468 Index enlightened despotism in Europe, 119–120 Enlightenment, 2, 20, 45, 76, 109, 121–123, 132, 134, 139, 167, 181, 205, 207, 220, 222, 226, 232, 317, 320, 360, 386, 387, 391, 435, 447 Entente Cordiale, 420 Ephesus, Council of, 321 epidemics, 301 Equatorial Guinea, 397 Erazo, José, 403 Erfurt, Congress of, 297 Erie Canal, xxvii, xxix Estonia, 46, 48 Ethiopia (Abyssinia), 10, 12, 124–125 ethnocentrism, 13 Eugénie (empress of the French), 404 Europe after Congress of Vienna, 1815, M106 European Colonialism in the Pacific, 19th Century, M125 European Colonies and Exports from the Americas, M100 European Possessions in Africa and Arabia, 1895, M126 European Revolutions, 1815–1849, M110 Evans, George Henry, 216 Evarts, William M., 351 Ewe (West African people), 436 Explorations of the Pacific, 1768–1788, M102 Eylau, Battle of, 294 F Fabian Society, 392, 393 Falkland Islands, 107 Falloux Law, 375 Fannin, James W., 411 Faraday, Michael, xxix Far Eastern Triplice/Dreibund, 87, 383 Farragut, David, 92, 279 Fashoda crisis, 13, 127, 141 Fasi, ‘Allal al-, 368 Fath Ali, Shah, 339, 340, 341 fathers of the church, 321 Fatima, Lalla, 21 fatwas, 34 February Revolution, 266 Federalist Papers, 100 Federalist Party, 6, 7, 22, 176, 199, 249, 309, 331 Federated Malay States (FMS), 255–256 Federation of Cuban Women (FMC), 231 Federation of Organized Trade and Labor Unions, 217 Federation Treaty, Malaya, 255–256 fellaheen, 284 Fenian Brotherhood, 128 Fenian Raids, 73, 127–129, 252 Ferdinand I (emperor of Austria), 136, 269 Ferdinand II (king of Two Sicilies), 196, 353 Ferdinand VI (king of Spain), 220, 400 Ferdinand VII (king of Spain), 3, 128–129, 226, 273, 296, 400 Ferdinand of Saxe-Coburg, 48 Fersen, Count Axel, 145 fertilizer, xxvii Feurbach, Ludwig, 263 Fillmore, Millard, 332, 372 financial panics in North America, 129–132 Finney, Charles Grandison, 131–132, 168 first Italian War of Independence, 431 First Nations, 303–304 First War of Freedom, 395 Fiske, John, 257, 389 FitzRoy, Robert, 107 Flagstaff War, 257 Fletcher v Peck, 261 Flinders, Matthew, 40 Florence, Council of, 321 Foner, Philip S., 218 Fonseca, Manuel Deodoro da, 63 food production, xxv–xxviii Foraker Act, 398 Forbes, Patrick, 355 Forester, George, 184 Formosa, 212 Forrest, Nathan Bedford, 352 Fourier, Francois-Marie-Charles, 391, 419 Fournier, F E., 382 France, 12, 21, 29–30, 69, 94, 117, 127, 153–155, 187, 189, 246–247, 277–279, 294–300, 375–376, 382, 386, 401–402, 408–409, 413, 421, 434–435 art and architecture (1750–1900), 35–36 Bourbon restoration in, 58–59 rule of Tunisia, 421 Second Republic of, 3, 375–376 Third Republic of, 375–376 Francia, José Gaspar Rodríguez, 132–133, 227, 322 Francis I (emperor of Austria), 246, 268, 297 Francis II (emperor of Austria), 268, 269 Francis IV (emperor of Austria), 195 Francis Joseph (emperor of Austria) See Franz Josef Franco, Francisco, 292, 396 Franco-Prussian War, 21, 112, 133–134, 137, 149, 155, 156, 189, 197, 234, 267, 323, 365, 375, 420, 431 Franco-Russian Dual Alliance, 420 Franklin, Benjamin, xxix, 6, 22, 24, 98, 110, 134–136, 166, 202, 308, 320, 335 Franklin, James, 308 Franklin, John, 319 Franz Ferdinand (emperor of Austria), 43, 137, 366 Franz Josef (emperor of Austria), 43, 47, 56, 136–137, 197, 234 Franz Karl (emperor of Austria), 136 Frederick Charles, Prince, 154 Frederick Christian (elector of Saxony), 76 Frederick III (king of Prussia), 182 Frederick VI (elector of Brandenburg), 181 Frederick the Great of Prussia, 55, 79, 119, 120, 121, 123, 137–139, 146, 182, 205, 328, 377 Frederick William I (king of Prussia), 119, 137–138, 182