Index Note: page references in boldface refer to volume numbers and major topics Article titles and map titles are in boldface A Aachen, Assembly of, 413 Council of, 74 Abaoji (A-po-chi), 252 Abaqa, 35 Abbasid dynasty, xxxv, xxxvi, 1–2, 34, 40, 103, 183, 203–204, 207–208, 262, 353, 363, 373, 401 Abd Allah, 116 Abd al-Malik, 40, 400, 406 Abd al-Mu’min, 8, 41 Abd ar-Rahman I (Umayyad ruler), 289, 394 Abd ar-Rahman II (Umayyad ruler), 87 Abd ar-Rahman III (Umayyad ruler), 290 Abdullah ibn Yasin al-Gazuli, Abdur-Rahman ibn Muljam, 103 Abelard, Peter, 2–3, 42, 266 Abu Ahmad al-Muwaffaq, Abu al-Abbas, Abu al-Qasim Nur ad Din, 351 Abu Baker, 403 Abu Bakr (al-Siddiq), 3, 8, 9, 41, 68, 102, 287 Abu-Jafar, Abu Lulu-lah, 103 Abu Nasr al-Farabi, 192 Abu Qurra’, Theodore, 97 Abu Raihan al-Biruni, 263 Abu Sa’id, 35 Abu Talib (ibn Abd al-Muttalib), 7, 102, 286 Abu Ubayda ibn al-Jarrah, 102 Abu Ya’qub Yusuf, 28 Acre, fall of, 247, 248, 249, 325, 343 Ad Abolendam, 245 Adachi Yasumori, 172 Adalberon (bishop of Laon), 71 Adalberon (bishop of Reims), 71 Adam de la Halle, 84 Adamnan of Iona, 199 Adolf, count of Nassau, 176–177 Adolf II of Holstein, 157 Adoptionism, Adrian II (pope), 96 Adrianople, Battle of, 60 Aelbert (educator), Ỉthelred See Ethelred Aetius (Roman general), 195 Afghanistan, xxxii Afonso I (king of Portugal), 333 Afonso V (king of Portugal), 166 Africa, xxx–xxxi, xxxv, xxxviii Africa and the Mediterranean Region— Major Empires and Kingdoms, 400–1450, M37 Aga Khan, 211–212 Agincourt, Battle of, 166, 184, 187, 328 agriculture, xxix Ahmad Gran, 113 Ahmad ibn Buya, Ahmed al-Mansur, 139 Aibak (sultan of Delhi), 100, 287 Aidan (saint), 200 A’isha, 3–4, 8, 69, 102, 103, 286, 364 Aix-la-Chapelle, peace of, 412 Ajari Eiku, 179 Akamatsu Mitsusuke, 26 Ala ad-Din Muhammed (Khwarazm shah) 34 Alamanni, 273 Alans, 333 Alaric (king of the Visigoths), 412 Alauddin Husain, 287 Ala ud-Din Khalji, 101 Alauddin Muhammad, 287 Alaungsithu, 56 Alawites, 365 Alba, 359 Albert See Albrecht 451