Austro-Hungarian Empire Austria in the Austro-Sardinian War of 1859 and then the Austro-Prussian War of 1866 Count Belcredi, the Austrian prime minister, felt that the Austrian government should make considerable political concessions to Hungary to ensure the support of the Hungarian nobility and the rising middle class yet retain Vienna as the center of the new empire The agreement that the Austrian government eventually decided upon was the Ausgleich (kiegyezés in Hungarian), otherwise known as the Compromise of 1867 This established the Austro-Hungarian Empire, by which there would be a union within a dual monarchy, whereby the king-emperor would be the head of the Habsburg family who would be emperor of Austria and king of Hungary, running a unified administration but under which there would be an Austrian, or Cisleithanian, government and a separate Hungarian government Both would have their own parliaments, each with its own prime minister Many parts of local administration would be run separately, but there would be a common government working under the monarchy that would have the responsibility of controlling the army, the navy, foreign policy, and customs matters The administration of education, postal systems, roads, and internal taxation would be split between the Austrian or the Hungarian governments, depending on geography The Compromise also led to Emperor Franz Josef II being crowned as the king of Hungary, whereby he reaffirmed the historic privileges of Hungary and also confirmed the power of the newly created Hungarian parliament There were also some regional concessions This largely involved some parts of Austria, officially known as Cisleithania, such as Galicia (formerly part of Poland) and Croatia maintaining a special status In Croatia, the Croatian language was raised to a level equal with the Italian language, and in Galicia, the Polish language replaced the German language as the normal language of government in 1869 This did gain support from the Poles but not from the Ukrainian minority From 1882 Slovenia was to have autonomy, with Slovenian replacing German as the dominant official language and with the Diet of Carniola governing the region from Laibach 43 (modern-day Ljubljana) In Bohemia and Moravia, Czech nationalists wanted the Czech language to be adopted, and there were subsequent concessions made in 1882 There was also another problem dealing with the ethnic Serbs in Vojvodina, where the Hungarians were eager not to allow any part of their kingdom to gain any special status The Austro-Hungarian Empire was one controlled by the Austrian and Hungarian hereditary nobility, and this class system was to lead to many problems The major one was the Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the nephew of Emperor Franz Josef and heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, marrying Sophie Chotek, from a wealthy Czech family This led to consternation at court, and the marriage was declared to be morganatic; their children could not inherit the throne The Austrian prime minister, Count Taaffe, until 1893, managed to maintain the support of conservatives from the Czech, German, and Polish communities—known as the Iron Ring However, some radical Czechs agitated for more power, with demonstrations in Czech-dominated Prague leading to the city being placed under martial law in 1893 Franz Josef had offered parliament the choice of choosing a prime minister, but the issue of nationalities so divided the legislative body that after two years of indecision, Franz Josef appointed Count Badeni, the Polish governor of Galicia, to the prime ministership He remained in power for two years—being ejected in 1897 with the Czechs opposing his plans for language reforms and getting the reforms repealed in 1899 Many of these problems were to become far more evident during World War I, which led to the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and its fragmentation Further reading: Mason, John W The Dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Empire 1867–1918 London: Longman, 1997; May, Arthur J The Hapsburg Monarchy Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1951; Sked, Alan The Decline and Fall of the Habsburg Empire 1815–1918 London: Longman, 2001 Justin Corfield