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The treasury of knowledge book five buddhist ethics buddhist ethics v 5 (107)

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Index Mahayoga, vows and pledges of: in common with Anuyoga and Atiyoga, 279-285; five root, and ten secondary, in Vajrasattva’s Magical Net, 285-286; seven qualities of greatness of, 286-287 Maitreya, 420n.50; and Five Works of Maitreya, 419n.44; and magnificent deeds lineage, 172 Works: Ornament of Realization, 16, 167, 170; Scripture Ornament (Ornament of the Scriptures of the Universal Way), 43, 57, 67, 68, 77, 166, 169, 209, 211 Mandala: drawing of, 340n.38; entry into, and divine fortune vows, 224; entry into, and tantric vows, 224225; expertise in, 47-49; meaning of (Abhayakaragupta), 339n.37 Manjughosha (Manjushri), and profound view lineage, 172, 419n.45 Manjushrinamasamgiti (Chanting the Names of Manjushri), 228 Manjushri’s Fundamental Tantra, 230-231 Manjushri’s Magical Net (Chanting the Names of Manjushri), 226 Manjushriyashas, on resultant tantra, 449n.17 Mantra: etymology, 17; for restoration in Action Tantra, 234; for restoration in Highest Yoga Tantra, 276, 277; secret, awareness, and recollection, 457n.70 Marpa, 446n.1 Master, tantric: charismatic activity of, 339n.33; expertise of, 48-49, 341n.43, 342n.46, 343n.48; false, 487n.209; kinds of, 497n.261; initiation of, 225226; magnificent, 51; qualities of, 18, 47-48, 50; three “treasures” of, in Ancient Translation tradition, 49-50 See also Master-disciple relationship Master-disciple relationship: forms of devotion in, 57-58; importance of faith in, 63-64; need for initial examination before forming, 56-57; obstacles in, and antidotes, 62-63; signs 555 of obstacles, 62-63 Matricheta, work of, Interwoven Praises, 40 Maudgalyayana, 363n.34 Meats, five, in Wheel of Time tantra, 472n.145; tantric pledge on, 250 Medicine See Food and Medicine Meditation: aspects of, three, 202-203; contradictions to, 189-190; six qualities of, 442n.175; and the ten powers of the Buddha, 442n.177 Mikyö Dorjé, the Eighth Karmapa, 375n.113; The Great Commentary on Discipline, 108 Mikyö Gawa, pledges of four initiations of Highest Yoga Tantra, 271272 Mindfulness, as means to preserve awakening mind, 205-206 Ministers, five root downfalls for, 176177 Monastic ordination: essential elements for, 95-97; original and present-day, 89-90; qualities of aspirant, 52-53; qualities of preceptor, 44-46, 336 nn.25,27 Monastic training: concise code of, 149; confession (purification-renewal), 131-133; dealing with disputes, 145147; ending of rainy season retreat, 134-136; five major bases of, 130; food and medicine, 139-140; formal procedures, 140-141; four points of Asanga, 156-160; leather use, 139; making and distribution of robes, 136; prescribed robes, 137-139; punishment, 144-145; rainy season retreat, 134; seventeen bases of, 129130; sites and living quarters, 147148; tutorship, 105-106 See also Monk, vows of Monk: etymology of term, 363n.26; lifestyle of, 148; status of, as tantric master, 50 See also Monastic ordination; Monastic training; Monk, vows of 556 Buddhist Ethics Monk, vows of: completing factors in defeat, 108-109; defeating offenses, 107-108; downfalls that require confession alone, 115-124; downfalls that require forfeiture, 111-115; despair over downfalls, 401n.290; five classes of, 106-107; eleven points of discipline, 369n.74; minor infractions, 125-129; partially defeating offenses, 109-111; two undetermined offenses, 111 See also Restoration of personal liberation vows Motivation: for assuming personal liberation vows, 84; for ethics of awakening mind, 167; for preservation of morality, 358n.4 Murder: distinctions in, 374n.104; prohibitions against, in Wheel of Time, 246; five forms of, in Wheel of Time, 248; rule for monk, 107 Nagabodhi, Jewelled Garland, 347 nn.74,75 Nagarjuna, 419n.44; cited, 77; and profound view lineage, 172; on restoration of commitments, 424n.86 Works: Ceremony for the Formation of the Awakening Mind, 172; Five Stages, 55; Jewel Garland, 63; Letter to a Friend, 59, 155 Naropa, 421n.59; view on the two traditions of awakening mind, 173 Work: Commentary on the Summary of the [Kalachakra] Initiation: Compendium of Ultimate Reality, 475n.162, 477nn.164,165, 491n.234 Nectars, five, in Wheel of Time tantra, 472n.145; tantric pledge on, 250 New (later) translation tradition, and tantric vows, 219 See also Action Tantra, vows and pledges of; Conduct tantra, vows and pledges of; Highest Yoga tantra, vows and pledges of; Yoga Tantra, vows and pledges of Ngari Panchen, and view on ultimate awakening mind formed in a ceremony, 209 Ngedön Tenpa Rabgyé, 20 Ngorchen, 456n.62; on Action Tantra pledges, 231 Novice: etymology, 363n.27; status of, as tantric master, 50 See also Novice, vows of Novice, vows of: differences in ceremonies for women, 97; minor and related infractions of, 104, 372n.91; ordination ceremony for, 94-95, 367 nn.60-62; permissible violations of, 104; restoration of, 143; ten violations of, 103; thirty-six, 372n.90; thirty-three, 103-104 Nub Sangyé Yeshé, 501n.288 Nucleus’ Ornament (Indestructible Nucleus’ Ornament Tantra), 49, 264, 266, 270 Nun: conditions for ordination of, 9798; status of, as tantric master, 50; teacher of, 380n.147 See also Nun, vows of; Postulant nun Nun, vows of: celibacy, 370n.76; classes of, 129; eight defeats, 382n.186; eight severe precepts of, 364n.36 Nyingma tradition See Ancient Translation tradition Obstacle(s) to spiritual development: acts contradictory to awakening mind, 197; in false teacher, 61-62; four kinds of, and antidotes to, 349n.94; in master-disciple relationship, 61-63 Ordination, personal liberation: candidates for, 91-92; conditions for, 9298; original and present-day, 89-90; 365n.42; in Universal Way, 151 Ornaments, bone, and symbology, 472n.143 Ornament of the Scriptures of the Universal Way See Maitreya: Works Padmasambhava, 447n.2 Padmavajra, work of, Explanation of the Guide to the Purport of the Tantras, 466n.112 Paramadya Tantra (Glorious Paramadya), 239 Index Paramita, six See Perfections, six Path(s): of Buddha, and the three ethics, 9-13; five, 384n.182; five, and awakening mind, 170-171; phases of, in Individual Way, 156-160; phases of, in Indestructible Way, 297-300; phases of, in Universal Way, 211-213; two, and ultimate awakening mind, 209-210; worldly, 414n.14 Path and Fruition system, 488n.217; and pledges of four initiations, 268-269; Patience: aspects of, three, 202; contradictions to, 189; in face of harm 440nn.169,170; in seeking teaching, 441n.171; three kinds of, needed for teaching, 68-69 Pawo Tsuklak Trengwa See Tsuklak Trengwa, Pawo Pema Karpo, 375n.115; on Conduct Tantra pledges, 235; on Conduct Tantra initiations, 452n.36; classification of Yoga Tantra vows, 241; on etymology of awareness-holder vows, 448n.12; on four foundational pledges, 455n.58; on three categories of Highest Yoga Tantra pledges, 272; view on two traditions of awakening mind, 173 Work: Extensive Commentary on the Three Vows, 32, 108 Pema Wangyal, on situational ethics, 305 Perfections, six: contradictions to, in magnificent deeds lineage, 187-191; distinctions in, 200-201; six noble components of, 203-204; in teaching and listening, 73-74 See also Generosity; Ethics; Patience; Effort; Meditation; Wisdom Personal liberation ethics: in Ancient Translation tradition, 279; consequences of violation, 154-155; essence of the discipline, 154; etymology of, 87; merits of preserving, 155156; overview of, 13-15; as prereq- 557 uisite to awakening mind commitments, 183; in Secret Mantra, 224; vows of lay, novice, and monk assumed by one person, 149-150 See also Personal liberation vows in the Individual Way; Personal liberation vows in the Universal Way Personal liberation vows in the Individual Way: assertions on nature of, 85-87; candidates for, 91-92; causes of loss of, 141-142; ceremonies for conferral of permanent, 9398; definition of, 85; in different levels of existence, 88; eight classes and four types of, 88-89; of lay practitioner, lifelong, 93-94; maintaining, 98-99; motivation for assuming, 84; monastic training in, 129148; no-fault offenses in, 142; obstacles to receiving, 92; permanent, 100-129; and purificatory fast, 9293; with stipulations, 91; temporary, 92-93 Personal liberation vows in the Universal Way: and awakening mind, 150151; candidate for, 152; causes of loss of vows, 153; ceremonies for, 151; permissible transgressions, 152-153; preceptor of, 152; restoration of failings, 153 Personal liberation vows of proclaimers See Personal liberation vows in the Individual Way Personal Liberation Scripture, 12, 133 Phases of creation and completion See Creation, phase of; Completion, phase of Philosophy, four trends of Buddhist See Analysts; Idealists; Centrists; Traditionalists Pitaputrasamagamanasutra (Reunion of Father and Son Scripture), 40 Pledge: etymology of, in Ancient Translation tradition, 279; of great observance, 273 See also Tantric vows and pledges 558 Buddhist Ethics Poisons See Emotions, negative Possessing Pure Ethics Scripture (Proclamation of the Doctrine Scripture), 154, 155 Postulant nun: conditions for ordination of, 97; rules for, 105 Power places: inner and outer, 510 n.331; major and secondary, 470 n.130 Prajnaparamitasanchayagatha (Condensed Transcendent Wisdom Scripture), 10, 41, 57, 62, 178, 204 Prajnendraruchi, work of, Means of Accomplishment of the Glorious Blazing Jewel King of Tantras, 48 Pratimoksha, etymology of, 87, 362n.22 See also Personal liberation ethics Pratimokshasutra (Personal Liberation Scripture), 12, 133 Pratyekabuddha See Sages, solitary Preceptor, monastic, five types of, and qualities of, 44-46 Precious Palm Scripture, 63, 64 Principles of Elucidation (Vasubandhu), 68, 70, 73, 76, 351n.112, 356nn.124,125 Proclaimers: eight stages of, 408n.310; ethics of, 84-150 See also Personal liberation vows in the Individual Way Proclamation of the Doctrine Scripture (Possessing Pure Ethics Scripture), 154, 155 Profound view lineage of awakening mind: candidate for, 173-174; causes of loss of commitments in, 181; ceremony for forming awakening mind in, 174-175; commitments of, taken alone, 175; duration and extent of commitments in, 183; origin of, 172-173; and restoration of damaged commitments in, 181-182, 423n.82; root downfalls in, 175-179; secondary infractions in, 179-181; and training in common with magnificent deeds, 193-206 Promise, and assuming tantric vows, 17, 226-227 Pundarika, works of, Stainless Light Commentary on the Kalachakra (Commentary by the Bodhisattva), 51, 259, 346nn.58,62, 480n.167; Ultimate Familiarization, 52 Punyashri, 420n.48; and profound view lineage, 172 Purification See Restoration of awakening mind commitments; Restoration of personal liberation vows; Restoration of tantric pledges Purification-renewal ceremony (confession): to develop quiescence, 131; to foster harmony, 131-133; in Universal Way, 399n.274 Purificatory fast: conditions for conferral of precepts of, 92-93; eight precepts of, 99-100; observed by nonhumans, 91; and place in personal liberation classes of vows, 88-89 Purnavardhana, work of, Commentary on the Treasury of Phenomenology, 85 Questions of Kashyapa Scripture, 194 Questions of Ratnachuda Scripture, 174 Questions of Sagaramati Scripture, 65, 349n.94 Questions of Subahu Tantra, 102, 231, 232 Quiescence, mental See Contemplation Radiant black near-attainment, seven conceptions of, 507n.330 Radiant red increase, forty conceptions of, 507n.330 Radiant white appearance, thirty-three conceptions of, 507n.330 Rainy season retreat: commitments of, 387n.206; lifting restrictions of, 134136; origin of, 387n.200; times and conditions for, 134 Rajavavadakasutra (Advice to the King Scripture), 167, 178 Rangjung Dorjé, the Third Karmapa: classification of Highest Yoga Tantra pledges by, 272-273; on consequences of preserving pledges, 306; on exceptional vows, in Highest Yoga tantra, 256 Work: Ocean of Index Pledges, 256, 266, 272 Ratnakarashanti, work of, Jewel Lamp Commentary on Yamantaka, the Black Enemy, 234 Ratnasambhava Buddha, family of: common Highest Yoga Tantra vows of, 249-253; exceptional Highest Yoga Tantra vows of, 253-256; and initiations and aggregates, 453 n.43,44; and Yoga Tantra pledges, 237, 239 Ratnolkanamadharanisutra (Precious Palm Scripture), 63, 64 Realities, three, in Path and Fruition, 268, 488n.218 Reality, nature of, and subtle awakening mind, 169 Red Yamari tantras, 264 Refuge: as fundamental tantric pledge, 229-230; as prerequisite for personal liberation vows, 92 Relative awakening mind: aspiring mind of, 167-169; factors in formation of (Asanga), 413n.10; focus of, 171; and ninth root downfall in Highest Yoga Tantra, 262; symbol of, in initiation, 444n.189; venturing mind of, 167-169 Restoration of awakening mind commitments: and Akashagarbha (bodhisattva), 182, 423n.82; in magnificent deeds lineage, 192; in profound view lineage, 181-182; six remedies used in, 425n.88 Restoration of personal liberation vows: for monks, 142-145; four remedial forces for, 400n.278; Gunaprabha on, 393n.238; Sonam Drakpa on, 395n.251; Tsonapa on, 374n.102 See also Purificatory fast; Confession Restoration of tantric pledges: in Action Tantra, 234; five means of, in Ancient Translation tradition, 296297; in Conduct Tantra, 234-235; deadline for, in Highest Yoga Tantra, 277; of higher pledges, 278; 559 in Highest Yoga Tantra, 275-277 Results, four, 385n.184; and purification-renewal, 131 Retreat See Rainy season retreat Reunion of Father and Son Scripture, 40 Rinchen Zangpo, 446n.1; view on coexistence of three ethics in an individual, 304 Ritual, initiatory, and assuming tantric vows, 17, 225 Ritual of Confession, 12 Riwo Gedenpa, 512n.340; view on coexistence of three ethics in an individual, 305 Robes, monastic: kathina ceremony for, 136; making and storing, 388n.208; materials for, 390n.214; thirteen prescribed, 137-139 Rongzom Pandita, 500n.281; view on coexistence of three ethics in an individual, 304 Work: Precious Jewel Commentary (Commentary on the Tantra of the Secret Nucleus), 286 Root downfalls in awakening mind ethics: for average practitioners, 178; distinctions in emotional involvement, 187; for inferior practitioners, 178; in magnificent deeds tradition, 186-187; for superior practitioners, 176-178 Root downfalls in Highest Yoga Tantra: completing factors in, 257; fourteen, 256-264; no-fault transgressions, 275; susceptibility to, 227 Sacred Primordial Buddha’s Tantra See Wheel of Time Condensed Tantra Saddharmpundarikasutra (White Lotus of the True Doctrine Scripture), 65 Saddharmasmrityupasthana (Great Mindfulness Scripture), 62 Sagaramegha, 414n.18; on distinction between aspiring and venturing minds, 168 Sages, solitary, 334n.12 Sakya school, Path and Fruition system of, 488n.217 ... merits of preserving, 155 156 ; overview of, 13- 15; as prereq- 55 7 uisite to awakening mind commitments, 183; in Secret Mantra, 224; vows of lay, novice, and monk assumed by one person, 149- 150 See... liberation vows in the Universal Way: and awakening mind, 150 151 ; candidate for, 152 ; causes of loss of vows, 153 ; ceremonies for, 151 ; permissible transgressions, 152 - 153 ; preceptor of, 152 ; restoration... 408n.310; ethics of, 84- 150 See also Personal liberation vows in the Individual Way Proclamation of the Doctrine Scripture (Possessing Pure Ethics Scripture), 154 , 155 Profound view lineage of awakening

Ngày đăng: 31/10/2022, 14:00