Regional Tournament 2-C Hosted by Buffalo State in Third National Bank, Midlands February 13-14, 2021 Official Tabulation Summary Team Round 1022 Univ of California, Davis Δ W +45 v 1067 University of Kentucky Δ W +4 v 1129 Washington and Lee University Δ L -7 v 1180 Clark University Δ L -6 v 1185 University of Florida Π W +7 v 1192 Suffolk University Δ W +2 v 1221 La Salle University Π L -45 v 1222 University of Notre Dame Δ W +15 v 1232 Lafayette College Π W +1 v 1241 College of Saint Benedict/Saint John's Univ Δ W +6 v 1242 Central College Π W +6 v 1327 Washington & Jefferson College Δ L -6 v 1353 University of Vermont Π L -2 v 1374 Ithaca College Δ L -2 v 1400 Univ of Massachusetts, Amherst Δ L -1 v Round 1221 Π W W +21 +1 v 1614 Π L W -9 +14 v 1185 Π L W -8 +1 v 1242 W +3 Π L -5 v 1129 W +8 Δ L -7 v 1353 Π L W -14 +9 v 1022 Δ L L -21 -23 v 1637 Π W W +2 +7 v 1400 Δ W W +11 +13 v 1665 Π L W -24 +8 v 1180 L -3 Δ L -8 v 1583 Π L W -15 +23 v 1192 Δ W L +14 -14 v 1440 Π W L +7 -13 v 1232 Π L W -11 +6 v Round 1583 L -7 Π T v 1353 L -10 Π L -4 v 1637 W +1 Δ L -2 v 1665 Π L W -6 +1 v 1222 Δ L W -12 +15 v 1614 W +15 Δ T v 1327 L -14 Π L -7 v 1185 Δ W W +12 +22 v 1374 Π W L +13 -22 v 1242 Π L W -5 +15 v 1241 Δ W W +5 +4 v 1221 Δ W L +14 -15 v 1067 Π W L +10 -15 v 1232 Π L L -13 -13 v 1440 Δ L W -5 +13 v Round 1192 Δ W W +6 +29 v 1242 L -12 Δ L -6 v 1440 Π T W +6 v 1614 Δ W L +5 -12 v 1353 Π W W +15 +6 v 1022 L -6 Π L -2 v 1637 Δ L L -9 -13 v 1232 Π W W +1 +21 v 1222 Δ L W -1 +2 v 1327 L -9 Δ L -6 v 1067 W +12 Π L -8 v 1241 Π W L +9 -29 v 1185 Δ L L -15 -21 v 1400 L -13 Δ L -1 v 1374 Π W W +13 +6 v 1327 W +11 1129 L -19 1067 W +19 1583 L -1 1241 W +19 1232 L -17 1614 L -5 1353 W +22 1192 W +17 1185 L -19 1440 L -23 1022 L -11 1222 L -22 1637 W +1 1665 W +3 Summary - CS 12.5 - CS 13.5 - CS 16.5 - CS 17 - CS 17.5 - CS 17.5 - CS 15.5 - CS 17 - CS 18.5 - CS 17 - CS 13.5 - CS 15.5 - CS 19.5 - CS 19.5 - CS 17.5 OCS 65 OCS 58 OCS 61 OCS 55.5 OCS 70 OCS 59 OCS 51 OCS 70 OCS 71.5 OCS 63.5 OCS 63 OCS 61.5 OCS 65.5 OCS 66 OCS 70.5 - PD +106 - PD -42 - PD +10 - PD -21 - PD +51 - PD -13 - PD -137 - PD +102 - PD +34 - PD -34 - PD -15 - PD -30 - PD -65 - PD -47 - PD +24 Regional Tournament 2-C Tab Summary Team Round Round Round Round Summary 1440 Northwestern University Π W +2 v 1374 L -7 Δ L -6 v 1400 Π W W +5 +2 v 1129 Δ T W +8 v 1242 W +23 - CS OCS PD 15.5 67 +27 1583 Michigan State University Π W +6 v 1327 W +15 Δ L -1 v 1022 W +7 Δ L -2 v 1665 Π W W +11 +12 v 1180 W +1 - CS OCS PD 16.5 62 +49 1614 Catholic University of America Π L -4 v 1067 W +9 Δ L -9 v 1192 L -15 Δ L -1 v 1180 Π L W -5 +13 v 1221 W +5 - CS OCS PD 8.5 63.5 -7 1637 Kennesaw State University Π L -15 v 1222 L -2 Δ L -1 v 1129 Δ L W -1 +7 v 1221 Π W W +9 +1 v 1374 L -1 - CS OCS PD 14.5 68.5 -3 1665 Drexel University Π L -6 v 1241 Δ W W +24 +5 v 1180 Π W W +6 +2 v 1583 L -11 v 1400 L -3 4 - CS OCS PD 17 68 +11 Δ L -6 Page of Regional Tournament 2-C Tab Summary Tabulation Room Notes Opening coin flip: Tails - Lower # = Better Rank Round coin flip: Heads - Right Side is Defense 7th place after round 3: Wins AMTA Representatives Diane Michalak Elliott Riches Outstanding Trial Teams Earning bids to the Opening Round Championship Series Tournament March 13-14, 2021, Team 1222 1022 1232 1185 1583 1440 School University of Notre Dame Univ of California, Davis Lafayette College University of Florida Michigan State University Northwestern University Honorable Mention 1400 Univ of Massachusetts, Amherst 1129 Washington and Lee University Record Wins (CS: 17, OCS: 70, PD: 102) 6.5 Wins (CS: 12.5, OCS: 65, PD: 106)0 Wins (CS: 18.5, OCS: 71.5, PD: 34) Wins (CS: 17.5, OCS: 70, PD: 51) Wins (CS: 16.5, OCS: 62, PD: 49) 5.5 Wins (CS: 15.5, OCS: 67, PD: 27) Wins (CS: 17.5, OCS: 70.5, PD: 24) 4.5 Wins (CS: 16.5, OCS: 61, PD: 10) Spirit of AMTA Award Awarded to the team that best exemplifies the ideals of honesty, civility and fair play 25 1192 Suffolk University Outstanding Witnesses Points Name ∆19 Ellie Nagel-Bennett ∏19 Ipsita K ∆18 Riley Albertson ∆17 Talya Torres ∏17 Harrison Devoe ∏17 Nick McNabnay ∏16 Emily Twardy ∏16/∆16 Samantha Fagone ∏16 Sophia Pelekasis ∏16 Sydney Hutchinson Team # 1583 1440 1242 1400 1185 1583 1241 1067 1614 1222 School Michigan State University Northwestern University Central College Univ of Massachusetts, Amherst University of Florida Michigan State University College of Saint Benedict/Saint John's Univ University of Kentucky Catholic University of America University of Notre Dame Page of Outstanding Attorneys Points Name ∏20 Carly Jones ∏19 Maura Schlee ∆18 Harrison Devoe ∆18 Charles Stock ∏18 Shawn Liang ∏18 Lauren Ellenz ∏17 Tarakdeep Singh ∏17 Jezel Mercado ∏16 Micheal Turner ∏16 Jafar Khalfani-Bey ∏16 Lara Soysal ∏16 Emily Symonds ∏16 Nicole Montana Team # 1232 1614 1185 1222 1440 1129 1022 1022 1241 1022 1185 1129 1400 School Lafayette College Catholic University of America University of Florida University of Notre Dame Northwestern University Washington and Lee University Univ of California, Davis Univ of California, Davis College of Saint Benedict/Saint John's Univ Univ of California, Davis University of Florida Washington and Lee University Univ of Massachusetts, Amherst Page of ... of Regional Tournament 2-C Tab Summary Tabulation Room Notes Opening coin flip: Tails - Lower # = Better Rank Round coin flip: Heads - Right Side is Defense 7th place after round 3: Wins AMTA. . .Regional Tournament 2-C Tab Summary Team Round Round Round Round Summary 1440 Northwestern University Π W +2 v 1374 L -7 Δ L -6... OCS: 67, PD: 27) Wins (CS: 17.5, OCS: 70.5, PD: 24) 4.5 Wins (CS: 16.5, OCS: 61, PD: 10) Spirit of AMTA Award Awarded to the team that best exemplifies the ideals of honesty, civility and fair play