Chronology xxi 1842 British Are Massacred A revolt against the British in Kabul forces them to agree to withdraw from the city and return to India The Afghans instead attack the British and massacre 4,500 soldiers and 12,000 civilians 1848 The Viennese Revolution Viennese students and workers inspired by events in France begin in March to protest the policies of the Austrian government Conservative elements, however, gain control and brutally put down the revolt 1844 Treaty of Wanghia Under the terms of this treaty negotiated by Caleb Cushing, the United States gains the right to trade in Chinese ports as well as additional legal rights inside China 1848 Guadalupe-Hidalgo Treaty The Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo ends the MexicanAmerican War Under the terms of the treaty, the border is set at the Rio Grande The United States gains most of California, New Mexico, Nevada, Wyoming, Colorado, and Texas 1844 Franco-Moroccan War The French begin a war with Morocco, which had refused to recognize the French conquest of Algeria and provided refuge to the Algerian rebel leader 1844 Telegraph Becomes National The first intercity telegraph is demonstrated by Samuel Morse A telegraph line was built for $30,000 between Washington and Baltimore 1845 U.S Annexes Texas After the landslide victory of James Polk, who ran on a ticket supporting annexation of Texas, the U.S Congress approves the annexation of Texas by joint resolution 1846 First Sikh War The First Anglo-Sikh War ends with a British victory at the Battle of Sobraon in the Punjab 1846 Mexican War The U.S Congress votes overwhelmingly to declare war on Mexico despite initial Whig opposition Over the course of the two-year war, the United States defeats the Mexicans and captures the capital, Mexico City 1846 Oregon Treaty The United States and Great Britain end disputes over the Oregon Territory with a compromise 1847 Liberia Independent Liberia declares its independence on July 26 Former American slaves had founded Liberia It is Africa’s first independent republic 1848 Revolution in France King Louis-Philippe of France refuses to institute political reforms and extend suffrage In response, riots led by workers and students break out They force the king to abdicate in February 1849 Hungarians Announce Independence In response to a repressive constitution promulgated after the failed Viennese revolution, the Hungarian Diet (parliament) on April 14 formally declares its independence from Austria 1849 Second Sikh War The British defeat the Sikhs at Chillianwalla and Gujart This forces the Sikhs to surrender at Rawalpindi 1849 Gold Rush Begins In January President Polk announces that gold has been found in California This sets off the gold rush, in which 80,000 people head for California to seek their fortunes 1850 Taiping Rebellion The Taiping Rebellion in China begins, led by Hong Xiuquan The revolt against the Manchus lasts for 10 years and ends in failure The revolt takes the lives of 20 million Chinese peasants 1850 Compromise of 1850 The Compromise of 1850 holds the Union together for another 10 difficult years The dispute concerns the admittance of additional states into the Union, while maintaining the balance between free and slave states 1852 Second Burma War The Second Burmese War begins when the Burmese oust their king, Pagan Min, after a six-year reign The British capture Rangoon as the war begins 1852 South African Republic The British government recognizes the independence of the Boer Republic of the Transvaal under the terms of the Sand River Convention of 1852