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Jewels from the treasury vasubandhus ( (119)

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ENGLISH EQUIVALENTS nyon mongs medpa unprovocative nyi ogpa Aparantaka nying mtshams sbyor ba rebirth-linking nye ‘khor dmyal ba neighboring hell nye bai nyon mongs near afflictions nye bar len pa grasping nye bar len p d i phungpo Inga, aggregates of grasping, five nyer len gyi rgyu grasping cause gnyid sleep mnyam bzhag equipoise snyoms jug absorption snyoms ju ggi sgrib pa obscurations to absorption snyoms jug dag pa pa pure absorption snyoms 'jug ro myang Idan absorption concurrent with enjoyment bsnyen gnas fasting vows tingnge dzin samadhi gti mug delusion gti mug med pa nondelusion btang snyoms equanimity, neutral feeling btagsyod nominally existent rtogpa considering rtogs p d i skalpa can capable to realize Ita na sdugpa Lovely to Behold Ita ba view Ita ba mchog dzin overesteeming views stongpa empty stong spyiphud general prime thousand stobs power brten bcas active bstan bcos treatise tha ma cha mthun those that lead to the lowest thangcig minute thams cadyodpar smra ba Sarvastivada tharpa cha mthun precursor to freedom thod rgal gyi snyoms jug skipping absorption thod rgal gyi ting nge dzin skipping samadhi thogs bcas obstructive thogs med unobstructive OF TIBETAN TERMS the tshom doubt thegpa dman pa Foundation Vehicle thub pa sage mthar Ita extreme view mthar dzin Ita ba view of holding extremes mthong chos myong ’gyur gyi las visibly experienced karma mthong spang, discards of seeing mthong bas thob pa attained through seeing mthong lam path of seeing ’thab bral Conflict Free dad p d i rjes 'brang follower of faith dad pas mos convinced through faith don dam ultimate de ma thag rkyen immediate condition de mtshungs inactive de yi skad cig instant of that dud ’gro animal dus dang sbyor occasional dus dang mi sbyor nonoccasional drangsrong sage dran pa mindfulness dran pa nye bar bzhag pa bzhi foundations of mindfulness, four drod warmth bdag rkyen dominant condition bdagpo’i 5bras bu dominant result mdo sutra dod khams Desire realm dod chags desire dod pa la dun pa pleasure-seeking dod p d i sred pa craving for desire du byed formation du byed kyi phung po aggregate of formation du shes conception du shes kyi phung po aggregate of conception du shes med du shes med Neither Conception nor Non-Conception dun pa intention dus byas composite, compound 589 APPENDIX A ’dus ma byas noncomposite, noncompound rdo rje Ita bu ting nge dzin vajra-like samadhi rdulphra rab atoms rdulphran molecules Idan du byed nonconcurrent formation sdorn pa vow sdom wrong vow sdigpa misdeed sdug bsngal suffering sdug bsngal gyi bden pa truth of suffering sdug bsngal gyi sdug bsngal suffering of suffering sdugpa’i mam thar emancipation of loveliness nam mkha’ space nam mkha’ mthdyas Infinite Space gnas thams cad du ‘chi ’pho ba one who dies in all realms gnas pa las mi bskyodpa unshaken from abiding gnod sems malice mnar medpa Incessant Hell mam grol Lam path of liberation mam thar pa emancipation mam par rgyal byed Fully Conquering mam par nyamspa forfeit rnam par mi ’tshe ba nonhostility rnam par ‘tshe ba hostility rnam par rig byed ma yin p a i gzugs imperceptible form rnam par shespaiphungpo aggregate of consciousness rnam byang utterly pure rnam smin gyi rgyu cause of full ripening rnam smin gyi sgrib pa ripened obscurations rnam smin gyi ’bras bu fully ripened result rnam g.yeng distraction rnam shes consciousness rnam shes mtha’yas Infinite Consciousness 590 brnab sems covetousness dpyodpa examining spang bya discard jpong ba’i lam paths that abandon, paths that discard spel sgom alternating meditation spyod lam path of activities phal chen sdepa Majority school phung po aggregate phyin ci logs pa bzhi errors, four phyir mi ’ong ba nonreturner phyed du ’p har ba half leapers phra rgyas kernel phragdog envy ’phar ba leapers p’ hags lam yan lag brgyad noble eightfold path ’phen byed kyi las propelling karma p’ hrul dga’ Joy of Emanations ba lang spyod Bountiful Cow bagchags imprint bag med carelessness bagyod carefulness bar gyi bskalpa intermediate aeon bar chad med lam path of no obstacles bar do’i sridpa between state bar dor mya ngan las ’da ba nirvana in the intermediate bar sdom mid-vow byang chub, enlightenment byang chub phyogs kyi chos factors of enlightenment byang chub yan lagbdun branches of enlightenment, seven byang chub sems dpa’ bodhisattva byingba torpor bye bragsmra ba Great Exposition school byed rgyu enabling cause bio mind dbangpo faculty dbangpo Inga, faculties, five dbangpo ’pho ba refine faculties ’byunggyur source-derived ENGLISH EQUIVALENTS ’byung ba sources Jbyung ba chen po bzhi great sources, four bral ba removal b l1bras result of removal ;bras gnas abider in result ’bras bu result ’bras bu che ba Great Result ’bras bu thos rgal ba skipping results ’bras bu mthar gyis pa successive results sbyor ba yoke sbyor ’byung attained by training sbyor lam path of joining sbyin pa generosity ma bsgribs lung ma bstan unobscured neutral ma nges pa’i las not definite karma ma dad pa nonfaith ma dros pa’i mtsho Unheated Lake ma ’drespa’i chos unshared qualities ma byin par len pa stealing, taking what has not been given ma mo matrix mayindgag not-negation ma rig pa ignorance mar me mdzad Dipamkara mospa interest mos pa las byung ba’i yid la byedpa attention produced by interest mi human mi skye ba shespa knowing nonarising mi skye ba’i chos can nonarising dharma base mi dge ba nonvirtue, unvirtuous mi Icogs medpa Not Unable mi che ba Not Great mi mjed j’ig rten gyi khams Unbearable World Realm mi rtagpa impermanent mi gdung ba W ithout Pain mi g.yo ba’i chos can unshakable one me mar murpa Burning Ground med dgag no-negation me’i khams fire element dmigs rkyen objective condition dmyal ba hell OF TIBETAN TERMS rmongspa delusion smon nas shes pa knowing from aspiration rtsa ba’i nyon mongs root afflictions rtse gcigpa one-pointedness rtse mo peak brtson ’grus diligence tshad med dge Immeasurable Virtue tshad med ’od Immeasurable Light tshangs chen Great Brahma tshangspa mdun na ’don Brahma's Ministers tshangs par spyodpa Brahmic conduct tshangs ris Brahma's Abode tshor ba feeling tshor ba’i phungpo aggregate of feeling tshogs na spyod pa’i rang sang rgyas congregating self-buddha tshogs lam path of accumulation tshe cig bar chad cigpa one lifetime, one obstacle tshul khrims discipline tshul khrims brtul zhugs mchog ’dzin overesteeming discipline and austerity mtshan nyid characteristic mtshan gzhi character base mtshams med kyi Us heinous karma, heinous deeds mtshungs Idan concurrent mtshungs Idan rgyu concurrent cause mtshungs pa de ma thag rkyen concurrent immediate condition ’tshigpa contentiousness ’dzam bu gling Rose-Apple Land rdzas yod substantially existent rdzogs byed kyi Us completing karma rdzu p’ hrul gyi rkangpa bzhi feet of miracles, four zhag mi thub impossible day zhe sdang hatred zhe sdang med pa nonhatred gzhan p’ hrul dbang byed Mastery over Others’ Emanations 591 APPENDIX A zag bcas defiled zagpa defilement zagmed undefiled zadpa shespa knowing extinction zadpar gyi skye mched all-encompassing sense bases zad par gyi skye mched bcu ten allencompassing sense bases zad mi skye shes pa knowing extinction and nonarising zilgyisgnonpai skye mched overpowering sense bases gzugs form gzugs kyi phungpo aggregate of form gzugs khams Form realm gzugs can gzugs la Ita bai mam thar emancipation of viewing external form while conceiving of internal form gzugs med kyi mam thar formless emancipations gzugs med khams Formless realm gzugs med nyer ’gro bound for Formless gzugs su nyer ’gro bound for Form bzodpa forbearance *og Below None *od chen Great Light *od chung Lesser Light Jodgsal’ Radiant Light yang dag p a i ngag right speech yang dag p a i ting nge dzin right samadhi yang dag p a i rtog pa right consideration yang dag p a i Ita ba right view yang dag p a i dran pa right mindfulness yang dag p a i rtsol ba right effort yang dag p a i ’tsho ba right livelihood yang dag p a i las kyi mtha\ right action yang dag par spong ba bzhi complete abandonments, four yongsu nyamspai chos can regressed one yongs su nyams pa regress yi dwags hungry ghost yid mind yid la byedpa attention yud tsam hour 592 yul can subject g.yo deceit rang bzhin kha na ma tho ba inherently unwholesome rang sang rgyas self-buddha ris mthun pa likeness rigs, family rigs nas rigs, from family to family regpa contact regpa touch dung gi khams air element sr°ggi dbangpo faculty of life force srog bcodpa taking life sridpa lan bdun pa seven timer sridpai rtse mo Peak of Existence srid p a i sred pa craving for existence sredpa craving lan grangs gzhan myong 'gyur gyi las karma experienced in other lifetimes lan cigphyir Jong ba once-returner lam path lam gyi bden pa truth of path las karma las kyi sgribpa karmic obscurations las kyi dbyen ritual schism las kyi lam karmic path, path of karma logpar g.yem pa sexual misconduct logs zhugs mistaken engagement le lo laziness legs spyad fine conduct lung ma bstan neutral lus kyis mngon sum byed made manifest by body lus ’phagspo Superior Body shin tu mthong ba Great Vision shin tu sbyangs pliancy shes nas dad pa faith from knowing shes pa cognition shes bya’i sgrib pa cognitive obscuration shes byai gzhi Inga, bases of the knowable, five shes bzhin pa nonawareness shes rab full knowing ENGLISH EQUIVALENTS shes rab kyanggrol freed just by full knowing shes rab kyi cha las mam grol liberated through the aspect of full knowing sa p’ ho ba shift level sangs rgyas buddha sai khams earth element so so skye bo ordinary individual so soryang dag par rig pa unhindered knowledge so sor brtagspai gogpa analytic cessation so sor brtags 'gogpa nonanalytic cessation so sor tharpa individual liberation sems cognition or mind semspa volition sems p a i las volitional karma sems 'byung mental factor ser sna stinginess sum cu rtsa gsum Heaven of the ThirtyThree slob lam path of learning bsam gtan khyadpar can special dhyana OF TIBETAN TERMS bsam gtan gyi nyer bsdogs preparations for dhyana bsam gtan rab kyi mtha' highest end of concentration bsam p a i las intended karma bsod nams skyes Merit Born bsod nams cha mthun precursor to merit bsod nams bya ba’i gzhi bases of meritorious action bse ru Ita bu rang sang rgyas rhinolike selfbuddha lha god lha ma yin demigod lhagpa tshul khrims kyi bslab pa superior training in discipline lhag pa shes rab kyi bslab pa superior training in full knowing lhag pa sems kyi bslab pa superior training in mind lhag med myan ngan las \'daspa nirvana without remainder lhan skyes coemergent lhan cig \byung rgyu coemergent cause 593 ... shin tu sbyangs pliancy shes nas dad pa faith from knowing shes pa cognition shes bya’i sgrib pa cognitive obscuration shes byai gzhi Inga, bases of the knowable, five shes bzhin pa nonawareness... med lam path of no obstacles bar do’i sridpa between state bar dor mya ngan las ’da ba nirvana in the intermediate bar sdom mid-vow byang chub, enlightenment byang chub phyogs kyi chos factors of... rkyen objective condition dmyal ba hell OF TIBETAN TERMS rmongspa delusion smon nas shes pa knowing from aspiration rtsa ba’i nyon mongs root afflictions rtse gcigpa one-pointedness rtse mo peak brtson

Ngày đăng: 31/10/2022, 13:43