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The treasury of knowledge book five buddhist ethics buddhist ethics v 5 (57)

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The Vows and Pledges of Secret Mantra 305 personal liberation vows are imbued with the awakening mind which is the distinguishing feature of the Universal Way, [they become Universal Way] vows, and if accompanied by the special skill in means and wisdom, they become mantric vows Thus, one essence changes into the next In following the higher ethical systems, the restraints and requirements [in the lower systems] are included in the restraints and requirements of the higher system The qualities [of the higher system] are thereby contained in the lower Therefore, although certain [higher] vows may seem to be incompatible [with lower ones], such is not the case by virtue of their view and special conduct of skill in means Moreover, one should observe [the vow] that is most significant in any given situation The great scholar Pema Wangyal states339: The wise give this advice: when amid a group of people, or when a deed would be naturally unvirtuous, The lower vows [of the proclaimers] should have precedence When no selfish desire is involved, [physical and verbal unvirtuous acts are permitted] When engaged in tantric activities, or living in solitude, mantric vows [are most important] If there is no dilemma about which one to follow, guard all without mixing them Faced with a dilemma, weigh the act in terms of restraint and requirement The Gedenpas assert that the three sets of ethical systems are distinct and that each one is the foundation of the next Each of these assertions is substantiated by scriptural references and reasonings According to the followers of the Riwo Gedenpa,340 the three ethical systems are distinct in their styles since each has its own way to assume vows and its own causes of deterioration [When higher vows are assumed,] the lower [vows] become branches of them, as when a sapphire is placed in a clean jug filled with limpid water, the water reflects the color of the jewel Thus, the higher system has as its foundation the lower one All of the [above] assertions seem to be substantiated by scriptures and reasonings drawn from the different ethical systems 306 Buddhist Ethics The Benefits of Observing Ethics [C] A supreme vajra holder endowed with the three sets of vows who perseveres in practice Will attain the rank of Vajradhara in one lifetime and in the same body A vajra holder possessed of three sets of vows, supreme among all mantric adepts, or anyone who has entered the door of the Secret Mantra and who safeguards the pledges and perseveres in the experiential cultivation of the path, will attain the state of Vajradhara in a single lifetime, in the same body This statement is found again and again in the tantras Accordingly, the venerable Rangjung [Dorjé] says: By maintaining the pledges, the best adept Will accomplish the state of Vajrasattva in one lifetime, And through aspiration alone, will perfect All common attainment without impediments By honoring one’s pledges, even those who are not able to apply themselves to practice will attain spiritual accomplishment before long, as stated in the [Secret Treasury of the Dakini] Tantra341: Whoever abides in the vows and pledges But, hindered by past deeds, cannot practice now Will [certainly] attain realization in another life Root Verses from The Encompassment of All Knowledge 307 Root Verses from The Encompassment of All Knowledge To take advantage of life’s leisure and endowments Upon approaching the Buddha’s teaching, the source of all happiness and well-being, First find and then follow a spiritual guide Since by relying on an inferior, one regresses, On an equal, one stagnates, And on a superior, one excels, Keep in touch with a spiritual guide superior to yourself The need for a guide can be determined from scripture, logic, and similes A spiritual guide may be an ordinary human being, a bodhisattva, a buddha in manifest or enjoyment dimension Suited to the four phases of the disciple’s growth Eight, four, or two qualities characterize the teacher who is an ordinary person The teacher may be a monastic preceptor, a bodhisattva’s instructor, or a tantric master The ordaining preceptor, ceremonial master, interviewer, tutor or instructor, and instructor of novices act as the five monastic teachers A monk who is ethical, well-versed in monastic ceremonies, 308 Buddhist Ethics Compassionate toward the sick, associated with upright monks, Diligent in helping others spiritually and materially, and able to give timely counsel Is qualified to be a monastic preceptor An aspirant bodhisattva should work with a spiritual guide who is self-controlled, tranquil, and has pacified deception, Is eminent, diligent, and displays a wealth of transmissions, Has realized the nature of all phenomena, is articulate, Embodies loving-kindness, and shows no weariness or discouragement The bodhisattva’s instructor who exhibits twelve qualities such as erudition is an exceptional teacher The tantric master must be steadfast, self-controlled, intelligent, Patient, honest, and well-versed in the activities related to mantra and tantra He or she is compassionate, learned, expert in ten fields, Proficient in the drawing of mandalas, and skilled in the ways of explaining the Secret Mantra From a different perspective, the vajra master owns three treasures, has received the entire course of initiations, Is committed, learned in the tantras, skilled in performing rituals, and has produced signs of experience In summary, the vajra master belongs to an authentic lineage, preserves the pledges, has heard secret instructions, And has realized the meaning of tantra A monk is the best of the three types of vajra master Magnificent is the master with the power to evoke in the student The adamantine pristine awareness of the state of union Avoid a master whose traits are discordant with those of a true teacher; But since a fully qualified master is rare, follow the one who is replete with good qualities The suitable candidate for the life of a renunciate must be free from obstacles to assuming the vows In particular, he must respect the instructor, follow an ethical code strictly, Persevere in meditation and study, Be conscientious, restrained, and patient, Root Verses from The Encompassment of All Knowledge 309 Since a good monk who lives by the monastic discipline is known by these very qualities A suitable candidate for the bodhisattva’s training is gifted with faith, kindness, intelligence, And the stamina to engage in the bodhisattva’s conduct, does not seek personal peace, Is energetic, and delights in hearing about emptiness A suitable candidate for the Secret Mantra is devoted to the master and is discrete, Shows great aptitude, lives by the pledges, and perseveres in the practice The teacher should ignore a disciple ridden with shortcomings, but accept one who, despite imperfections, is gifted with qualities such as faith To determine whether they can brave a spiritual relationship, the jewel-like teacher and disciple must first examine each other Those intent on liberation should devote themselves to a spiritual guide with offerings and respect, service, and spiritual practice The Victorious One said: “By devoting yourself to a spiritual friend, You will attain the full, accomplished, unique, and perfectly immaculate path to liberation By trusting me now as your spiritual guide, you will gain freedom from suffering Consider these reasons!” Many other benefits that accrue from studying with a spiritual guide are taught in the scriptures Shun unvirtuous friends who have bad characters, cynical outlooks, and prejudice, Believe their own view to be the best, are boastful, and disparage others When working with a spiritual teacher, recognize demonic forces and defeat them with their antidotes; Moreover, cultivate lucid, trusting, and longing faith The teacher prepares for a spiritual discourse by creating a congenial setting, Dispelling malevolent influences, and maintaining dignified composure The disciple makes offerings, behaves respectfully, and values the opportunity ... the pledges, has heard secret instructions, And has realized the meaning of tantra A monk is the best of the three types of vajra master Magnificent is the master with the power to evoke in the. ..306 Buddhist Ethics The Benefits of Observing Ethics [C] A supreme vajra holder endowed with the three sets of vows who perseveres in practice Will attain the rank of Vajradhara in... fields, Proficient in the drawing of mandalas, and skilled in the ways of explaining the Secret Mantra From a different perspective, the vajra master owns three treasures, has received the entire

Ngày đăng: 31/10/2022, 13:59