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The College News 1933-05-17 Vol. 19 No. 22

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Bryn Mawr College Scholarship, Research, and Creative Work at Bryn Mawr College Bryn Mawr College News Bryn Mawr College Publications, Special Collections, Digitized Books 1933 The College News, 1933-05-17, Vol 19, No 22 Students of Bryn Mawr College Let us know how access to this document benefits you Follow this and additional works at: http://repository.brynmawr.edu/bmc_collegenews Custom Citation Students of Bryn Mawr College, The College News, 1933-05-17, Vol 19, No 22 (Bryn Mawr, PA: Bryn Mawr College, 1933) This paper is posted at Scholarship, Research, and Creative Work at Bryn Mawr College http://repository.brynmawr.edu/bmc_collegenews/458 For more information, please contact repository@brynmawr.edu , • Th e C'ollege - ' VOL XIX, No 22 Calendar Awards for 1933·34 Thursday, Friday, May will meet Resident Fellows Friday A M Saturday, Mawr Glee May Club 10 Bryn will present Noble SiSlle's Orches- A M low In Chemilltry, 1931-33 tr• Sunday Virginia Fit%· May CoOP:U-WllLKlYf 21: College, 1922: M.A., 1929; Student at American School of Clasaical Studies, Athens, 1927-28;' Fellow ·pany her at the piano ogy, 1929-80; Fanny Bullock Work· ip Johnson will apeak on "Ger­ man Romantic An:hitecture, Monday May 22: in Greek, Bryn Mawr College, 1928-29, and Fellow in Archaeol­ European 1800 Fellow, Research Worker and Greece, 1931-83 1930-81; Student in College, 1932; Scholar in Latin" Bryn Mawr College, 1931-32; �el­ low from Bryn Mawr studying at the University of Chicago, 1982-83 BIOLOGY-OliU verslty of Michigan, 1919:'Cradu­ 1850." Monday, Mr Phil­ Common May Room, 22: I Miss in Enrlish; and two the Elizabeth yelling-tlpace Facet were stepped Dunne Gillespie Scholanhip in Amer- on,but the marvelous wave of lIOund ican History Two had won Eliza- ,,"wept on and filled the hure stadium beth S Shippen Scholarships, on� in to it farthellt corner!\, with the ef Science and 5.00 P M Wednesday, ate Student,University of Michigan, 1920-27; Graduate Scholar i n Bi­ Common May Philip Johnson will "Mottern Room, -.A 24: Mr speak Architccture one in Foreign Lan· fervescence guages, and one of the Sheelah Kil· roy Scholars also won the Horaee White Prize in Greek Literature Three had enterd on Alumnae Reglanai ScholarshiplI, two on Trustees' Scholard'hiplI, and one on a Philadelphis City Scholarship Four had ip Johnson will speak on "Rich­ ardson and the Middle Weat, 1870-1910." on Since held the James Rhoads Scholarship in their Sophomore year, and Rve in P M Bryn Mawr, 1932-33 their Junior year Of the ten FelL -" lowll who held scholarshiplI through CHEMISTRY - Elizabeth HfJ'walon, College, all but two won the Maria B.S., George Washington Univer­ L Eastman Brooke Hall Scholarship, sity, H�20; M.A., Mt30; FeHow in and seven won the Charles S HinchChemistry, George Washington the War." Common Room, 6.00 ology, 1929·30; Graduate Student, Varsity Loses Match 'University, 1929-30; Chemistry, Bryn Fellow Mawr Collere, d versity, 1032-33 AND POLITICS M man Scholarship (II the years 1918 to 1933t there ' have been twenty.six Charles S Bad Weather an O ral5 ,ay Account for Tenms Team s I Hinchman Scholars, Second Defeat Matriculation were 1030.82; George Washington Unl· ECONOMICS l With,Swarthmore, 3·2 l in Vt'ra Jo.ephl'� Vlcek, A.B.,Univer­ sity of Illinois, 1932; Candidate [or _ / of whom seven Scholars, five Alumnae Region Scholars,two TrUll- NEXT i lCC.!l' Scholars, and one,a Philadel· I y SCh0Iar E·19ht aI so won C·t Swarthmore avenged her other de- the Maria L Eastman Brooke Ha1I M.A., 1933 EDUCATION-Htln Stuart Bagen­ feats thill year by winning from thc Scholarship, three the SheeIa h K IIA.B., Wellesley College, Varllity tennis teaRl, 3-2, on Monday roy Prize, two the Elizabeth Duane Ito.e, 1931; Harvard Graduat.e School of afternoon Gillespie Scholarship, one the Hor· Education, 1933; Wellesley College, Faeth, playing number one againllt ace White Priz� in Gree� Literature, 1931-38 Chidley, won the first four game" In and one the Elizabeth Shippen Schol · Fou eld t�e ENGLISH Amid P01/line f�Of:klirl good form The players kept up' long nrship in Science : � A.B., Middlebury College, 1920; rallics but one or the other usually Jamcs Rhoads Scholarllhlp In their M.A , University of lJIinols, 1924; lost o�t on her backhand Chldley Sophomore year, six in their J unior Graduate Student, Bryn Mawr lost many points on Faeth's service year, and three heId I,In both yearll College, 1982-83 the speed and curve of which she Four had held or won no prevlom GEOLOGY-Ma,'11 BI'{lw.ttr Draper, seemed unable to gauge: Faeth drop· ICcholanhiplI, and nineteen had held A.B., Wellesley College, 1924; ped the next three gomes on wide cholarships through college of Illinois, 1932; Candidate for VASSAR GAME IS I Wisconsin,balls, but rallied to'wln the fint set, 6-3 The second lIet wa, much mo� GtRMAN-AJarJI Sturm Chal1lU, , erratic Faeth won her serve, onl�' A.B.,Oberlin College, 1930; :M.A., to lose to Chidley's because she tried Northwestern University, 1931; too often' to kill the serve rather than M.A., 1930 University of German to ge:t the ban in play beto trl'ing and Graduate Student, Bryn Mawr for the point Chidley, however, fail· Part-time Ph·la I _ Instructor in M Canu's Prize Articles - to Appear in B3bk Fonn _ I (E.peci aUIl Con t ributed Olil1ia Jarrett) bll The eleven artie1ell for which M College, 1981-82; Scholar in Ger­ ed to stand up agl!-inst Faeth's servell Cunu was awarded the Strusburger man, Bryn Mawr College, 1932·38 and also to return many flide-Iine prize this spring are extracts from GREEK-Faitlt PrindJ Btlldwin, shob,thereby droppinr the set and the manuscript of a book, Le Etatl· AB., University of Vermont, 1928: the match to Faeth, 6- UNit en AlCtolll.obile, which M Canu M.A.,Bryn Mawr College, 1931; Collier 10llt the number two match ill hoping to publish Scholar in Latin, Bryn Mawr Col­ to Tomlinson, 6-2, 6-3 Collier's The volume will contain the story lege, 1980-81; Kinopp Lake Fel­ se es lac ed power and evc � k � her f a trip around the United States low, 1931-32; Holder of Boston drives although Hat and low,did not which M Canu made- with two other Alumnae Fellowship from Ameri­ h/!-ve the IIpeed and control w)ich co�ld Frenchmen He relates his imprescan Aesociation of University have ma e them reany effective, � !'iuns of Americans and their way ot , Women at Johns Hopkins Univer· Tomlinson Iorm, neatlys superIOr life, giving detICriptions of the 1arg slty, 1982-33 placed !!hots and IIteadlness gave her cr citiell, such as Chicago, Sao FranSi�d- a _great advantage and won her the Nina HISTORY-Oeatricl t • cillCO and New Orleans 'clt.log, A.B., Lawrence College, match ·· the thell' · trip, uo:gan _ When they L fCOntlnu eli ,n Pac Three) The th1r match, In which Bowditch to�r�sts h ad h d )'ttle expel'lenee in wall playmg Geddes, proved to be driVing, and little or none Eng Mr Arwyn e to be in London the I t 0f all 'A"wdi."h started They had several amuSlnr ad llish "" Wide � often Mr Alwyne haa been engaged to out Wlldly, her serves of ,or InstanO., ·,n CI.vland " ventures, appear as soloist with the Britillh the mark, her drives el·ther drapping del ation f -r or_ k a.!-n t mu were they Broadftsting Symphony Or.chestra in into th& nat or ring far beyond do, and w�re CoI?ra ll from o Maaon r London on June 16 He will play a the Geddes v,fas pIayinlC line UII8e con\'entlon national the to welcomed concerto and a group of piecea her usual ca mn ga e, returning � � The Orchestra, which consiat of 120 serves' and driVe ea ly and softly, w'th all the ceremony 01 the brother playen, is considered one ot the fin­ and winning the first set, G-4 In thr h To the European reader, who la al­ est in Europe The Concert wi� alao next two sets, Bowditch settled down the labulou!ol number be heard onra national broadcast a rttle and began to gel her ser\'ea I waya amued at , I I ea In A met'lca, II Canu's On September Mr Alwyne will in the court and to put more power ot automob·1 appear soloiat with the Bourne­ into her troies In spite of the fact sketch of America on Whe t'l throw!! st charac�er­ mouth Symphony Oreheatra, under that she atiU ticked the net maDY light on one of the � the Umted tn hte of features the eonduetonhlp of Sir Dan God­ times, Bowditch took advantage of IsUe St frey _ I � I C?ses 010 � • : �� calculated reception-but not so lithe Manning-Crenshaw Duet people's All" Buxom belles and Profeasorl Alwyne snd WiI· loughby an on entering; three had won the creatures whom I can tlcareely call Sheelah Kilroy Memorial Scholarllhip gentlemen vied with each other for 6.-Chorus-Dr Turner's solo Eight had been Matriculation Schol- Room, 8.00 P.-rtf Tuesday, May 23: Mr Phil­ I - / in their major subject! • Charlotte E Carr will speak on "Women fn Industry and Perronnel 'Vork ," Common Fowfer, A.B." Hillsdale College, 1918; M.S., Uni-! M _ 5.00 P M BIBLICAL LITERATURE - Emma HOtH- Broonu, A.B., Mount Holyoke Collere, 1927; M.A., Bryn MaWI' � � habel a dance recit­ al in the Cloilten at 7.40 P.M Vernon Hammond will aeeom­ Ra.lIdolph Grace, A.B., pryn Mawr man I Patience Goodhart, 8.20 p M Saturday, May 20: Dance in Gymn, 11.00 P M to 2.00 Bryn Mawr College, 1930-31; Fel­ EVERY FOUR YEARS Statistics show that fifty per cent (E.peciaUJI cOlltrihllted bJl MirifJm Program of Faculty Show of the European Fellows and seven· Dodgf!, �zrl'l)t lor tltf, l"Vardnl" Ski', "RESTRAINT NECESSAJlY" ty.three per cent of thoae doing the wltich tCla rwiewt'd bJi J E HanMay 10, eight o'clock I best work in their major subjects nan.) t-et) from 1914 to 1932 would have been A hardened theatre-eoel', I haye Opening Chor unable to g�roug� college without never witHeued such an ovation as u• Miss Park's Greek lOng the aid ot ac.11!iar ships It also seems greeted the Faculty Show last Wedto be a significant fact that of the neaday night As a matter of fact,3 S A King's readinr Men s quartet twenty European FellowlI in the the closest this old traveler has ever ' Bldgs and ground, 'kilo year!!! 1914 to 1932,onIy one h ad come to 'experlencing anything of the Dr Gray's monologue held o r won h0 preVlous sch0 Ianh'IPS 80rt WIU! last summer at the Demone d in college Fifteen had WOn the Ma· cratic National, Convention,when no ' V en , ay ay ria L Eastman Brooke Hall Memo- amount of heat and crowd could reI' rial�Scholat'lhip for the highed IV- c,lucc t hc-pub lk ardor jo r Jbe man in I ·INTERM lSSION (Dr Fenwick erage in all work done through the the brown derby auctions posters) The cultivated Junior year,' and seven had won the gentleman who has since become Act II the Charle, S Hinchman Memorial Schol· hero of this volatile nation was ob- I Potter's wheel (Ibsen skit) arshop for the moSt excellent work viously a put-up job and met with a Chemistry act Varsity 20: Students WIN ENTRANCE AWARDS REPETITION RECOMMENDED 19: Bryn Tennis Match VI Vassar 1933-)4 Armbnl.ter, A.B., - May Saturday May 20: Mount Holyoke College, 1930; Graduate Scholar in Chemistry, ARCHAEOLOGY Hali, Patience Goodhart, 8.20 P M were MORAL ReSEARCH FELLOW­ Heln Goodhart, CENTS M European Fellow Show Comparable to Democratic National Convention in Effer Depend on Scholar.hip vescerft Enthusium; Warburg for Education Praised for Ve.rve Mawr Clee Club' will present HELEN SCHAE),FER HUFF ME· Marion in PRICE 10 50'70 or B National liver the welcominc address At -May Day Chapel, the tollowing announced by Mis Park: 19: 10.00 A M Mias Park will de ANNOUNCED acholarahips "Or Delegates of the Junior League • and 18: "Inflation," 8.45 A M Mackenzie Leads Juniors, Di­ vides Hinchman Prize" With Barber fellowships May Cop,.rlCht 'ORTN MA' R COLLEGE XEWS, 1933 1933 , Faculty Show Evokes Unrestrained Applause Rely on Scholarships an� L aughter From Appreciative Audience I Best College Oullea will speak In Chapel on , AWARDS - BRYN MAWR AND WAYNE, PA., WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, Miss ,Park Announces • • 0: 01 enthusiasm Horae act Warden's skit Final chorus _ about duce a series of animals from hi SOltldltirlQ, about tln�thing_it didn ' l L hat, the atmOflphere was electric­ matter The expression was its own but none wall quite prepared for the , excuse No one could �p eak dcfimle· appearance of Mias Pork in a black Iy of the tuture, but the genial little velvet evening gown Previoul dill­ man with the red face was the pco plays faded into inaignlficance, for pie's chosen symbol ot their UIIthe lludience went berserk DUlle'lI quenchable interest in living I hope mOllt inspired public never offered a Dr Fenwick will not mind my rombetter demonlltration, t feel sure parinr him with Mr Smith,but hi , Not.hing less than a Delphic utter­ entrance with the balloon ll really ance was expE!c�d at that moment seemed to inspire us in like ml\nner from our prellident, wholle responlle, Title notwithstandi ng, think the however, was as unpredictnble all Fapulty Show made the student body When she could be heard, genius tOM the cap of its admirable restraintl she did render Il Greek song, not a over the mlU c'll"pletely And thc cl8 ssieal numbe r, but a catchy tune stimul ull W811 much needed; can learned from a muleteer.' It h\d only hop e that it was the ' opening nrtat charm and Its sweetness of shot of the wa i' that I ha\'c !>t'j'l! fI" tone should Ilillce it among the old the point of declaring these sev('ral favorites, years Mr Kinr was the next reature on O? the eventfu I evenln �' the we I· the program, and Mr W"I burg carecommg shouts of th e au dlence were , rully enunclat.;d Mr Sa"wt:i ArtIIIIr, fina IIy ch ecked by t h" v lRnlR g master ! S O that no one'1;hould Rlilltake him of ceremomes And h erc r can ! , r ' l\l for the arh!!t of our magnificent postno bettel' t h an, f� leltat e r Warcr3 or any other of tbat proud fam lmLtable vcrve ne\Cl burg,wholle In ' ily Mr Samuel Arthur King then f1ng�ed for a moment throu� hout the Jot'ave us n narrative l>Oem, using such cveRing an� m� let IY obvl t� l th( ' a v.:lriety or ge ture, In addition to llausclI lRevlla e In t e mOl'lt TI lrUlD t hi eXJ)rellSivc voiee, that no subtle amateur revue With Mr Wnrburg, shade of meaning was leJt undefined, l t the helm, here w ne a oi � 8B � '' �l The coat.tail moti( wall particularly ment 0, ennUI, and we WLII c hcrillh provocative the information tbat shredded wheat As rOI' the Men's Quartet, comprill­ calls imperatively for cream, and thf' , Messrs Herbcn, Blanchard, timely advice about the riddance or IRK I mice And I could never tire ot 'the Watson and Turner,.1 can only say wistful and ,aping goldfish But the thnt "':0 were all horrified at the tYI)C audience took Mr Warburg t9 ib and tmt of the shee�s which th� bosom and he needll n° futher com- gentlemen were perusing Our faith mendalion from me O }le thing I in their integrit)' was only partially BItOltld like to know-is t�at a ape- restored by the �und � rom the colAnd mirh l I lege catalogue With which they favpecially-tailored suit! l I l / � � � ,I l venture to auggest that he try Harp o ored us The BulltHOgS and Crounds skit Marx next! When the curtains parted, the wa!'! one of the e1e\'erest or the eve­ opening chorus was grccted with ning Mrw Smith wore a hundsome cheers The assen lbled multitude was costume, very Red-quecnlsh And her appart!lIed in Sdlllbre cap and gown, lines wert! cxtremly amushl« while but they were engaged in an unfa- Dr Smith and Dr David were ap­ miliar performance, which proved to J)cllling in their impel'&Onations of be a gay parody of Gilbert and Sulli- workers on the old plantation Dr Their song wall inrulled with a Ol z wall impressive as the elTulgenl feeling for unity, never attained by Mr Foley and Mn Diez the best­ the prosaic hirelings of 01 Thee f looking statue we have e\'er 'aid eyes Sit/g 1\1rs Te.nnent sang the solo upon, though we were afraid that v�n part with grace and contagious spirit so that benevolenc ' e spread to the au· dienee, and the mood for the eve- ning waa definitely established When IIoIr Warburr pulled b ack those beautiful red curtains With thl" asaurao.ce of a magician about to pro- L, .: , R�jidt"a ill Paru Mlle Alice Rey wilr receive in her house, 28 rue I Fon­ taine, a few tudenb who art! intending to spend AOme time For fUTther infor­ in Paria mation appl)' to Mlle Maud Rey, 129 Radnor road, Bryn Ma.r i! :. (ContlnueG on r'••e ThrH) Vocational Mutillf Millll Charlotte E Carr, or the Pennllyh' anl Department of Labor and Industry, will speak on opportunities for wom en in pollitions asaoc.iatcd with industry, including the �raon­ nel work now bein, done by State departmrnta The meet­ ing wiU be held on Monday eve­ ning, &tay 22, at eight o'dock, in the Common Room ot Good­ hart Hall EveryoDe wbo i in terested is cordially Invited to ' attend Coft'ee will be aen-ed • , , 'Page Two , (Foundtd m THE COLLEGE NEWS 1\ WIT�§ t:�[) I 1914) J GellALDINI! RHOADS, '3' CoNSTANC� ROIINSON, '34 EUI.A8lTH MACUNZII! '34 DI NA TATE,SWITH, 'H F seES POJ.CHfI '36 F NCU VAN KfU"eN 'H \ �bscriptio;' MaMgt, AuUla1tt B AI.A Lr.WIS, 'If To be rather more than mortals, • Theatres on.the various chance Consequently, passportfl, vis- iting permit and all the red tape imaginable is being invoked, and That dw It in deep morasses We almost missed the asses, many foreign actors are leaving our shores on "vacation The plan i s The crowd had not my ennui, The a)r was full of 000rou8 kunks, davit with the eovernment saying With ferret!, and with small chip- that no one but his pet particular munks, a g estion ll can pIaL the role iQ u i And there was a aeaIYcroeodile Then an inspector check up and it It even seemed some people knew We gawped at many musk Forgot assignments�Wednesday, I to keep all fOTeleners out of the theatre' and the movies until all oul' own people have work, but if a director teels he must have over8eaS talent he crn get it by filine a sworn"'affi- And then there was the peba, (AlI those from one amoeba!!) With not a tpuch of fren t , l But just because the facultft- I MAILING PRICE, ,3.00 SUBSCRIPrION, ,Z.)O SUIlSCRIPTJO="lS MAY BEGIN AT ANY TIMB New York American stages are being put o n the "public enemy" liat with the gangaten, hoarders and communists, and are being threatened· with speedy de- There we.re the aerawny emus Or futuristic pattern The voice behind the desk MA"C;A"�T Be"oLZHeIWf." 'If Shouts rose, and wild acclaim!, Cavorting In a New York Nile The super-things' nick-names, 'OX he thinks the director is right, all Is well; if not, 'e veryone goes to jail ' And several cagy springboks, The fields were tull of caribou, France is doing the same thing-but only on a percentage basis Only ten L And llpecimens o,t rare poyou; per cent of the actors and singers in When !idewarda jerked the curtaina A whole tank full of swimming seals dramatic, lyric and """""'''';;: Chautt-O� Camp Kokatosi A Thu the collece woaJd of collere become a two-year-unlt, from which the acholarly-minded atudenta wou1d co on to ualveraity work -(N S F A.) BRYN MAWR SHOP, PLOWER Inc Mrs N S T Graamwr 121 I , A - BR.YN PA _ or m 0/ , ty u 1iO � Wrice , b.okJ- u.- , MDt MI Co& ./ • • �"" , It w I>indDe- rr======ii LaneUltf Ave GREEN HILL FARMS City Lin• •nd Nil"" and Washi"g"'" world's fastest Cabin Hnm; Prtsitk"l Hardi"g; PrtJitintJRoosn"ll Four onc-dass Amman Merchant liners directto London Fare $90 " Overbrook-Phil.delphia Lunc.heon $1.00 " Dinner 1.50 Sho,� Dinner �"e,y Frida, $1.10 No 'ner 'n price on SURd.y or ho1ld.)' COLLEGE INN AND TEA ROOM SERVICE A • M TO 7.10 P_ M_ DlIily ""d SWIIJ"1 A LA CARTE BREAKFAST L.".c#Jrotl AI'trfloolf T�• ,,11 D;fI,.�r A , CtIl"Ie tmJ T_ble tfHole GUEST ROOMS PE RMANENT AND TRANSIENT STUDENTS' CHARGE ACCOUNTS Page Four Mis:s • TIm COLLEGE NEWS Park �::c�r 1933�34 ��'r i �A �iI��.)OI nanA: in BALTIMORE' :,An)te Elizabeth ClJJ" � :: h � Tr 8t r, � ee,' Sehola 1932� :1 R.J!.h-1 � Schol r, �931�33; Ame!)a rd Memorial �cho1ari� 1932-83 School, Boaton Alumnae Re&ion­ al Scholar, 1931-32; Leila Hough­ , I,'OUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP - JAMES E RHOADS ' leUng Memorial Scholar and Shee-­ IE' D " IORIAL Baltl-I Caroline Cadbu", Brown of lah Kilroy Memorial Scholar in ' '' SCHOLARSHIP (awarded for a � l.••t., ' Alumnae ( 1936 Id own�a eI!ared.J>y the WeeJ,:' _mor�, h'18'l L dc.ree o LexceJlence i9- wor!!)

Ngày đăng: 30/10/2022, 16:35