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Nagarjunas philosophy as presented in the maha prajnaparamita sastra (78)

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INDEX Dharma-dhatu-stava, S , 341b, 368a Jjti't (seeking longing, thirst for the real) , 18 342a; see thirst dharma-jfiiina i't� (knowledge of ele­ ments that constitute the world of desire ) , 289 ; cf anvayajiialla dharma-kaya i't,!lt (dharma-body, the body born of dharmata) , of the bod­ hisattva 307-309 ; of the Buddha, 14-16 dharma-ksanti r:t;i'& (enduranCe for dharma, the ability to bear the truth), 14S ; meanings of the term, 369b7Oa ; see anutpattika-dharma-ksiInti, Jharmaisat;la gambhira-dharma-k�nti dharma-laksat;la f!*H (the true, essential nature of dharma), of the clements, 87; the eternal 2'P-71 ; the mundane and the transmundane, 2s9-60; see dharma, lak$at;l!/ dharma-megha f! (lit., dharma-cloud ; the last stage in the bodhisattva's wayfaring, compared to the great cloud) 10 ; see bhumi dharma-prajfiapti (conventional designa­ tion of the subtle constituent ele­ ments) , 8s ; see prajfiapti, also con­ vention dharma-pravicara !$i't (analysis and understanding of the constituent element s of all things), 291 dharmariimab :gi* (delighting in and contemplatmg on the true nature c � thing s) , 342a dharma-ratib �� (intersted in compre­ hending the true nature of things), 42a dharma-sthana �{± (the real nature in which things eternally stay; the eter­ nal nature or abode of things), l I S 272 dharma-sthiti �& (the real state or the stability of things ) , 272 dharma-sunyata f!� (sunrata of dhar­ ma) , as the indeterminate nature of the ultimate reality, see svabhiiva­ lCUnyatif; as the nonsubstantiality of the basic elements of existence, 57, 62, 84, 86, 87, 210-16, 3b 348b, 75b-76a ; see dharma, sunyatii dharmatif i'tM: (true nature, a synonym of tathata) the different levels of 259 ; as the origin of dharma-kiiya, 307 ; see tathata; cf dharma-dhiitu dharmiitrn4 f! !lit (the self-being of ele­ ments), the basic doctrine of Sarvis­ tiv5da, 57; see ahnan dhatu it (essence ) , as comparable to prakrti and distinguished from laksa1)Q � 77 ; as the inmost essence, the fundamental nature 261 ; see dhanlla­ dhiftu sabhaga-dluttu c1hatu it (source, origin, *�*) as the ground of all things 261 S l a ; see JlumtuJ.Jhiltu Jh6tu Jr., (lineage, a classification of elements), the eighteen, 83, 87, 128 ; cf 'raland, skandha Jhltll JP (spheres, worlds) the three, 236 Jhilta-gut;la l1l� (ascetic practices), the twelve, �their true nature and pur­ pose, 306, 369b dhrifna � (states of meditation, con­ centration contemplati on ) , as th e fout trances o f the realm of form 294 ; meaning of the term 7ob : their place in the factors of the way 294 ; their place m the nine successive abodes, 72b-73 a; c£ also samadhi dhylna-pilramitii (perfection of concen­ tration and meditation ) , 28S-86 ; see piIramitif Dighanikifya, 344a dik 1i (spatial directions ) , critical ex­ amination of the subitantialist con­ ception of: �OO-20I " 363 a ; as derived names, 201-3 ; see mahifmnyatii Dighanakha, 148 dogmatism explained, 105-106 ; see anta, d"Ii, error and extreme INDEX dravya �.II (Jl�, reality, substance) , as one of the basic categories of the Vai§e�ikas), 201 , 363 a dravyasat (vastusat) Jl:ff (lit being a real, an immutable substan ce ) as the substantialist view in regard to time, 195 ; see time dream, cited to illustrate the limited, rel ative validity of cognition, 94-95 ; V abh a�ikas' interpretation of, S 3b d(ili J! (view), the term explained and the false, distin guished from the ri gh t, 42a-b drsli J! (wrong or false view; extreme), origin of, 105-6, 107-10; kinds of, 108-10, I S 3-5S , 74-75, � , 36oa-b ; see also error, extreme ; cf mithyiidr� Ii Jri#-pariima,sa �J! (clinging to views), as itself a basic kind of false view, 109 ; see pariimaria dubkha =if (pain, suffering) ; see suffering Dutt, Nalinaksha, 36a, 3 8a, 3 9a, 3 9b, 48a-b Dvadaiamukha-iastra, 15, S , 36, 341b, 362a, 77b ultimate truth, 91-93 error of false realism (sasvabhava-vada) , 43 ; see error of misplaeed absolumess error of misplaced absoluteness (sat­ kaya-dmi, sasvabhiivavada) , carried to its completion, 102 ; Madhyamika rej ection of, 42 ; as misapplied drive toward the real, , 43 ; as ro oted in the false sense of self, 71, 247 ; as the root form of all errors, 93 , 247 ; as the root of dogmatic views, 107 ; as the toot of the tendency to cling, , 171 ; see clinging, extremes elat)ii * (seeking, longing, thirst, in dharmailat)ii, thirs t for the real), 342a essential nature (laklat)a) , the three grades of, 86-8 ; see laklat)a Essentials of Buddhist Philosophy, 78b eternalism ; see iiisvata-dTIIi existence ; see bhiiva, being experIence, and the obj ect of experi­ ence, 5-16; if COgnition extremes, and alternatives, 50-70 (es­ pecially 1-60) ; and clinging, 48, 49, l S I , 71-73 ; the four, 5-160 ; the twO, 107-10; see anta, dmi eye(s), (levels and perpectives o f under­ standing)," the five, I I9-ID, Sh­ s6a ; the three, in regard to the cycle of life, 242-45 ; the tWO, 258 ; of wisdo m in regard to sin and merit , 283 ; see prajna Early History of the Atulhra Country, 3 6b Early History of North India, 3 8b earth, itb (prthvi) , as exemplifying the non-substantiality of physical enti­ ties, I - ; see rUpa effort ; see virya ekalakiat)a :' � (lit of one nature ; the indeterminate nature of the ultimate reality) , S9a EkaSloka-iiistra, 35, 36, 34Ia, 360a Ekavyavaharikas, and their doctrine of nonsubstantiality of elements, 63 elements o f existence ; see dharma enlightenment, factors of; see bodhyatiga Epigraphia Indica, 3 7b error, and negation, 61 ; as no t devoid object, 93-96 ; in regard t o the mun­ dane truth, 90-91 ; in regard to the faith , ffl (sraddhii) , as one o f the five indriyas 291 ; see indriyas Fa-tsang , � 79a Fa Ren, 46b, 347b, 348a feeling � (vedanii, one of the five skandhas) , as a link in the cycle of life, 237 ; as an object of the applica­ tion of mindfulness, 371b ; see skand­ has, smrtyupasthiina forbearance (kianti) ; see kiiinti Fu ng Yu-Ian, 77b , 78a; 78b, 79 a, 79b 390 INDEX gambiradhizrmo-!qilnti ���� (forb� arance with regard to the profound truth, viz of the conditioned origi­ nation.) 370a ; cf anutpattikadharma­ /qilntij see dharma-klanti, /qanti gates of fredom (vi;"ok,a-dvara) the three 2.93 -96 358a 373a; see way gati (tending) bodhisattVa·s to knowledge of all forms 2.66 ; of everything to everything else 2.66 gati (being a destination, r.esting point refuge) for the entire world as a virtue of the bodhisattva, 2.66 Gauc;lapada 19 376a Gau4apada, 376b ; cf Agamaiastra Gautamiputra Satakarili 2.7 2.8 3 8a Giles Lionel 3 5b Gokhale Vasudev 340a Gopalachari K 36b 338a graha 1& '* (seizing clinging) ; see clinging Great Way (Mahayana) and the Small Way 46-47 55-56 66-69 2.78-79, 343b ; as the non

Ngày đăng: 31/10/2022, 13:41