Nestorianism, 92, 183, 430 Nestorius (cleric), 61 Nevsky, Alexander (czar), 301–302 Newfoundland, 416 Nicaea Council of, 61, 67, 97, 194 Second Council of, 97, 302–303 Nicene Creed, 126, 355 Nicetas (cleric), 167–168 Nicheren, 303–304 Nicholas I (pope), 195, 304–305 Nicholas II (pope), 310, 320 Nicholas IV (pope), 33, 345 Nicholas V (pope), 177, 301, 411 Nicodemus of Vatopedi, 149 Nigeria, 36 Nihon Shoki and Kojiki See Kojiki and Nihon Shoki Nikephoros I (Byzantine emperor), 54, 64 Nikephoros II (Phokas) (Byzantine emperor), 64, 68, 385 Nineveh, Battle of, 63 Nitta Yoshisada, 24, 173, 232 Nizam al-Mulk, 8, 363 Njord, 418 nominalism, Norman Conquest of England, 12, 15, 110, 305, 307–310, 423 Norman Conquests, 1066–1087, M41 Norman Kingdom of Sicily, 1059–1154, M44 Norman Kingdoms of Italy and Sicily, 310–311 Norman kings of England, 305–307 Norse sagas, 415 North America, xxxv, 416, 417 Northampton, Council of, 38 Northumbrian Renaissance, 14 Norway, 416–419 Norwich, John Julius, 271 Notker (monk), 75 Notre-Dame, Cathedral of, 195 Nur al-Din, 248, 249 O Oath of Salisbury, 308 Oath of Strasbourg, 414 Obas, 40 Obilic´, Miloš, 240, 249, 268–269 Ochoa, Lorenzo, 181 O’Connor, Rory, 235 Oda Nobunaga, 27, 121, 317 Odin, 418 Odo (earl of Kent), 309 Odo of Blois, 71 Oei Rebellion, 25 Offa (king of Mercia), 17 Ogma, 199 Index Ogotai Khan, 34, 77, 134, 135, 136, 227, 240, 241, 281, 302, 313–314, 379, 403, 435 Olaf I (Tryggvason) (king of Norway), 111, 314–315 Olaf II (saint and king of Norway), 70 Olaf Skötkonung, 314 Oldcastle, John, 165, 168 Oleg (prince of Riazan), 281, 349 Olga (grand princess of Kiev), 349, 384, 420 Olmecs, 338 Omar (second caliph), 68–69, 433 Omar Khayyam, 315 Omari, Al-, 115 Onin War in Japan, 25, 26, 121, 315–317 ontological argument, 20 oral tradition, 199–200, 205–206 Order of Christ, 166 Order of Fiore, 223 Order of Friar Minor, 272 Order of the Knights Templar, 31, 89 Ordóđez, García, 109 Ordo I (king of Asturias), 87 Ordoño II (king of Galicia), 87 Ordo III (king of Asturias and Ln), 87 Ordo IV (king of León), 87 Oresme, Nicolas, 267 Orhan, 317 Oriental Orthodox Churches, 76 Orléans, Louis d’, 328 Orosius, Paulus, Orsini family, 344–345 Orthodox Church, xxxvi, 68, 126, 355 Oslac (Saxon earl), Osman (Ottoman leader), 317 Ostmark, 79 Ostrogoths, 57, 60, 320 Oswald (Anglo-Saxon ruler), 200 Oswy, 16 Otokar I (king of Bohemia), 47 Otokar II (king of Bohemia), 48, 153, 176 Otrar Incident, 379 Otto I (Holy Roman Emperor), 70, 73, 153, 164, 174, 261, 262, 320, 329, 385 Otto II (Holy Roman Emperor), 153, 174, 320, 329, 385 Otto III (Holy Roman Emperor), 71, 174, 195, 314, 320, 329, 386 Otto IV (Otto of Brunswick) (Holy Roman Emperor), 30, 175, 321 Ottoman Empire, 1359–1520, M57 Ottoman Empire, xxix, xxx, xxxix, xl 37, 57, 59, 126, 178, 211, 240, 463 249–250, 253, 256, 268–269, 317–318, 399, 413 Otto of Savoy, 164 Otto the Merry, 154 Ouchi Masahiro, 317 Ouchi Yoshihiro, 25 Ouyang Xiu, 297 P Pachomius (saint), 27 pagan schools, 199–200 Pak Hyeokgeose, 370 Pak-jong (ruler of Silla), 371 Palaeologan Mannerism, 58 Palestrina, Giovanni da, 216–217 Pallava kingdom, 319, 393 Pampa, 414 Pandyas kingdom, 393 Papal Schism, 177 Papal states, 31, 72, 153, 164, 320–321 papermaking, xxxi, xxxii, 207, 334 Parameshvara See Jayavarman I Parameswara (Srivijaya ruler), 376 parchment, 74, 200 Paris, Gaston, 84 Paris, Treaty of, 185 Participazio, Giustiniano, 412 Parvati, 43 Paschal II (pope), 148, 164 Paschal III (pope), 244 pastoralism, xxx–xxxi Pataliputra, 431 Patapan, 375 Patarine sect, 245 Patriarchs, 355 Patrick (Celtic saint), 75, 76, 200 Paul (saint), 92, 412 Paul I (pope), 344 Paul II (pope), 326, 347 Paul III (pope), 197 Paul VI (pope), 197 Paul the Deacon, 74, 75, 80 Pax Tatarica (Tatar Peace), 438 Peace of Ramla, 351 Peace of San Germano, 176 Peace of Stralsund, 158 Peace of Westphalia, 158 Peasant Crusade, 94 Peasants’ Revolt, 81, 307, 321–323 Pechenegs, 260–261, 356, 384, 385, 434 Peckham, John, 424 Pedro I (king of Aragon and Navarre), 88, 89, 192 Pedro II (king of Aragon and Navarre), 71, 89 Pedro III (king of Aragon and Navarre), 89 Pedro IV (king of Aragon and Navarre), 89