Part II UTC Specific Indicators Portland State University Submitted to: U.S Department of Transportation Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology (OST-R) Grant Number: 69A3551747112 Project Title: National University Transportation Center National Institute for Transportation and Communities (NITC) Consortia members: Portland State University (PSU), Oregon Institute of Technology (OR Tech), University of Arizona (UA), University of Oregon (UO), University of Texas at Arlington (UTA), University of Utah (UU) Program Director: Jennifer Dill, Ph.D Professor Director, Transportation Research and Education Center at PSU 503-725-2855 Submitting Official: same as above Submission Date: October 30, 2018 DUNS: 05-222-6800 Recipient Organization: Portland State University PO Box 751 Portland, OR 97207-0751 Grant Period: November 30, 2016 – September 30, 2022 Reporting Period End Date: September 30, 2018 Report Term: Signature: Annual Part II: UTC Specific Indicators Report here the annual performance metrics that you identified in your application for each category below, include the description of the indicator and the corresponding metric In the event that a sub-grantee university participates in more than one UTC, include only the metrics corresponding with your grant UTC-Specific Indicators UTC Name: National Institute for Transportation and Communities (NITC) University: Portland State University Grant #: 69A3551747112 Reporting Period: October 1, 2017 – September 30, 2018 Category Research Description of Indicator Number of transportation faculty and researchers, by discipline and rank Metric By Discipline Architecture Communications Computer Sciences/System Engineering Economics Electrical Engineering & Renewable Energy Geography Geomatics Industrial Design Journalism Mechanical Engineering Other Engineering Planning/Housing Psychology Public Affairs/Administrati on Public Health Sociology Transportation/Civil Engineering 5 4 1 38 2 25 Social Work Marketing Industrial Engineering Chemistry Literature Business management Education Sustainable Built Environments Planning/Public Health Mechanical/Aerosp ace Engineering Land Use Planning Regional Science Systems Engineering Electrical Engineering Criminal Justice Law Total Portland State University NITC Performance Indicators (Fast-Act - October 30, 2018) 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 134 Page By Rank Adjunct Researcher/Post Doc Tenured Untenured, tenure track Total 13 16 72 33 134 Number of Reported on MAP-21 Performance Indicator report practitioners who deploy research findings to confirm or change practice Usefulness of NITC reports Reported on MAP-21 Performance Indicator report Number of peerreviewed articles 11 Number of citations in peerreview journals Leadership Number of faculty/staff/stu dents who are members of national committees/pan els (NCHRP, TCRP, etc.) 56 Number of 56 faculty/staff who serve on editorial, policy and other advisory boards Number of 32 faculty/staff who have professional certifications (PE, AICP, etc.) Portland State University NITC Performance Indicators (Fast-Act - October 30, 2018) Page Education & Workforce Number of courses (graduate/under graduate, by discipline) with: (1) a transportation focus; and (2) transportation elements; and total enrollment in those courses Courses are split between NITC MAP-21 and NITC Fast Act Performance Indicator reports Number of graduates with transportation degrees Undergrad Courses-Focus Undergrad Courses-Elements Undergrad Enrollment-Focus Undergrad Enrollment-Elements Grad Courses-Focus Grad Courses-Elements Grad Enrollment-Focus Grad Enrollment-Elements 44 36 794 1909 32 26 329 329 Total undergrad courses Total grad courses Total undergrad enrollment Total grad enrollment 71 77 2118 397 Undergraduate Level Degrees Masters Level Degrees Doctoral Level Degrees Total 248 122 11 381 Degrees are split between NITC MAP-21 and NITC Fast Act Performance Indicator reports Number of graduates with (1) transportation degrees’ and (2) transportation jobs at one, two, and five years after graduation Year Undergraduate Graduate Total Year Year 3 Graduates for UA and UTA; all others are reported on MAP-21 Performance Indicator Report Portland State University NITC Performance Indicators (Fast-Act - October 30, 2018) Page Number of Undergraduate researchers 35 students who: Graduate researchers 93 # (1) participate in Awards/Scholarships 166 research Attended conferences# 36 (graduate and # Members of student groups 202 undergraduate); Transportation internships# (2) earn awards and scholarships; (3) attend regional/national #Data not include PSU students These numbers are transportation reported on the Map 21 Performance Indicator report conferences; (4) are members in transportation student groups (by program) and (5) hold a transportationrelated internship Number of events & event participants of workforce attraction Technology Transfer Number of hours of professional development (CM, PDH, CEU) events and number of participants (1) for workforce attraction (including diversity focus); (2) for technology transfer; (3) for continuing education # of events 120 # attendees 3366 #_of events # hours of prof develop offered (subset of the total events above) # attendees 76 263 3047 Number of 13,040 (+9.6%) visitors to NITC website (increase since previous reporting period) Portland State University NITC Performance Indicators (Fast-Act - October 30, 2018) Page Number of presentations at conferences Collaboration 14 Number of 23 unique academic disciplines represented in funding proposals, funding awards, and student group membership Number of projects that are multi-university, multidiscipline or multiinvestigator Of the 40 projects… Multi-university Multi-disciplinary Multi-investigator Number of unique match partners (by category) Of the 40 projects… Local government Non-profit/Foundation Private industry Regional government State DOT Transit agency University Total unique match partners 14 18 26 8 10 2 42 Portland State University NITC Performance Indicators (Fast-Act - October 30, 2018) Page ... for UA and UTA; all others are reported on MAP-21 Performance Indicator Report Portland State University NITC Performance Indicators (Fast- Act - October 30, 2018) Page Number of Undergraduate... State DOT Transit agency University Total unique match partners 14 18 26 8 10 2 42 Portland State University NITC Performance Indicators (Fast- Act - October 30, 2018) Page ... of Reported on MAP-21 Performance Indicator report practitioners who deploy research findings to confirm or change practice Usefulness of NITC reports Reported on MAP-21 Performance Indicator