44 Bourbon dynasty in Latin America Cesare Borgia confers with Niccolò Machiavelli in this reproduction of a painting by Faraffini Cesare was said to be a model for the kind of ruler Machiavelli described in his famous treatise on government, The Prince became the head of the order and wrote a number of influential texts He led an exemplary life and was canonized in the following century Further reading: Chamberlain, E R The Fall of the House of Borgia New York: Buccaneer Press, 1989; Cloulas, Ivan The Borgias New York: Franklin Watts, 1989; Johnson, Marian The Borgias New York: Penguin Press, 1981; Mallet, Michael Edward The Borgias: The Rise and Fall of a Renaissance Dynasty Chicago: Chicago Academy Publishers, 1987; Van Heller, Marcus, and John Stevens The House of the Borgias New York: Olympia Press, 2004 Norman C Rothman Bourbon dynasty in Latin America In 1700 Philip V became king of Spain and inaugurated the House of Bourbon, which was to rule Latin America until Napoleon deposed King Ferdinand VII in 1808 and put his (Napoleon’s) own brother, Joseph, on the Spanish throne In the events that followed, all of Latin America gradually gained its independence When Philip V became king of Spain the Spanish dominions in the Americas were divided into two viceroyalties—the Viceroyalty of New Spain and the Viceroyalty of Peru New Spain consisted of the Viceregal Audencia of Mexico (established in 1529) and the interlinked Audencias of Santo Domingo (1511),