District Success Story: TruView BSI TruView BSI, LLC is a NYS Service Disabled Veteran Owned business that performs contract background screening and inves ga ve services for over 500 clients throughout NYS and the United States. TruView’s slogan is “Born of Tradi on, Enabled by Technology, Powered by People.” TruView President Nicholas Aule a strongly believes his team of 150 employees has led to the company’s success, saying “We love technology and its ability to op mize our efficiency, but we believe strongly that it must be intertwined with the power of human analysis.” Strong, service‐driven partnerships are the cornerstone of TruView’s philosophy. The team’s experience and exper se enables the company to match customized service solu ons with the unique requirements and needs of its clients. TruView has earned the confidence of interna onal companies, pres gious universi es and large government agencies. At the end of 2016, Nick a ended several training courses at the SBDC, which led to his introduc on to Advisor Dave Chiaro in 2017. Advisor Chiaro provided assistance with government contrac ng and Nick’s applica on for NYS Service‐Disabled Veteran‐Owned Cer fica on. With Dave’s assistance, Nick’s firm was cer fied in July 2017. Cer fica on has resulted in repeat business from many of TruView’s government and Fortune 500 clients. As a result of SBDC assistance, TruView was able to secure a line of credit with JP Morgan Chase, and total investment in TruView to date is $1.7 million. Nick is a former Captain in the US Army, serving as an Ac ve Duty US Army Infantry Officer and earning Airborne, Ranger, and Combat Infantryman qualifica ons. His experience, which earned numerous medals and decora ons, included three separate tours in the Iraq combat zone. NY SBDC Special Programs New York SBDC Offices Serving District #3 Long Island ‐ Farmingdale Queens—LaGuardia SUNY at Farmingdale Campus Commons 2350 Broadhollow Road Farmingdale, NY 11735‐1006 Tel: (631) 420‐2765 Long Island ‐ Stony Brook LaGuardia Community College 30‐20 Thomson Avenue, Suite BA02 Long Island City, NY 11101‐2940 Tel: (718) 482‐5303 Stony Brook University Research & Development Park Building 17, Room 146 Stony Brook, NY 11794‐6016 Tel: (631) 632‐9070 York College The City University of New York 94‐50 159th Street, Room 107 Jamaica, NY 11451‐9902 Tel: (718) 262‐2880 Queens—York The SBDC Vision The NY SBDC brings world class business exper se to the Small & Medium Enterprise (SME) community. The Mission of the SBDC The New York SBDC provides customized solu ons through advisement, educa on, research and advocacy for Entrepreneurs, Innovators, and the Small & Medium Enterprise community. *For a full list of NY SBDC centers, visit: www.nysbdc.org/loca ons.html Disaster Relief Olé —Organización de La nos Empresarios Entrepreneur Educa on Procurement Interna onal Business Development Technology Manufacturing Veterans 3rd Congressional District: Thomas Souzzi Mature & Young Entrepreneurs Women & Minority Owned Business Number of Clients: 11,242 Clients in the 3rd Congressional District Total Funding: $256,348,871 Jobs Created: 3,741 NY SBDC Jobs Saved: 2,168 SUNY System Administra on Counseling Hours: 111,957 1 dot = 1 client 10 North Pearl Street, 3rd Floor Partnership Program with the SBA, administered by the State University of New York. Funded in part through a Coopera ve Agree‐ ment with the U.S. Small Business Administra on. All opinions, conclusions or recommenda ons expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA. All SBA funded programs are extended to the public on a nondiscriminatory basis. www.nysbdc.org NY SBDC – the go to network for small business NY SBDC Points of Interest Dynamic Mentoring Relationships – The New York SBDC provided more than 107,800 hours of individual business management consulting to more than 20,300 small business owners and entrepreneurs in 2017. Business Advisors help business owners evaluate their current situation, plan strategically, and take steps toward a productive and profitable future Investing in the Future – Small business owners and entrepreneurs assisted by the New York SBDC invested more than $310 million in their businesses in 2017. Since the program was established in New York in 1984, SBDC‐assisted clients have invested more than $6.1 billion in their enterprises. Growing the Economy – In a survey by Dun & Bradstreet, 78% of New York SBDC clients receiving 5 hours or more of business start‐up assistance reported that they successfully started their new venture. The SBDC helps New Yorkers with entrepreneurial dreams build and grow strong, stable businesses to anchor economically healthy business communities that support the State economy. Federal Tax Impact – The impact of federal tax collections from Small Business Development Center clients in 2016 was more than $42.9 million. State Tax Impact – The impact of state tax collections from Small Business Development Center clients in 2016 was more than $35.4 million. Total Program Benefit to Cost Ratio – Every $1.00 in funding for the New York SBDC generates $4.77 in tax revenue. Interactive Learning – In 2017, the New York SBDC sponsored 735 seminars and workshops that were attended by nearly 15,500 individuals. Customer Satisfaction – In 2017, an impressive 90% of clients reported prompt assistance from the New York SBDC and 92% said they would recommend the New York SBDC to other business owners.