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Jewels from the treasury vasubandhus ( (120)

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APPENDIX B English Equivalents o f Sanskrit 'Terms The Sanskrit terms listed below come primarily from the edi­ tion of the root text prepared by V V Gokhale and the TibetanSanskrit concordances compiled by Hirakawa Terms are alpha­ betized according to the Devanagari alphabet akanistha Below None akimcanya Nothingness akusala nonvirtue, unvirtuous akopyadharman unshakable one agradharma supreme dharma anu molecules atapas W ithout Pain adattadana stealing, taking what has not been given advesa nonhatred adhicittamsiksa superior training in mind adhipatipratyaya dominant condition adhipatiphala dominant result adhiprajnamsiksa superior training in full knowing adhimuktimanaskara attention produced by interest adhimoksa interest adhisilamsiksa superior training in discipline anapatrapya immodesty anabhisamskdraparinirvdyin nirvana without effort anavatapta Unheated Lake andgami nonreturner andgamya Not Unable anasrava undefiled anitya impermanent anivrtavyakrta unobscured neutral anutpattidharmin nonarising dharma base anutpddajndna knowing nonarising anuraksanadharman protected one anusaya kernel anusmaranavikalpa thought that remembers anekasamkhyeyam kalpam uncountable aeons antahkalpa intermediate aeon antagrahana view of holding extremes antagrdhadrsti extreme view antaraparinirvdyin nirvana in the intermediate antarabhava between state anvayajndna subsequent knowing apatrapya modesty aparaparydyavedaniya karma experienced in other lifetimes 595 APPENDIX B apardntaka Aparântaka apratigha unobstructive upratisamkhydnirodha nonanalytic cessation apramdnasubha Immeasurable Virtue apramdndbhd Immeasurable Light apramdda carefulness abhijna clairvoyance abhidharma abhidharma abhidhyd covetousness abhibhvdyatana overpowering sense bases abhisamaya clear realization arand unprovocative ardhapluta half leapers arhut arhat alobha nongreed avadya unwholesome avamagna, nimagna torpor avara bhdgïya those that lead to the lowest avijnapti imperceptible form avidyd ignorance avihimsd nonhostility avid Incessant Hell avrhd Not Great avenikadharma unshared qualities avetyaprasdda faith from knowing avydkrta neutral asraddhya nonfaith asamvara wrong vow asamskdra noncomposite, noncompound asamayika nonoccasional asura demigod dkdsa space dkdsdnantya Infinite Space dksepikakarma propelling karma âjnatâvindriya faculty of having all­ knowing djnasydmindriya faculty of producing all­ knowing djndtendriya faculty of all-knowing dnantaryamdrga path of no obstacles dnantarydnikarmdni heinous karma, heinous deeds dyatana sense bases 596 ârüpyaga bound for Formless drüpyadhdtu Formless realm dryaastdnggikamarga noble eightfold path dlambanapratyaya objective condition dsrava defilement dsvddandsamprayukta absorption concurrent with enjoyment dhrikya shamelessness indriya faculty indriyasamcdra refine faculties ïrydpatha path of activities ïrsyd envy uttarakuru Unpleasant Sound utpattildbhin attained upon birth utsada neighboring hell uddhata agitation upaklesa near afflictions upandha grudge upapattibhava birth state upapadyaparinirvdyin nirvana upon birth upavdsastha fasting vows updddna grasping updddnakdrana grasping cause updsaka pursuer of virtue upeksd equanimity upeksd neutral feeling ünarâtra impossible day ürdhvabhdgïya those that lead to the higher ürdhvasrotas bound for higher üsman warmth rsi sage ekavïdka one lifetime, one obstacle ekdgra one-pointedness ogha floods aupacayika produced by development karma, karma karmapatha karmic path, path of karma ENGLISH EQUIVALENTS karmabheda ritual schism karmdvamna karmic obscurations kdmacchanda pleasure-seeking kdmatrrsnd craving for desire kamadhdtu Desire realm kdyasdksin made manifest by body karanahetu enabling cause kukula Burning Ground kulamkula from family to family kusala virtue kusalamulasamuccheda severing the roots of virtue krtsnayatana all-encompassing sense bases kaukrtya regret kausidya laziness krodha aggression klesa affliction klesamala afflicted filths klesavarana afflictive obscurations ksana instant ksanti forbearance ksayajndna knowing extinction ksayanutpddijndna knowing extinction and nonarising khadgamvisanakalpa rhinolike selfbuddha gati wanderer gotra family goddniya Bountiful Cow cakrabheda schism of the Wheel caturrddhipdda feet of miracles, four catvari samyakprahdndni complete abandonments, four catvaro viparitasdh errors, four citta cognition or mind cetana volition cetanakarma volitional karma cetayitvdkarma intended karma caitasika mental factor chanda intention OF SANSKRIT TERMS jambudvipa Rose-Apple Land jivitendriya faculty of life force jneyavarana cognitive obscuration tatksana instant of that tatsabhaga inactive tiryaka animal tusita Joyous Land trsna craving tejodhatu fire element trayastrimsa Heaven of the Thirty-Three darsanaheya discards of seeing darsanamdrga path of seeing cLisakrtsndyatana ten all-encompassing sense bases dana generosity dipamkara Dipamkara duhkha suffering duhkhaduhkhata suffering of suffering duhkhasatya truth of suffering duscarita harmful conduct drstadharmaphalakarma visibly experienced karma drsti view drstiparamarsa overesteeming views drstiprdpta attained through seeing deva god dravyatamanta, dravyasat substantially existent dvesa hatred dharma dharma, phenomenon dharmaksanti dharma forbearance dharmacakra Wheel of Dharma dharmajnana dharma knowing dharmaskandha aggregates of Dharma dharmdnusarin follower of dharma dharmin dharma base dhdtu element dhi mind dhydndntara special dhyana naraka hell nikdyasabhaga likeness 59 APPENDIX B nirupadhisesanirvana nirvana without remainder nirupaanvikalpa thought that recognizes nirodha satya truth of cessation nirodhasamapatti absorption of cessation nirmanarati Joy of Emanations nirvedhabhagiya precursor to clear realization nivrtavyakrta obscured neutral nisyanda causally compatible nisyandaphala causally compatible result naivasamjndndsamjnd Neither Conception nor Non-Conception pancanam anantarydndm heinous deeds, five pancendriyatva faculties, five pancopadanaskandha aggregates of grasping, five Paranirmitavasavartin Mastery over Others’ Emanations paramanu atoms paramdrtha ultimate parinamaduhkhata suffering of change parihanadharman regressed one parihlna regress Parittasubha Lesser Virtue Parittdbhd Lesser Light paryavasthdna entangler paryudasapratisedha not-negation papa, misdeed punyakriydvastu bases of meritorious action Punyaprasava Merit Born punyabhagiya precursor to merit purusakdraphala personal result purvakalabhava previous state purvavideha Superior Body prthagjanatva ordinary individual prthivi earth element prakrtisavadya inherently unwholesome prajnaptita, prajnaptisat nominally existent prajna full knowing prajnavimukti liberated through the aspect of full knowing 598 pranidhijnana knowing from aspiration pratiksepanasavadya prohibited unwholesome pratigha anger pratimoksa individual liberation prativedhanadharman capable to realize pratisamkhyanirodha analytic cessation pratisamvid unhindered knowledge pratisandhi rebirth-linking pratyaksa direct perception pratyaya condition pratyekabuddha self-buddha pradasa contentiousness Prabhasvara Radiant Light pramadita carelessness prayoga yoke prayogaja attained by training prayogamarga path of joining prasabdhi pliancy prasajyapratisedha no-negation prahanamarga paths that abandon, paths that discard prdnatipata taking life pratiharya miracle prantakotika highest end of concentration preta hungry ghost pluta leapers phala result phaUsthita abider in result bandhana bonds bala power buddha buddha brhatphala Great Result bodhi enlightenment bodhipaksya factors of enlightenment bodhisattva bodhisattva brahmakayika Brahmas Abode brahmacarya Brahmic conduct brahmapurohita Brahmas Ministers bhavaraga craving for existence bhavagra Peak of Existence bhava thing bhdvand meditation ... English Equivalents o f Sanskrit 'Terms The Sanskrit terms listed below come primarily from the edi­ tion of the root text prepared by V V Gokhale and the TibetanSanskrit concordances compiled... antaraparinirvdyin nirvana in the intermediate antarabhava between state anvayajndna subsequent knowing apatrapya modesty aparaparydyavedaniya karma experienced in other lifetimes 595 APPENDIX... that lead to the lowest avijnapti imperceptible form avidyd ignorance avihimsd nonhostility avid Incessant Hell avrhd Not Great avenikadharma unshared qualities avetyaprasdda faith from knowing

Ngày đăng: 31/10/2022, 13:44

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