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The treasury of knowledge book five buddhist ethics buddhist ethics v 5 (106)

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550 Buddhist Ethics Dakpo Kagyu, and magnificent deeds lineage, 172 Dalai Lama, the First, Gendun Drubpa, work of, Commentary on Vasubhandu’s Treasury of Phenomenology, 363n.29 Damstrasena, 414n.13; on distinction between aspiring and venturing awakening minds, 168 Works: Extensive Commentary on the Large, Medium, and Short Transcendent Wisdom Scriptures, 414n.13; Extensive Commentary on the Transcendent Wisdom in One Hundred Thousand Lines 414n.13; Daö Shönnu See Gampopa Darika, 482n.179; on secrecy in Mantra, 261 Dashadharmakasutra (Ten Qualities Scripture), 53 Dedication at conclusion of teaching, 74 Deeds of immediate retribution, 456 n.64; and tantric downfall, 231 Demonic forces (“demons”) See Obstacle(s) to spiritual development Devotion for teacher, three forms of, 5758 Dharmadinna, ordination of, 90 Dharmasri, Lochen, 375n.114; on dates for confession, 131-132; on restoration of damaged commitments, 424n.85 Work: Commentary on the Three Vows (The Commentary that Ascertains the Three Vows, The WishFulfilling Cluster of Good Explanations), 32, 108 Dignaga, work of, Interwoven Praises, 40 Disciple(s): attracting, four means of, 204-205, 347n.66; first five, of Buddha, 363n.33; level of, and type of spiritual guide, 42-43; and obstacles in relationship with teacher, 62-63; qualifications for bodhisattva’s training, 53-54; qualifications of a renunciate, 52-53; qualifications for Mantra, 54-55, 228-229; unsuitable, 55; and serving teacher, 57-58; three types of, in Guhyasamaja Tantra, 485n.196; types of, and secrecy required, in Mantra, 266; types of, and special instructions, 485n.196 See also Master-disciple relationship Display of Miracles Scripture, 102,152 Disputes in monastic community, 145147; settling of, 397nn.256-260; settling by evidence, 396n.255; settling by “spreading straw,” 398n.260; seven ways of settling, 145-147 See also Schisms in monastic community Dombipa, work of, Ten Essential Points, 48, 341n.43 Drakpa Gyaltsen, 512n.338; view on coexistence of three ethics in an individual, 304 Drigungpa 362n.20; view on vows’ essence, 87 Dromtönpa, 446n.1 Early translations, tantric vows in See Ancient Translation tradition, vows and pledges of Eating, monastic rules on, 118-119, 127 Effort: aspects of, three, 202; contradictions to, 189; distinctions in, 441 nn.172,173 Elapatra, naga, 155; and story of meeting Buddha, 400n.281 Elements, five, and five consorts, 499n.271 Emissaries, three, 470n.130; and practice with awareness-woman, 245 Emotions, negative: abandonment of, in Individual Way, 157-158; as completing factor in root tantric downfall, 274-275; five, 498n.270; as obstacles in master-disciple relationship, 62-63; as signs of emotional involvement in root downfall or infraction, 187, 191, 192; transformation of (Pema Karpo), 458n.78 Emotions, positive: See Compassion; Courage; Love; Selflessness Index Emptiness: and bliss, union of, 227-228; in Wheel of Time tantra, 474n.157 Empty image: in Wheel of Time tantra, 251, 473n.152 Emptying the Depths of Hell, 297 Encompassment of All Knowledge (Kongtrul Lodrö Tayé), 7, 19-21 Essence of Pristine Awareness, 226 Essence Ornament of the General Procedure, 242, 275, 276 Ethics (in six perfections): aspects of, three, 202; contradictions to, 18-19 Ethics, three systems of: different assertions on coexistence of, in an individual, 301-305; effect of preserving, 306; followers of, 83-84; overview of, 9-13 Ethics of venturing awakening mind: of acquiring good qualities, 199-204; of restraint, 196-199; of working for the benefit of others, 204-205 EVAM: and root downfall in Highest Yoga Tantra, 260; single pledge of, 228; vow of, defined, 454n.48 Excellent Five (group): and ordination by realization, 89 Experientialists See Idealists Expertise: of a tantric master, 48-49; for teaching, 67-68 Faith: as basis of awakening mind, 165166; to destroy another ’s, and twelfth root downfall, 263-264; as an essential quality in a disciple, 55; three types of, 63 False disciple, traits of, 55 False teacher, recognizing and avoiding, 51-52, 61-62 Familiarization and attainment, four branches of, 503n.316 Families, buddha, five or six: and aggregates, 453n.44; common vows of, in Highest Yoga Tantra, 249-253; conduct of, in Highest Yoga Tantra, 243-244; exceptional vows of, in Highest Yoga Tantra, 253-256; five initiations of, 453n.43; initiations of, 551 and tantric vows, 227; pledges of, in Yoga Tantra, 236-238, 464n.104; 465n.105 Families, supramundane and worldly, 462n.94; Action Tantra pledges of, 233 Fast See Purificatory fast Fasting, and eighth root downfall, 261262 Feast, tantric, 483n.185; for confession and restoration, 296 Female: as consort, and third secondary pledge of Highest Yoga Tantra, 265-266; to disrespect, and fourteenth root downfall, 264; feigning love for consort, and tenth root downfall, 262-263; types of consorts, 490n.232; wisdom nature of (Pema Karpo), 484n.186 See also Awareness-woman Five Great Treasuries (Kongtrul Lodrö Tayé), 7, 19 Fire ritual, 463n.97; to restore damaged pledges, 234, 276, 277 Flower Array Scripture, 41, 42, 58, 59, 73 Flower Ornament Scripture, 173, 206; forty-one prayers to cultivate awakening mind found in, 442n.182 Food and medicine: consecration of, 391n.224; prescribed for monks, 139-140, 390n.223, 391n.229 Forces of restoration, four, 181-182 Fortunate Aeon Scripture, 173 Gampopa, 420nn.55,56; followers of, and the four Kagyu schools, 511 n.336; on prerequisites for awakening mind commitments, 174; view on coexistence of three ethics in an individual, 303; view on two traditions of awakening mind, 172 Work: Jewel Ornament of Liberation, 438n.167, 441nn.172,173, 442n.175 Gandhavyuhasutra (Flower Array Scripture), 41, 42, 58, 59, 73 General Scripture that Gathers All Intentions, 287, 291, 292, 295, 296 552 Buddhist Ethics General Tantra (Secret General Tantra/ Secret Tantra of the General Ritual of all Mandalas), 55, 226, 231, 232 Generosity: aspects of, three, 201; contradictions to, 187-188; improper, 438n.167 Glorious Guhyasamaja See Guhyasamaja Tantra Glorious Paramadya See Paramadya Tantra Great Bounteousness of the Buddhas Scripture See Flower Ornament Scripture Great King of Tantras issued from the Sacred Primordial Buddha, the Glorious Wheel of Time See Wheel of Time Condensed Tantra Great Mindfulness Scripture, 62 Great Perfection pledges See Atiyoga, vows and pledges of Guhyagarbhamayajalatantra (Secret Nucleus of the Magical Net), 54, 286 Guhyasamaja Tantra (Glorious Guhyasamaja), 60, 243 See also Continuation of the Guhyasamaja Tantra Guhyasamaja tantra, and conduct prescribed in Highest Yoga Tantra, 243244 Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life (Shantideva), 15, 44, 74, 152, 172, 174, 182, 202 Gunaprabha, works of: Fundamental Summary of Discipline, 91, 111, 138, 365n.43, 387n.205, 389n.209, 390n.223, 398n.238, 394n.248; One Hundred Formal Procedures, 131, 364n.36, 367nn.58,59,61, 368n.62, 369n.74, 370n.76, 376n.124 Gurupanchashika (Fifty Verses on Devotion to the Master) (Ashvaghosha), 18, 47, 56 Hevajra Tantra (Two-Part Hevajra Tantra), 220, 222, 228 Highest Yoga Tantra, conduct of: in Chakrasamvara tantras, 244-245; fourteen, in Tent Tantra, 245-246; in Guhyasamaja, 243-244; nine, in Unsurpassable Chakrasamvara, 246; six modes, in Tent Tantra, 273; in Wheel of Time, 246-248 Highest Yoga Tantra, vows and pledges of: as classified by Mikyo Gawa, Pema Karpo, Rangjung Dorje, 271273; definition of, 223; eight secondary infractions of, 265-266; eight special, in Chakrasamvara Fundamental, 270-271; exceptional, in Rangjung Dorje’s work, 256; exceptional, of six families, 253-256; factors in tantric defeat, 274, 275; five or six families of, 249-253; of four initiations, in Path and Fruition, 268-269; four secondary, in Yamari, 268; fourteen root downfalls of, 257-264; as “fully complete,” 227-228; twentyeight subtle infractions to charismatic activity, 266-268; two major categories of, 273; of vajra body, speech, and mind, in Samputa, 269270 See also Restoration of tantric pledges Hinayana See Individual Way, phases of the path in Human being as spiritual guide, 42-44; Human life, opportunities of, 39, 333n.1 Hundred Rites of Renunciation and Fulfillment, 208, 444nn.192,193 Idealists (experientialists): basic tenets of, 359n.13, 447n.6; view on nature of personal liberation vows, 86-87 Illusion, eight similes for, 502n.298 Immaturity, spiritual, defined in context of seventh root downfall, 261 Indestructible Garland, 54 Indestructible Nucleus’ Ornament Tantra See Nucleus’ Ornament Indestructible Peak Tantra, 12, 13, 83, 229, 236, 240, 242 Indestructible Tent Tantra, 13, 48, 245, 264, 273 Indestructible Way, phases of the path in, 297-300 Index Individual Way, phases of the path in, 156-160 Indrabhuti, work of, Jnanasiddhi, 296 Infinite Ocean of Knowledge (Kongtrul Lodrö Tayé), 19-21 Initiation(s): and awakening mind commitments, 171; of conduct, 227; and divine fortune vows, 224; etymology, 340n.39; expertise of tantric master needed for, 47-49; as first step in Mantra, 298; four, in Path and Fruition, and pledges of, 268269; fourth, and pristine awareness transferred to a disciple, 51; as fundamental tantric pledge, 229-230; higher, and restoration of pledges in Highest Yoga Tantra, 278; of Highest Yoga Tantra, and three disciplines, 242; phases of, and assuming tantric vows, 13, 17, 225-226, 226-227; pristine awareness experienced in, 221-222; and qualifications of aspirant, 228-229; of vajra master, 225-226, 227 Inspiring Universal Responsibility Scripture, 76, 357n.133 Instructor of bodhisattva: qualities of, 46-47; qualities of an exceptional, 47 Jadul: 386n.189; on dates for confession, 132 Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Tayé See Kongtrul Lodrö Tayé Jampa Lingpa, Panchen, 456n.67; Great Mantra Discipline, 231 Jamyang Kyentsé Wangpo, 20 Jatakamala (Garland of Former Lives of the Buddha) (Aryashura), 66, 75 Jatakanidana (Stories of the Buddha’s Former Lives), 91 Jetari, and profound view lineage, 172; Ceremony for the Acceptance of the Sacred Commitments, 172 Jikten Sumgön, on formation of ultimate awakening mind in ceremony, 207, 208, 209 Jinaputra, work of, Explanation of the 553 Synthesis of Phenomenology, 353n.116 Jnanakara, on four foundational pledges, 455n.58 Work: Commentary on the Guide to Mantra, 455n.5; Guide to Mantra, 230, 455n.58 Jnanapada, on five types of spiritual siblings, 258 Jnanashri, Dispelling the Two Extremes in the Indestructible Way, 448n.9 Jonang school, and Taranatha, 486n.199 Kadampa tradition, and magnificent deeds lineage, 172 Kagyu tradition, 446n.1; four main schools of, 511n.336; eight minor schools, 511n.337 Kalachakra Tantra See Wheel of Time Condensed Tantra Kalachakra tantra See Wheel of Time tantra Kalachakramulatantra (Wheel of Time Fundamental Tantra), 50 Kalu Rinpoché (Rangjung Kunkyab), Karma Ngedön Nyingpo, work of, Commentary on [Ngari Panchen’s] Three Vows, 366n.51, 390n.213, 423 n.75, 457n.72 Karma Trinlé Choklé Namgyal, 400 n.277; Karma Shingta, 85, 358n.5 Kathina ceremony, 136, 388n.208, 389n.209 Key to the Initiation, 302 Khetsun Sangpo Rinpoché, on “spiritual teacher of all,” 497n.261 Kilaya Wrathful Anger Tantra, 220 Killing of animals, monastic rule on, 122 Kindness, two types needed for teaching, 68 King, five root downfalls for, 176 King of Contemplations Scripture, 156 Knowledges, five supernatural, 475 n.161; and “illumination,” 252 Könchog Gyalpo, 446n.1 Kongtrul Lodrö Tayé, and writing of Encompassment of All Knowledge and 554 Buddhist Ethics Infinite Ocean of Knowledge, 7, 19-21 Works: Commentary on the Hevajra Tantra, 454n.48, 490n.232, 494n.245, 498n.269; Commentary on [Rangjung Dorje’s] Profound Reality, 448n.11, 494n.245 Krishna Pandita, 424n.85; on restoration of damaged commitments, 12, 424n.86; Ascertainment of the Difficult Points of the Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life, 182, 424n.85, 86 Krishnasamayavajra, work of, Revealing the Difficult Points of the Five Stages, 347n.75 Kriyatantra vows See Conduct tantra, vows and pledges of Kumaraka, naga, and purificatory fast, 91 Kunzang Dechen Ösal Ling, 20 Laghutantra (Wheel of Time Condensed Tantra), 51, 52, 54, 228, 231, 246, 249, 253, 258, 264 Lakshmi (Lakshminkara), works of, Elucidation of the Five Stages, 347n.75 Lamps, five, in the Wheel of Time tantra, 472n.145 Later translations, tantric vows in See New (later) translation tradition Lay practitioner: five points of training in Wheel of Time tantra, 246-247; status of, as tantric master, 50; venerable, 100, 372n.84 See also Lay practitioner, vows of Lay practitioner, vows of: celibacy, according to Traditionalists, 102; differences in ceremonies for women, 97; etymology, 363n.28; five forms of, 100-102; lifelong precepts, 93-94; means to restore vows, 142-143; partial discipline, 93-94; perfect discipline, 93-94; precepts of the purificatory fast, 99-100; purificatory fast precepts held for life, 100 Leather, monastic rules on, 139 Lilavajra, 497n.260 Work: Shimmering Light on the Pledges, 280, 281, 498 n.267 Lineage, authentic, and tantric master, 50 Listening to teachings: and faults to avoid, 73, 356nn.124,125; merits of, 75-77; preparation for, 66; proper, 72-73 Longchenpa (Drimé Özer): cited, 59; on reassuming awakening mind commitments, 192; view on coexistence of three ethics in an individual, 304 Love: to abandon, and fourth root downfall, 259; for evil person, and tenth root downfall, 262-263; feigned, and tenth root downfall, 262-263; as motive for action, 199; as seed of all virtue, 166167; ways of abandoning, four, 481n.176 Lying (untruth): as defeating act for monk, 107-108; different forms of, 380n.145; lay precept on, 101; novice precept on, 103; prohibition against, in Wheel of Time tantra, 246; purificatory fast precept on, 99, 101 Madyamika See Centrists Magical Net Tantra (Secret Nucleus), 54, 286 Magnificent deeds lineage of awakening mind: ceremony for aspiring mind in, 183-185, 426n.95; ceremony for venturing mind in, 183-185, 427n.96, 428n.97; commitments of, 185-191; extent and duration of commitments of, 193; origin of, 172173; restoration of damaged commitments in, 192; and training in common with profound view lineage, 193-206 Mahakashyapa, 364n.35; ordination of, 89-90, Mahaprajapati, 364n.37; ordination of, 90 Mahayana See Universal Way Mahayanasutralamkarakarika (Scripture Ornament) (Maitreya), 43, 57, 67, 68, 77, 166, 169, 209, 211 ... of the 55 3 Synthesis of Phenomenology, 353 n.116 Jnanakara, on four foundational pledges, 455 n .58 Work: Commentary on the Guide to Mantra, 455 n .5; Guide to Mantra, 230, 455 n .58 Jnanapada, on five. .. Laghutantra (Wheel of Time Condensed Tantra), 51 , 52 , 54 , 228, 231, 246, 249, 253 , 258 , 264 Lakshmi (Lakshminkara), works of, Elucidation of the Five Stages, 347n. 75 Lamps, five, in the Wheel of Time tantra,... coexistence of, in an individual, 301-3 05; effect of preserving, 306; followers of, 83-84; overview of, 9-13 Ethics of venturing awakening mind: of acquiring good qualities, 199-204; of restraint,

Ngày đăng: 31/10/2022, 13:59