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Encyclopedia of world history (facts on file library of world history) 7 volume set ( PDFDrive ) 1095

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Averroës, xxxii, 21, 28, 140, 210, 263, 266, 267, 290 Avicenna See Ibn Sina Avignonese papacy, 28–31, 212, 320 Avitohol (Bulgar leader), 52 Aviz dynasty, 166 Axayacatl (Aztec lord), 396 Axum, 112, 244 Ayatollahs, 364–365 Ayutthaya, 370 Ayyubid dynasty, 34, 183, 351 al-­Azhar, 31, 192 Aztecs, 181, 274, 337, 338, 396 B Babur (Mughal emperor), 341 Babylonian Captivity, 345 Bacon, Roger, xxxi, 33, 267 Badr, Battle of, 201, 286 Baghdad, xxxii, xxxvii, 1, 2, 9, 34–36, 183, 288 bagpipes, 361 Baian, 53 Bakhtiyar Khalji, 293 Bakri, ­al-, 140 Baldassare Castiglione, 85 Baldwin I (king of Jerusalem), 246, 248 Baldwin II (king of Jerusalem), 246, 248 Baldwin III (king of Jerusalem), 246 Baldwin IV (king of Jerusalem), 246 Baldwin V (king of Jerusalem), 246 Baldwin of Flanders (first Latin emperor of Constantinople), 93 Balliol, Edward, 359 Balsamon, Theodore, 68 Bantu, xxxv, 36–37, 107, 160, 444–445 Barbour, John, 361 Barlaam of Calabria, 150 Barmakid family, 1, 140 Barquq (Mamluk ruler of Egypt), 192 Bartolus of Sassoferrato, 213 Basel, Council of, 190 Basho Matsuo 231 Basil I (Byzantine emperor), 58, 64 Basil II (Byzantine emperor), 54, 64, 421 Basil III (czar), 286 Basilicus (Eastern Roman emperor), 62 Battles and Campaigns of the Hundred Years’ War, 1337–1453, M58 Batu Khan, 281, 284, 313, 330, 350 Bayan (Mongol official), 399–400 Baybars (Mamluk sultan), 94, 248 Bayeux Tapestry, 309 Bayezid I (Ottoman sultan), 37–38, 90, 240, 250, 269, 270, 318, 399 Bayt ­al-­Hikmah, 208 beans, xxxi Beauvais, bishop of, 224 Index Becket, Thomas, 38–39, 163, 306 Bede, 7, 14, 16, 39, 199 Beit Giorgis, 244 Béla I, 198 Béla IV, 48 Belisarius (Byzantine general), 410 Bembo, Pietro, 215 Benedict (saint), 91, 344 Benedict IX (pope), 142 Benedict XI (pope), 326 Benedict XII (pope), 29, 154, 185 Benedict XIII (pope), 31, 93 Benedictine Order, xxxiii, 79, 236 Benin, 39–40 Benivieni, Girolamo, 327 Beowulf, 13, 14 Berbers, 10, 40–42, 116, 139, 192, 289, 290, 406 Berengar I of Lombardy (king of Italy), 261 Berengar II (king of Italy), 164 Berke, Khan Kipchak, 183–184 Bermudo I (king of Asturias), 86 Bermudo II (king of León), 87 Bermudo III (king of León), 87 Bernard of Chartres, 265 Bernard of Clairvaux, 4, 21, 23, 42, 84, 85, 91, 236 Berno (monk), 91 Berwick, Treaty of, 359 Bhadravarman I (king of Cambodia), 78, 81 Bhadravarman II (king of Cambodia), 81 Bhagavad Gita, 43, 170 Bhakti movements (devotional Hinduism), 42–44 Bhimdev II (Indian ruler), 287 Bhoja I (Rajput ruler), 341 Bible Gutenberg Bible, 151 New Testament of, 39 Old Testament of, 39 Vulgate version of, 6, 74, 188, 411 Biscop, Benedict, 39 Bi Sheng (Pi Sheng), 334 Bjarni Herjólfsson, 111 Bjorn Ironsides, 418 Black Death, xxx, 44–45, 47, 81, 158, 177, 214, 215, 235, 307, 321, 439 Black Death in Eu­rope, The, 1347–1352, M53 Blanche of Castile, 45–46 Bleek, Wilhelm, 36 Blind Harry, 361 Boccaccio, Giovanni, 43, 46–47, 80, 141, 215, 295 Boccanegra, Simone, 137 453 Bodhidharma, 425, 441 Boethius (Roman statesman and philosopher), 7, 15, 74 Bogomil sect, 167 Bohemia, 47–49, 145, 153, 174, 188, 256, 329 Bohemian Brotherhood, 189 Bohemond I (of Taranto, prince of Antioch), 248 Bohemond II (prince of Antioch), 248 Bohemond III (prince of Antioch), 248, 249 Bohemond IV (prince of Antioch), 248, 249 Bohemond V (prince of Antioch), 249 Bohemond VI (prince of Antioch), 249 Bohemond VII (prince of Antioch), 249 Boiardo, Matteo, 215 Boii (Celtic tribe), 47 Bo Juyi (Po ­Chu-­i), 82, 83 Bolesław I (the Brave), 47, 174, 329, 434 Bolesław II (king of Poland), 329 Bolesław III (king of Poland), 329 Boleslav I of Bohemia, 47 Bonaparte, Josephine, Bonaparte, Napoleon, 146, 237, 413 Bonaventure, 257, 272 Boniface (saint), 16, 49, 273 Boniface VIII (pope), 28, 177, 326, 345 Boniface IX (pope), 31 Book of Kells, 75, 200 Borgia, Cesare, 410 Boril (Bulgarian czar), 55 Boris (Bulgarian prince), 305 Borivoj (Bohemian duke), 47 Borobudur, 49–50, 375 Borommaracha I (Thai ruler), 370, 383 Borommaracha II (Thai ruler), 370 Bosch, Hieronymus, 218 Botticelli, Sandro, 128 Boucicaut, Jean, 269 Bourbon dynasty, 73 Bourbon-­Orléans dynasty, 73 Bouvines, Battle of, 175 Bradwardine, Thomas, 267 Brahma, 42, 50, 56, 335, 366 Brahmans, 82 Bramante, Donato, 216 Brankovic´, Vuk, 250 Brendan the Navigator, 75 Brétigny, Treaty of, 307 Bretislav I (king of Bohemia), 47 Bretwaldas, 16 Brian Boru, 314 Brigid (Celtic figure), 75 Broadwell, George Aaron, 280 Brondsted, Johannes, 314, 315 Bruegel, Pieter, 218

Ngày đăng: 29/10/2022, 22:25