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FROSTBURG STATE UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONAL PROFESSIONS Course Syllabus EDAD 611: Educational Organization and Leadership Fall 2020 August 17, 2020 through November 18, 2020 Delivered online via Canvas and WebEx Conferencing Instructor: Curt Baker, Ed.D Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership Department of Educational Professions Contact Information: Cell Phone: 610-621-9011 Email: cdbaker@frostburg.edu Frostburg State University website: www.frostburg.edu GRADUATE COURSE CATALOG DESCRIPTION Responsibilities, philosophies and techniques of the principal; student activities and supporting services; necessary technical skills; reading in the field; professional organizations, research literature and ethics in administration Theories and concepts, societal forces that affect educational administration, administrative process and division of responsibility, organizational variables, the administrator as an individual and leader and professional organizations PURPOSE Impactful educational leaders bring out the best in those they touch For these individuals, achieving success is not enough; the real goal is to something truly extraordinary in service to students, families, and the community they serve This course, which is designed for aspiring educational leaders, will: (i) Develop core educational leadership skills consistent with the Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (PSEL Standards); (ii) Introduce students to theories and best practices relating to educational leadership; (iii) Present difficult problems that will challenge each student to grapple with and develop expertise in addressing difficult real-world issues; and (iv) Enable each student to find and develop their own leadership style and approach LEARNING OUTCOMES Upon completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate: Knowledge of:  The PSEL Standards  Theories and concepts related to leadership and the related societal forces affecting educational administration  The alignment of the PSEL Standards to building leadership duties Skills in:  Translating research on educational leadership to duties of the building leader, including that of “instructional leader”  Producing graduate-level scholarly writing regarding building-level educational leadership  Carrying out situational analysis that is both creative and thoughtful  Responding to challenging situations  Principal-level leadership Dispositions to:  Utilize knowledge of research on educational leadership in fulfilling the duties of a building leader, including “instructional leadership”  Accept, appreciate, and value the duty and responsibility of being a building leader  Act ethically as a building leader, especially in challenging circumstances PSEL STANDARDS AND ASSESSMENTS PSEL Standard 1A Develop an educational mission for the school to promote the academic success and well-being of each student 1B In collaboration with members of the school and the community and using relevant data, develop and promote a vision for the school on the successful learning and development of each child and on instructional and organizational practices that promote such success 1C Articulate, advocate, and cultivate core values that define the school’s culture and stress the imperative of child-centered education; high expectations and student support; equity, inclusiveness, and social justice; openness, caring, and trust; and continuous improvement 1E Review the school’s mission and vision and adjust them to changing expectations and opportunities for the school, and changing needs and situations of students 1F Develop shared understanding of and commitment to mission, vision, and core values within the school and the community 1G Model and pursue the school’s mission, vision, and core values in all aspects of leadership 2A 2C Act ethically and professionally in personal conduct, relationships with others, decision-making, stewardship of the school’s resources, and all aspects of school leadership Place children at the center of education and accept responsibility for each student’s academic success and well being Role Models? Atlanta Case  Assessment Managing Dream Conflict Job *   Reflection                         PSEL Standard 3F Promote the preparation of students to live productively in and contribute to the diverse cultural contexts of a global society 3G Act with cultural competence and responsiveness in their interactions, decision making, and practice 3H Address matters of equity and cultural responsiveness in all aspects of leadership 5A 5B 5D 5E 6G 7B Build and maintain a safe, caring, and healthy school environment that meets the academic, social, emotional, and physical needs of each student Create and sustain a school environment in which each student is known, accepted and valued, trusted and respected, cared for, and encouraged to be an active and responsible member of the school community Promote adult-student, student-peer, and school-community relationships that value and support academic learning and positive social and emotional development Cultivate and reinforce student engagement in school and positive student conduct Role Models? Atlanta Case  Reflection                       Develop the capacity, opportunities, and support for teacher leadership and leadership from other members of the school community Empower and entrust teachers and staff with collective responsibility for meeting the academic, social, emotional, and physical needs of each student, pursuant to the mission, vision, and core values of the school Assessment Managing Dream Conflict Job *  PSEL Standard 7C Establish and sustain a professional culture of engagement and commitment to shared vision, goals, and objectives pertaining to the education of the whole child; high expectations for professional work; ethical and equitable practice; trust and open communication; collaboration, collective efficacy, and continuous individual and organizational learning and improvement 7H Encourage faculty-initiated improvement of programs and practices 8D 8E 8F 8H 8I 8J 9J Maintain a presence in the community to understand its strengths and needs, develop productive relationships, and engage its resources for the school Create means for the school community to partner with families to support student learning in and out of school Understand, value, and employ the community’s cultural, social, intellectual, and political resources to promote student learning and school improvement Advocate for the school and district, and for the importance of education and student needs and priorities to families and the community Advocate publicly for the needs and priorities of students, families, and the community Build and sustain productive partnerships with public and private sectors to promote school improvement and student learning Develop and manage productive relationships with the central office and school board Role Models? Atlanta Case  Assessment Managing Dream Conflict Job *                 Reflection  PSEL Standard 10A Seek to make school more effective for each student, teachers and staff, families, and the community 10D Engage others in an ongoing process of evidence-based inquiry, learning, strategic goal setting, planning implementation, and evaluation for continuous school and classroom improvement 10J Develop and promote leadership among teachers and staff for inquiry, experimentation and innovation, and initiating and implementing improvement Role Models? Atlanta Case Assessment Managing Dream Conflict Job *  Reflection      * Key Assessment REQUIRED AND SUPPLEMENTAL READING Required Reading Course Textbook Green, R L (2017) Practicing the art of leadership: A problem-based approach to implementing the Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (5th Edition) Pearson Educational Leadership Case Study Simons, R L., & Kindred, N (2017) Atlanta Schools: Measures to Improve Performance Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Publishing On Leadership Bennis, W (1989 or subsequent editions) On Becoming a Leader Required Viewing (and corresponding reading) Herb Kelleher Background https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/03/obituaries/herb-kelleher-whose-southwest-airlinesreshaped-the-industry-dies-at-87.html Videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MyiI8FoJk54&list=PL5tmtnTafxuCdaHWacupMqB G187-F0ENu&index=3&t=0s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51a5xuxxxZQ https://youtu.be/H_sXAdUNFnc Marin Alsop Background https://www.bsomusic.org/musicians/musician/marin-alsop/ https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/17/arts/marin-alsop-women-conductors.html https://www.baltimoresun.com/entertainment/bs-fe-bso-alsop-20200226hhiey2zfwrenbkcb5ymt2pnine-story.html Videos https://youtu.be/2O5QulJX2uc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zW7HwoNVn0 Shirley Chisholm Background https://www.nytimes.com/2005/01/03/obituaries/shirley-chisholm-unbossedpioneer-incongress-is-dead-at-80.html https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smithsonian-institution/unbought-and-unbossed-whenblack-woman-ran-for-the-white-house-180958699/ Videos https://youtu.be/y3JCX3WxBik https://youtu.be/qB_krfRLSVM John Wooden Background https://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/05/sports/ncaabasketball/05wooden.html Video https://www.thewoodeneffect.com/documentary/ Other Required Reading Murphy, J., Louis, S., & Smylie, M (2017) Positive school leadership: How the Professional Standards for Educational Leaders can be brought to life Kappan, 99(1), 21–24 Restorative Justice Colorado (2016) Colorado restorative practices in schools guidelines: Principles, practices, implementation and training Retrieved from: https://www.rjcolorado.org/_literature_157121/Colorado_Restorative_Practices_in_Scho ols_Guidelines Rooney, J (2013) For principals: Planning the first year Educational Leadership, 70(June), 73– 76 Retrieved from http://www.ascd.org/publications/educationalleadership/summer13/vol70/num09/For-Principals@-Planning-the-First-Year.aspx Supplemental Reading See the References section of the course textbook (Green, 2017), which contains an extensive list of relevant books and scholarly articles In addition: Bennis, W., & Nanus, B (1986) Leaders: Strategies for taking charge New York, NY: Harper Perennial Ivory G (2015) Developing a Leadership Platform In: Ivory G., Hyle A.E., McClellan R., Acker-Hocevar M (eds) Quandaries of the Small-District Superintendency Palgrave Macmillan, New York Owings, W.A and Kaplan, L S (2012) Leadership and organizational behavior in education: Theory into practice Sergiovanni, T J., & Green, R L (2015) The principalship: A reflective practice perspective (7th Edition) Pearson Ubben, G C., Hughes, L W., & Norris, C J (2017) The Principal: Creative leadership for excellence in schools (8th Edition) Pearson COURSE GRADING The final course grade will be computed from the assignments listed in the table below: Total Points Possible for Assignment Weight (Percentage of Final Grade) Assignment Due Date “Role Models?” Assessment 100 10 % September 20, 2020 Atlanta Schools Case Study Analysis 150 15 % October 18, 2020 Managing Conflict 150 15 % November 1, 2020 Key Assessment: Dream Job Application Narrative 400 40 % November 18, 2020 Reflections on Personal Leadership 150 15 % Multiple (see course calendar) Participation and Other Activities 50 5% Multiple (see course calendar) 1,000 100 % Assignment TOTAL The final grade for this course will be awarded using the following point scale: Grade Points Range Percent of Total Possible A 925 to 1000 points 93% to 100% B 835 to 924 points 84% to 92% C 745 to 834 points 75% to 83% F to 744 points 0% to 74% Note: The point requirements above reflect percentages being rounded up from 10 DESCRIPTION OF COURSE ASSIGNMENTS Graded Assignments Role Models? (100 points possible) For this assignment, you are to review materials that provide insight into the leadership styles and approaches of four very different individuals, then prepare a paper that responds to the following prompt: Prompt Given what you have learned about Herb Kelleher, Marin Alsop, Shirley Chisholm, and John Wooden – and taking into account your course readings to date – you are to answer the following two questions: a For each individual, what behaviors, traits, mindsets, approaches, and/or other factors contributed to their success as a leader? Why? b Which of these behaviors, traits, mindsets, approaches, and/or other factors are relevant to successful leadership in an educational setting? Which are not? Why? The paper should be: (i) double spaced and (ii) no less than four and no more than eight pages in length Grading rubric will be separately provided Atlanta Public Schools Case Study (150 points possible) For this assignment, you will read and engage in a class discussion of a case study about the Atlanta Public Schools, then prepare a paper that responds to the following prompt: Prompt You are in your second year as the Principal of an Elementary School in Atlanta Public Schools This is your first Principalship, a position that you have dreamed about for who knows how long Your first year was a bit rocky as you learned the ropes, and you are keenly aware of the importance of delivering results this year And wouldn’t it be great to receive a performance bonus! Heaven knows the extra money would help at home Predictive testing indicates that your school has a shot at achieving suitable pass rates, but a betting person would bet against you Two of your best ELA teachers are out on maternity leave, and the long term subs are worthless No one has spoken to you directly about helping borderline students during test administration, but it is in the wind and you know that your teachers are talking about it In an “all-Principals” meeting today, the Superintendent again reinforced, in no 11 uncertain terms, her “No exceptions, no excuses” mantra Your job is on the line and you know it You have reason to believe that your mentor principal, with whom you have become close, intends to “do whatever it takes” to make her numbers You never, ever thought you would find yourself in this position What will you do? The paper should be (i) double spaced and (ii) no less than four and no more than eight pages in length Grading rubric will be separately provided Managing Conflict (150 points possible) For this assignment, you will respond to the following prompt: Prompt You are the newly named principal of Pleasant Hills Middle School (grades 6-8), which serves a total of 500 students Your student population is approximately 75% white, 10% Hispanic, 10% African American, and 5% mixed/other races Although the overall percentage of students living in poverty is about 35%, a large majority of your Hispanic and African American students come from low income households Student discipline has been an issue in your building In fact, as shown in the table below, a recent study indicated that PHMS’s out-of-school suspension rate last year was substantially higher than the other middle schools with which it is typically compared Middle School Pleasant Hills Lakeview Upper County Western Mountaintop Out-of-School Suspension Rate (# of suspensions / student population) 0633 0214 0118 0086 0080 When you were appointed, the Superintendent made it clear that “restoring order” in the building is a high priority The Superintendent indicated that, last year, a group of African American parents from your school attended a School Board meeting and asserted that a double standard exists at PHMS, where the misbehavior of a minority child results in a suspension, and the same misbehavior of a white child receives no discipline whatsoever (You subsequently checked on this and found that about 80% of out of school suspensions last year involved African American students.) In conversations with folks in the building, you have detected a strong interest among many teachers in moving away from a “traditional” disciplinary approach toward a restorative practices approach Your conversations, however, have created a firestorm in the building The building’s teachers’ union representative, for example, demanded an immediate meeting with you at which she indicated that “these students are out of 12 control and any effort to move away from suspending them will be viewed as an intentional effort on your part to create an unsafe working environment Rest assured that we will grieve this if you insist on moving down the restorative practices path.” For good measure, she followed it up in writing How will you proceed from here? The paper should be (i) double spaced and (ii) no less than four and no more than eight pages in length Grading rubric will be separately provided KEY ASSESSMENT: Dream Job (400 points possible) For this assignment, you will respond to the following prompt: Prompt You have applied to be the next Principal of Brightside [Elementary, Middle, or High] School Your application materials were submitted about a week ago, and today you received the following letter: Dear [You]: Thank you so much for your application to become the next Principal of Brightside [Elementary, Middle, or High] School! I am pleased to report that we are very interested in your candidacy and have moved you forward to the next step in the selection process Congratulations! By no later than November 18, 2020, we ask that you answer, in writing, each of the eight questions below Your responses, and the responses of other candidates, will be reviewed by the members of our selection committee, which will then choose approximately three finalists who will be invited to interview for the position We will, of course, notify you promptly if you are selected as a finalist We thank you for your interest in becoming the next Principal of Brightside and look forward to hearing from you shortly Sincerely, Matt Damon Human Resources Director Our Motto: “We always look on the Brightside!” Candidate Questions for Response 1: What should staff/students/parents/community expect from you and from the school if you were to become principal? 13 2: How would you address the ethnic, cultural, socioeconomic, and other diversity within the school to ensure that all students receive an opportunity for a highquality education? 3: During your first year as principal, how might you go about developing a comprehensive understanding and knowledge of the school, its students and families, the broader community, and the district? 4: What will you to create an environment that moves the school forward in achieving its vision, mission, and goals? 5: Explain your approach to problem solving and how you would handle problems that might require a difficult decision? Provide an example if you can 6: How would you deal with declining budgetary resources to ensure that the school is able to meet the academic and other needs of all its students? 7: How would you ensure that all teachers and staff members are performing according to district expectations? 8: How will you build a positive relationship with the Superintendent and other district-level administrators? Assignment Instructions Brightside [Elementary, Middle, or High] School should be an actual school where being Principal would be the “dream job” next step in your career It might be in your current school district or another school district It can be a public school, a charter school, or a private school To help the instructor understand the school to which you have made application, on a cover page, and using www.niche.com as your source of information, please indicate the following: a b c d e f The grade levels served by the school; The school’s overall Niche report card grade; The school’s percent proficient in reading and in math; The school’s total student enrollment; The school’s diversity distribution; and The percentage of the school’s students receiving free or reduced lunch Do not provide the actual name of the school you are describing!!! You are to call it “Brightside.” To mimic an actual application process, no format or length guidance is provided Keep in mind, however, that this document should be written to be read by the (unnamed) members of a search committee who will determine whether you become a finalist for the position Grading rubric will be separately provided 14 Reflections on Personal Leadership (150 possible points) Leadership Platform (20 points) Prompt Please answer in a short paper the following five questions: As an educator, what are the core beliefs and values that motivate you? How you personally build trust and commitment in others? What you want your legacy as an educational leader to be? What are the key attributes that will enable you to achieve that legacy? What is it about being an educator that brings you personal fulfillment? The paper should be to pages in length, double spaced with inch margins and 12 point font This is a credit/no credit assignment, so there is no specific rubric Reflections on “On Becoming a Leader” (10 points each for a total possible 90 points) After reading the assigned chapter(s) of On Becoming a Leader, you are to write a reflection of whatever length you see fit that addresses the following question: What in the chapter resonated with you, what did not, and why? Reflections should not be a review or regurgitation of what was said in the chapter Rather, your piece should convey your thoughts about how the theory presented in the book might influence the way you conduct yourself in the future as an educational leader These are credit/no credit assignments that, if done properly, will serve as an important reference when you craft your Statement of Leadership Philosophy Statement of Leadership Philosophy (40 points) Prepare your personal Statement of Leadership Philosophy The document should be suitable for inclusion as part of an application packet for a principal position It should not exceed two pages This is a credit/no credit assignment that is comprised of two parts Part I (25 points) is the Statement of Leadership Philosophy itself Part II (15 points) is an affirmation by you that, prior to submitting your final Statement of Leadership Philosophy, you (i) shared a draft of your Statement with at least three individuals whose opinions you value highly and (ii) that you received feedback from each of these individuals which you took into account when finalizing your Statement You are on the honor system regarding this affirmation 15 Other Credit / No Credit Assignments (50 possible points) Personal Bio (10 points) A short personal biography of yourself (Goal is to help the instructor learn a little bit about who you are.) Not to exceed page Conferences with Instructor (10 points each, maximum of 40 points) Four scheduled live conversations (via Webex or telephone) with the instructor to discuss course-related matters 16 COURSE CALENDAR Week Dates 08/17 to 08/23 Activities Acquire subscription to Taskstream Attend live session or view recording Assignments Due 08/23 @ 11:59 p.m Personal Bio (Credit/No Credit) View Canvas materials Complete required readings:  Green Chapter (Standards, Competencies and Accountability Measures)  Murphy 08/24 to 08/30 Complete and submit Personal Bio Attend live session or view recording View Canvas materials Complete required readings:  Green Chapter (Establishing a Framework for Leadership)  Bennis, Chapter (Understanding the Basics) 8/30 @ 11:59 p.m Leadership Platform (Credit/No Credit) Reflection Piece #1 (Credit/No Credit) Complete and submit Leadership Platform Assignment 08/31 to 09/06 Complete and submit Reflection #1 Attend live session or view recording View Canvas materials 09/06 @ 11:59 p.m.: Reflection Piece #2 (Credit/No Credit) Complete required readings:  Green Chapter (Theories and Approaches to School Leadership)  Bennis, Chapter (Knowing Yourself) 09/07 to 09/13 Complete and submit Reflection #2 Attend live session or view recording View and read all required materials relating to Herb Kelleher, Marin Alsop, Shirley Chisholm, and John Wooden 09/13 @ 11:59 p.m Reflection Piece #3 (Credit/No Credit) 17 Week Dates (Con’t) Activities Complete required readings:  Bennis, Chapter (Knowing the World) Assignments Due Conference #1 with instructor (Credit/No Credit) Conference #1 with instructor Complete and submit Reflection #3 09/14 to 09/20 Start Role Models? assignment NO LIVE SESSION 09/21 to 09/27 Complete and submit Role Models? Assignment Attend live session or view recording View Canvas materials 09/20 @ 11:59 p.m “Role Models?” Assignment (Graded Assignment) 09/27 @ 11:59 p.m.: Reflection Piece #4 (Credit/No Credit) Complete required readings:  Green Chapter (Organizational Influences on Leadership)  Bennis, Chapter (Operating on Instinct) 09/28 to 10/04 Complete and submit Reflection #4 Attend live session or view recording View Canvas materials 10/04 @ 11:59 p.m.: Reflection Piece #5 (Credit/No Credit) Complete required readings:  Simons & Kindred Atlanta Schools Case Study  Bennis, Chapter (Organizations Can Help – or Hinder) Complete and submit Reflection #5 10/05 to 10/11 Start work on Atlanta Schools Case Study Attend live Atlanta Case Study discussion (Important class session) Complete required readings  Bennis, Chapter (Deploying Yourself: Strike Hard, Try Everything) 10/11 @ 11:59 p.m.: Conference #2 with instructor (Credit/No Credit) Reflection Piece #6 (Credit/No Credit) 18 Week Dates (Con’t) Activities Assignments Due Conference #2 with instructor Complete and submit Reflection #6 Continue work on Atlanta Schools Case Study 10/12 to 10/18 NO LIVE SESSION Complete and submit Atlanta Schools Case Study Analysis 10 10/19 to 10/25 Attend live session or view recording View Canvas materials Complete required readings:  Green Chapter (Decision Making: Quality and Acceptance)  Green Chapter (Managing Conflict in Today’s Schools)  Restorative Justice Colorado  Bennis, Chapter (Moving Through Chaos)  Bennis, Chapter (Getting People on Your Side) 10/18 @ 11:59 p.m.: Atlanta Schools Case Study Analysis (Graded assignment) 10/25 @ 11:59 p.m.: Reflection Piece #7 (Credit/No Credit) Reflection Piece #8 (Credit/No Credit) Complete and submit Reflection #7 (Bennis Chapter 7) Complete and submit Reflection #8 (Bennis Chapter 8) Start work on Managing Conflict Assignment 11 10/26 to 11/01 NO LIVE SESSION Conference #3 with instructor Complete and submit Managing Conflict Assignment 11/01 @ 11:59 p.m.: Managing Conflict Assignment (Graded Assignment) Conference #3 with instructor (Credit/No Credit) 19 Week 12 Dates 11/02 to 11/08 Activities Attend live session or view recording View Canvas materials Assignments Due 11/08 @ 11:59 p.m.: Reflection Piece #9 (Credit/No Credit) Complete required readings:  Green Chapter (Enhancing Leadership Effectiveness Through Communication)  Green Chapter (Instructional Leadership and Change)  Rooney  Bennis, Chapters and 10 (Mastering the Context and Forging the Future) Complete Reflection Piece #9 (Bennis Chapters and 10 together) Start work on Dream Job assignment 13 + 11/09 to 11/18 Start work on Statement of Leadership Philosophy NO LIVE SESSION Conference #4 with instructor 11/18 @ 11:59 p.m Conference #4 with instructor Complete and submit Dream Job assignment Dream Job assignment (Graded Assignment) Complete and submit Statement of Leadership Philosophy and accompanying affirmation Statement of Leadership Philosophy and affirmation (Credit/No Credit) 20 COURSE POLICIES ASSIGNMENTS All assignments must be submitted through Canvas Assignments are due on the date posted in this syllabus Late assignments are not accepted, except in the case of personal emergencies If circumstances arise that hinder you from meeting a deadline, you must contact me by email, phone, or teleconference before the deadline in order to be given consideration Late work may be subject to a grade reduction Exception: The deadline for the final course assignments – Dream Job and Statement of Leadership Philosophy – cannot be extended beyond the November 18 due date FROSTBURG STATE UNIVERSITY POLICIES All FSU policies are fully applicable for this course For further information, please see: http://www.frostburg.edu/fsu/assets/File/Administration/policies/policystatements.pdf ACADEMIC DISHONESTY The University considers academic dishonesty to be impermissible and subject to disciplinary actions “Academic dishonesty is defined to include any form of cheating and/or plagiarism Cheating includes, but is not limited to, such acts as stealing or altering testing instrument; falsifying the identify of persons for any academic purposes; offering, giving or receiving unauthorized assistance on an examination, quiz, or other written or oral material in a course including looking at another person’s answer key or test or taking an online test with assistance from another person; or falsifying information on any type of academic record Plagiarism is the presentation of written or oral material in a manner which conceals the true source of documentary material; or the presentation of materials which uses hypotheses, conclusions, evidence, data, or the like, in a way that the student appears to have done work which they did not, in fact do.” (Code of Student Conduct, Frostburg State University) DISABILITY Students with a disability who require accommodations with assignments or assessment practices should provide written notification prepared by Disability Support Services to the instructor no later than 48 hours prior to a request Students may request that this notification be provided to the instructor by the Office of Student Special Services 21 CONFIDENTIALITY AND MANDATORY REPORTING Frostburg State University and its faculty are committed to maintaining a safe learning environment and supporting survivors of violence To meet this commitment and comply with federal and state law, FSU requires all faculty and staff (other than the confidential employees in CAPS and Brady Health) to report any instances of gender-based harassment, sexual misconduct, relationship violence, or stalking against students This means if you share your or another FSU student’s experience with gender-based harassment, sexual misconduct, relationship violence, or, stalking, I have a duty to report the information to the University’s Title IX Coordinator The only exception to my reporting obligation is when such incidents are communicated during class discussion, as part of an assignment for a class, or as part of a University-approved research project Faculty and staff are also obligated to report allegations of child abuse and neglect to University Police and to Child Protective Services This obligation extends to disclosures of past abuse even if the victim is now an adult and the abuser is deceased My duty to report suspected child abuse and neglect extends to disclosures that are made as part of classroom discussions and in writing assignments If you or someone you know has experienced an incident of harassment or violence, please go to www.frostburg.edu/titleix to find information on reporting options and the resources and services available for support HEALTH AND SAFETY Your health and safety are important Therefore, during every physical in-person meeting of this course, everyone is required to follow state, local, and University public health mandates as outlined in the FSU Social Compact Everyone must wear a face mask that covers their nose and mouth, respect posted signage, and practice good social distancing by remaining at least feet away from others The Code of Student Conduct notes that following these health and safety protocols constitute complying “with a reasonable request from authorized University personnel in the performance of their official duties,” and failing to so is a Code of Student Conduct violation Students who not comply with these mandates will be asked to leave class Students who refuse to leave will be referred to the Dean of Students and may be administratively removed from the class if found to be responsible for Code of Conduct violations (Please note that no physical in-person meetings are presently scheduled or anticipated for this course.) VIRTUAL OFFICE HOURS Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays: 4:00 to 5:00 p.m Thursdays: 4:00 to 6:00 p.m CLASS MODALITIES The class will utilize many of functions available in the Canvas learning management system Live class sessions will be conducted using WebEx videoconferencing 22

Ngày đăng: 30/10/2022, 16:43

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