AREA VI ?f P A T H S AND 46 Nobles detached through worldly paths Attain removal that is twofold Some say through the transworldly, too, Since if they forfeit, no afflictions 47 As when ones freed from half the Peaks O r born above, they’re not possessed Undefiled N ot Unable can Remove attachm ent to all levels 48 In victory over the three levels The final path o f liberation Comes out o f dhyan or preparation Above, not from the preparations Eight nobles are victorious Over their own and higher levels 49 The worldly paths o f liberation And of no obstacles have peace And coarse, et cetera, as their aspects, And as their sphere, the high and low 50 From knowing extinction comes the nonarising Intelligence if they’re unshakable If not, then knowing extinction or the view O f the nonlearner, which all arhats have 51 The spiritual way is the stainless paths; Results are com pound and noncom pound They’re eighty-nine: they are the paths O f liberation, with extinctions 52 There are five reasons they are presented As four results: relinquishing The previous path on the result, Acquiring another, and combining 53 Extinctions, gaining the eight knowings, And also gaining sixteen aspects Results o f worldly paths are mixed, Supported by unstained attainment INDIVIDUALS 69 VERSES ON THE TREASURY OF ABHIDHARMA 54 It is Brahmas method, Brahmas wheel, Since Brahma is the one who turned it The Dharm a Wheel is the path of seeing, Since it goes fast, has spokes, et cetera 55 Three gained in Desire, the last in three Above there is no path o f seeing, As theres no weariness, and scriptures say, “Commence here; come to the end there.” 56 It is said there are six arhats, five O f whom come from the convinced through faith Their freedom is occasional Unshakable one cannot be shaken, 57 So that is nonoccasional freedom Born out of the attained through seeing Some from the first are in their family, And some become through purification 58 The four regress from family, Five from result N ot from the first Six families of learners and nonnobles There’s no refining on the path o f seeing 59 Regression from attained, from not attained, And from enjoyment: these are called three types The Teacher has the last; the unshakable, The middle, too; and others have the three 60 W hile they’re regressed, they not die They don’t what should not be done Nine paths of no obstacles and liberation For unshakable from strong familiarity 61 O ne each for the attained through seeing They’re undefiled, refined by humans Nonlearners on support o f nine, And learners on six levels, since 70 AREA VI # PATHS AND 62 Refinement forfeits the result And progress; the result is gained Two buddhas, seven listeners: Nine have nine different faculties 63 The seven individuals Are made by training, faculties, Absorption, liberation, both They’re six: the three paths each have two 64 Those who have gained cessation, liberated By both; the others by full knowing From their absorption, faculties, And results, learners are called perfect 65 Nonlearners are perfect through two In brief, there are four types o f path: They’re called distinctive, liberation, No obstacles, and path of joining 66 The dhyanas’ paths are easy; those O f other levels, difficult Dull minds are slow to clearly know; The other ones know clearly quickly 67 Knowing extinction and nonarising Is enlightenment They factor in it, So the thirty-seven are its factors In terms o f name In substance, ten: 68 Faith, diligence, and mindfulness, full knowing, Samadhi, equanimity, and joy, Considering, discipline, and pliancy The mindfulness foundations are full knowing 69 And diligence, called right endeavor The feet of miracles, samadhi The main is mentioned They are also All qualities produced by training INDIVIDUALS 7i VERSES ON THE TREASURY OF ABHIDHARMA 70 Respectively, the seven groups Emerge among beginners and Precursors to clear realization, O n meditation, and on seeing 71 The branches of bodhi and the path Are undefiled The rest are twofold They all are on the first of dhyanas And N ot Unable, except joy 72 O n second, all except considering, And on the two, except those two, And special dhyan O n the three Formless, N ot those, nor factors o f discipline 73 They’re in Desire and on the Peak, Except enlightenment and path Seeing three truths gains discipline And faith in Dharm a out o f knowing; 74 In the Buddha and his Sangha, too, U pon the path’s clear realization The Dharm a is three truths and paths O f the self-buddhas and bodhisattvas 75 In terms of substance, they are two: They’re faith and discipline They’re stainless They’re bound, so liberation is N ot called a learner’s branch It’s twofold 76 Conquering afflictions, noncom pound; W hile interest is composite That is the branch; two liberations Enlightenment, as taught, is knowing 77 Nonlearners’ minds are liberated From obscurations o f the future The path that is about to cease Fully discards its obscurations 72 AREA VI * PATHS AND 78 Just noncom pound is called the elements Extinction o f all attachm ent is detachment; O f others, is the element of abandonment; O f bases, called cessations element 79 Forbearance and knowing suffering And cause can bring revulsion All that discard remove attachment There are thus four alternatives INDIVIDUALS This completes the sixth area called “Teachings on the Paths and Individuals” from the Verses o f the Treasury ofAbhidharma 73 ... Regression from attained, from not attained, And from enjoyment: these are called three types The Teacher has the last; the unshakable, The middle, too; and others have the three 60 W hile they’re... are in their family, And some become through purification 58 The four regress from family, Five from result N ot from the first Six families of learners and nonnobles There’s no refining on the. .. discard remove attachment There are thus four alternatives INDIVIDUALS This completes the sixth area called “Teachings on the Paths and Individuals” from the Verses o f the Treasury ofAbhidharma