The College News 1925-10-14 Vol. 12 No. 03

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The College News 1925-10-14 Vol. 12 No. 03

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Bryn Mawr College Scholarship, Research, and Creative Work at Bryn Mawr College Bryn Mawr College News Bryn Mawr College Publications, Special Collections, Digitized Books 1925 The College News, 1925-10-14, Vol 12, No 03 Students of Bryn Mawr College Let us know how access to this document benefits you Follow this and additional works at: Custom Citation Students of Bryn Mawr College, The College News, 1925-10-14, Vol 12, No 03 (Bryn Mawr, PA: Bryn Mawr College, 1925) This paper is posted at Scholarship, Research, and Creative Work at Bryn Mawr College For more information, please contact • • • ege News· •• • VOL XII No.3 NEWS Gives Interviefs With Eye­ Witnesses of Unusual Events fALLY IN DETAIlS Dame Rumor,,.with her ulual alacrity haa been' busily elaboratillil tho tale of the recent -'J11e N(I1/.'I buralar • • WISl1l11g • alarm L� in ma�� Oenbigh I>U�"C the real faclS oC the cue, h �tained Ilate· melli from everal eye-witnelSti While UFE OF PLAY DEPENDS Oil POLISH, SAYS MR EATON • Gora, aud Lin y Stahle Mool R�aIia CoDd ed of / "Sheridan had the 'School for Sfandal' in repertory at ' the Drury Lanc Theatrt' Pr;chard writing 1':a1011, O'n'd speaking I(a ghr en , by Ihe Lihe!ral a.", J;"', OCloher 12 crcative on Ihe c�ll1l'dy of manners at a - Club in Pem- '-:.i • gRoom 011 Un ··It is the I>olish all9 finish which he gave to the writing thlt have made tht' � the building?" Miu to:!" was asked "My and pains." he jURlptd !!l and be made Igaillst Ihe ne "ga""ge impression." Out she replied, "is th'lt of th.e windo w.,of Oil'! Mr Eaton wcnt on to urge that a 01 the girls who \\-I!rt!: looking lor hiOl and livery liable" Ifchool of writing with in the g,radullic corridor and 10 fled its careleuncu of Alyle and form its Ilown Gulpb ro.d." eml>hasis on mere photogral )hy of �ordid Story of Ni,ht W.tchman details Only by long tabor and devoRqlrt.cuat;l'Cs of Ihc \'f't'l'S also Row MANY CIIRJSTIANS," " ASICS REV PETl'! IN'P H1LADELPHIA7" HelplalHu SJlDpa�y De acy ucI Sacrifice are F_ E tiaIJ "IIiNgillt" Ihal instud of being here for Ihe ordinary puq)o5e1 of worship you ior seventeen year§ before he thou.� 1t it were her.e to discovl:r how many Chris­ .alli ready (0 Imhlish • said VQ\ltcr tian, there are in l'hilade1phia." Thi!' 110 definite clue hal been arrived at, evi­ play live iu two centuries, while a I>lay dence scem, clurly to point to' the fact of our modern realistic school lives thai an intruder was in Denbigh and scarcely ·four." "The School for Scanthat for no good purpose dal" will be Ilresellted at lhe Broad Strect :\ nu�nlber of lhe ClaJl of Ig�t1 :host' Theatre, ollcning on October 26 \Vill name is wilhhf'ld and who Ih,ts on the allY cOllledy of George M eohan last fourth floor of Denbigh, was the fir"t 50 long! penon allproach«l by the N''''W.l rc�l )rl!­ No phi>' can livc which i: merely Icnt,tives photographic, which has 110 form, Denbi,ab Frc:ahman TeU Tale Rhythm and beauty of Stnlenee like that "Last Wednesda¥o night," she said, "I of Millamant'j! agreement ith Mirabel was awakened by a shriek frOIll the about "dwindling" illto marriage, and Sir direclion o f the graduale corridor HaS!· Bl'lIjamin Backbite's description of his i1y Ringing on a wrapper and seizing \'er�A "a neat rj"ul('t of Icxt meandering a hockey Slick, I daslled out of the room through a meadow of margin," are the fcaring Ihe worS! for I had heard the enduring qualitiu of a piect' of literature ;lUnOllllcemenl at lunch Ihal Ihcre was In contr;&5t .ith Ihese (Iuotations, Mr II strange man prowling about the hall, Eaton read conversations from "Is Zat a n d thai considerabl� sums of mone)' So?" and "The Butter and Egg Man," had Iready iJ«n · miJJW My fcars were "In fifty now running ill New York Justified; as reached the hall I heard years," he dedared "no onc will he able' a door slam in the graduate corridor, to understand those lints without a and out of the long dark attic that ton· glossary." nccls the two corridors dashed a dlrk "Bernard Shaw's .orks haye stood 5Qme figure, a man, with a hat pulled down test of tilf"l(! I II 1890 I saw 'Arml and the uver his I!fu and with a stcel inuru­ Man: now bc.inR Ilroduced wilh ,reat U(:C"� mellt in hi,; hand I shrank into the in Nt:w York Two years later' went to thadow of the door and he rushed b) 'The Oevil'l Disciple: rCCf!ntly a very successme down the staiu He paned so clo e ful re\'inl And there "".s 'candida' 1:11t to me Ihat I could distinclly smell Ihe year Sha ·s Illayl have notdied b«:ause they nicotine on his breath yet he I11Ult hav� ha\'l: \Yonderful I)olish and workmanship failed to sec IIIC" which the realistic productions lade The "How you Ihink he C8cal>ed from laner are not gi\'l:�n the lIl:cessary time own , Cop­ tion to beauty can work be dCMIC that will lil'c through the cenlurie!' returning frOI11 BATES HOUSE BOARDS CHILDREN HARVARD PROFESSOR REVIEWS DR LEUBA ON MYSTICISM DURING TIIIEE SUDlER MON11IS h� at thC9 time "�were ltockefeller that night," uid, "when' we had been called on a falae alarm by the porler, who had got the window uP when we heard faint •crams from Denbigh We then ran in that direction with our lanterns and, on aJ'riving, found the uproar whble hall in an Hurrying upltairs, we .earched the attic thoroughly but found no one" In order to have comprehensi"e and tmbiued an account a possible, the Nne" next obtained an interview with a stadtnt not ruMlina in Denbigh but in Pembroke Ea.t overlookinl the ecenf (' action In'tea wltII A- Whitia.c "7 "Aboat 11.•7 WtdoHday nipt heard M:ufliq IG'Und in the halt and a tele� �honc ringing in the Warden', room Lookinl out illto the hall, I nothinJ r then l'lI.hed 10 thc window In t�e IJrilllapt moonli'''t I thOQl1lt J w•• :It ,.rden·party apin: for DeabiP C,.n Pilla••, AL For U F Oodoes "1 aIaaWe to SbltIeat of Myatiris." SaY' W'JIiaa U- IlecDoI SeaI._ CYhe Bllch- l.cuba· inquiry ill cardulJ detailed bristlin, with facts Ind carried with a of In spite o� extreme heat in the early Itudied effort to be fair to aU side � myltiCl the regard He ubject his part of June Clean�Up Week left Bates interpret.tion.; House: a brighter and better place to li\'e mistaken in th.eir own attained union with have they think they ouuide whole the had Bales ).j n in eClta.iu are very mun­ of the house and one bedroom nd bath Cod when their their efforts have not But dane in origin Thul inspired Ihe Uryn M rpamted have ucceeded they vlin: wholly been tyu IIripped the dining room walll of of Life-En· ources unu.ual t.pping in , their ding) burlap, scruhbed them, and to know wants who one no ergy; and crt'New painted Ih('111 a dainty buff human nalure and it pouibilittc can pillo -Itat and • window lonne cunain • 10 nelicci Iheir achie,�mentJI cnvers were rudy in rhe hall to greet the fford What i neltded, he urgu is to eliminate first grOu� of ('hildrtn, , what II bnormal nd to get rId of t�t; From the lir,,· lIe!llbly whell Carrie hampering t �eology and �tet.phYlics i.n Train requelled "Liltl.: Ho-PeCI)" as the of whIch thlt my.tlCl made thelt 5J openin hymn to the: time we bid ood- ter-rns� t'xpencnces turbid to Ihem�IYl'l and to h)'l(! 10 Katie and Ihe Barrell" at Spnn8• streel, Ihe Bar,es MOUAe Staff knew n o o The body of Leuba's work con.ills in F.ftry day Wh • round of racin, 1'("11 (Sl>edally submitted anan by '2-4.) Mildred Ihronlltd with fil'llftl in liehl elo� Sucldeal, I heard a ,bot prob­ abl, firtd bdore t't Ipftl _ped oat of I wiadow to the �; bat IOIIn d a'k skuthm, "n· the demon.tration of bnormal ltiementl traYei lIowt, J I a• • wak� Jex atnnR the board� ' with in 1Il�'stkal experiencI(!I, Hit taket mys p two ranln lIP from �he dlr«- «C'lo, plauliO&' Cwntz IMJxinJ{ f'OftIXlmD ON P", I l'U�"IJI"1W ON ".08 • , PRICE 10' CENT;) VIOLATION OF RUU MAlES SMOIING ISSUE Matter to be Discussed at Meeting of CoII"lle Presidents Preceded by Student Consultation EFFORT IS TOWARD REVISI ON • prohlcm was offered by the Re\'crend Gellerill acceptance of women', 'lIlok� Ray Petty _as lor of Ihe judsoll Melllo­ illg h led Ihe St'lf·GoYernltlent Assoda rial Baptisl Church of Ne York City in lion to consider revilion of a rule whi�h �_ , " Chap I, O�lObu lO, ha� become more or It$5 obs�lete- Instead of consulting all the church Smoking may by our ('frorIS be aM Y M C; A liill the Reftrcnd Petty one of Ihe big issues of th� meeting 01 lliuglfe.ted u a bt':l1er method following the Presiden's of sollie of Ihe Eastern the teXI '''By their fruil� ye sh.1I know \VOl)len's Colleaes on October the twen· thcm"-fcuitl IIOt eXlcrnal but products Iy-third It i hoped that the Presidents of the lifl' of the individual will find that their interests on the QI1t'S­ ,"Christianit)' is' i \ill1plc thing In tioll coincide to the extent that nch may the$e dll).!! crctds I I/we too IInny winding return to the 'iirectors of the college 1";laef!l, \\'e -.rt' earching for csot�ric wilh Ihe stateme!ftt of the Jlclleral and thing� thinBI dl�P and mysterious inIllmc1iale lH'ceuity for a new and Ius "Wid of flinlpl� trulhs " Reducing the rigid !lmokil1ll rule re(luiremclIls of :! Christian 10 four CI­ Pre"iOUI to the conferCI1('e of the eol­ scntials of behal·ior he demanded help­ It'ge Prellidcnu, a mecting has been' ar­ (uln1:&s, s)'lIIpathy democracy and IIcri· ranged in New York for Ihe eighteenth Ace, all qualitie which Christ l>Guessed of Octobt·r at the instigation of our Self� • ill thl: highl!.!il degree Government Auociation whieh will be "How CAli' we call ouucllte, or olhen attellded hy the Pruidel1lS of Student Christians if wc in our daily contactl Government al Vassar Smith, \Velles'ey, not show the dement of hdllfulncss?" MI l-Iol.)oke and Bryn Mawr, to discull!l Most of \IS arc inc1ilwd to he �Ifish: we the lIIokillg ituatiOIt and iu possible Dlu�t 1I0t forget till' exampll' of Christ III M)lution at the "arious college Should hdpful flcC'd5_ the neeli for IOIIIC less severe rule be Sympathy i� a reRl:cliqll of the hcart discovered to be u acute t the other Oemo�raey which know5 how to loye cdiTegu as it ha� become at Bryn 'M:lwr; includei sympathy with in race:s and it is hoped that Lhe Prelidcnts may de!­ danes and also wilh all shades of culvise some feasihle plafil 10 lay before lure In eliucalional jllstit\ltions, intel· their colleJlIt Pn�idcltts in order that they I«tllal snobbery is even lIIorc ntel1acin� may hal'e thcir m.terial at hand at the th.t1-ociII-lIt�." -, cOl1ferenclt on the twltnly-third and come \11 of us must sacrifice 50111t' Ihin�1 to 01l1e definite deci.ion that will inllnf'� \It' lun·!.' a right to kee!p in order thlt dilldy materially bCller the situation Olhcr \ll' in MerIOn with rcyolyers under the pil the detailed tudy of fa� with a Da"il, and Lopn Pearlall Sm th Tbat's I'ROM PAOE lowi .acb that their crume a pllY, and a "i\-id imprfllion of W�'re being ,'ery sweet and feminine ticism to be (.ontinuqu with p r imitiv e reis eadan aered and there are can thinking in the days of Poe and the of course with all this panic But can- E who impatieat1, .bake the dillt of ligioul praetice -.nd wiUt practice not " vening Sun " didly, isn't it rather unnecenary? To from their wUtp ud lOaf P>� pretending to be rc:1icious-in wbich ce"East of Eden" completes the and burglars, al to fr�nd., there must be The int arc: caUed c:ieatiata, the stuy sought by pb,.aical mean ako-guarantees the work as Morley's God something offered And what amonl Tbe third dirilioa hoi, mescal huheesh etc.-or by sum a caJlital C, comes in for a few our ac.demic treasurel, i, her( to temt>t implied coolailll tboec practices tbo.e of the Hindu yoem knocks rrom the fir�t family aFter they them i Kodaks, uke�les, pril e of can rile from the roellut There are alto ecatatic prodromes of epihave taken up fig leavtl and a suburban • Boccaccio, coolie coats or tea scts? The "ht air aM facti It it Jep'7, trikiqty imilar ill cut - relidence and there is an interesting yiew prospect i auih a b e, compared to an toma of hpteria and neurutbeaia arc Leaba ia, • lie woa1d ish evelon lhe u sc and \'alue of children acce.sible bank, or a well-.toc ked plate fouad in the l1'eat m, tica Their a be, the tist 1M 'firtuea oped Ila window Any man wbo prt: of Wamiaatioa ban to be the I Isd.e, rupect Jew detail, COIIITfie plays are easy to read aad, what's our relt and ala� will H a of , 10 ODd judpl bJ the � mOl"f: easy to act Witb small, no fec1dn.a bar "'r, who doeJn't "Imow witb perbapa ODe '''acdoa: I feel of c:ertit1lde ADd , .ce c urtaina, 'a or costume:s to peak of, lid." be p refer the cliJparapa In.letpreta· ftriou tJpa of tnace-collt bey let oftr on th eir own unprdentio Ui o£ hlo bjct H bu prudocod • doa ThoU- _ of inIoIbIo , amatemenl OIlSD AJCD IIICII diftM "P it« IS., , iawalDable to the tad_t of � POUJII) (n, _ 10 _ , ar&aia a.r1 •• dill _ wa" ,os _ dte 800t S ,.) • A s 1M .10 80 thesc plays SILVER LINING seeml the iII-ad\'ised I to i _ t a ;'�:� �:' I that t r I lege, announced that l l student I foundly mistalct:n and ita ) ��::l:� rule is 1�:::i�S.:�; r r I ­ his deem l "'" window with the I Arneri­ lilt, l \VII 5,i" die l oC I�:!�: :�:::::��:�:: I COSTH'�?ED is with , editions �I=���� l �:;=�I Uoat ",_ tile alilE ••• l at i t • l En'UCIlu nd-cI pe of reprcllion i i _,,� � "'� � H � � ' � " : ' � � � � ' :: '-P � � ' : ' : ' � ' " � Uma :: � ::����������e������� I��� � ���� 1'C.I'OII The Nm's t ,,,,� But just what and how much these facts imply? Leuba appears not b\ue of Nordic eyes or revel in the the type of play that Bryn tinction of a Roman nOle No lonaer Mawr would care to sponsor The im- wholly de finite on th ia point Neuraa'11 A Willi', oft # The doe s not exclude geniul need we cnquire into our neilhbor's promptu skit, or the Gilbert and SulliIfcl:t.w.,w, '18 of an e emen t �x- ove an theories 011 Plato or O'Neil-nor ask "an conl;c opera hut' seemed perfec tly KalUq PrIce, p.OO her opinion of Babe Ruth or c.hild labor permtssable for light drama, but ill t he divine loye doel not c.ondemn &M�WIIA BAtU' '28 '21 P WE l mllst be ultra-conservative in and llat their moral goala were incompletely attained No ohe can doub tbe Pertinence of sianl - , Wn, 'II at eagl •• 11 .Iou SlIltKrlptJOD wholly avoiding ill terms, Leuba clearly s rteards much of mystical �ieDce a ub ti ut e for normal ex-lire, a product to tity known the brain I Valueless its actions to escape censure, chiselled profile of the Greek, sunk into alld that the oom'lninee has overobscurity is the comeliness of the Per- looked thil mportan t point Beauty now must rest all the I saw 'fcc BClImd when it was produc� noble, 0; pc!rhaps ignoble, contours of the in New York two years aao, ana have a brow No longer may one cherish the very vivid recollection of it It certainlY ,ft' _1't'OU M 8111'1" 'IT U L.w., B RU�Il t, '21 I '28 If 1"0,",,,, '28 , 0.1"' iliA"'." lIu- ca'PtiOw III."AOI • Tuow, '21 • •aibing ar! lupposcd by them to be purely pirit­ r�volutionize "the noiuleas tenor of our its first play Jet Bound, by Dwell Davis ual; but an analysi of th ei, lives shows w!>'.'" w16t stranle new standar�I of want to sUlgest that thi!! chojcc·is in- that their moral aapirations were.not unbeauty must be let to m�t this new imto say the, A new or- mixed with aelf-atJerUon and s eU-esteem, • ' ;- d e:fi:re J_AM p'hue of aato:.uotimm Without lub4 to Freudian p.ycho1olY and Ihi d l0l00 foud in ,;;;;;;:-;;-;.;;;; .aw III MIIlW 111 II1II _aale eI of • ,du Ulr'" QM � • 1112 1, I a" ô ãã .alll 01 UII I e, OctoMr I.) :: ::i.�':'::�I�!:: • T · IIer7 w ' Holt, , - • • , • • ' • FIRST VBlPRR DRVlCR BY WINIFRBD DODD, 'II "Each year there is re-enrol.liDent and Ano a neW' enrollment in the ciatioR," said W Dodd, '28, IIpeakinl( in Velpen IJJt Sunday 14 won der if you c uld think a linlc now almo�t a month before the membeft ship drive about C A I n what wa, you can help the association ulfi " it'l aim, Chrisian e cah get a Ctttaiu to Christia strength of the t attempt to, w for to not r ��t:hey ;n':�����: !lo��u4 will I our understanding and ympathy tend to {onow e w may community we COLLEGE PRINTING y, lie, " to de· dlpartment·store contammg e at end ari'd a.s good) at the other, with all possible forms and varieties of s h ng f ll e o r '28 Scf'nery, ker, '26: t to Bruere, - CQXTINUED I!'ltO)( l'Aol "'r i �isl racted lIle l: lion of Rocu my d had been seen a ain you g no e ne of o er MIJarllllt t stor c mm or a window on the first Jtoor," make any effort to assi at "Did 11\ hun t ?" Miss Whiting was asked wanted to jump out the window and run to help," she said, "h\1I SeU·Coyern· been gotten out anyway." not only lie "(1fC'(t- h� to bring the product 10 of l of pub large Amt'fican uni\'Crsities are doing­ diffusing knowledge at the current by not have in level only diffusing kllow1edle but, that \'ery act raising the level; lb a ora tori es and libraries tucked aW3y cor ners of t he great institution, re· hll;ng l be u l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ or o · 'w b copyright-legal or I e le best i it i n • to l and But it is idle e o existing institutions, it i n try PeuaJ'lt Art Importin Company 677 lA.xinKton Avenue st:w YOItK the prOI)Osed institution with the comprehtJlsive of lcarnlna lioll5 of exillting institu· Thus we onlit for the tim(' heing the men collcges, sometimCl hardly more Ihan secondary schools now called un;ycuit;Cli we omit alllO the THE FRENCH BOOK SHOP 1!'i27 LotUlt Street ColI FRESHERS : : SOPHS : : UNDERGRADS to d u needs now ina eq a tely DIet by· con­ Ea:hibiHoli alld Sale o{ Hand·Mad StN'lked (lltd EmbroiiUTtld Dren, A1odcratel1l, PriCM-Verll Mllltlf"al To be how", lit the l'lItl�AOELI·UI.� French Chr;s/mll$ Cards OCTOBER 19th AITENnON I , , SHOWING A Special Dioplay of the N.w�t Collegiate Fad , cAMPus SPORT COAT • MONDAY & TUESDAY • • SPORT COAT FOR EVERY OUTDOOR USE • SPORTSWEAR FURS ,., In The New Modes A Riot of Colo,·/ A Reve",t;." i S_OO.,· Stille! Dori1l/l11/ N Di/f -ettt-Sm4rtl by RIlGfJ!/ Colhgi4t.! WEEK OF 0CT08IR 211f • the doors of hut alllO to elnate the evel t"ste Th is il precisely what the trlilting OFFICES IN WAYNE ARDMORE NARBERTH AND BALA·CYNWYD TOGGERY SHOP u the tri mph , purvels ex­ and in· it and adding to its sum It wou d f ti e to attempt nar· A NEW CO�CEPTION OF row or to change the use of the t erm A MODERN UNIVERSITY r l)ropOlle to discuss a m dern univer· lell from a ny ,ity t t differs more By Abraham Flexn"er Ihing nQw ca led a university in Amer· for October, ::a ; from the Atlantic it is 1I0t a rwearch institute, J ither to in\'en t a new The term " n versi ty" hn a de finite title; for a 'new name would have· to meani ng on the Continent and a fai rly hgh'! for life a nd if it survived,' ould dehnile meaning in Creat Britain ; bu loon e so freely appropriated as to l se in America no Ira· P'''';'' si g i ficance, �!I i t is imllOssible though the belng l Pri"ter of the CoUege New • It well as science skill and art men t regulalions prevented My theory is th", the man was hiding in Ihe bush� d r my windoW, so J couldn't is one of cial genius cellence l!s S( the shade un e u or ditional-protects its ust A coll ge, to expropriate col ge is itself far from to a d he re to t he Dlueh-abuscd title a stal1dardi*d nst ut o : J To make dear what is in DIy mind J chaotic mixture of prima ry, intermediate, Jlhall to define my conception of a indUs1r ia and theol0l:,.ical classu; an ,dalJled modern intellectual PHILIP ATLEE LIVINGSTON 11fE • ll l, between, and a mail-order an· s de ; finally a college with • t • r tUIIN!S, G Hays '21; J, Le na d ':!7; S menU They arc mean bring home , Posey, ':!i: M Adams, '28; N Perera, yividly the complcx:ity of t he existing M Chester, '21; M Par· situatKm; they raile in the first instance E Norton '27: A '28, qu stio n 10 yal e importance Thus the analogy of the: depart ment· THE DENBIGH · EXCITEMENT store is nOt mean t to be little : for the ui / official r sc ool 0up VARSITY DRA ATICS of orl(&nically connected graduate pro· Fiual casfing for "Icebound" will not fUlional schools-all are called univer­ be completed until after Wednesday lities in America Thue brief char­ Two committ e s If!ly(' been cholCu: COl· acterizations arc descriptio ns, nOt judg· Konthl, The production of I8tiafactory prin'ed matter for colleae and students i.8 dependent both upon facilitiea and upon the experience of the organiution producing the work We offer an organization pee-ialiring in- school and college work headed by a coUege graduate .nd amply equipped to print anything needed by faculty or tudent • iD • , ,', inle)· o1I)rofile work of and life dee a hat you by your have ' way upon, men w Cbrilt of aame problcfQl of s.ic cu ould man Itrengtb and_ courage; to f l those , ,, abOut to C ri many life o o in, on realization of tbink of,"'t:o talk the pnctilal pplication of h ltianity, to CUt away, from the enllfl'Cho haye educational k de , t n one Nobel nity WtUfas a ITc.t idt.J wu\'e I "ud.;"! pl that priz.e winnen (or pbiJOIOph» of association in the and t tti� c ooli and training practical and Pro· aU the today, find&, the power/to build or the in body e iJ a kn ii and lOW, w Iftiu be the of pi n6 M i l he lien� and graduate h o\-.:orlapping and a 11' teacber and the healer, and tbe lonr of little c:.hiJdren It -i_n t an impoIJiblc or improbable thing to ,want to live fter Christ's example and perhaps now, wht!.n we're making an figure out to unite it meml)er ill thought and life, we can get a clearer vi.ion if we get out of ourtlelve and ork a bit Christian or , and in what way or the a can 'help y u build your for other people.­ own interpretation of the ends Active 'The maids' night school, Batu House, membership shall be open to any person and to a certain extent the tentres in the college who desiru to live after social servi� belong nry particularly us They arc nationa! inltitutions, the example of Chr�t were started and are run by us After we have been oa o mn want praettcal -.d Lu -Y.t&r:s OtiC knowJedat-and rel e of may want an on, UI SOBl igi sibility have increased, and with them Our I.ctu.1 road to religion and lOme of u want both Some yean ,OU, the direct community will be larger an4 more qne direction all mbracing, but one can probably trace ' years another some similarity between it and thi eolHo eve r wish you would thoroughly lege (:ommunity I be prejudiced in that you eath and every member favor of the Chriltian A oelation; I may the auociation, that your ideas and be painting ita possibilities and achieve· determine the policy, that you are menta in llininll' color., but I think that the and enjoying the from it activities, small s compared with of the next mar live a nd !hat you are getting ideas w k odation • T H E COLLfGE N E W S C A �t Esp'" Coaaectiool 01 into OUt AIOodadoD ODd After • - ) • • • • , , • • GUNTHER Fifth AYenue at 36 St New York AT COUJ!GE TEA HOUSE Mn B TdIot lleprmntlve • • • , • , • • • THE • • Krammar school, indu.�ill and theolCM(i an� cal clllSel, loosely strung to&�tht-r if\ a • discipline pro�r Kh,OOI to a to anlwu current and rapidly changing ovcf.' need in leclion We make the the combination of !lccondary swell schools 8Taduate Ichools coITUP�lIdtnce , profusional extramural cianCI, whi,h._characteriltic product of democratic conditions the)' as :are are borne along by foren perhaps edge; tudance lems 50 quiClcly that administrative arose such as ful and inappropriate to Ichool5 I'illles well equipped oftener IIOt, i could be ap· and of Amt'ric3n unevennC'1! of lack of the intellectual These COil- constituted parlly of a � which trained well as pattern-made dictors lawyer; dentisu journalists, pharm:\Cists teachers: (,,) extension inltiiute"l sending but educational mis­ (6) colleges-their in the enveloping darkne5l; student body seriotisnelS corre­ spondC'nce and radio 5

Ngày đăng: 30/10/2022, 16:35