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Jewels from the treasury vasubandhus ( (99)

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A SPECIFIC EXPLANATION OF PATHS (b) Elaboration 69cd The main is mentioned They are also All qualities produced by training In the explanation of the four foundations o f mindfulness and so forth as full knowing, discipline, and samadhi by nature, the main substance is mentioned, but if their associated factors are included, they, the foundations of mindful­ ness and the others, not including faith and so forth that are attained upon birth, are also all qualities o f listening, contemplation, and so forth that are produced by training b During which periods one meditates on them 70 Respectively, the seven groups Emerge among beginners and Precursors to clear realization, O n meditation, and on seeing During which stages which factors o f enlightenment emerge? you ask The Great Exposition says that respectively these seven groups of the foundations of mindfulness, complete abandonments, feet of miracles, faculties, powers, branches of enlightenment, and the noble eightfold path, emerge am ong be­ ginners, and on the four precursors to clear realization, on the paths of m ed­ itation, and on the path o f seeing.289 Others present the seven branches of enlightenment as the path of seeing and the noble eightfold path as the path of meditation c Examining whether they are defiled or undefiled 71 ab The branches of bodhi and the path Are undefiled The rest are twofold How many of the factors o f enlightenment are defiled and how many are un­ defiled? you ask The branches o f bodhi, or enlightenment, and the eightfold path are solely undefiled because they are contained within the paths of seeing, meditation, and no learning The rest are twofold, both defiled and undefiled, because they can be present during the equipoise and post-meditation of all five paths 489 YOUTHFUL PLAY * AREA VI d Examining which levels they are on 71 cd They all are on the first o f dhyanas And N ot Unable, except joy 72 O n second, all except considering, And on the two, except those two, And special dhyan O n the three Formless, N ot those, nor factors o f discipline 73ab They’re in Desire and on the Peak, Except enlightenment and path How many factors o f enlightenment are there on each of the levels? you ask T hey all are able to be on the actual practice o f the first o f the dhyanas, and on N o t Unable there are thirty-six with the exception o f joy O n the second dhyana, there are all, except for thought, which is considering, for thirty-six A nd on the two, the third and fourth dhyanas, there are thirty-five except those two, joy and thought A nd on the special dhyana, too, there are likewise thirty-five O n the first three Formless, too, there are n ot those two, joy and thought, no r are there the three factors o f discipline, right speech, and so forth, so there may be thirty-two They, twenty-two, are in Desire and on the Peak, except for fifteen: the branches of enlightenm ent and the noble eight­ fold path These may be included in the substance of either the paths of ac­ cumulation or the nobles’ training or post-meditation e W hen faith from knowing is attained This has two topics: i Actual, and ii Elaboration i Actual 73cd Seeing three truths gains discipline A nd faith in Dharm a out of knowing; 74ab In the Buddha and his Sangha, too, U pon the path’s clear realization At what point are the factors o f enlightenment known to be the attainm ent of faith from knowing? you ask Upon seeing the three truths o f suffering, origin, and cessation, one gains or attains the discipline that pleases the nobles and faith in the D harm a out o f knowing O ne attains faith from knowing in the B uddha and his Sangha of listeners, too, upon the truth o f the path’s clear realization Faith in these two is faith in the nonlearner dharmas that 490 A SPECIFIC EXPLANATION OF PATHS make the Buddha and faith in the learner dharmas that make the Sangha The word “too” indicates that faith in discipline and Dharm a from knowing are also attained ii Elaboration This has three points (1) Identifying the essence of the Dharma 74cd The Dharm a is three truths and paths O f the self-buddhas and bodhisattvas W hat is thought of as Dharm a here? you ask T he D harm a in this context is the clear realization the first three truths, and the learner and nonlearner paths o f the rhinolike self-buddhas, and truth o f the path of bodhisattvas, and the seventeen antidotes for the Peak o f Existence W ithin these, there is not a gath­ ering o f four bhikshus, so they are not the Sangha As they hold their own essence, they are dharma (2) How many substances it has 75ab In terms of substance, they are two: They’re faith and discipline In term s o f substance they are two: they are faith in the Three Jewels from knowing, which is faith, and discipline that pleases the nobles, which is discipline (3) Essential features 75b They’re stainless They, the faiths from knowing, are solely stainless T he m eaning o f fa ith through knowing is that knowing means realizing the truths correctly as they are through full knowing and fa ith means belief Liberation attained through the path This has three points: a Right lib­ eration, b Right knowing, and c A particular explanation of liberation a Right liberation This has two points 49i YOUTHFUL PLAY * AREA VI i The reason liberation is not a learner's branch 75cd They’re bound, so liberation is N ot called a learner’s branch From a sutra: The learners possess eight branches The nonlearners possess ten branches W hy are learners not explained as having liberation and right knowing? you ask They, the learners, are bound by any one o f the bonds of the afflictions, so liberation is n o t called a learner’s branch W ithout liberation, there can hardly be right knowing, because that is inherently the knowing o f extinction and nonarising ii Classifications of liberation 75d It’s twofold 76a—c Conquering afflictions, noncom pound; While interest is composite That is the branch; two liberations It, liberation, is twofold: the cessation of conquering afflictions is noncom ­ pound, while the nonlearner’s mental factor interest is composite T h at com­ posite liberation is the branch o f the path, because it is not logical for a noncomposite to be a branch Composite liberation itself is said in the sutras to be the two liberations of liberation o f the m ind from desire and liberation of full knowing from ignorance Others say that m ind and full knowing are also taught as liberation, so therefore liberation can be other things than just interest It is primarily the liberation itself of the m ind from afflictions b Right knowing 76d Enlightenment, as taught, is knowing T hat which is enlightenm ent, as previously taught, is known as right know ­ ing It is this: the knowing of extinction and nonarising c A particular explanation of liberation This has four topics: i W hich paths are freed from obscurations, ii W hich paths discard obscurations, iii Distinc­ 49 A SPECIFIC EXPLANATION OF PATHS tions o f liberation and so forth, and iv The four possibilities o f revulsion and so forth i Which paths are freed from obscurations 77ab Nonlearners’ minds are liberated From obscurations of the future W hat is this m ind that is liberated? T he nonlearners’ m inds are liberated from obscurations o f the future, it is said in the Treatise T he nonarising dharm a bases and worldly cognitions in their m ind are also liberated for the same reason ii Which paths discard obscurations 77cd The path that is about to cease Fully discards its obscurations At what time does the path discard the obscurations of the nonlearner’s mind? you ask T he present path th at is directed toward and about to cease fully discards its present obscurations iii Distinctions of liberation and so forth 78 Just noncom pound is called the elements Extinction o f all attachm ent is detachment; O f others, is the element o f abandonment; O f bases, called cessation’s element Just the liberation taught as noncom posite is classified in the sutras as three, called the elements of abandonment, detachment, and cessation The features of these three are that the extinction o f all attachm ent is the element of de­ tachm ent The extinction o f all other afflictions than desire is the element of abandonm ent The complete extinction of the bases of all the afflictions is called cessations element T hat basis is the defiled aggregates excluding the afflictions 493 ... ithin these, there is not a gath­ ering o f four bhikshus, so they are not the Sangha As they hold their own essence, they are dharma (2 ) How many substances it has 75ab In terms of substance, they... attains the discipline that pleases the nobles and faith in the D harm a out o f knowing O ne attains faith from knowing in the B uddha and his Sangha of listeners, too, upon the truth o f the path’s... is the clear realization the first three truths, and the learner and nonlearner paths o f the rhinolike self-buddhas, and truth o f the path of bodhisattvas, and the seventeen antidotes for the

Ngày đăng: 31/10/2022, 13:40

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