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Nagarjunas philosophy as presented in the maha prajnaparamita sastra (2)

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NAGARAJUNA'S PHILOSOPHY TBB AS THE PRINCIPLE Of COMPREHENSION (Prajna) v KNOWLEDGB 127 MJDDIlI WAY: THB NON-EXCLUSlVJI WAY TRB WAYS OF TEAClDNG VI EXTREMES AND ALTERNATIVES lSI TBB EXTUMIIS TIlE ALTBRNATIVIS VII CRmCISM Of CATEGORIES THE MUNDANE AND CRITJCSM O F THE • ULTIMATE • • • • :• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 171 TRUTH CATBGOIlD!S VIII 1'BB WORm AND THE NON-SUJSTANTIAIlTY TRB INDIVIDUAL oF THE EU!MENTS 209 EXJSTBNCB OF SUBSTAImAL ENTITY (S OUL) NOTION OF SELl' AS A TRB COURSJI O' PIIRSONAL UFII IX RlIALITY -.:m INDBTBRMINATB TBB UNDIVIDED x 1'BB WAy • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2SI GROUND • • • • • TID WAY OF COMPJIEIIENSION GRl!AT WAy'AND THE SMALL WAY WAY AND O' TBI! XI CONSUMMATION TID BEING TBI! THI fACTORS • • • • • • • • • IODIDSATTVA TlllIODIDSATTVA AND THE BUDDHA • • 276 (Mahayana and Hinayana) Of fREEDOM THE GATES • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 297 OF CONTENTS TABLE XII CONCLUSION BlBUOGIlAPBY NOTES INDEX • • • • 317 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 33 I 335 FOREWORD (TO THE ORIGINAL 1966 EDITION) As one of the few Indian scholars of philosophy who in modem times have lived and studied in China, Dr Krishniah Venkata Ramanan is ' unusually qualified to' undertake the study here presented, based on the Chi nese version of a sutra commentary of which the Sanskrit original has long since vanished He has left for another occasion his reasons for accepting the traditional but questionable ascription of the commentary to Nagarjuna, believing the identity of the author i1t11naterial to the presem purpose-Uto give as far as possible an obj ective and complete picture of the Madhyamika philosophy as it can be gathered from the whole of this text." Dr Venkata Ram.anan has produced a well documented account of a difficult but important s ystem of thought His scholarly approach to his materials, his intellectual discrimination, and his command of Chinese sources ( by no means confined to the Ta�h;h-tu-lun) will surely earn him wide respect in India and abroad This enterp rising scholar is also well versed in modem Japanese Buddhist studi es, and has lectured at Ohtani University and elsewhere in Japan The p resent work, begun in China and s ubstantially comple ted in India, was revised while the author was in re sidence at Harvard Uni­ versity as a Visiting Scholar under auspices of the Harvard-Yenching Institute One of the last instructions given me by the Institute's Direc­ tor, Professor Edwin o Rciscbauer, before he went on leave to assume his pOSt as American Ambassador to Japan, was to carry out· his plan to publish Dr Venkata Ramana n 's book-in the interest of furthering scholarly relations between East and South Asia, as well as de epening � NAGARJUNA'S PHILOSOPHY the understanding of Asia's cultural traditions wherever the book is read GLEN W BIDER Acting Director HARVARD-YENCHlNG INSTITUTE Cambridge, Massachusetts March, 1965 ABBREVIATIONS TIre Abhisamayalaflkaraloka of Haribhadra (the Commen­ taries on the Prajlfaparamitb, vol I), ed G Tucci (Gaek­ wad's Oriental Series LXII), Baroda, I932 AAA Anguttara Nikiiya, edd R Morris, E Hardy, vols Pali London 1885-I9OO AnI" Text Society, Aspects Aspects oj Mahiiyilna Buddhism anJ Its Relation to Hfnayana by Nalinalcsha Dutt, Luzac & Co., London, 1930 Alta AJtasahasrikii PrajlfiipiiramitJ, ed Rajendralala Mitra (Biblio­ theca Indica), Calcutta, 1888 Bareau Les Seaes Bouddhiques du Petit Vehicule, by Andre Bareau, Ecole Francaisc d'Extrem�rient, Saigon, 19S5 CCB (Central Conception) The Central Conception of Buddhism and the Meaning oj the Word "Dllanna," by Th Stcherbatsky, Royal Asiatit Society, London, 1923 (Prize Publication Fund, Vol VII) Dfglla Drgha Nikiiya, edd T.W Rhys Davids, J E Carpenter, W Stedc, vols Pali Text Society, London, 190B-I9II Fo-Ren Yi-pu-tslIlIg-lun-luII shll-chi-fa-ren (.IlIHi�.r.ni!l!�gfJl.) Oyama, Kyoto, IB91 This includes K 'uei-chi 's Shu-chi (l1!tc) GOS Gaekwad's Ori ental Series, Oriental Series, Oriental Insti­ tute Karika Mulamadhyamakakiirikiis d� Niiglirjuna avec la PrasolllUlpada Commentaire de Candrakirti), ed Louis de la Vallee Pous­ sin (Bibl Buddhica, IV), St Petersbourg, 1915 H ... undertake the study here presented, based on the Chi nese version of a sutra commentary of which the Sanskrit original has long since vanished He has left for another occasion his reasons for accepting... while the author was in re sidence at Harvard Uni­ versity as a Visiting Scholar under auspices of the Harvard-Yenching Institute One of the last instructions given me by the Institute's Direc­... between East and South Asia, as well as de epening � NAGARJUNA'S PHILOSOPHY the understanding of Asia's cultural traditions wherever the book is read GLEN W BIDER Acting Director HARVARD-YENCHlNG INSTITUTE

Ngày đăng: 31/10/2022, 13:42