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Encyclopedia of world history (facts on file library of world history) 7 volume set ( PDFDrive ) 1649

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Tornabuoni, Lucrezia, 240 Toro, Battle of, 132 Torquemada, Tomás de, 134 Torricelli, Evangelista, xxviii Toungoo dynasty, 379 Townshend, Charles, 148, 347 Towton, Battle of, 338 Toyotomi, Hideyori, 118, 164 Toyotomi, Hideyoshi, 76, 128, 205, 249, 263, 284, 288, 354, 387 trade and commerce, xxxiii–xxxvii Trade Routes in Southeast Asia, 1500–1800, M82 Trade Routes under the Shoguns, 1542–1854, M80 transportation, xxix–xxx Trent, Council of, 27, 43, 93, 126, 196, 242, 258, 333, 335, 389–391 Trevithick, Richard, xxviii “triangular trade,” xxxvi tributary system, 323 Triple Alliance, 218 Tseyon, Andre, 209 tuberculosis, 85, 391 Tudor, Edmund, 391 Tudor, Owen, 391 Tudor dynasty, 36, 65, 69, 120, 148, 161, 186, 233, 236, 338, 339, 370, 391–392 Tull, Jethro, xxv, 347 Tu Long, 214 Tulsidas, Gosvami, 214 Tupac Amaru, 46, 297, 299, 386 Tupac Amaru II, 299 Tupac Amaru Rebellion, 46 Tupac Huallpa, 298 Turenne, Marshal Henri de, 187 Tuscarora Indians, 267 Tutu, Osei, 9, 23 Twelvers, 342 Tyndale, William, 40 typhus, 67, 85, 123, 124 U ukiyo-e, 147 Uniate Church, 90 Union of Lublin, 90 urbanization, Urban VIII (pope), 48, 144, 336 Ursúa, Martín de, 74 Ursúa, Pedro de, 280 Ursulines, 92, 93 Ute, 263 Uto-Aztecan, 263 Utrecht, Treaty of, 19, 29, 55, 167, 273, 370, 402 Uwaifiokun, 127 Index V Valdés Leal, Juan de, 355 Valdivia, Pedro de, 20, 393–394 Valdivia culture, 82 Vales, Pedro de, 112 Valignano, Alessandro, 191, 221, 334 Vallière, Jean, 171 Valois dynasty, 157, 394–395 Valverde, Vincent, 110 Vancouver, George, 125 Van Dyck, Anthony, 21 van Eyck, Hubert, 22 van Eyck, Jan, 22 Van Gaden, Doctor, 303 van Nassau-Siegen, Johan Maurits, 115 Vargas, Diego de, 317 Vasa dynasty, 395–396 Vatican II Council, 196 Vauban, Sébastien Le Prestre de (Marshal Vauban), 21 Vavilov, Nikolai Ivanovich, 83 Vázquez de Ayllón, Lucas, 109 Vedas, 191 Vega Real, Battle of, 67 Veil, Nicholas, 138 Vela, Blasco Núñez de la, 301 Velázquez, Diego, 21, 39, 67, 68, 89, 158, 245, 246, 355 Venn, Henry, 108 Vera, Pedro de, 59 Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie (VOC), 113–114, 115–116 Vermeer, Johannes (Jan), 22, 39, 115 Vermigli, Pietro Martire, 92 Vernazza, Ettore, 92 Veroneo of Venice, 22 Verrazano, Giovanni di, 270–273 Vesalius, Andreas, 346, 347 Vespucci, Amerigo, xxxiii, 49, 82, 396–397, 399 Viceroyalty of Mexico, 276–277 Viceroyalty of New Spain, 44, 275, 276–277, 302 Viceroyalty of Peru, 44, 45, 275, 302 Viceroyalty of Río de la Plata, 45, 275 Victoria, Francisco de, 353 Vietnam, xxvi Vietnam, Le dynasty of, 210–211 Vikings, 52, 398 Vilela, Gaspar, 288 Villiers, George See Buckingham, duke of Vincent de Paul, St., 135 Vio, Tomasso de, 92, 109 Virginia Company, 178, 188, 189 Virgin of Guadalupe, 397–398 Virgin of San Juan de los Lagos, 398 439 Virgin of Talpa, 398 Virgin of Zapopán, 398 Vitoria, Francisco de, 109 Vivaldi, Antonio, 39, 259 Voltaire (Franỗois-Marie Arouet), 126 voyages of discovery, 396398 Voyer, Pierre de, 169 W Waczenroade, Lucas, 87 Wakefield, Battle of, 338 Waldseemüller, Martin, 396 Wallenstein, Albrecht von, 382 Walpole, Robert, 148, 149 Walshingham, Francis, 121 Wambara, Bati Del, 178, 210 Wampanoag, 202 Wang Chonggu (Wang Chung-ku), 14 Wang Yangming (Wang Yang-ming), 268 Wang Zhen (Wang Chen), 248 Wanli (Wan-Li) (emperor of China), 248, 249, 334, 401–403 warfare, xxviii, xxxvii–xxxvii, 124, 266, 357, 367, 411 Warham, Archbishop, 126 War of Devolution, 231 War of Jenkins’s Ear, 29, 45, 55 War of the Austrian Succession, 29–30, 55, 149, 158, 167, 219, 311 War of the Bavarian Succession, 167 War of the Grand Alliance, 218 War of the Polish Succession, 45, 219 War of the Spanish Succession, 19, 29, 55, 148, 158, 218, 273, 277, 369–370, 402 “War on Drugs,” 82 Wars of Religion, 21, 160, 161, 187, 264, 335, 395 Wars of the League of Augsburg, 402 Wars of the Roses, 21, 161, 338–339, 391 Wars of Three Henries, 265 Washington, George, 22, 125, 219 Watt, James, xxvi, 347 Watteau, Jean-Antoine, 21 wave theory, 346 Wayna Daga, Battle of, 178 Wentworth, Thomas, 70, 71, 371 Wescott, B F., 40 Wesley, John, 108 West Africa, Akan states in, 7–9 West India Company (WIC), 114, 115 Westminster Confession and Catechisms, 319 Westphalia, Peace of, 77, 91, 141, 382, 396 Whigs, 19, 79, 148, 150, 187, 188, 371 White, John, 237

Ngày đăng: 29/10/2022, 22:02