Indravarman II (Khmer ruler), 78, 233 Ine (king of Mercia), 17 Ingstad, Anne Stine, 416 Ingstad, Helge, 416 Innocent II (pope), 42, 148, 377 Innocent III (pope), 4, 93, 94, 175, 195–196, 244, 306, 330 Innocent IV (pope), 176, 254 Innocent VII (pope), 36 Innocent VIII (pope), 327 Inquisition, 167, 196–198, 342 Investiture Controversy, 164 Ipato, Oro, 412 Ireland, 198–201, 235–236, 314 Irene, 64, 81, 194, 198, 303 Irish Church, 76 Irish monastic scholarship, golden age of, 198–201 Iron Age, 333, 417 Ironsides, Bjorn, 418 Ironsides, Hastein, 418 Iroquois, xxxv Isaac I Komnenos (Byzantine emperor), 65 Isaac II (Byzantine emperor), 65 Isabella I of Spain, 86, 89, 90, 291, 342 Isabella of France, 185, 307 Isanvarman I (Khmer ruler), 81 Isaurian War, 62 Isidore of Seville, 74, 266 Islam, xxxii, xxxiii, xxxiv–xxxv, xxxviii, xl, 1, 3, 40, 43, 97, 102, 116, 138, 201–202, 311, 339, 402, 421 art and architecture in the golden age, 202–205 Five Pillars of, 124–126, 138, 201, 287 literature and music in golden age, 205–208 science and technology in golden age, 208–210 Sixth Pillar of, 125–126 Islamic law, 8, 31, 101, 193, 210 Islamic World, The, c 600–750, M35 Islamic World, The, c 800–1200, M38 Isma’ilis, 31, 34, 116, 183, 211–212, 287, 365 Italian city-states, 212–213 Italian Renaissance, 90, 127, 142, 213–219, 311, 327, 410 Italian Wars, 155, 178, 213 Ivan III (czar), 286 Ivan Alexander, 55 Ivan Asen II, 55 Ivan Shishman, 55 Ivan Stratsimir, 55 Ivar the Boneless, 98 Index J Jadwiga, (queen of Poland) 253, 255, 331 Jagiello See Jogaila Jaguar Claw (Mixtec ruler), 280 Jainism, xxxiv Jalal-ad-Din Mengubirdi, 282 Jalal al-Din Rumi, 380 James I the Conqueror (king of Aragon), 89 James II the Just (king of Aragon), 89 James the Apostle, 288 Janequin, Clement, 218 janissaries, xl, 269 Japan, xxx, xxxii, xxxvi, xxxviii, 133–134, 237–238, 295–296, 315–317, 387 feudal system in, xxxiv, xxxvi, 119–121, 230 Heian period of, 160–162 Jaromir (Bohemian prince), 47 Jaunutis (grand duke of Lithuania), 255 Java, 375–376 Jawhar al-Rumi, 116 Jayadevi (queen of Chenla), 81 Jayakatwang, 264 Jayavarman I (Cambodian king), 233 Jayavarman II (Cambodian king), 82, 233 Jayavarman III (Cambodian king), 233 Jayavarman VII (Cambodian king), 233–234 Jayavarman VIII (Cambodian king), 234–235 Jayavarman Paramesvar, 370 Jaychandra, 287 Jean de Meun, 80, 84 Jebe, 283, 379 Jedenspeigen and Dürnkrut, Battle of, 153 Jeduda ben Moses Cohen, 88 Jeong Jung-bu, 239 Jerome, Saint, 6, 39, 265, 411 Jerome of Prague, 93 Jerusalem, 20, 94, 144, 175–176, 198, 203, 205, 236, 245, 248, 286, 287 Jesuits, 168 Jesus (Christ) of Nazareth, 58, 97, 150 Jewish populations, 20 Jewish scriptures, 128, 217 Jianwen (Chien-wen), 250, 436 Jien, 304 jihad, 125, 179, 230 Jin (Chin) dynasty, 124, 135, 156, 182, 221–223, 227, 253, 282, 294, 313, 374, 379, 429, 430, 438, 439 Jinheung, 371 Jinzheng (Chin-ch’eng), 391 Jito (empress of Japan), 238 459 Joachim of Flora, 223–224 Joan I (queen of Naples), 295 Joan II (queen of Naples), 295 Joanna of Naples, 30 Joan of Arc, 184, 187, 197, 224–225 Job, Book of, 39 Jodo Shinsu, 365 Jodo Shu, 179 Jogaila (king of Poland, grand duke of Lithuania), 253, 255, 256, 331 John I (Byzantine emperor), 64 John I of Portugal, 166 John II (of France), 177, 186 John II Komnenos (Byzantine emperor), 198, 249 John VIII (pope), 96 John VIII Palaeologus, 126 John XII (pope), 164, 174 John XIII (pope), 385 John XVI (pope), 71 John XXII (pope), 22, 29, 177, 255 John XXIII (pope), 31, 92 John Duns Scotus, 257, 337, 358 John Fastolf of Meung, 224 John of Brienne, 247 John of England, 259–260, 305, 325 John of Gaunt, 81, 88, 307 John of Luxembourg, 48, 330–331 John of Nepomuk, 48 John of Ravenna, 304 John Scotus Eriugena, 75 John the Baptist, 140, 141 John the Lackland, 71 Jokyu disturbance, 229 Joscelin II (count of Edessa), 248 Joscelin III (count of Edessa), 248 Josephine (de Beauharnais) (empress of the French) See Bonaparte, Josephine Joseph of Arimathea, 12 Jovian (emperor of Rome), 60 Judges, Book of, 39 Juji Kahn, 77, 134 Julian the Apostate (Eastern Roman emperor), 60 Julius Constantius (Western Roman emperor), 60 Julius II (pope), 214, 347 Jurchen, 135, 156, 182, 221–223, 227, 239, 253, 294, 374, 429, 436, 439 Justice of the Peace, 307 Justin II, 63 Justinian I (Eastern Roman Emperor), 57, 62–63, 148, 320, 410 Justinian II (Eastern Roman Emperor), 53, 63 Jutes, 13