Roman, 144, 180–181 Spanish, 129, 132, 134, 147, 151, 180–181, 194, 299, 324 Inspection Act, 384 Ireland, xxv, 46, 47, 70, 96, 120, 121, 149, 151, 329 Ireton, Henry, 95, 96 Irish Guards, 48 iron, production of, xxx Iroquois Confederacy, 55, 267, 273 Iroquois Indians, 271, 273 Isabella I of Spain, 20, 41, 56, 73, 86, 129, 132–134, 157 Isabella of Portugal, 305 Isfahan (Pensia), 2, 181–182, 343 Ishida Mitsunari, 57 Isidore, Metropolitan, 52 al Islam, Sheikh, 289, 292 Isma’il, Mawlay, 11 isolation laws, 128 Italian Renaissance, 240 Italian Wars, 134 Ito, Jinsai, 268 Ivan III (the Great) (czar of Russia), 182–183 Ivan IV (the Terrible) (czar of Russia), 4, 152, 183–184, 350 J Jacobites, 149 Jadwiga of Poland, 182 Jagiellon dynasty of Poland, 251 Jahandar Shah, 329 Jahangir (Mughal emperor), 103, 185–186, 257, 355 Jainism, 10, 257 Jamaica, 365, 373 James I, 4, 21, 36, 70, 79, 103, 135, 148, 186–187, 188, 212, 318, 330, 370, 383, 392 James II, 3, 19, 46, 47, 54, 79, 148, 149, 150, 187–188, 216, 218, 371, 402 James IV, 186, 236 James V, 348 James VI, 4, 69, 121, 186, 348, 349, 391 James, duke of Monmouth, 188 James, duke of York, 72 Jamestown, 37, 54, 187, 188–189, 214, 237, 266, 314, 315, 383 Jan II Kazmirez Vasa, 194 Jane de Chatal, Saint, 165 Janissaries, 190, 289, 292, 362 Jansenist sect, 218 Janszen, Leendert, 39 Japan, xxiv, xxxi, xxxii, 164, 194, 205–206, 214–215, 259, 263, 268, 284, 386–387 Index Bushido Tokugawa period in, 57 Christian century in, 76 Edo period in, 118–119, 337, 384 exclusion laws in, 128 Genroku period in, 147–148 invasion of Korea, 205–206 Neo-Confucianism in, 268 Ordinances for the Military Houses of, 385, 387 Osaka as capital, 289 Ronin, 47, of, 337–338 Shimabara Rebellion in, 356 Tokugawa bakuhan system in, 382–384 Warring States Era in, 205, 384, 387 Jaramillo, Juan de, 228, 229 Java, 139 Jefferson, Thomas, 346 Jenner, Edward, 347 Jennings, Sarah, 19 Jerome, 40, 126 Jesuits, 38, 43, 45, 51, 76, 92, 93, 111, 128, 137, 220–221, 225, 228, 248, 263, 269, 273, 276, 330, 333, 380 in Asia, 190–192, 334, 336–337, 356 Jewish populations, 133–134, 299 expulsion from Spain and Portugal, 129 Jewish Scriptures, 39 Jicarilla Indians, 263 jihad, 11 Jiménez de Quesada, Gonzalo, 192–193 Jin (Chin) dynasty, 281, 321 Joachim, 303 Joan of Arc, 395 João I (king of Portugal), 204 João II (king of Portugal), 5, 12, 56, 86, 104, 129, 132, 204 João III the Pious (king of Portugal), 50, 146, 190, 193–194, 204 João IV (king of Portugal), 48, 115 João V (king of Portugal), 49 João VI (king of Portugal), 48 Jogaila, 90 John I, 12 John II, 5, 12, 56, 104, 132, 204 John III, 194–195 John V, 48, 49 John Chrysostom, 126 John of Saxony, 297 John of the Cross, 94, 380–381 John Paul II, 76 John Sigismund (elector of Brandenburg), 166 John the Good, 394 Joint Declaration, 197 Jolliet, Louis, 272 Jones, Inigo, 21 Jonson, Ben, 213 431 José I, 49 Joseph Ferdinand of Bavaria, 369 Joseph I, 158, 369 Joseph II, 158 Juana Inés de la Cruz, Sor (Sor Juana), 398 Juana La Beltraneja, 132 Juana of Castile (Spain), 73, 132–133 Juan of Aragon, 132 Julius II, 92, 195, 226, 331 Julius III, 331, 387, 388 junks, 357 Jurchens, 1, 280, 321, 401 justification by faith, 64, 195–197, 242, 390, 418 K Kaikhta, Treaty of, 199–200, 410 Kalala Ilunga, 222 Kangxi (K’ang-hsi), 199, 200, 269, 322, 337, 407, 410 Kanua, Battle of, 328 Kara Mustafa (Pasha), 205 Karlowitz, Treaty of, 293 Kaunitz, Wenzel von, 219 Kay, John, 347 Keith, George, 298 Kelly, Elizabeth, 405 Kempis, Thomas à, 92 Kent, William, 22 Kepler, Johannes, 88, 201, 346 Khair ad Din See Barbarossa Khan Ghazi Gerei II, 152 Khmelnitsky, Bohdan, 91 Khoikhoi (ethnic group), 116 Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah, 261 Khurram, 355 Kievan church, 52 Kingdon, Robert M., 147 King James Bible, 40, 79, 187, 212, 318 King Philip’s War, 55, 201–202, 403 King William’s War, 267 Kiowa, 263 Kneller, Godfrey, 21 Knights of St John, 291 Knipperdollinck, 255, 256 Knox, John, 70, 146, 202–203, 332, 348 Kogaku school of thought, 268 Kongo kingdom of Africa, xxxiii, 5, 7, 204, 281, 363 Koprülü, Fazil Ahmed, 205 Koprülü, Husayn, 205 Koprülü, Mohammad, 204 Koprülü, Mustapha, 205 Koprülü family, 204–205, 289, 292 Koran See Qur’an Korea, 164, 248, 323, 409–410 Japanese invasion of, 205–206 Yi dynasty in, 409–410