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Encyclopedia of world history (facts on file library of world history) 7 volume set ( PDFDrive ) 2470

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  • Facts on File - Encyclopedia of World History Vol 5 - Crisis and Achievement - 1900 to 1950

    • Kitchener, Horatio Herbert

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190 Kitchener, Horatio Herbert Kitchener, Horatio Herbert (1850–1916) British general Herbert, first earl Kitchener of Khartoum and of Broome, was born near Listowel in County Kerry, Ireland, to English parents, Lieutenant Colonel Henry Kitchener, a retired army officer, and his first wife, Frances Anne He attended the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, graduating in 1870 and receiving his commission in the Royal Engineers the following year He spent his early years in the army engaged in survey work in Palestine and Cyprus before accepting an assignment in Egypt in 1882, where through hard work and dedication he earned rapid promotion In 1898, as sirdar (commander in chief) of the Egyptian army, he completed the reconquest of the Sudan by destroying a Mahdist army at Omdurman with a force half the size of the Mahdi’s He soon learned that a small French expedition under Major Jean-Baptiste Marchand had cut across central Africa and planted the French flag at Fashoda Loading five gunboats with soldiers, Kitchener headed upriver and confronted Marchand, forestalling his efforts to establish French sovereignty over parts of the Sudan Returning home, Kitchener was raised to the peerage as Baron Kitchener of Khartoum and appointed governor of the Sudan After a series of losses by British forces in the Boer War, Kitchener was sent to South Africa in 1899 to serve as the chief of staff to Lord Roberts The following year Roberts, having defeated the main Boer armies, turned command over to Kitchener But the war was far from over, as the Boers adopted guerrilla warfare; Kitchener responded by adopting drastic measures that wore down the Boers, who accepted peace terms in 1902 Back in England, he was created viscount and took up the post of commander in chief of the army in India Although bitterly disappointed that he had not been appointed viceroy of India, he accepted the post of British agent and consul general in Egypt in 1911 As virtual ruler of Egypt, Kitchener devoted himself to developing its economic resources and protecting and improving the interests of the fellaheen (peasants) For his services he earned an earldom in 1914 When it appeared that war with Germany was imminent in August 1914, Kitchener was appointed secretary of state for war As he was the most acclaimed soldier in the land, his cabinet colleagues stood in awe of him and in the beginning allowed him to run the war as he saw fit Kitchener alone believed that the war would last at least three years and that to win Posters such as the one above, featuring Lord Kitchener, encouraged young men to enlist and support the armed effort against the Central Powers Britain would need to place a million-man army in the field To that end, he would need to depend on patriotic enlistment, not conscription, which would not be adopted in Britain until the spring of 1916 Aiming for 70 divisions, as compared to the six available in 1914, Kitchener’s recruitment campaign, highlighted by his famous poster “Your Country Needs You,” drew in nearly 2.5 million volunteers His second great service was to prevent Sir John French, commander in chief of the British army, from quitting the battle line in September 1914, a move that would have led to the piecemeal defeat of the Allies The onset of trench warfare at the close of 1914 gave rise to many unprecedented problems Exacerbating the difficulties were the politicians, who intervened repeatedly in the conduct of the war, dragging the country into three disastrous expeditions in 1915: Gallipoli, Salonika, and Mesopotamia Coinciding with the

Ngày đăng: 29/10/2022, 22:09