Index Darwin affair, 34 Darwinism, 118 Daun, Marshal von, 139 Davidson, Basil, 16 Davis, Jefferson, 91 Davis, Richard Harding, 205, 310 Dawes Act, 303 Day, Benjamin, 309 D’Azeglio, Massimo, 431 Debs, Eugene V., 392 Declaration of Independence, U.S., 6, 24, 98, 99–110, 122, 135, 145, 202, 320, 450 Declaration of Pilnitz, 146 Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, 145 Deere, John, xxvi Degollado, Santos, 273 Delcasse, Theophile, 420 Deng Xiaopeng, 223 Denmark, 4, 386, 387 Denon, Dominique Vivant, Baron, 374 “dependency school,” 224 Desaix, Louis-Charles-Antoine, 10 Desmoulins, Camille, 58 Dessalines, Jean-Jacques, 174, 437 Destour Party, 368 Dettingen, Battle of, 138 Dewey, George, 398 Dhalip Singh (maharaja), 381 diamonds, 67, 95, 354, 355 Dias, Bartholomeu, 394 Díaz, Porfirio, xxxii, 38, 78, 110– 111, 223, 232, 273, 274, 275 Díaz de Solís, Juan, 424 Dickens, Charles, xxxiii, 390 Dickinson, John, 98, 99 Diderot, Denis, 76, 77, 121, 123, 360, 435 Diesel, Rudolf, xxx Dijon, Battle of, 149 Dillon, Peter, 220 Din, Khair al-, 421 Din, Muzaffar al-, 364 Dingane (Dingaan), 379, 395 Dingiswayo, 378 diplomatic revolution, European, 111–112, 138, 246 Discovery, 101 dispensationalism, 64 Disraeli, Benjamin (first earl of Beaconsfield), 54, 65, 67, 112–113, 160, 390, 433 Dix, Dorothea, 448 Dolphin, HMS, 317 Dominion Lands Act, 168 Dong Khanh, 142 donkeys, xxvi Dorrego, Manuel, 362 Dost Mohammed, 8, 31, 114 Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 32, 360, 365 Douglas, Stephen, 91, 239 Douglass, Frederick, 92, 114–115, 238, 310, 450 Dowla, Suraja, 378 Dowling, Andrew Jackson, 315 drain theory, 293 Drake, Francis, 397 Dred Scott v Sandford, 90, 238 Dreyfus, Alfred, xxxiii Dreyfus affair, xxxiii, 115–117, 376, 454 Dual Alliance, 234, 420 Ducos, Roger, 295 Ducrot, Auguste, 133 Duer, William, 176 Dufferin Commission, 69 Dukkali, Abu Shu’ayb al-, 368 Dumont, Gabriel, 356 Dumont d’Urville, Jules, 319 Dunant, Henri, 299 Dunmore, Lord, 25 DuPont de Nemours, Pierre Samuel, 22, 249 Durand, Mortimer, 32 Durand Line, 32 D’Urban, Benjamin, 395 Durham Report, 331 Durrani dynasty, 31, 114 Dutch East India Company (VOC), 15, 40, 82, 304, 345, 394 Dutch East Indies, 255 Duval (French consul), 21 Duvalier, Franỗois (Papa Doc), 438 Du Wenxiu (Tu Wen-hsiu), 287 Dwight, Timothy, 167 E Eagle, 100 Eastern Question, 54, 101, 117–118 467 Eastern Rumelia, 48 East India Company, 10, 29, 30, 71, 163, 190 economic liberalism, 222 Eddy, Asa Gilbert, 118 Eddy, Mary Baker, 118–119 Eden, George, 8, 31 Edict of Nantes, 121, 394 Edison, Thomas A., xxix, xxx Edward Augustus, Duke of Kent, 431 Edward VII (king of Great Britain), 420, 431, 432, 433 Edwards, Jonathan, 166, 167 Egypt, xxvi, xxxv, 13, 33, 160, 170, 194, 300–301, 374–375, 404, 424 British occupation of, 69, 174 khedives of, Napoleonic conquest of, 10, 300–301 Urabi revolt in, 34, 284, 424 Ehlers, Tracy, 231 Eiffel, Gustav, 401 Eiffel Tower, xxxvi 1812, War of, xxvii, xxix, xxxiv, xxxvii, 7, 50, 129, 130, 199, 259, 270, 281, 302, 330, 331, 332, 440–441 Eighth Frontier War, 395 elephants, 82, 83 Eliot, Charles, 241 Eliot, George, 449 Elizabeth I (queen of England), 64 Ellisworth, Oliver, 99 Elphinstone, William, El Salvador, 80, 81, 95 Emancipation Act, 360 Emancipation Proclamation, 4, 92, 239, 240 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 417, 419 empires of Western Africa, c 1800, M103 Ems telegram, 56 encomienda, 275 Endeavour, 101, 318 Enforcement Acts, 352 Engels, Friedrich, xxxi, xxxii, 262–265, 391, 392 Enghien, duc d’, 294 Engle, Jacob, 63