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SeniorityInsider Member Newsletter | Spring 2017 Dear Members, Are you looking for new ideas to stimulate your brain or something to help you maintain fitness? Look through this issue of Seniority Insider and check out the programs, classes and special events Participate in Pathway to Wellness (you will receive your card when you attend the first Focus On class) that allows you to learn and earn By attending three of four Focus On classes and getting your Pathway to Wellness card punched, you can attend the fifth class, a lunch and learn, for FREE Spring has sprung Join us at an upcoming class, a fun special event or consider getting out and about on one of our On the Go travel opportunities Whether you enjoy learning about the human body, watching a cooking demo and then sampling the tasty treats, or exploring on a tour, Seniority has something for everyone Wishing you good health always, Pamela S Baird & Candy Hart, RN TriHealth Seniority Administrators In This Issue Focus On Healthy Hint Calendar of Events Seniority On the Go Member Benefits Holiday Meals 10 Event Locations 11 Spring 2017 Seniority Insider Using robotics to help patients heal Robotic surgery offers important benefits, including fewer complications and quicker recovery TriHealth surgeons are among the most experienced in the nation More than 12 years ago, Dr J Michael Smith performed the first robotic-assisted surgery at TriHealth It was a coronary bypass procedure “We were one of the first centers doing advanced cardiac surgery with the da Vinci® Surgical System,” said Dr Smith, chief of cardiac surgery at Good Samaritan Hospital “I had patients say to me, ‘Let me get this straight: You’re doing this, but the Cleveland Clinic isn’t?’” Today, TriHealth is a national leader in robotic-assisted surgery and has invested in seven da Vinci Surgical Systems, which are located at Good Samaritan Hospital and Bethesda North Hospital In addition to heart procedures, TriHealth surgeons are using robotic technology to perform many complex procedures throughout the body, including the lungs, pancreas, esophagus, bladder, kidneys, colon and female reproductive organs What any patient facing potential surgery wants is to have the most appropriate procedure that will provide the best outcome TriHealth offers robotics as a part of a comprehensive toolkit of surgical options, and surgeons with extensive experience can tailor the approach to each individual patient Compassionate patient-centered care is central to TriHealth’s mission By offering a personalized, tailored approach to surgery, TriHealth’s highly trained surgeons—who are experienced in all procedures, from the routine to the highly complex—are following that mission, providing what’s best for each patient each time Focus On … Inflammation! What is inflammation? It is critical for survival But our reaction is often to try to control this autoimmune response in an attempt to get rid of inflammation Is this always the best answer? The body needs the active response of inflammation to heal and fight infections Come to this series and learn how to recognize inflammation in its many forms and know what to about it Reservations for all Focus On classes listed below must be made by calling 513 569 6400 or by registering online at TriHealthSeniorsHealth.com What Is Inflammation? From the Latin, it means to set on fire Inflammation is the term for the body’s process that happens at the site of tissue damage It is both defensive and regenerative body resources gathering at the site of injury or invading microorganisms The area becomes reddened, swollen and warm/hot It is often painful, and sometimes you can lose the use of that area It can be acute or chronic Inflammation is designed to limit the damaging effects, to cleanse and remove foreign particles and damaged tissue, and to start the healing process to restore tissue Think arthritis, gastritis, bursitis and other painful swollen conditions Come hear the experts help us sort it out Bethesda North Hospital Thursday, April 6, 10–11 a.m Nathanael Greene Lodge Friday, April 7, 10–11 a.m COST: FREE Inflammation and Your Gut The lining of your gut is incredibly large and semipermeable The permeability fluctuates in response to a variety of conditions For example, if you are having a fight, the stress makes your thyroid levels fluctuate, and undigested food, toxins, yeast, viruses and bacteria can pass through the intestines and get into the bloodstream This is known as leaky gut syndrome When the lining is repeatedly damaged this way, the microvilli become unable to process nutrients, and digestion is impaired Then your body initiates an attack on these invaders It responds with inflammation, allergic reactions and other symptoms Irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn’s disease, celiac and others are inflammation inside Learn how to identify these disorders and what to about them Nathanael Green Lodge Tuesday, April 11, 10–11 a.m Bethesda North Hospital Thursday, April 13, 10–11 a.m COST: FREE Seniority healthy hint Does Inflammation Cause Cancer? Inflammation has long been associated with the development of cancer Inflammation resulting from chronic infection or irritation predisposes to cancer For example, the body’s inappropriate response to H Pylori (bacteria that can cause ulcers) can result in digestive cancer Or colon cancer can result from long-standing inflammatory bowel disease Further evidence for the role of inflammation has come from findings that the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can prevent spontaneous tumor formation in people with familial adenomatous cancer of the colon and rectum Come hear expert cancer doctor and researcher Dr James Maher tell us what happens “when good cells go bad.” Nathanael Green Lodge Thursday, April 20, 10–11 a.m Bethesda North Hospital Tuesday, May 23, 10–11 a.m COST: FREE Inflammation of the Joints: Arthritis Arthritis is very common but little understood What happens to our hands as we get older? Or our elbows, knees, back— anywhere there is a joint, the painful condition of arthritis can be found Why does our body attack itself? A combination of genetics and environment can trigger autoimmune reactions Is there evidence now that smoking can trigger arthritis in some individuals? There are more than 100 types of arthritis Come learn what you can to avoid and treat this painful condition Nathanael Green Lodge Thursday, May 11, 10–11 a.m Bethesda North Hospital Wednesday, May 31, 10–11 a.m COST: FREE Lunch and Learn—Avoid Inflammation! Now that we know inflammation is something to be avoided, what can we about it? Come hear what you can every day to dodge the causes and effects of inflammation that come from our eating patterns Does caffeine really worsen arthritis? Sugar? Meat? Is cinnamon a natural antiinflammatory? Is licorice good for a leaky gut? There are many things to learn Come find out! Nathanael Green Lodge Thursday, June 1, 11 a.m.–12:30 p.m Bethesda North Hospital Wednesday, June 7, 11 a.m.–12:30 p.m Keep that resolution: Avoid extra calories! Research has shown that people unintentionally eat more calories when they have larger portions on their plate This can mean added pounds without realizing it Here are some tips to avoid this common pitfall • Keep excess food out of sight Fill your plate in the kitchen and leave the rest If you have to get up and go to another room for seconds, you will be more aware of whether you really want more and how much more you are eating • Don’t eat right out of the package If you are snacking, put the actual portion size into a bowl or small container It is very easy to overeat if you are distracted by a television show or friendly conversation • If it comes in a big bag, divide it up Make your own individual snack size bags or portions Hide the rest of it Save money and eat healthier • When eating out, split an entrée Splitting an entrée is the hot new trend Most restaurants serve more food than any one person needs for one meal Share with a friend Or ask the server for a to-go box right away and save half for tomorrow’s dinner • Grab a healthy snack in-between meals Remember when your mom said, “No snacking before dinner!”? Seniority says, “Go ahead!” If you are hungry inbetween meals, grab a healthy snack A piece of fruit, a small handful of nuts, a cheese stick or fresh veggies cut up in small pieces are great for nutrient-dense snacking But surprisingly, often what you really are is thirsty Have a glass of cold water with a lemon or lime slice or a cup of milk That way, you will not feel deprived and stuff yourself at your next meal • Keep those unhealthy foods hidden Replace that candy dish with a fruit bowl Don’t use the grandchildren as an excuse to have tempting food on hand They don’t need it either! Keep your grandchildren well and strong with wholesome foods Xavier University and TriHealth announce partnership In early 2017, Xavier University and TriHealth publicly announced a 10-year exclusive affiliation to build a national model of excellence for collegiate health and wellness Expanding on the long-standing 20-year relationship and shared mission of service, the two faithbased organizations have developed a plan to provide health and wellness education programs that will prepare the next generation to lead and serve This bold vision offers a new model of how health and wellness will be integrated into the fabric of campus life for students and Xavier University employees alike Together, Xavier and TriHealth will build a co-branded, state-of-the-art health and recreation center on campus that will be home to Xavier’s academic, recreational and clinical health and wellness programs The new building, slated to open in the fall of 2019, will be located on Cleneay Avenue/Musketeer Drive near student residence halls and the Cintas Center In addition, TriHealth will continue to support Xavier’s nationally ranked athletic program through world-class sports medicine and an enhanced university-based multidisciplinary care Some of the initial benefits of the partnership include enhanced primary care on campus, expanded specialized clinical care and support services, and the introduction of wellness programs to help lower costs and improve the health status of students and employees This affiliation is uniquely focused, like no other in the country, on caring for and developing the whole person— mind, body and spirit Whether it starts in the classroom, leads to a great performance on the court, drives positive behavioral changes or increases meaningful connections in the community, this affiliation will touch lives and transform people not only on campus but also throughout the region and nation COST: $15 or FREE for Pathway to Wellness participants who attend three of the first four Focus On classes Spring 2017 Seniority Insider Calendar of events Stepping On Does the idea of falling scare you? This seven-week course about fall prevention could be your answer Stepping On is a nationally recognized best practice TriHealth’s ThinkFirst Trauma Prevention team will educate participants on nutrition, home evaluations and modifications, medication effects, and home safety In addition, each week, everyone will learn exercises that help with balance, flexibility and endurance At the end of the seven weeks, you will feel more reassured about living independently and less afraid of falling Bethesda North Hospital Wednesday, April 5, 10–11:30 a.m RSVP: 513 865 1700 Blue Ash Fire Department, Station 13 Tuesdays, March 21–May 2, 1–3 p.m Limited to 20 participants only RSVP: 513 865 5005 COST: FREE (Made possible by a Bethesda Foundation Nathanael Greene Lodge Thursday, April 6, 10–11:30 a.m RSVP: 513 862 3633 COST: FREE community grant) Mastering Meal Planning It’s Hard to Talk About Meal planning is the key to successfully reaching your health goals, but it can be challenging if you don’t know where to start Join registered dietitian Christy Bahan as she teaches you how to effectively and efficiently plan and prep meals ahead to make for a stress-free and healthy week Seniority has created a new class full of important information for our members It will be free, and there will be plenty of handouts It goes beyond our Departing With Dignity class This three-part series of professional speakers will help you with decisions that you want to make yourself and not leave for your family Please invite friends and family Advance Care Planning Think about what might happen if you’re unable to make health care decisions for yourself Would your loved ones know what you want, or would they have to guess? Talking about those possibilities now is a gift you give to yourself and your loved ones Learn what advance care planning is and get the tools and forms you need to make your own plan while you’re in control (Colleen Kuderer, Conversations of a Lifetime™) Bethesda North Hospital Wednesday, March 22, 10–11:30 a.m RSVP: 513 865 1700 Nathanael Greene Lodge Thursday, March 23, 10–11:30 a.m RSVP: 513 862 3633 COST: FREE Hospice and Palliative Care All hospice is palliative care, but not all palliative care is hospice A personal crisis in your family, such as a terminal or life-threatening illness, can leave you feeling alone You will be making important decisions and wishing you had someone to help you understand what lies ahead Learn the difference between palliative care and hospice care—and if it’s right for you and your family—whether in your home, a skilled nusring facility or the hospital (Janet Montgomery, Hospice of Cincinnati) Bethesda North Hospital Wednesday, March 29, 10–11:30 a.m RSVP: 513 865 1700 Nathanael Greene Lodge Thursday, March 30, 10–11:30 a.m RSVP: 513 862 3633 COST: FREE Legal Aspects for End of Life What does it mean to “get my affairs in order”? What about Medicare, Medicaid, housing, health care decisions, care providers and transportation? What is a trust, a will and a power of attorney? Let’s discuss it all in a way that allows us to take steps to get needs in order (Mary Ann Jacobs, Ritter and Randolph) TriHealth Fitness & Health Pavilion Wednesday, March 22, 12:30–1:30 p.m RSVP: Caitlin Ottaway at 513 246 2606 or caitlin_ottaway@TriHealth.com COST: FREE Make the Most of Your Move This uniquely designed three-part series will provide the tools needed to make the most out of what can be a stressful event—moving Invite a friend along Attend one or all classes that will be held in the Campus Center Great Room In Part 1, Betsy Goldfarb of Queen City Transitions will help us understand our emotional and sentimental attachment to “stuff” and how to communicate with family Then in Part 2, Kathie Currier, a local realtor, will take us through right-sizing, getting bang for the buck and understanding the process of a home inspection As a wrap up in Part 3, Marty Weldishofer, Ohio Living Llanfair Move-In Coordinator, will lead a panel discussion of experts who specialize in helping older adults pitch, sell or trade those lifetime “treasures.” Ohio Living Llanfair Retirement Community Thursdays, March 23–April 6, 10–11:30 a.m RSVP: Kim Kaser at 513 591 4567 or kkaser@ohioliving.org COST: FREE Yoga for Seniors Do arthritis pain and stiffness affect your activities? Have you heard about the benefits of yoga yet never have tried it? Our yoga classes include the use of a chair and mat work Don’t let the idea of getting down on a mat scare you because the instructors show you how to get back up Yoga provides an excellent workout, increases flexibility and can help with balance Good Samaritan Hospital Fridays, March 31–May 12, 10–11 a.m (gentle) RSVP: 513 862 3633 Bethesda North Fitness Center Fridays, March 31–May 5, 10–11 a.m (chair only) Fridays, March 31–May 5, 11 a.m.–noon (gentle) RSVP: 513 865 1700 COST: FREE (Made possible by a Bethesda Foundation community grant) Spring Into a Healthy Brunch Learn how to make simple and delicious spring brunch recipes such as toasted almond cherry scones, fruit and nut granola and even homemade creamer! Join Sue Schlueter who will show you some tasty treats to serve guests this spring TriHealth Fitness & Health Pavilion Wednesday, April 12, 12:30–1:30 p.m and 6–7 p.m RSVP: Caitlin Ottaway at 513 246 2606 or caitlin_ottaway@TriHealth.com COST: $5 (special Seniority price) An Intro to Medicare Are you nearing 65 years old and wondering about Medicare and all it implies? How you sign up? What if you decide to keep working? Learn the answers to these questions and much more from your Seniority administrators Bethesda North Hospital Thursday, April 13, noon–1:30 p.m and 6–7:30 p.m Wednesday, April 19, 6:30–8 p.m RSVP: 513 865 1700 Good Samaritan Hospital Monday, April 17, noon–1:30 p.m and 6–7:30 p.m RSVP: 513 862 3633 Bridgetown Church of Christ Wednesday, April 19, 6–7:30 p.m RSVP: 513 862 3633 COST: FREE Fruit and Vegetable Detective Our Pavilion dietitians will provide a hands-on workshop identifying various produce items, incorporating them in your meal planning and understanding the nutritional benefits they provide TriHealth Fitness & Health Pavilion Wednesday, April 19, 6–7 p.m RSVP: Caitlin Ottaway at 513 246 2606 or caitlin_ottaway@TriHealth.com COST: FREE Spring 2017 Seniority Insider AARP Mature Driving Course Did you know you can get a ticket for NOT turning on your car lights when driving in the rain? Rules of the road can change Maybe it’s a good time to brush up with an AARP driving course Those attending the four-hour class receive completion certificates often good for a discount on auto insurance Registration with payment must be received prior to class Good Samaritan Hospital Friday, April 21, 10 a.m.–3 p.m RSVP: 513 862 3633 Bethesda North Hospital Friday, April 28, 10 a.m.–3 p.m RSVP: 513 865 1700 COST: $20, $15 for AARP members (must show AARP membership card at class) CarFit Seniority wants you to be a safer driver longer Have you ever wondered if your car mirrors are giving you the best view of other traffic? Are you sitting a safe distance behind the wheel? This 20-minute drive-through checkup looks at how well your vehicle fits you from seatbelt to mirrors Slots are scheduled every 10 minutes Reservations are required Colerain Township Fire Department Station Friday, April 28, noon–2:30 p.m Deer Park-Silverton Joint Fire District Station Friday, May 5, noon–2:30 p.m Blue Ash Fire Department, Station 13 Friday, May 19, noon–2:30 p.m RSVP: 513 569 5420 COST: FREE (Made possible by a Bethesda Foundation community grant) Super Salads Salads don’t have to be boring! By combining different textures, such as nuts/seeds, roasted/raw vegetables and grains such as quinoa or farro, and by playing up sweet, salty, spicy and savory flavors, you’ll learn how to create irresistible salad combinations Registered dietitian Kristen DeAngelis will show you how easy and fun salads can be! TriHealth Fitness & Health Pavilion Wednesday, May 3, 12:30–1:30 p.m and 6–7 p.m RSVP: Caitlin Ottaway at 513 246 2606 or caitlin_ottaway@TriHealth.com COST: $5 (special Seniority price) Trips with Seniority On the Go ThinkFirst for Seniors This program is designed to help individuals recognize their concerns about falling and the hazards in their home and community that contribute to falls During this presentation, the TriHealth ThinkFirst Trauma Prevention Program team will discuss various fall prevention topics from home safety, safety in the community, talking with your physician, nutrition, the importance of exercise, vision and monitoring medications TriHealth Rehab Hospital Tuesday, May 9, 8:30–11 a.m Nathanael Greene Lodge Wednesday, May 24, 1–3:30 p.m RSVP: 513 865 5005 COST: FREE (Made possible by a Bethesda Foundation community grant) Figuring Out Food Labels Not sure what all those percentages and numbers mean on a food label? Let us help! TriHealth Fitness & Health Pavilion dietitians will teach you how to read nutrition labels and understand what to avoid or what to increase You will practice reading labels, comparing products and learn the best strategies for your next grocery trip TriHealth Fitness & Health Pavilion Wednesday, May 17, 12:30–1:30 p.m RSVP: Caitlin Ottaway at 513 246 2606 or caitlin_ottaway@TriHealth.com COST: FREE Grilling Grilling is a great way to add lean proteins, a variety of vegetables and even fruits to your summer plate Learn the ins and outs of what to grill, what to avoid, plus healthy tips, tricks and mouthwatering recipes from our Pavilion dietitians TriHealth Fitness & Health Pavilion Wednesday, June 14, 12:30–1:30 p.m and 6–7 p.m RSVP: Caitlin Ottaway at 513 246 2606 or caitlin_ottaway@TriHealth.com COST: $5 (special Seniority price) Healthy Protein Sources Ever wonder how much protein you should be eating? Do you wonder what foods have protein other than meat? TriHealth Fitness & Health Pavilion dietitians will clarify and teach you what some healthy protein sources are and how to incorporate them into your diet TriHealth Fitness & Health Pavilion Wednesday, June 21, 6–7 p.m RSVP: Caitlin Ottaway at 513 246 2606 or caitlin_ottaway@TriHealth.com COST: FREE To request a detailed reservation form for any of the day or multinight trips listed on these pages, please call Good Samaritan Seniority at 513 862 3633 or Bethesda North Seniority at 513 865 1700 Day trips Lunken Airport Tuesday, April 18: Bethesda North Hospital Thursday, April 27: Bethesda North Hospital/ Good Samaritan Western Ridge Depart: a.m Return: p.m Cost: $86 per person Price includes: Motor coach transportation; Heritage Program tour guide of the airport, murals and the surrounding landscape; lunch at Sky Galley; and all taxes, tips and gratuities In 1925 America, who decided to build the largest commercial airport in Cincinnati on a site socked in by fog nine out of 10 days? And yet it was successful! Until 1947, “Sunken Lunken” was Cincinnati’s airport The control tower remains the oldest standing control tower in the U.S Charles Lindbergh landed here, as did the Beatles! Lunch will be at the Sky Galley There are only two tours, so sign up quick! This will be popular! Springtime With Vera Bradley—A Bargain Bash! Friday, April 21: Bethesda North Hospital/ Good Samaritan Western Ridge Depart: a.m Return: p.m Cost: $136 per person, limited to 45 travelers only Price includes: Ticket into the sale, games, prizes, drinks, bargains Price includes: Reds Champions Club ticket, motor coach Price includes: One night’s accommodations, breakfast transportation, and all taxes, tips and gratuities treats, one breakfast, two lunches with dessert, one dinner with dessert, all included attraction entrance fees, motor coach transportation, and all taxes, tips and gratuities Come watch the Reds pummel the St Louis Cardinals under the lights from the grand comfort of the Champions Club! Enjoy all the food, snacks and treats you want from many hometown favorites, including Montgomery Inn and LaRosa’s pizza, different stations, unlimited soft drinks, ice cream and peanuts This is the way to go to watch a game in style Sit in air conditioned luxury, or from your reserved seat outside, and hear the crack of the bat This is only our second night game, but we know it will be the best one ever! The Magnificent Murals of Downtown Cincinnati (No walking tour) Tuesday, June 27: Bethesda North Wednesday, June 28: Bethesda North Hospital/ Good Samaritan Western Ridge Depart: a.m Return: 1:30 p.m Cost: $80 per person, limited to 40 travelers only each day The Countryside of Vermont (Featuring Grandma Moses and Norman Rockwell) Price includes: Heritage Program guide to murals, excellent lunch, motor coach transportation, and all taxes, tips and gratuities Downtown Cincinnati now has 101 murals, and the count is growing all the time Neil Armstrong, James Brown, Peanut Jim, Jim Tarbell, Martha the last passenger pigeon, an apple as large as a Volkswagen Beetle—there are so many wonderful works of art to see downtown And seeing them from an air-conditioned motor coach is the way to go! For two hours, we will ride around downtown Cincinnati, viewing all kinds of art painted directly on the Queen City buildings After lunch at the Netherland, our classy and sophisticated spin around town will be over Sit back and relax! You must be able to get on and off the bus to board, walk into lunch, and get back on and off at our parking location galore, a delicious lunch, motor coach transportation, and all taxes, tips and gratuities Multinight trips A shopping sale extravaganza unlike any other For five days, this spectacle takes place in the Fort Wayne, Indiana, coliseum Literally thousands of Vera Bradley items will be marked, slashed and reduced—and you must have a reserved ticket to get in Other people wait in hours-long checkout lines Preregistered groups like ours have their own checkout registers in a different room with fun, drinks and air conditioning! Lunch is included at Cork ’N Cleaver with a varied menu With Cheryl’s cookies on the ride back, games, prizes, giveaways, this is shopping at its best—and most fun Grab your girlfriends and granddaughters, and sign up now Horsepower? Planes, Trains and Automobiles! The Cincinnati Reds in the Champions Club Tuesday, June 6: Blue Ash Target, 9099 Plainfield Road Depart: 5:15 p.m Return: 11 p.m (Night game) Cost: $128 per person, limited to 40 travelers only Horses/cars? Airplanes? Trains/boats? Let’s see them all! And we will it all from a motor coach! Whatever your favorite mode of transportation, we will be learning about or experiencing it on this one-night tour Dixie Belle Riverboat, Toyota plant tour, the Aviation Museum of Kentucky, Old Friends horse park, Bluegrass railroad train excursion—it’s all here Eat dinner in the former Versailles railroad station, one lunch at Darlin’ Jean’s and one lunch at Shaker Village The Trustee’s Office Call now for your reservation form At this price, this short one-night trip will sell out fast! Wednesday, June 7–Thursday, June Cost: Starting at $399 per person, double occupancy (optional insurance at additional cost) Spring 2017 Seniority Insider Monday, July 31–Saturday, August Cost: Starting at $1,395 per person, double occupancy (optional insurance at additional cost) Price includes: Five nights’ accommodations, five full breakfasts, one picnic lunch, five dinners, local guide, all included museums and galleries, motor coach transportation, all taxes, tips and gratuities, and SO much more! As we make our way to Vermont, we will stay overnight in Erie, Penn While there, we will tour the Maritime Museum and enjoy dinner at the restored Union Station Traveling eastward, the Vermont landscape will surround us Once in the Green Mountain area of Vermont, we will be immersed in the history of these rural but artistic communities Grandma Moses, a tiny, lively woman with mischievous gray eyes, was known for her quick wit Her paintings reflect the America of the ‘50s We will see the Bennington Museum, which has the largest collection of her works in the world She and Norman Rockwell were friends (she appeared in his painting “Christmas Homecoming”), and we will see locations featuring both of these famed artists We will learn such skills as butter churning (try your hand), jam-making (make some to take home!), see craft beer being brewed and lots of other old-fashioned goodness while we are staying in the Vermont Country Lodge of the Green Mountains No one will want to miss a chance to shop at the Vermont Country Store! Perhaps you receive Member benefits their catalog and have been tempted to get some of their oldfashioned candy, clothing or kitchen gadgets Sample cheeses, dips and sweets while hearing about the history of the store and catalog from the family who founded the store An exciting inclusion is the Quechee Gorge, Vermont’s 165-foot-deep “Little Grand Canyon.” We will visit Billings Farm and enjoy a picnic lunch, plus explore Hildene, the Lincoln Family Home (Robert Todd) and the beautiful formal gardens Then on the way back to Ohio, we will again stop in Erie, dining at Demetri’s on the Lake and stopping at the historic Dunkirk Lighthouse (1826) Come along with us and experience this trip—sure to be the envy of all your friends This is a TriHealth Seniority exclusive, so not delay Innovation, Motivation and Inspiration founded in 1959 Studio A produced such hits as “Please Mr Postman,” “My Guy,” “Baby Love” and “I Heard It Through the Grapevine.” So much history just north of Ohio! You probably haven’t been here since your children were young— think how much more you will enjoy it now as an adult! Lighthouse and Museum in Cape Elizabeth will fill in the history A lobster farewell dinner will round out the delights of the historic and quaint New England coast Partners in travel Nathanael Greene Lodge, RSVP 513 862 3633 Thursday, March 30, 11:30 a.m Seniority partners with several companies that offer wonderful group travel that’s a great value Some offer informational slideshows to provide tour details and get you even more excited! Make reservations to attend our no-obligation slideshow presentations, and when you arrive at the show, you will be entered for a chance to win a prize drawing Information slideshows: Bethesda North Hospital, RSVP 513 865 1700 Thursday, March 30, p.m Christmas on the Danube Presented by Collette Vacations Bethesda North Hospital and Good Samaritan Hospital • Gift shop discount • Cafeteria discount, including $6 meals on holidays • $5 off Older Adult Driver Ability Screening • Free “Brown Bag With a Pharmacist” medication consultation Health-Related Service Discounts •A  meriMed Home Infusion Services 15% off all products not covered by insurance; free delivery 513 942 3670 • Assisting Hands $1 off the regular hourly rate for independent living support 513 729 9999 • Audiology Screenings Free from Group Health at Anderson, Clifton, Kenwood, Mason, West Chester, Western Hills or Western Ridge offices 513 429 4327 New England Rails and Trails Presented by Premier World Discovery • Bernens Medical Pharmacy 15% off nonprescription items 513 471 7575 • Burlington Pharmacy Healthcare 15% off nonprescription items; free delivery from four area locations 859 586 6700 Saturday, December 2–Sunday, December 10 Cost: Starting from $3,349 per person, double occupancy Price includes: Round-trip airfare, one night’s lodging in Wednesday, September 6–Friday, September Cost: Starting at $640 per person, double occupancy (optional insurance at additional cost) Price includes: Two nights’ accommodations, breakfast treats, two breakfasts, one lunch with dessert, two dinners with dessert, all included attraction entrance fees, motor coach transportation, and all taxes, tips and gratuities Creativity and inventiveness at its American best! Be inspired by American ingenuity as it’s off to Michigan we go! Visit the Edsel and Eleanor Ford House—a 60-room mansion! Admire the breathtaking grounds, elegance and history as we see the home of Henry Ford’s only son, Edsel The Ford Rouge Factory tour shows us innovation in manufacturing that could have come only from America: the world’s largest living roof, the F-150 pickup truck (the best-selling truck in America since 1977)—and see it all in a 90-minute tour The Henry Ford Museum offers a 12-acre site of transportation, power and ship machinery Spend an afternoon at Greenfield Village, an outdoor living museum with 80 historic homes, workplaces and community buildings; Thomas Edison’s Menlo Park laboratory; the bicycle shop of the Wright brothers, where they designed and built their first airplane; the house where Noah Webster wrote the first dictionary; and the boyhood home of pioneer Harvey Firestone For many, Detroit means music We will visit Hitsville U.S.A., where Motown was Friday, September 29–Friday, October Cost: $3,025 per person, double occupancy (This price includes a $100 per-person discount if final payment is made by check.) Price includes: Round-trip airfare; seven nights’ lodging in first-class hotels; 11 meals; two rail journeys; Boston City tour; Faneuil Hall Marketplace; Woodstock; Ben & Jerry’s factory; Portland, Maine; Quechee Gorge; Casco Bay cruise; maple sugar farm, fully guided; hometown pickup; and more! A Boston City tour will take us from Boston Commons to Old State House to the Old North Church, famous for Paul Revere’s ride, to Old Ironsides We’ll then travel through the White Mountains to the Mount Washington Cog Railway for a three-hour ride to the top of the highest peak in the northeast, Mount Washington Another rail ride on board the Conway Scenic Railroad takes us through the valley On another morning, the most popular New England scenic drive, Kancamagus Highway, awaits with spectacular views of rushing rivers and covered bridges Continuing on to Quechee Gorge, we will see Woodstock and the Billings Farm & Museum Cold Hollow Cider Mill plus a stop at the yummy Ben & Jerry’s factory will ensure the day is full of delicious treats At other stops, we will sample Vermont maple sweets and learn about the sugaring process Traveling up the East Coast, we arrive in Portland, Maine, for a two-night stay A Casco Bay cruise and the Portland Head a first-class hotel, six nights on the MS Amadeus, 19 meals including the Captain’s Gala Dinner, Vienna, Passau, Regensburg, Wurzburg, Nuremberg, hometown pickup and more! Christmas markets, all along the beautiful Danube River, will be yours for shopping, visiting and tasting See history while you marvel at sparkling European Christmas treasures and visit lavish palaces Unpack once in your luxury cabin, and the rest of the tour is up to you Get off in each of the beautiful cities and see the markets, taste the lebkuchen, or watch as you cruise past the charming small and large villages that dot the picturesque landscape On one included excursion, visit the 900-year-old Benedictine Melk Abbey, one of Europe’s largest Baroque monasteries Cruise into Passau where the three rivers meet, then explore Vienna with the awe-inspiring St Stephen’s Cathedral or some of Vienna’s famous pastries This is an incredibly beautiful and relaxing way to see the Christmas markets, some of which have been around since 1628 Information slideshows: Nathanael Greene Lodge, RSVP 513 862 3633 Tuesday, April 11, 11:30 a.m Bethesda North Hospital, RSVP 513 865 1700 Monday, April 10, p.m Spring 2017 Seniority Insider • Home Instead $1 off the hourly retail rate for new clients Hamilton County 513 333 0563 | Butler/Warren 513 701 3141 Clermont/Brown 513 576 1250 • Independent You 15% off all items from this shop featuring adaptive devices and clothing 513 761 1866 • Kunkle Pharmacy 15% off nonprescription items 513 231 1943 •L  ensCrafters 20% off eyeglasses, 20% off contacts ID# 910-6857 •M  ed Mart 15% off any nonprescription item; $1,250 off a walk-in tub or $300 off a stairlift (Offers cannot be used together.) 800 950 4400 •P  atient Aids 20% off home care equipment up to $100 maximum discount 513 984 8876 •P  earle Vision 25% off eyeglasses, 20% off contacts •S  ynergy HomeCare of Cincinnati Three hours of caregiverassisted transportation for $50 (25% savings) 513 469 CARE (2273) •T  riHealth Fitness & Health Pavilion Free one-week guest pass ($50 value) 513 246 2611 ãT  riHealth Home Connectionsđ Personal Emergency Response Systems One month free service 513 569 5115 COMING IN 2018 Benefit highlight: Hawaiian Adventure Presented by Collette Vacations Historic South Presented by Premier World Discovery TriHealth Seniority event locations Bethesda North Fitness Center 10552 Montgomery Road Cincinnati, OH 45242 Bethesda North Hospital 10500 Montgomery Road Cincinnati, OH 45242 15% off at Independent You Discover simplicity at Independent You, Cincinnati’s first special needs clothing and accessories store This specialty retailer offers a full selection of items that promote independence and confidence for seniors, people with disabilities and others seeking to ease their lifestyle To assist when those everyday tasks have become more difficult, Independent You offers adaptive aids, walkers, wheelchair and cane accessories, and a full line of adaptive clothing for men and women It is owned and operated by experienced former health care social workers who are eager to help people in overcoming life’s everyday challenges Seniority members enjoy 15% off either in-store or online at independentyou.com/shop For more information, call 513 761 1866 434 Springfield Pike, Cincinnati, OH 45215 Holiday meals In partnership with TriHealth Nutrition Services, Seniority members may enjoy a holiday meal at either the Bethesda North or Good Samaritan hospital cafeteria for $6 when showing a Seniority membership card (Note: the salad bar is not included in the holiday meal Easter Sunday, April 16, 11:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m or 4:30–6 p.m Mother’s Day Sunday, May 14, 11:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m or 4:30–6 p.m Father’s Day Sunday, June 18, 11:30 a.m.– 1:30 p.m or 4:30–6 p.m Bethesda North Hospital RSVP: 513 865 1700 Blue Ash Fire Department, Station 13 10647 Kenwood Road Blue Ash, OH 45242 Sunday, February 4–Tuesday, February 13, 2018 Cost: $5,649 per person, double occupancy (This price includes Sunday, March 18–Saturday, March 24, 2018 Cost: $2,775 per person, double occupancy (This price a $100 discount per-person if booked before August 4, 2017.) includes a $100 per-person discount if final payment is made by check.) Price includes: Round-trip airfare, three nights’ lodging on Oahu, three nights in Kauai, three nights in Maui in first-class hotels, 13 meals including a Polynesian luau with unlimited tropical drinks, largest coffee estate in Hawaii, Waimea Canyon, Oahu’s famous north shore, USS Arizona Memorial, cruise on Wailua River, all air travel between islands, hometown pickup and more! February’s ice and snow in Cincinnati versus the sun-drenched Hawaiian Islands—there’s no comparison! Be welcomed at the airport with a traditional flower lei, then whisked to your hotel to relax—what a way to escape winter! The next day, remember Pearl Harbor as you visit the USS Arizona Enjoy a journey along Oahu’s north shore where the legendary waves attract the world’s best surfers Waves range from to 40 feet! A short flight to Kauai, the Garden Island, takes you to the ancient Polynesian and breathtaking Wiamea Canyon There will be time to stroll the beaches or indulge in the resort’s fun activities One day, step aboard an open air boat for a cruise along the tranquil Wailua River See Fern Grotto, hula dancers and more Travel through sugarcane fields and see the old royal capital of Lahaina, once home to the world’s largest whaling fleets Another day, you will have time to yourself on Maui, where you can stroll along the beach, shop for souvenirs or enjoy the luxurious resort A traditional Polynesian luau with unlimited tropical drinks and a sumptuous feast is included Come enjoy the sun, the sand and the surf of this American paradise! Information slideshows: Bethesda North Hospital, RSVP 513 865 1700 Monday, April 10, 2017, p.m Nathanael Greene Lodge, RSVP 513 862 3633 Tuesday, April 11, 2017, 11:30 a.m Price includes: Round-trip airfare, two nights in Historic District Charleston, two nights in Historic District Savannah, two nights in St Augustine, 10 meals including dinner at The Pirates’ House restaurant founded in 1753 and lunch at the famous Jekyll Island Club, Fort Sumter, Boone Hall Plantation, horse-drawn carriage tour, trolley tours of Jekyll Island and Old Spanish Quarter, hometown pickup and more! Imagine spring in one of the most beautiful and charming parts of our country, the Old South Enjoy a city tour of Charleston, founded in 1670 From the marina, board our cruise boat to Fort Sumter, and the next day, visit Boone Hall Plantation with its half-mile entrance lined with camellias and azaleas See Savannah, whose entire restored center is a registered National Historic Landmark In Beaufort, enjoy a horse-drawn carriage tour to learn about the Civil War history and see antebellum and Victorian architecture Stroll the cobblestone streets of Factors Walk and River Street Travel to Jekyll Island and take a trolley tour to view the “cottages” owned by the Rockefellers, Vanderbilts and J.P Morgan Feel very “high society” as you dine at the famous Jekyll Island Club, then travel south to the oldest city in the United States, St Augustine, which dates back to 1565 With two afternoons at leisure, you can truly relax and enjoy the flowers and enchanting landscapes as you relish this trip to the traditional Old South Information slideshows: Nathanael Greene Lodge, RSVP 513 862 3633 Thursday, March 30, 2017, 11:30 a.m Bethesda North Hospital, RSVP 513 865 1700 Thursday, March 30, 2017, p.m Bridgetown Church of Christ 3854 Race Road Cincinnati, OH 45211 Colerain Township Fire Department Station 2850 West Kemper Road Cincinnati, OH 45251 Deer Park-Silverton Joint Fire District Station 7050 Blue Ash Road Cincinnati, OH 45236 Good Samaritan Hospital 375 Dixmyth Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45220 Good Samaritan Western Ridge 6949 Good Samaritan Drive (off Harrison Avenue) Cincinnati, OH 45247 Nathanael Greene Lodge 6394 Wesselman Road Cincinnati, OH 45248 Ohio Living Llanfair Retirement Community 1701 Llanfair Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45224 TriHealth Fitness & Health Pavilion 6200 Pfeiffer Road (at I-71) Montgomery, OH 45242 TriHealth Rehab Hospital Good Samaritan Hospital RSVP: 513 862 3633 2155 Dana Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45207 COST: $6 (Seniority membership card required) 10 Spring 2017 Seniority Insider 11 NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S POSTAGE PAID Cincinnati, OH Permit #9177 Address Service Requested Your Spring Calendar of Events Inside! 619 Oak Street Cincinnati, OH 45206 Seniority Insider is a publication for members of TriHealth Seniority TriHealth Senior Services A comprehensive network of services for older adults and their families Editors Pamela Baird Seniority Administrator Bethesda North Hospital 513 865 1700 pamela_baird@TriHealth.com Candy Hart, RN Seniority Administrator Good Samaritan Hospital 513 862 3633 candy_hart@TriHealth.com Lori Baker, MSW, LSW Director of Senior Services AmeriMed 513 942 3670 In-home IV therapy, nutritional support and anti-infective therapies Driver’s Evaluation 513 569 6777 Comprehensive evaluation for those with a major life disability; physician referral required Hospice of Cincinnati 513 891 7700 Comfort-oriented care for terminally ill patients and their families Navigator for Senior Services 513 569 6200 Health information and referral service Older Adult Driver Ability Screening 513 569 6777 Confidential ability screening; no physician referral required TriHealthSeniorsHealth.com Senior Behavioral Health 513 862 4100 Specialized inpatient and clinical program dedicated to the mental health needs of older adults Senior Membership Program Events, travel, classes and discounts Bethesda North Hospital 513 865 1700 Good Samaritan Hospital 513 862 3633 TriHealth Find a Doctor 513 569 5400 Physician referral service TriHealth Home Connections® 513 569 5115 Personal emergency response systems and home safety services

Ngày đăng: 27/10/2022, 20:08