f m (τ)dτ⎦ · exp (−Dλ2m t) · sin(λ m x) + −0.1 m=1 10 x ˜ Figure 5: Concentration distribution for the underdamped spatial case Simulation of the equation (45) for α ∈ [1.3, 1.6] ⃗ t, ˜ where, ˜t = ω x = ω D ϑ2 4D2 − )︁ 12 x are a dimensionless pa- rameters and β is a constant Figures 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 show Concentration Concentration α=2 α=1.9 α=1.8 α=1.7 0.1 α=1.6 α=1.5 α=1.4 α=1.3 0.05 C(˜ x, t˜) ˜ x, t) C(˜ (︁ −0.05 −0.1 −1 10 x ˜ −2 10 x ˜, t˜ Figure 6: Concentration in the overdamped spatial case Simulation of the equation (45) for α ∈ [1.3, 2] Figure 7: Concentration in space-time Simulation of the equation (55) for α ∈ [1.3, 1.6] Unauthenticated Download Date | 2/14/17 12:38 PM 674 | F Gómez et al Concentration −20 α=2 α=1.9 α=1.8 α=1.7 C(˜ x, t˜) −40 −60 −80 −100 −120 10 x ˜, t˜ Figure 8: Concentration in space-time Simulation of the equation (55) for α ∈ [1.7, 2] Figure 10: Concentration in space-time Simulation of the equation (55) for α = 1.9 Figure 9: Concentration in space-time Simulation of the equation (55) for α = 1.7 Figure 11: Concentration in space-time Simulation of the equation (55) for α = 2.0 the simulation of equation (55), where the values of α are arbitrarily chosen spatial case, in the range α ∈ (1, 2), the diffusion exhibits an increment of the amplitude and the behavior becomes anomalous dispersive (the diffusion increases with increasing order of α), we observe the Markovian Lévy flights [26] The methodology proposed in this work can be potentially useful to study rotating flow, Richardson turbulent diffusion, diffusion of ultracold atoms in an optical lattice and turbulent systems Conclusions In this paper we introduced an alternative representation of the fractional DAE in the range (1, 2), the nonlocal equations were examined separately; with fractional spatial derivative and with fractional temporal derivative In particular, a one dimensional model was considered in detail Our results indicate that the fractional order α has an important influence on the concentration For the temporal case, in the range α ∈ (1, 2) the diffusion is fast (superdiffusion phenomena and mixed diffusion-wave behavior) and when α = we see ballistic diffusion In the Acknowledgement: The authors appreciates the constructive remarks and suggestions of the anonymous referees that helped to improve the paper We would like to thank to Mayra Martínez for the interesting discussions José Francisco Gómez Aguilar acknowledges the support pro- Unauthenticated Download Date | 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Download Date | 2/14/17 12:38 PM .. .Analytical solutions for the fractional diffusion- advection equation describing super -diffusion Basic Tools ∫︁x (x − t) α−1 f (t)dt, α > 0, for m − < α ≤ m, m ∈ N, x > 0, f ∈ Cm Also, the fractional. .. α ⎠ · (51) ϑ2 ω 2D 4D2 − D Unauthenticated Download Date | 2/14/17 12:38 PM Analytical solutions for the fractional diffusion- advection equation describing super -diffusion | (︁ )︁ · E α −α1−α... indicate that the fractional order α has an important influence on the concentration For the temporal case, in the range α ∈ (1, 2) the diffusion is fast (superdiffusion phenomena and mixed diffusion- wave

Ngày đăng: 19/11/2022, 11:46

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