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HNUE JOURNAL OF SCIENCE Educational Sciences, 2021, Volume 66, Issue 5A, pp 177-190 This paper is available online at http://stdb.hnue.edu.vn DOI: 10.18173/2354-1075.2021-0228 ASSESSMENT OF THE VIETNAMESE STUDENTS' EXPERIMENTAL CAPACITY WHEN USING EXPERIMENTS IN TEACHING HIGH SCHOOLS CHEMISTRY Pham Thi Binh1*, Le Thi Phuong Lam2 and Nguyen Thi Thuy Trang3 Faculty of Chemistry, Hanoi National University of Education Thanh Phuoc High School, Ben Tre province Faculty of Chemistry, University of Education, Hue University Abstract Vietnam's new general education curriculum was just released in 2018, focusing on developing students' qualities and capabilities Chemistry is an experimental science, thus developing and assessing students' experimental competence in teaching chemistry is a very important task Based on the experimental competence scale, the article introduced and illustrated the assessment tools for this competence including student worksheets, observation sheets, and special tests To pilot evaluation tools, we use specifically pre-test, post-test, and worksheets affecting 63 students in grade 12 of high schools in Ben Tre Province, Vietnam to collect evidence to assess students' experimental competence Thereby assessing the feasibility and effectiveness of constructed tools Keywords: assessment, assessment tools, chemistry teaching, experiment, experimental competence Introduction Depending on the competency components, the competence manifestations as well as the specific teaching activities, teachers choose appropriate assessment tools There have been quite a few different studies on experimental competence Experimental competence describes some of the most important procedures, processes, and methods that scientists use when constructing knowledge and solving experimental problems [1], or it refers only to problems with an authentic hands-on interaction, involving scientific questions as well as engineering tasks [2] Weinert defined the conception of experimental competence with the meaning “the ability to meet a complex demand successfully or carry out a complex activity or task” [3] We define experimental competence refer to the ability of students to propose, plan and use experimental instruments and chemicals to successfully conduct chemical experiments; Observe, describe phenomena, collect data and process them to draw the necessary conclusions With this meaning, according to the framework of competence constructed from Woods and Griffin [4], the experimental competence included capabilities: (i) identify the purpose of the experiment, (ii) design an experimental investigation, (iii) experiment, analyze and (iv) interpret experimental data 10 indicative behaviors of these four capabilities make logical reasoning to find out what to investigate, identify which physics quantity should be measured or which phenomena should choose equipment to make a measurement, describe experimental design, identify real equipment to make measurement, use available equipment to construct measurement, Received October 11, 2021 Revised November 26, 2021 Accepted December 6, 2021 Contact Pham Thi Binh, e-mail address: ptbinh@hnue.edu.vn 177 Pham Thi Binh*, Le Thi Phuong Lam and Nguyen Thi Thuy Trang collect experimental data, analyze experimental data, interpret experimental data, evaluate and identify shortcomings in an experimental design and suggest specific improvements Lucila Giammatteo showed assessment tools for experimental disciplinary competencies, including capabilities; and performance indicators, and the authors used rubrics as tools for measuring Experimental competence [5] An analysis of the past Chemistry examination papers taken in KCSE reveals that the papers test students’ competencies in various aspects of Cognitive Science Process Skill of Evaluation (CSPSE) by Zephania O Anditi [6] It was hypothesized that school characteristics could be influencing students’ acquisition of various aspects of CSPSE In which, cognitive Science Process Skills are process skills which are concerned with students’ intellectual abilities Examples of such process skills are planning, hypothesizing, interpreting, evaluating, and predicting In Vietnam, there have also been a number of works on research and development of students’ experimental capacity in natural science, specifically focusing on Physics and Chemistry by authors such as Nguyen Van Bien [7], Xaypaseuth Vylaychit et al [8], Tran Thi Thanh Thu [9], Nguyen Thi Dieu Linh et al [10], Dang Thi Oanh et al [11], Nguyen Thi Kim Anh [12], Le Thi Phuong Lam [13], etc Each work offers its rationality in terms of components, quality criteria, and expression levels of experimental competence The authors analyzed in detail the relationship between the steps in the process of using experiments with the development of experimental capacity for students, thereby proposing methods of using active experiments The use of experiments in teaching chemistry has many limitations such as: in terms of facilities, teachers only use experimental videos or describe and introduce in words; about the method of use, using the experiment according to the illustration, or according to the simple research process (the teacher asks the problem and does the experiment for the students to observe the student does the experiment, state the phenomenon and write the chemical equation) Students are not active and participate much in the proposal and construction of experiments in the way of real research and discovery, but still rely heavily on the arrangement of teachers There are different methods of using experiments to discover knowledge depending on the program's goals, content, and knowledge logic Content 2.1 Experimental competence framework In this study, the experimental competence scale included behaviors capabilities similar to the study of Woods et al [4] But we used only indicative, and quality criteria which are presented at three levels Specifically, manifestations of experimental competence are presented in Figure 1, and criteria as well as descriptions of students' achievement level for each criterion are presented in Table The students' experimental competencies were developed through the activities that students use experiments to explore and discover new knowledge The specific process is presented in Figure Based on the students’ activity progress in Figure to determine experimental competency has behavioral indicators And quality criteria are presented at three levels Instead of describing the usual quality criteria, this study only built quality criteria for each behavioral indicator in the experimental competency scale for the following reasons: (1) difference in the 3-level description will be clearer, more suitable for Vietnamese teachers, (2) Vietnamese teachers' assessment skills according to the criteria are not proficient, so they will be confused with the 4-level description , and (3) the number of students in a class in Vietnam is quite large (about 40-45 students), so it is difficult to observe every small detail of the behavior 178 Assessment of the Vietnamese students' experimental capacity when using experiments in teaching… Figure Process of exploring, discovering new knowledge based on experiments Figure Components of experimental competence Components, behavioral indicators, and quality criteria of experimental competency are described in Figure and Table Based on the description in Table to evaluate students' experimental competency Table Experimental competence scale Indicative behavior Levels - Quality criteria Identify the experiment Identify the purpose Level 1: Determine the purpose of the experiment is not of the experiment reasonable Level 2: Determine the purpose of the experiment is reasonable but incomplete Level 3: Determine the purpose of the experiment properly and fully 179 Pham Thi Binh*, Le Thi Phuong Lam and Nguyen Thi Thuy Trang Formulate scientific Level 1: Make predictions/hypotheses reasonable scientific predictions/hypotheses but not Level 2: Make reasonable scientific predictions/hypotheses but not complete Level 3: Make reasonable scientific predictions/hypotheses, full Proposing experimental plans Identify tools and Level 1: Identify some necessary tools and chemicals chemicals needed Level 2: Identify the most essential tools and chemicals Level 3: Determine accurately, and fully necessary tools and chemicals Identify the steps for Level 1: Identify a few steps to conduct experiments conducting experiments Level 2: Identify most of the experimental steps Level 3: Define accurate, detailed and complete steps in conducting experiments Do experiment and collect experimental data Follow safety rules Level 1: Implement some safety rules when doing experiments when doing Level 2: Implement most safety rules when doing experiments experiments Level 3: Fully comply with the safety rules when experimenting Perform Level 1: Performed awkwardly, not yet proficient while experimental performing the experiment manipulations Level 2: Most experiments were performed correctly but still slowly Level 3: Perform experimental manipulations in a proficient, technically correct manner Collect experimental Level 1: Collect some necessary experimental data data Level 2: Collect the majority of the necessary experimental data Level 3: Collect fully and accurately the necessary experimental data Analyze experimental results and draw conclusions Analyse Level 1: Analyze a few experimental data experimental data Level 2: Analysis of most experimental data Level 3: Analyze test data fully and accurately Draw conclusions scientific Level 1: Draw scientific conclusions but not true Level 2: Draw scientific conclusions that are not accurate, complete, and clear Level 3: Draw scientific conclusions that are accurate, complete, and clear 180 Assessment of the Vietnamese students' experimental capacity when using experiments in teaching… 2.2 Methodology Research Goal Design appropriate assessment tools to gather evidence that assesses each performance indicator of experimental competence, thereby developing and assessing students' experimental competencies Research question How to design assessment tools to students demonstrate manifestations of experimental competence and teachers can collect evidence conveniently? Research method Using methods literature review To pilot evaluation tools, we use specifically pre-test, post-test, and two worksheets of the chemical properties of glucose, fructose and the chemical properties of sucrose, starch, and cellulose content, Chapter 2, Chemistry grade 12 affecting 63 12th grade students of high schools (Le Hoang Chieu High School and Le Quy Don High School) in Ben Tre province, Vietnam to collect evidence to assess students' experimental competence Pre-test Specific test (on paper) Formative assessment Worksheet, Rubric (in activities that students perform experiments to explore and discover knowledge) Post-test Specific test (on paper) In which, the pre-and post-experimental tests, study cards were built with similar tasks to easily compare the students' progress through the manifestations of experimental capacity Answers, scores of tests, and rubrics were built based on descriptions of the behavioral indicators and quality criteria of experimental competency as shown in Table 2.3 Findings To answer the research question, we presented how to design the evaluation tool, proof collection, and data processing ways Select assessing tools for students' experimental competence With the expression of the experimental competency frame in Table 2, we can see the following results: The 5th and 6th expressions are the implementation of the laboratory manipulation which can only develop when the students conduct experiments and assessments through teacher supervision (Obviously, can be observed directly or via video) The remaining manifestations (1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9) are expressed in thinking, exchanging, presenting, or answering questions by saying and writing Teachers cannot assess the student's thoughts The oral presentation and answering the question that cannot appreciate all students, unless students write on paper as evidence Therefore, the issue here is the need to design learning slips or tests This means that the learning slips have to include the requirements for students to write down corresponding to the manifestations of the experimental competence Designing tests is similar to the worksheet and it is called a specific test (there are more special requirements than traditional tests that students only choose or write the answer, some contents that need not be written) With such analyses, the tools are determined to develop and evaluate the students’ experimental competence as follows: 181 Pham Thi Binh*, Le Thi Phuong Lam and Nguyen Thi Thuy Trang No Evaluation tool Worksheet and rubric Rubric Specific test (on paper) Quality criteria Using Evidence 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, When using experiments in Student's study slip teaching Chemistry with each student 5, Students' actions During and after that can be teaching on video observed 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, After teaching, each student for Test Design assessing tools for students' experimental competence 2.3.1 Worksheet In teaching chemistry, experiments are used in many different ways and purposes By using experiments to form new knowledge and skills for students is an effective way to develop students’ experimental competencies For this purpose, experiments are usually used according to four methods, that is to use experiments: Follow the scientific method; To verify students’ new judgments; To create conflicting awareness, to solve problems; To illustrate new knowledge and skills In which the 4th method is the least aggressive so we not choose to perform in this study According to the first method, there are experimental worksheet examples below: Instructions for using these worksheets in teaching are: Students in the classroom are divided into groups, about members in a group The teacher assigns tasks, guides how to work (according to the worksheets) students working based on guidelines Students report results, discussions Example Worksheet The worksheet when using experiments to verify the new judgment Content: Chemical properties of Glucose (Glucose - Chemistry 12th grade, Vietnamese textbooks) The content of the study slip and the corresponding manifestations can be assessed: The study sheet is used for students to learn the chemical properties of Glucose (Glucose Chemistry 12th grade, Vietnamese textbooks) Below are the content and evaluation criteria of students' experimental capacity according to the corresponding tasks in worksheet WORKSHEET (Chemical properties of Glucose) Full name:…………………………………… Class:…… (1) Individual work Make requests or answer the following questions: - What functional groups are in glucose? Predict what is the chemical reaction of glucose? …………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………… - From the chemicals and apparatus gave below: + Chemicals: glucose, CuSO4, NaOH, AgNO3, NH3 solutions 182 Manifestation 1, 2, 3, Identify the purpose of the experiment Formulate scientific predictions/ hypotheses Identify tools and chemicals needed Assessment of the Vietnamese students' experimental capacity when using experiments in teaching… + Apparatus: Test tubes, wood clamps, alcohol lamp Propose two experiments to verify the chemical properties of glucose Describe procedure, predict phenomenon, and basis to predict phenomenon (by writing chemical equations and describe the state, color of products) in columns (1), (2), (3), and (4) of the following table (2) Team discussion and experiment Members share their answers, unify the procedure (Using the different color pen to fix in the table (if do)) All the members experiments in the way agreed above Write the observing phenomena, explain and draw conclusions in columns (5), (6) Identify the steps for conducting the experiment’s procedure Expression 7, 8, Collect experimental data Analyze experimental data Draw scientific conclusions Example 2: Worksheet The worksheet when using experiments to follow the scientific method Content: The chemical properties of Sucrose (Lesson: Disaccharide - Chemistry grade 12, Vietnamese textbook) The content of the study slip and the corresponding manifestations can be assessed: The study sheet is used for students to learn the chemical properties of sucrose (Disaccharide - Chemistry grade 12, Vietnamese textbook) Below are the content and evaluation criteria of students' experimental capacity according to the corresponding tasks in worksheet WORKSHEET (Chemical properties of sucrose) Name:………………………………………………………………… Class:………………………………………………………………… (1) Individual work Make requests or answer the following questions: - Predict and write the hydrolytic reactivity of sucrose in acidic medium (reactivity, products, way to identify those products and phenomenon): …………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………… - From the chemicals and apparatus given below: + Chemicals: Sucrose, H2SO4, NaHCO3, AgNO3, NH3, NaOH, CuSO4 (solutions) + Apparatus: Test tubes, wood clamps, alcohol lamp Propose one the experiment to research the hydrolysis of sucrose Describe procedure, predict phenomenon, and basis to predict phenomenon (by writing chemical equations and describe the state, color of products) in columns (1), (2), and (3) of the following table Manifestation 1, 2, Identify the purpose of the experiment Formulate scientific predictions/hy potheses Identify the steps for conducting the experiments 183 Pham Thi Binh*, Le Thi Phuong Lam and Nguyen Thi Thuy Trang (2) Team discussion and experiment: Members share their answers, unify the procedure (Using the different color pen to fix in the table (if do)) - All the members an experiment to investigate the hydrolytic reaction of saccharides according to the proposed experiment above Write the phenomenon, explain, and conclude in columns (4), (5) procedure Expression 7, 8, Collect experimental data Analyze experimental data Draw scientific conclusions Example 3: Worksheet The worksheet when use experiments to create cognitive conflicts and solve problems Content: aromatic substitution reactions of aniline derivatives (Lesson: Aniline - Chemistry grade 12, Vietnamese textbook) The content of the study slip and the corresponding manifestations can be assessed: The study sheet is used for students to learn the chemical properties of aniline (Aniline Chemistry grade 12, Vietnamese textbook) Below is the content and evaluation criteria of students' experimental capacity according to the corresponding tasks in worksheet WORKSHEET (Chemical properties of Aniline) Name:………………… Class:………… Individual work and Team discussion Predict phenomenon and explain the experiment in the following table: Procedure Add a few drops of bromine water into a test tube that already contains mL of aniline 184 Predict phenomenon (pre-experiment) Basis to predict phenomenon Manifestation 1, - Identify the purpose of the experiment Formulate scientific predictions/ hypotheses Expression 7, 8, - Collect experimental data Analyze experimental data Draw scientific conclusions Assessment of the Vietnamese students' experimental capacity when using experiments in teaching… Team discussion a) Share your answers and conduct experiments according to the instructions above, describing the observed phenomenon ……………………………………………… ………… b) Comparing observed phenomena when conducting experiments with predictive phenomena, what conclusions are drawn? ……………………………………………… ………… c) Read the section on " aromatic substitution reactions of aniline derivatives - Vietnamese textbook - page 43", explain the observed phenomenon, conclude the properties of aniline …………………………………………………………… 2.3.2 Rubric Table The rubric of the students’ experimental competency Use this rubric to evaluate students' experimental abilities when comparing students' study slip performance with the descriptions described in Table School: Class: Group: Name: The experimental competency assessment criteria Mark 1 Identify the purpose of the experiment Formulate scientific predictions/ hypotheses Identify tools and chemicals needed Identify the steps for conducting experiments Make safety rules when doing experiments Perform experimental manipulations Collect experimental data Analyze experimental data Draw scientific conclusions 2.3.3 The specific test Pre- and post-test tests are designed as exercises These include making predictions, proposing how to conduct experiments, predicting phenomena, performing experiments, describing phenomena and information gathered from experiments, and analyzing results to conclude With those tasks in the test, students also show the manifestations of experimental capacity similar to the learning cards Below is an illustration of the test before and after the pedagogical experiment 185 Pham Thi Binh*, Le Thi Phuong Lam and Nguyen Thi Thuy Trang Example 1: Pre-test PRE-TEST Time: 45 minutes Name:………………………………… Class:…………………… In the laboratory, there are chemicals: Mg, Cu pieces, CuO powder, dilute NaOH solution, dilute CuSO4 solution, CH3COOH solution, CaCO3, purple litmus, phenolphthalein solution, HCl solution, and essential apparatus Question 1: Choose chemicals above, propose apparatus and procedure steps to an experiment, prove the acidic property of acetic acid Describe in the following table: Experiment Chemicals Apparatus Procedure Phenomenon Explanation Acetic acid reacts with …………… …………… Question 2: Conduct experiments according to the proposal Compare the phenomenon before and after experimenting, explain, and conclude about chemical reactions of acetic acid Example 2: Post-test POST- TEST Time: 45 minutes Name:………………………………… Class:………….… There are colorless solutions: Glucose, sucrose, ethanol which are contained in the vials without a label Question 1: Perform a diagram showing how to identify solutions Propose apparatus, chemicals and describe procedures to experiments (by words or pictures with notes) according to the diagram above Experiment Apparatus Chemicals Procedure, phenomena (prediction) Question 2: Conduct experiments according to the proposal Record the phenomena different from the original prediction (if any), explain and conclude the name of each solution in each test tube From answering question in the test questions, teachers can evaluate behavioral indicators 1, 2, 3, The implementation and answer of question will evaluate the behavioral indicators 5, 6, 7, 8, Based on the answers on the test and observing the experimental manipulations of students (direct observation or video recording), teachers follow the description in Table to evaluate the score of each criterion In these tests, if not performed in the laboratory, it may be replaced by a request to conduct the test through some pictures of the experimental phenomenon of acetic acid with substances From there, ask students to observe, compare and draw conclusions However, criteria and cannot be assessed 2.4 Analyzing and discussing During experiments, students in a group so that it cannot be judged by criteria 5, of all students, this article only handles the scores of manifestations 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 186 Assessment of the Vietnamese students' experimental capacity when using experiments in teaching… We use specifically pre-test, post-test, and two worksheets ((worksheet and worksheet 2) of the chemical properties of glucose, fructose and the chemical properties of sucrose, starch, and cellulose content - Chapter 2, Chemistry grade 12 affecting 63 students in grade 12 of high schools (Le Hoang Chieu High School and Le Quy Don High School) in Ben Tre province, Vietnam The results obtained were compared with those described in Table and assessed scores in rubric terms for each student Summarize scores for each criterion in each evaluation The results are obtained in Table Table The empirical competency assessment result by tests and worksheets The number of students at st Criteria st test worksheet 2nd worksheet 2nd test 3 3 1 28 32 39 23 39 24 46 17 27 33 36 27 33 30 44 19 30 33 18 44 55 12 51 14 49 16 47 13 50 12 51 44 13 49 51 12 31 32 22 37 34 29 17 46 10 53 30 29 33 24 27 18 45 st nd 36 st nd (The and worksheets are used for the and pedagogical experiments) Test paper of student Test paper of student Worksheet of student Figure Some pedagogically experimental photos and evaluate proofs Calculate the average score for each criterion at each time of evaluation (table 4) and plot the average score of the criteria (Figure 5) 187 Pham Thi Binh*, Le Thi Phuong Lam and Nguyen Thi Thuy Trang Table The average mark for each criterion Criteria Average mark Test WS1 WS2 Test 1.54 1.65 2.62 2.73 1.52 1.57 2.52 2.70 1.48 1.32 2.06 2.19 1.22 1.25 2.21 2.19 1.89 2.03 2.81 2.49 1.48 1.54 2.27 2.16 1.60 1.71 2.43 2.29 Figure Students in the experimental class at Le Quy Don High School, Ben Tre The graph and chart in Figure illustrate that the manifestations of the following reviews are higher than before, especially the differences between the assessments number 3, 4, and the 1st, 2nd ones The results between the 1st and 2nd or between the 3rd and 4th are not different much because students have never studied with the experimental learning activities Moreover, the number of experimental tests is only so that the progress between the 3rd and 4th times is not yet pronounced Figure Graph and chart for the expressions of empirical capacity at times The randomly occurring probability between the total average of the following test with the previous one (p = 1.1.10-6) or between worksheets in experimental tests (p = 5.9.10-9) is less than 0.05 so that the difference is due to the impact Each criterion shows: Criterion (determine the experiment's purpose) and criterion (construct predictions/ scientific theories) witness the most rapid progress due to their nature of simplicity, correlation As a result, through frequent execution, these criteria will experience swift fulfillment Criterion (determine essential tools, chemicals), criteria (construct the experiment’s procedure) testify to a quite low score and slow progress due to the lack of required tools and 188 Assessment of the Vietnamese students' experimental capacity when using experiments in teaching… chemicals In addition, the student does not list all the procedure’s details, so the capacitive points are only moderate or decent Criterion (collect the experiment’s results), criterion (state scientific conclusions) witness no rapid growth though they evaluated higher than the remaining criteria It explained that these criteria are not difficult that students had previously been tutored in the chemistry course (though no experiments) Criterion (analyze the experiment’s results) testify a slow rise because it depends on the academic level, the comprehension ability of the identified knowledge Conclusions The article has restructured the capacity components, the quality criteria of the experimental capacity including component competencies and quality criteria Each quality criterion has clearly described levels of expression to help teachers easily observe and evaluate students during the experiment The article illustrates how to build assessment tools and collect evidence in assessing students' experimental capacity The combination of the worksheets, the observation panel, the test can develop and assess the students' practical competency when using experiments in chemistry learning at high school By the previous worksheets in this article, the teacher used instruction, support students to experiments, learn inquiring methods, research, find new knowledge, and develop the empirical capacity Furthermore, they are the means to evaluate the student's ability The activities are classified separately corresponding to the empirical capacity manifestations to help students easily perform and accurate assessments REFERENCES [1] Eugenia Etkina, A V H., D.T Brookes, D Mills, 2002 Role of Experiments in Physics Instruction- A Process Approach The Physics Teacher, 40(6), pp 351-355 [2] Susanne Metzger, C G., Pitt Hild, and Josiane Tardent, 2014 Modelling and assessing experimental competence: An interdisciplinary progress model for hands-on assessments [3] Weinert, F E., 2001 Concept of Competence: A Conceptual Clarification In D S Rychen & L H Salganik (Eds.), Defining and Selecting Key Competencies Göttingen, Germany: Hogrefe & Huber, 45-66 [4] Woods, K., & Griffin, P., 2013 Judgement-based performance measures of literacy for students with additional needs: Seeing students through the eyes of experienced special education teachers Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice 20(3), pp 325348 doi: 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Vietnamese textbook) Below is the content and evaluation criteria of students' experimental capacity according to the corresponding tasks in worksheet WORKSHEET (Chemical properties of Aniline) Name:…………………

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