List of Articles A abolition of slavery in the Americas Acadian deportation Adams, John, and family Afghani, Jamal al-Din alAfghan Wars, First and Second Africa, exploration of Africa, imperialism and the partition of Africa, Portuguese colonies in Aigun and Beijing, Treaties of Alaska purchase Alexander I Algeria under French rule Alien and Sedition Acts, U.S Aligarh College and movement American Revolution (1775–1783) American temperance movement Andean revolts Anglo-Chinese Opium Wars Anglo-French agreement on Siam (1897) Anglo-Russian rivalry Arabian Peninsula and British imperialism Arab reformers and nationalists art and architecture (1750–1900) Asian migration to Latin America Australia: exploration and settlement Australia: self-government to federation Austro-Hungarian Empire B Balkan and East European insurrections Banerji, Surendranath Banks of the United States, First and Second baroque culture in Latin America Beecher family Berlin, Congress of (1878) Bismarck, Otto von Bolívar, Simón Bourbon restoration Brahmo and Arya Samaj Brazil, independence to republic in Brethren movements British East India Company British Empire in southern Africa British governors-general of India British occupation of Egypt Buganda, kingdom of Burlingame, Anson, and Burlingame Treaty (1868) Burmese Wars, First, Second, and Third C Canadian Confederation Canton system Catherine the Great caudillos and caudillismo Cavour, Camillo Benso di Central America: National War Ceylon: Dutch to British colony Chakri dynasty and King Rama I Chicago Fire (1871) China, spheres of influence in Chinese Exclusion Act Civil War, American (1861–1865) Cixi (Tz’u-hsi) coffee revolution ix