YOUTHFUL PLAY * AREA IV (ii) Causes that cancel vows of dhyana This has two points A A ctual 40ab The virtue of dhyana can be canceled By shifting level or regressing All of the virtue o f dhyana can be canceled by shifting one’s level by both shifting from a lower to a higher level, which cancels the virtue of the lower level, and by shifting from a higher to a lower level, which cancels the virtue of the higher level O r it can also be canceled by regressing from absorption It is possible that the virtue o f the preparations for both dhyana and the un defiled can be canceled by death, it is explained B Supplem entary p o in t 40c Formless is same; Just as the virtue o f the dhyanas is canceled by shifting levels and regressing, the virtue of Formless is canceled like that, too (iii) Causes that cancel undefiled vows 40cd noble by gaining A result, refining, or regressing The noble or undefiled vow is canceled by gaining a result or by refining fac ulties The first cancels those included in the path o f entering, and the second those included in the paths of dull faculties Some that are included in the two higher paths are also canceled by regressing (b) Causes that cancel wrong vows 41 ab Wrong vows are canceled by gaining vows O r dying or two organs arising W rong vows are canceled by gaining either of the two vows, or they are can celed by dying, or by two organs arising simultaneously, because the body is discarded and the support weakened (c) Causes that cancel mid-vows 324 THE led PRESENTATION OF KARMA Midvows, when force or undertaking, Act, object, life, or the roots cease T he imperceptible o f the midvow is canceled w hen the force of the sincerity or afflictions that propelled the imperceptible ceases, like a potters wheel or the flight o f an arrow.198 It is also canceled by giving up on what has been prop erly undertaken, saying, “Undertaking this is enough,” and by the action ceas ing when one does not the action as one had undertaken It is also canceled by the cessation of the object: stupas, monasteries, temples, beds, seats, snares, traps, weapons, and poison.199 It is canceled by the cessation of life It is also canceled by the roots o f virtue ceasing or being severed If one frees oneself from the desire of the Desire realm, the roots of nonvirtue are severed and the nonvirtuous mid-vow is canceled (d) Causes that cancel other dharmas This has two points (i) The cause for canceling immaterial virtue 42ab The Desire realms immaterial virtue, By severing roots and rebirth higher T h e Desire realm s im m aterial virtue is canceled by severing the roots of virtue and by rebirth in the higher Form and Formless realms (ii) The cause for canceling the immaterial afflicted 42cd The immaterial afflicted Perishes when its anti arises All that is immaterial and afflicted of the three realms perishes and is canceled when its own antidotes path arises (4) W h at support possesses them This has two topics: (a) How wrong vows are possessed, and (b) How vows are possessed (a) How wrong vows are possessed 43a-c Except sexless, neuters, hermaphrodites, Unpleasant Sound, humans can have Wrong vows 32 YOUTHFUL PLAY ?f A R E A IV Except for the sexless, neuters, herm aphrodites with two sexual organs, and those who live on Unpleasant Sound, hum ans can have wrong vows (b) How vows are possessed This has two topics: (i) General overview, and (ii) W hich support possesses which vow (i) General overview 43cd The vows are similar The gods as well T he vows are just like or similar to wrong vows: they can be possessed only by men and women o f the three continents N ot only that, the gods can pos sess them as well O ther wanderers cannot possess them because their minds are unclear since they cannot forbear the antidote o f discrimination; because they have very little modesty and shame; or because they have the obscurations of full ripening.200 (ii) Which support possesses which vow This has two topics: A W hich vows humans possess, and B W hich vows gods possess A W hich vows hum ans possess 43d Hum ans have three H um ans can have the three vows: individual liberation, dhyana, and unde filed B Which vows gods possess This has two points W ho p o ssesses the dhyana vow 44ab The gods born in Desire and Form Have dhyan-produced T he gods born in the realms of Desire and Form have dhyana-produced vows, but the gods o f Formless not because there is no form on their level and those attained on lower levels have been canceled when they shifted levels W ho p o ssesses the u ndefiled vow 32 KARMA 44b—d AS EXPLAINED IN THE SUTRAS Exceptfor beings In special dhyana and Concept Free, They’ve undefiled— in Formless, too Undefiled vows can be possessed in Desire Except beings in the special dhyana level of Great Brahma and beings born in Conception Free, they, the gods born in Desire and Form, can have undefiled vows Gods born in Form less, too, can have them in terms of possession They are not manifest in Form less because there is no form there C The meaning of karma as explained in the sutras This has two topics: General teachings, and Specific explanations General teachings This has four topics: a Classifying in terms of cause and result, b Teaching the many enumerations of karma, c W hich karma has how many results, and d O ther presentations of karma a Classifying in terms of cause and result This has three topics: i Classifying in terms of result, ii Classifying in terms o f cause, and iii Classifying in terms o f both cause and result L Classifying in terms of result This has four topics: (1) Classifying in three as virtue, etc., (2) Classifying in three as merit, etc., (3) Classifying in three by experience, and (4) The explanation o f the latter two (1) Classifying in three as virtue, etc 45ab Pleasant, unpleasant, and other karma Are virtue, nonvirtue, and other The sutras say, “Karma is threefold.” Karma that produces pleasantness, and that does not produce pleasantness but produces unpleasantness, and other karm a that does not produce either pleasantness or unpleasantness are in suc cession virtue, nonvirtue, and the other, neutral (2) Classifying in three as merit, etc 45c Merit, nonm erit, and unmoving 32 YOUTHFUL PLAY * AREA IV The sutras also say that there are the three types of meritorious, nonm eritorious, and unm oving karma (3) Classifying in three by experience 45d The three experienced as pleasure, et cetera Additionally, there are another three types of karma that are taught: karma experienced as pleasure, et cetera, including karma experienced as suffering and karma experienced as neutral (4) The explanation of the latter two This has two topics: (a) Explaining merit and so forth, and (b) Explaining the three ways it is experienced and additional points (a) Explaining merit and so forth This has two points (i) Meritorious karma 46ab M erit is virtuous karma of Desire Because it is the antidote for nonmerit, m erit is virtuous karm a o f the Desire realm (ii) Unmoving karma 46b—d Unmoving is o f higher: Because the karma fully ripens O n just those levels, it does not move Unm oving karma is virtuous karma o f the higher Form and Formless levels Well then, a sutra says, “In this first dhyana, there is analysis and examination, so the nobles m ove ” Does this not explain that the three dhyanas are mov ing? you ask This is said because those levels have the faults of samadhi; it is not in terms of unmoving karma Completing karma201 o f the Form and Formless realms cannot fully ripen on another level W hat is the reason? Because the karm a fully ripens on just those levels This pervades because it is unmoving: it does n ot move to other levels in dependence upon conditions Well then, in Desire as well the full ripening does not move to other levels 328 ... by the cessation of life It is also canceled by the roots o f virtue ceasing or being severed If one frees oneself from the desire of the Desire realm, the roots of nonvirtue are severed and the. .. wrong vows: they can be possessed only by men and women o f the three continents N ot only that, the gods can pos sess them as well O ther wanderers cannot possess them because their minds are... four topics: (1 ) Classifying in three as virtue, etc., (2 ) Classifying in three as merit, etc., (3 ) Classifying in three by experience, and (4 ) The explanation o f the latter two (1 ) Classifying