532 Index Sri Lanka See Ceylon Statius, 3, 390, 392, 398 Step Pyramid of Djoser, 316 Steseichorus, 254 Sthulabhadra, 217, 218 Stilicho, Flavius, 405 Stirling, Matthew W., 317 stoicism, 38, 39, 52, 70, 193, 261, 355, 394, 422, 444–445 Stone Age, 300–302 Stonehenge, 120, 301 Strabo, 58, 155 Strauss, Richard, Subandhu, 236 Sudan, 4, Suddhodana, 158 Suetonius, 54, 61, 305, 390, 393, 394, 395, 470 Suevi, 242, 243, 474, 483 Sui dynasty, 55, 75, 465, 466 Suiko, 436, 445–446, 496 Sukhra, 414 Sulla, 63–64, 83, 140, 261, 387, 469, 471 Sulpicius Severus, 189 Sumer, xxx, 8, 41, 101, 147, 161, 207, 270, 386, 411, 418, 446–447, 475, 487 Sumiyoshi, 428 Sumu-abum, 41 Sumu-Yaman, 260 Sun Bin, 447 Sun Goddess, 495 Sun Quan, 464 Sun Wu, 205 Sunzi (Sun Tzu), 236, 447 Suplicius Rufus, 261 Suppiluliumas, 285 “surge model,” 211 Surya, 381, 478 Susa, 11, 128, 345–346, 489, 490 Sushun, 436, 445, 446 sutras, 409 syllogism, method of, 434–435 Symmachus, 14, 51 Syncletica, 113 syncretism, 126–127 synodos, 13 Synoptic Gospels, 20 Syracuse, 76, 139, 168, 447–448 Syriac culture and church, 20, 30, 50, 51, 130, 249, 286, 306, 448–449, 472 Syrianus, 304 T Tablet Houses, 418 Tacitus, 73, 259, 390, 392, 422 T’aejo, 464 Taika Reforms, 496–497 Taima Taima Project, 148 Tajikistan, 436 Taliban, 45 Talmud, 220, 228, 277, 283, 284, 288, 407, 451–453, 467, 504 Talpuš-atili, 207 Tambapanni, 74 Tamils, 74 Tamurlane, 437, 438 Tanakh, 50 Taneyev, Sergey, Tang (T’ang) dynasty, 56, 75, 107, 429, 465 Tang (T’ang) the Successful, 18, 425 Tan’gun, 76, 238 tannaim, 451 Tantrism, 453–454 Taoism See Daoism Targums, 50, 51 Tarquin dynasty, 139, 155, 386, 399 Telamon, Battle of, 155 Tel Dan Stela, 22, 216 Telegin, Dmitry, 211 Tel-el-Amarna, Telemachus, 203, 204 Temple Scroll, 380 Ten Commandments, 431 Ten Lost Tribes, 229 Teotihuacán, xxxvi, xxxvii, 266, 274, 275, 454–456 Tertullian, 30, 81, 82, 193, 194, 262 Tetisheri, 208 tetralogy, 171 Tetrarchy, 96, 118, 119, 456–457 Tewa, 296 Texcoco, Lake, 454 textiles, xxxi Thaddaeus (Judas), 20, 21 Thales, 364–365 Thanksgiving Hymns Scroll, 380 Thapsus, Battle of, 71 Thaumatourgos, Gregory, 320 Thebes, 10, 66, 136, 141, 146, 167, 195, 278, 290, 307, 341, 354, 457–458 Themistius, 404 Themistocles, 76, 347, 458–459, 489 Theocritus, 391 Theodhad, 323 Theodora, 98, 234 Theodoret, 189 Theodoric, 52, 315, 316, 323, 384, 460 Theodoric II, 482 Theodorus, 358 Theodosia, 384 Theodosius, 14, 67, 414 Theodosius I, 1, 30, 206, 243, 282, 291, 389, 402, 405, 460–461 Theodosius II, 58, 129 Theodotion, 51 Theodotus, 193 Theognis, 254 Theogonies, 172 theology, 52 Theophilus, 13, 83, 102 Theophrastus, 27 Theravada Buddhism, 57, 236, 461–463, 468 Thermopylae, 246, 347, 489 Theron, 76 Theseus, 331 Thespian, 169 Theudas, 225 Third Council of Toledo, 483 Third Diadoch War, 116 Third Macedonian War, 387 Third Punic War, 187, 188, 387 Thirteen Saints, 160 Thirty Years’ Peace, 344 Thomas, Gospel of, 79, 220, 448 Thomas Christians, 449 Thomas the Apostle, 20, 124, 125, 472 Thoth, 418 Thrace, 10 Thrasymachus, 441 Three Kingdoms, China, 464 Three Kingdoms, Korea, 464–465 Three Sage Rulers, 490, 493, 497 Three Sisters, 295, 296 Thucydides, 8, 167, 194–195, 259, 342, 344, 393, 447 Thutmose I, 308, 350–351 Thutmose II, 308 Thutmose III, 207, 308, 458 Thutmose IV, 285 Thutmose IV, 285, 308 Tian (T’ien), 486 Tiantai (T’ien T’ai) Buddhism, 55 Tiberinus, 406 Tiberius, Caesar Augustus, 63 196, 209, 231–232, 388, 399, 422 Tiberius Claudius Nero, 231–232 Tibesius, 237 Tibet, 453–454