In this paper, we consider the stochastic evolution of two particles with electrostatic repulsion and restoring force which is modeled by a system of stochastic differential equations driven by fractional Brownian motion where the diffusion coefficients are constant. This is the simplest case for some classes of non- colliding particle systems such as Dyson Brownian motions, Brownian particles systems with nearest neighbour repulsion. We will prove that the equation has a unique non- colliding solution in path- wise sense.
Transport and Communications Science Journal, Vol 71, Issue (01/2020), 11-17 Transport and Communications Science Journal EXISTENCE AND UNIQUENESS OF SOLUTIONS FOR TWODIMENSIONAL FRACTIONAL NON- COLLIDING PARTICLE SYSTEMS Vu Thi Huong1 University of Transport and Communications, No Cau Giay Street, Hanoi, Vietnam ARTICLE INFO TYPE: Research Article Received: 5/11/2019 Revised: 2/12/2019 Accepted: 5/12/2019 Published online: 31/1/2020 * Corresponding author Email:; Tel: 0902832246 Abstract In this paper, we consider the stochastic evolution of two particles with electrostatic repulsion and restoring force which is modeled by a system of stochastic differential equations driven by fractional Brownian motion where the diffusion coefficients are constant This is the simplest case for some classes of non- colliding particle systems such as Dyson Brownian motions, Brownian particles systems with nearest neighbour repulsion We will prove that the equation has a unique non- colliding solution in path- wise sense Keywords: stochastic differential equation, fractional Brownian motion, non- colliding particle systems © 2020 University of Transport and Communications INTRODUCTION It is known that the systems of SDEs driven by standard Brownian motion describing positions of d ordered particles evolving in R has the form ij dxi ( t ) = + bi ( t , x ( t ) ) dt + j i xi ( t ) − x j ( t ) m ( x (t ) ) dW (t ) , i j =1 ij j = 1, d , (1) where W = (W1 (t ),W2 (t ), ,Wm (t )) is a m - dimensional standard Brownian The system of SDEs (2) is a type of SDEs whose solution stays in a domain which has been studied by many 11 Transport and Communications Science Journal, Vol 71, Issue (01/2020), 11-17 authors because of its important applications in physics, biology and finance [1] In mathematical physics, the process x(t) is used to model systems of d non-colliding particles with electrostatic repulsion and restoring force It contains Dyson Brownian Motions, Squared Bessel particle systems, Jacobi particle systems, non-colliding Brownian and Squared Bessel particles, potential-interacting Brownian particles and other particle systems crucial in mathematical physics and physical statistics [2, 3] The existence and uniqueness of a strong non-colliding solution to such kind of systems have been intensively studied by many authors ([4, 5, 6, 7] and the references therein) But there are no results in the case of fractional noncolliding particles The main aim of this paper is to study the two- dimensional fractional noncolliding particle systems m dX ( t ) = + b ( t , X ( t )) dt + j dB Hj (t ), j =1 X (t ) − X (t ) m dX (t ) = + b ( t , X ( t )) dt + j dB Hj (t ) j =1 X (t ) − X (t ) X (0) = ( X1 (0), X (0)) = {x = ( x1 , x2 )T where (2) : x x2 } almost surely (a.s) and B = {B (t ), t 0} = ( B (t ), B (t ), , B (t )) is an m-dimensional fractional Brownian motion H H H H m T with the Hurst parameter H ( 12 ,1) defined on a complete probability space (, , P) with a filtration { t , t 0} satisfying the usual conditions We prove that equation (1) has a unique non- colliding solution in path-wise sense To the best of my knowledge, this is the first paper to discuss the fractional non- colliding particle systems THE EXISTENCE AND UNIQUENESS OF THE SOLUTION Fix T > and we consider eq (1) on the interval [0, T ] We suppose that the coefficients are measurable functions and there exist positive constants L, C such bi : [0; +) → that following conditions hold (i) X ( ) almost surely (ii) (iii) bi (t,x), i = 1, are globally Lipschitz continuous with respect to x, that is supi =1,2 bi (t , x) − bi (t , y ) L x − y , for all x, y and t [0, T ] (iv) bi (t , x), i = 1, are sub-linearly growth with respect to x, that is supi =1,2 bi (t , x) C (1 + x ), for all x and t [0, T ] (v) b1 (t , x) b2 (t , x) for all x and t [0, T ] 12 Transport and Communications Science Journal, Vol 71, Issue (01/2020), 11-17 Denote a b = max{a, b} and a b = min{a, b} For each n , we consider the following fractional SDEs m n + b1 (t , X n (t )) dt + j dB Hj (t ), dX (t ) = j =1 ( X 1n (t ) − X 2n (t )) −1 n m n n dX ( t ) = + b ( t , X ( t )) dt + j dB Hj (t ), 2 j =1 ( X 2n (t ) − X 1n (t )) n (3) where X n (0) = ( X 1n (0), X 2n (0)) For each n and x = ( x1 , x2 ) we set f1n (t , x) = f 2n (t , x) = −1 ( x1 − x2 ) n ( x2 − x1 ) n + b1 (t , x), + b2 (t , x) Lemma 2.1 For each T 0, eq (3) has a unique solution on [0, T ] Proof: Using the estimate a c − b c a − b , a c − b c a − b , it is straightforward to verify that fi n (t , x) − fi n (t , y ) ( 2 n + L) x − y , for all x = ( x1 , x2 ) and t [0, T ] and fi n (t , x) n + C (1 + x ) It means that coefficients of eq (3) satisfy Lipschitz continuity and boundedness condition Hence it follows from Theorem 2.1 in [8] that eq (3) has a unique solution on the interval [0, T ] We recall a result on the modulus of continuity of trajectories of fractional Brownian motion ([9]) Lemma 2.2 Let B = {BH (t ), t 0} be a fractional Brownian motion of Hurst parameter H (0,1) Then for every H and T > 0, there exists an event ,T with p P( ,T ) = 1, and a positive random variable ,T such that ( ,T ) for all p [1, ) and for all s, t [0, T ], B H (t , ) − B H (s, ) ,T () t − s 13 H − , for any ,T Transport and Communications Science Journal, Vol 71, Issue (01/2020), 11-17 We denote n = inf{t [0, T ] : X 2n (t ) − X 2n (t ) 1n} T In order to prove that eq (1) has a unique solution on [0, T ], we need the following lemma Lemma 2.3 The sequence n is non-decreasing, and for almost all , n () = T for n large enough Proof Using the estimate −(a b) = −a −b, from eq ( ) we have m 2 n n d ( X 2n (t ) − X 1n (t )) = n + b ( t , X ( t )) − b ( t , X ( t )) dt + ( j − j )dB Hj (t ) n j =1 ( X (t ) − X (t )) n (4) We set Y n (t ) = X 2n (t ) − X1n (t ) Eq (4) becomes m 2 n n d (Y n (t )) = n + b ( t , X ( t )) − b ( t , X ( t )) dt + ( j − j )dB Hj (t ) 1 Y ( t ) j =1 n (5) Then Y n (0) and n = inf{t [0, T ] : Y n (t ) 1n } T It follows from Lemma 2.2 that for any (0, H − 12 ), there exist a finite random variable ,T and an event ,T which not depend on n such that ( ,T ) = 1, and m ( j =1 2j − j )( B Hj (t , ) − B Hj ( s, ) ,T ( ) t − s H − , for any ,T and s t T (6) We will adapt the contradiction method in [10] Assume that for some 0 ,T , n (0 ) T for all n By virtue of the continuity of sample paths of Y n , it follows from the definition 1 of n that Y n ( n (0 ), 0 ) = and Y n (t , 0 ) for all t [0, n (0 )] Denote n n n (0 ) = sup{t [0, n (0 )]: Y n (t , 0 ) } n We have Y n (t , 0 ) , for all t [ n (0 ), n (0 )] n n In order to simplify our notations, we will omit 0 in brackets in further formulas We have m n 2 Y ( n ) − Y ( n ) = − = n + b2 ( s, X n ( s)) − b1 ( s, X n ( s)) ds + ( j − j )( B Hj ( n ) − B Hj ( n )) n n Y (s) j =1 n n This implies 14 Transport and Communications Science Journal, Vol 71, Issue (01/2020), 11-17 n 2 ( − )( B ( ) − B ( )) = + ( n + b2 ( s, X n ( s)) − b1 ( s, X n ( s))ds 2j ij n n n n Y ( s) j =1 m H j H j (7) Note that for all s [ n , n ] 2 + b2 ( s, X n ( s)) − b1 ( s, X n ( s) 4n n Y ( s) Then for all n n0 = , it follows from eq (7) that Y (0) n m ( j =1 2j − ij )( B Hj ( n ) − B Hj ( n )) + 4n ( n − n ) n This fact together with eq (6) implies that H − ,T n − n + 4n ( n − n ), for all n ≥ n0 n (8) By following similar arguments in the proof of Theorem in [10], we see that the inequality (8) fails for all n large enough This contradiction completes the proof of the lemma We consider the process {X (t ) = ( X1 (t ), X (t ))}t 0 which satisfies equation (1) Now, we set Y (t ) = X (t ) − X1 (t ) , then Y (t ) satisfies the following equation m 2 d (Y (t )) = + b2 (t , X (t )) − b1 (t , X (t )) dt + ( j − j )dB Hj (t ) j =1 Y (t ) (9) Lemma 2.4 If eq (1) has a solution then Y (t ) = X (t ) − X1 (t ) for all t [0, T ] almost surely Proof We will also use the contradiction method Assume that for some 0 , inft[0,T ] Y (t , 0 ) = Denote = inf{t : Y (t, 0 ) = 0} For each n we denote n Y (t , 0 ) (0, n ) for all t ( n , ) We have n = sup{t : Y (t , 0 ) = } Since Y has continuous sample paths, n T and Y ( ) − Y ( n ) = − m 2 = + b2 ( s, X ( s)) − b1 ( s, X ( s)) ds + ( j − ij )( B Hj ( ) − B Hj ( n )) n n Y (s) j =1 Note that for all s [ n , ] 2 + b2 ( s, X ( s)) − b1 ( s, X ( s)) 2n Y ( s) So we have 15 Transport and Communications Science Journal, Vol 71, Issue (01/2020), 11-17 m ( j =1 2j − ij )( B Hj ( ) − B Hj ( n )) + 2n ( − n ) n (10) Again using the inequality (6), we have ,T − n H − + 2n ( − n ) n (11) Similar to the argument of Theorem in [10] we see that the inequality (11) fails for all n large enough This contradiction completes the lemma Based on above lemmas we obtain the main theorem of this paper which is stated as follows Theorem 2.5 For each T eq (1) has a unique solution on [0, T ] Proof First, from Lemma 2.3, there exists a finite random variable n0 such that X 2n (t ) − X 2n (t ) almost surely for any t [0, T ] Therefore, the process n0 X n (t ) = ( X 2n (t ), X 2n (t )) converges almost surely to a limit, called X(t) when n tends to infinity and X(t) satisfies eq (1) This fact together with Lemma (2.4) leads to eq (1) has a strong non- colliding solution Next, we show that eq (1) has a unique solution in path-wise sense Let X(t) and X (t ) be two solutions of eq (1) on [0, T ] We have X (t , ) − X (t , ) = = + b1 ( s, X ( s, )) − − b1 ( s, X ( s, )) ds X ( s , ) − X ( s, ) X ( s , ) − X ( s, ) 0 t t t − ds + 0 b1 (s, X (s, )) − b1 (s, X (s, )) ds X ( s, ) − X ( s, ) X ( s, ) − X ( s, ) (12) Using the continuous property of the sample paths of X(t) and X (t ) and Lemma 2.4, we have m0 = t[0,T ]{ X (t , ) − X1 (t , ), X (t , ) − X (t , )} This fact together with the Lipschitz condition of b leads to t X (t , ) − X (t , ) ( X ( s, ) − X ( s, )) − ( X ( s, ) − X ( s, )) m02 t + L X ( s, ) − X ( s, ) ds (13) Similarly, we estimate X (t , ) − X (t , ) We obtain 16 Transport and Communications Science Journal, Vol 71, Issue (01/2020), 11-17 i =1 2 t X i (t , ) − X i (t , ) + L X i ( s, ) − X i ( s, ) ds m0 i =1 (14) It follows from Gronwall’s inequality that X (t , ) − X (t , ) = 0, i =1 i i for all t [0, T ] Therefore, X (t , ) = X (t , ) for all t [0, T ] The uniqueness has been concluded CONCLUSION The main result proved in this paper is the existence and uniqueness of strong noncolliding solution in path- wise sense to the two- dimensional fractional non- colliding particle systems From this result, we can propose a numerical approximation for this system REFERENCES [1] P Kloeden, E Platen, Numerical solution of stochastic differential equations, Springer– Verlag,1995 [2] M Katori, H Tanemura, Noncolliding Squared Bessel processes, J Stat Phys., 142 (2011) 592615 [3] M Katori, H Tanemura, Noncolliding processes, matrix-valued processes and determinantal processes, Sugaku Expositions, 24 (2011) 263-289 [4] E Cepa, D Lepingle, Diffusing particles with electrostatic 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Bessel particle systems, Jacobi particle systems, non -colliding. .. unique non- colliding solution in path-wise sense To the best of my knowledge, this is the first paper to discuss the fractional non- colliding particle systems THE EXISTENCE AND UNIQUENESS OF THE... and Squared Bessel particles, potential-interacting Brownian particles and other particle systems crucial in mathematical physics and physical statistics [2, 3] The existence and uniqueness of