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Encyclopedia of world history (facts on file library of world history) 7 volume set ( PDFDrive ) 1096

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454 Index Brunehild, 92 Brunelleschi, Filippo, 51, 104, 141, 216 Bruni, Leonardo, 51–52, 121, 213 Bruno of Querfurt, 253 bubonic plague, xxx, 43–45, 214, 307 Buckingham, duke of, 321 Buddhism, xxxiv, xxxvi, xxxvii, xxxviii, 49, 50, 55–56, 82, 105, 132, 158–159, 235, 293, 303–304, 334, 380–381, 425, 430–431, 438, 441 Bughra Khan, 100 Bukhara, 352 Bukka (South Indian ruler), 414 Bulgarian Empire, 52–54, 355 Bulgar invasions, 54–55 Bull of Rimini, 330 Buonarroti, Michaelangelo, 216 Burgundians, 198 Buridan, Jean, xxxi, 267 Burma, 55–56 Burma War(s), 280–281 bushido, xxxiv, xxxix, 354, 355 Buyid dynasty, Byzantine Empire, xxxii, xxxv, xxxvi, xxxix, 56, 126, 269, 285, 412 architecture, culture, and the arts, 56–59 po­liti­cal history, 60–65 Byzantine Empire, 1265, M49 Byzantine Empire under Basil II, 1025, M40 C Cabot, John, 137, 416 Caedmon (Anglo-Saxon poet), 14 Caesar, Julius, 195 Caesaropapism, 67–68 Cahokia, xxxv Calais, Battle of, 307 calendrics, xxxiii Caliphs, first four, 68–69 Calixtines, 189 Calixtus II (pope), 164, 175, 426 Calixtus III (pope), 244, 411 calligraphy, 162, 200, 203 Calukya dynasty, 319 Cambodia, xxxviii Camel, Battle of the, 4, 8, 69, 103 Canada, 416 cannon, xxxix canon law, 148 Cansu I (Burmese ruler), 56 Cansu II (Burmese ruler), 56 Cansu IV (Burmese ruler), 56 Canterbury, archbishop of, 13, 15, 38, 162, 309, 424 Canute (king of England), 15, 17, 69–70, 98, 99, 419 Capella, Martianus, 74 Capellanus, Andreas, 84 Capet, Hugh, 70–72, 73, 195, 385 Cardinals, College of, 426 Carloman (Frankish ruler), 72, 79 Carolingian dynasty, 7, 71, 72–73, 74, 130, 273, 401, 413 Carolingian Re­nais­sance, xxxvi, 5, 74–75, 80 Carthage, 63 Carthage, Council of, 199 Casimir I (ruler of Poland), 329 Casimir II (ruler of Poland), 330 Casimir III (ruler of Poland), 257, 331 Casimir IV (ruler of Poland), 255, 257, 331 Castel, Etienne du, 328 caste system, xxxiv–xxxv, 56, 414, 437–438 Castiglione, Baldassare, 85 Castile, kingdom of, 87–89 Cathar sect, 167, 197, 245, 258, 272 cathedral schools, 265, 408 Catherine of Siena, 30 Catholic Church, xxxvi, xxxix, 244, 355 Caton-­Thompson, Gertrude, 368 Cauchon, Pierre, 224 Cavalcanti, Guido, 99 Celestine I (pope), 76 Celestine II (pope), 377 Celestine III (pope), 195, 330 Celtic Christianity, 75–76 Celtic Church, 17 Celts, 283, 415 Cenwulf (king of Mercia), 17 Ceolfrith (abbot), 39 Ceowulf (king of Mercia), 17, 98 Chad, Lake, 160, 230 Chagatai khanate, 77–78, 134, 281, 313, 398, 403 Chaitanya, 43 Chalcedon, Council of, 67 Chalons, Battle of, 195 Champagne, fairs of, 115–116 Champa kingdom, xxx, 78–79, 234, 251, 376 Chan Buddhism, 438 Chang’an (Ch’ang-­an), 19, 123, 147, 288, 294, 296, 387, 395, 425, 431 chanson de geste, 71, 343–344 Charlemagne, 5, 16, 49, 54, 59, 72, 74, 79–80, 86, 194, 195, 265, 273, 320, 324, 401, 408, 410, 413, 418 Charles I of Anjou, 176, 295 Charles II (of Naples), 295 Charles III (of Naples), 295 Charles III the Simple, 195 Charles IV (Holy Roman Emperor), 48, 71, 145, 154, 177, 185 Charles V (Holy Roman Emperor), 155, 177 Charles V of France, 177, 186, 327, 328 Charles VI of France, 90, 165, 186, 307, 327 Charles VII of France, 166, 187, 224 Charles VIII of France, 128 Charles Martel (Frankish ruler), 49, 72, 117, 273, 289, 394, 400, 407 Charles of Lorraine, 71 Charles of Navarre, 186 Charles the Bald, 72, 75, 155, 178, 413, 414, 418 Chaucer, Geoffrey, 80–81, 84, 310 Chelcˇický, Peter (Petr), 189 Cheng Hao (Ch’en Hao), 299, 300 Cheng Yi (Cheng I), 299, 300 Cheng-­Zhu philosophy, 443 Chengzu (Ch’eng-­tsu), 277 Chenla, 81–82 Chen Tuan, 299 Chichimecs, 396 Childeric (Salian Frankish leader), 129 Children’s Crusade, 245 Chimor Empire, 11 China, xxx, xxxii, xxxiv, xxxvi, 294 Era of Division, 294 Five Dynasties of, 123–124, 442 golden age of poetry in, 82–83, 425 Ten States Era of, 123 China during the Ming Dynasty, c 1415–1624, M62 China during the Song Dynasty, 1038–1279, M43 China during the Tang Dynasty, 626–783, M34 Chindaswinth (Visigoth king), 86 Chinese poetry, golden age of, 82–83, 425 Chioggia, Battle of, 411 Chitrasena (Chenla ruler), 81 chivalry, 83–85 Chlodio (Salian Frankish leader), 129 Choi Chungheon, 239 Chola kingdom, 85–86, 319, 393 Chomei, 304 Choson dynasty, 436 Chrétien de Troyes, 84 Christian Dualism (Gnosticism), 167–168, 197 Christian states of Spain, 86–90 Chrysoloras, Manuel, 90, 410 Chrysostom, John, 68 Chunghye (king of Koryo), 239 Chungnyol (king of Koryo), 239 Chungson (king of Koryo), 239 Chungsuk (king of Koryo), 239 Church of the Holy Sepulcher, 143, 246

Ngày đăng: 29/10/2022, 22:26