Chronology 600 C.E Late Preclassic Period in Maya Zones Beginning of the Late Preclassic period in the Maya zones of Mesoamerica 604 C.E Shotoku’s Reforms Between 593 and 628 Empress Suiko rules Japan During her reign regent Prince Shotoku undertakes major reforms with China as a model culminating in a 17article constitution based on Confucian principles 606–648 C.E Harsha Reunifies India His work is undone at his assassination India is divided after its short unity 610 C.E Prophet Muhammad Receives Revelations The prophet Muhammad in Mecca receives revelations that are set down in the Qur’an, the Muslim holy book been extended to Hangzhou, providing an efficient water transport system 622 C.E New Muslim Community Flees to Medina The fledgling Muslim community led by the prophet Muhammad makes the Hijrah (flight) from Mecca to Medina to escape persecution 627 C.E Battle of Nineveh At the Battle of Nineveh, the forces of the Byzantine Emperor Heraclius defeat the Sassanids 629–645 C.E Xuanzang Travels to India Chinese Buddhist monk Xuanzang’s journey and translation of Buddhist canons mark the height of Buddhism in China 618 C.E Tang Dynasty Founded The Tang dynasty is founded by Li Yuan and his son Li Shimin at the fall of the Sui dynasty It inaugurated China’s second imperial age 632 C.E Muslim Rule over Mecca and Medina and the Prophet Muhammad Dies Following several battles, the Muslims retake Mecca and establish a Muslim community; following the prophet Muhammad’s death Abu Bakr is chosen as the first caliph or leader 618 C.E Grand Canal By the fall of the Sui dynasty the Grand Canal has 634 C.E Omar Chosen as Second Caliph Omar, known as the “second founder of Islam,” xvii