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ANNUNCIATION OBSERVER January– February 2017 Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral 7220 Granby Street Norfolk, VA 23505 Holy Theophany: The Baptism of Jesus and the Blessing of The Waters By Scott Carins (English professor, poet and Orthodox author) case you had wondered, this is where our larger story also bears, for Orthodox Christians, both the revelation of Jesus as the Christ and the implication of the mystery at the center of our specifically Trinitarian Faith, alluding as it does to One God in Three Persons “When He had been baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened to Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on Him And suddenly a voice came from heaven, saying ‘This is My beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased.” On January 6, Orthodox Christians celebrate another of the Twelve Great Feasts of the Christian Church — the Theophany, or, The troparion sung during our celebration of the feast indias it is also called, the Epiphany It is the day that Jesus is baptized cates how we have come to appreciate this curious phenomenon: in the River Jordan by the holy prophet and “forerunner” John, the day that Jesus of Nazareth, stepson of the aging carpenter Joseph, is revealed also to be the Christ, the Son of the eternal God When You, O Lord were baptized in the Jordan The worThat’s pretty big talk, admittedly Still, ship of the Trinity was made manifest, For the it is a vision that we are pleased to affirm, and voice of the Father bore witness to You And (here’s one additional mystery) it is something called You His beloved Son, While the Spirit, in that by thus affirming we gradually come to bethe form of a dove, Confirmed the truthfulness of hold As with many beauties, this is apprehended His word O Christ, our God, You have revealed only by those who are willing to see Yourself And have enlightened the world, glory Early on, both the Nativity of Christ and to You! the Theophany were celebrated on this same day, Jan 6, but in the 4th Century the feasts were Perhaps of increased importance, as separated and the Christmas celebration was well — and surely of some interest even to those moved to December 25th, a day on which the who not share our faith — this is the Great pagans — as Metropolitan Hiertheos has written Feast when our minds are most directed to the — “celebrated the sun god, and the Christians sanctification of the earth itself, and to the healthe sun of righteousness,” the Light of the ing, the recovery of the stuff of our creation This world is when we celebrate what we call “The Great Historically, the Forerunner John — Blessing of the Waters.” Following further prothat famous wild man who lived on nuts and phetic readings from Isaiah and the accounts of wild honey, and dressed in camel hair — was in the Gospels, our priest plunges the holy cross the habit of calling errant Jews to repentance, into a basin of water, three times, each time enand a good many of them were pleased to receive treating the Lord — who blessed the waters of his words He also baptized them, as a performthe Jordan by entering into it — to hear our ance of the new birth and new life to which they prayer: were committing themselves While he was going about it, this same John was also in the habit of quoting scripture, in particular the following passage from the Prophet Isaiah: “Incline your ear and hear us, Lord, who accepted to be baptized in Jordan and to sanctify the waters, and bless us all, who signify our calling as servants by the bending of our necks And “The voice of one crying in the wilderness: ‘Prepare the count us worthy to be filled with your sanctification through the way of the Lord; Make His paths straight Every valley shall be partaking and sprinkling of this water And let it be for us, Lord, for filled And every mountain and hill brought low; The crooked places healing of soul and body For you are the sanctification of our souls shall be made straight And the rough ways smooth; and bodies, and to you we give glory, thanksgiving and worship, And all flesh shall see the salvation of God.’” with your Father who is without beginning, and your All-holy, good and life-giving Spirit, now and forever, and to the ages of ages.” The four Evangelists’ accounts of the event are found in Matthew 3:13-17, Mark 1:9-11, Luke 3:21-22, and John 1:32-34, I am often asked what it is that distinguishes early Eastern and each of their stories goes pretty much like this passage accord- Christianity — that is, Orthodoxy — from most other expressions ing to Saint Matthew: of the Christian Faith My sense of that distinction is simple but profound: the Orthodox Church is all about healing, it is about the “Then Jesus came from Galilee to John at the Jordan to be recovery of that divinity — His very countenance — that has been baptized by him And John tried to prevent Him, saying, ‘I need to be baptized by You, and You are coming to me?’But Jesus answered marked on us Orthodoxy teaches us that this healing begins with the soul, extends to the body, and extends to all creation We are not and said to him, ‘Permit it to be so now, for thus it is fitting for us about spiritual transcendence of the material world, but about reto fulfill all righteousness.’ Then John allowed Him.” infusing that world with His Life-giving Spirit This recovery is what is figured — is physically performed — by the particular bapThis is when the story becomes very, very good And, in tism we celebrate today Page ANNUNCIATION GREEK ORTHODOX CATHEDRAL Rev Father George Bessinas Presiding Priest Rev Protopresbyter Constantine P Rogakos Associate Priest Thomas Manuel Pastoral Assistant/Youth Director SUNDAY SERVICES  ORTHROS: 8:45 am DIVINE LITURGY: 10:00 am WEEKDAYS: ORTHROS: 8:30 am PARISH COUNCIL 2016 Officers President Yiannis Papelis 1st Vice President Cindy Dragas 2nd Vice President George Neskis Linda Meares, Phil Roussis, DIVINE LITURGY: 9:30 am  Katherine P Milonas  Choir Director Orthodox Campus Ministry Christiana Vastardas, President Christopher Kypros  GOYA Advisors  Head Chanter Dance Directors Efthimios (Tim) Dermanis Dr Maria Mendrions, Bessie Piperides   Altar Servers Philoptochos Society John Mangus, Jr., Coordinator JoAnna Goumenis, President   Stewards of the Altar Hellenic Woman’s Club Presvytera Eleni Rogakos Elizabeth Woods—President   Bible Study Cathedral Office Secretary John Koubaroulis Jane Williams, Coordinator Helen Manuel, Office Administrator  Bonnie Winstead, Bookkeeper Treasurer Kathy Stephanitsis Presvytera Eleni Rogakos  Irene Pahno Layout Editor: Thomas Manuel  Editor in Chief: Fr George Bessinas Members Tony Damalas John Katsias John Stepanovich John Maroulis Martha Pantelides Steve Webb  Stewardship Committee Yiannis Papelis, Kathy Stephanitsis, Cindy Dragas  Sunday School Martha Pantelides, Director  Greek School George Pantas, Director Emilia Simmons, Deputy Director Library Cultural Committee  Jane Williams  Golden Years Mailing Volunteers Chris Bachas, Fred & Diana Roybal, Dwight and Pela Jenkins, Toulla Koyzis, Iris Pappas Virginia Elliott, President  Annunciation Observer O.C.M.C Des Dandalides  I.O.C.C Check out the following links: Maria Herring   www.goarch.org HOPE/JOY Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Kelly Pedos Bredologos   www.nj.goarch.org Agape Metropolis of New Jersey Maria Achilleos   www.annunciationva.org Community Dinner Yiannis Papelis  Young Adult League Thomas Manuel  Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral Annunciation Cathedral Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/31428115532 8536/ Stavroula Marshall, Teacher Dr Maria Mendrinos, PTO The Annunciation Observer: Published bi-monthly Distributed to Parish Families The Annunciation Observer is published by The Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral, 7220 Granby Street, Norfolk, VA 23505 Vasilopita– St Basil’s Bread The tradition of baking and cutting a special "pita" (which can mean a loaf of bread, a cake, or even a pie) each year on January 1st is observed in honor of our holy father Basil the Great, archbishop of Caesarea in Cappodocia hence its name "Vasilopita" meaning "St Basil's Bread." This tradition is observed in both parish churches and in the homes of the faithful What is the meaning of this tradition and how did it begin? For centuries upon centuries, parents, grandparents and godparents have related the following to Orthodox children about St Basil and the Vasilopita One year, during a time of terrible famine, the emperor levied a sinfully excessive tax upon the people of Caesarea The tax was such a heavy burden upon the already impoverished people that to avoid debtors' prison each family had to relinquish its few remaining coins and pieces of jewelry, including precious family heirlooms Learning of this injustice upon his flock, St Basil the Great, the archbishop of Caesarea, took up his bishop's staff and the book of the holy Gospels and came to his people's defense by fearlessly calling the emperor to repentance By God's grace, the emperor did repent! He canceled the tax and instructed his tax collectors to turn over to St Basil all of the chests containing the coins and jewelry which had been paid as taxes by the people of Caesarea But now St Basil was faced with the daunting and impossible task of returning these thousands of coins and pieces of A Simple Recipe for Vasilopita Ingredients               cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter Page jewelry to their rightful owners After praying for a long time before the icons of our Master Christ and His All-Holy Mother, St Basil had all the treasures baked into one huge pita He then called all the townspeople to prayer at the cathedral, and, after Divine Liturgy, he blessed and cut the pita, giving a piece to each person Miraculously, each owner received in his piece of Vasilopita his own valuables They all joyfully returned home, giving thanks to God who had delivered them from abject poverty and to their good and holy bishop St Basil the Great! In remembrance of that miracle wrought by God as a result of St Basil's love and defense of his people, Orthodox Christians have observed the tradition of the Vasilopita each year on January 1st the date on which St Basil reposed in the Lord in the year 379 In some places the Vasilopita is prepared as a loaf of rich bread (like that used for Artoklasia), while in other places it takes the form of a spicy sheet cake (without frosting) But no matter what form a Vasilopita may take, they all have one thing in common each contains a single coin After placing the bread dough or cake batter in the proper baking pan, the baker makes with the foil-wrapped coin the sign of the Cross over it, closes his/her eyes, and then secretely places it into the unbaked Vasilopita After the Vasilopita is baked and cooled, it is blessed and cut following Divine Liturgy for the feast of St Basil on January 1st In a large bowl of an electric mixer, cream the butter until it is light and fluffy Beat in the sugar and beat until the mixture is light Beat in the eggs, one a time, beating well after each addition Beat in the orange and lemon rinds, and the crushed/powdered sour cherry pits and gum mastic In a separate bowl, sift together three cups of the flour, the baking powder and salt cup sugar extra-large eggs Grated rind of large oranges Grated rind of large lemons 1/2 teaspoon crushed/powdered sour cherry pits (Greek makhlepi) teaspoons crushed/powdered gum mastic (Greek mastikha) cups flour teaspoons baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup milk egg yolk blended with tablespoon milk sesame seeds blanched almonds a clean coin - a quarter will nicely - wrapped in silver or gold foil Preparation Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Thickly butter a 10-inch round spring form pan With the mixer on low speed, gradually beat in the dry mixture alternately with the milk The batter will be very thick Using a wooden spoon, gradually blend in the remaining flour, beating well until completely smooth Spread the batter into the pan, press the coin into the dough until it is completely covered (don't let anyone see where you place it!), and then smooth the top Brush the top evenly with the egg and milk mixture and sprinkle with sesame seeds Gently press the blanched almonds into the top to make a Cross and spell out the date of the new year Bake for 45 minutes, until golden brown (if it browns too quickly, cover the top with aluminum foil) Cool in the pan for 15 minutes before removing from spring form and thoroughly cool before slicing Page EVENTS IN PICTURES EVENTS IN PICTURES Page Page Page CULTURAL COMMITTEE Movie Nights We will continue to preHappy New Year! sent a documentary or movie each Ευχομεθα σε ολους Χρονια Πολλα month Dates to be announced in και Ευλογημενα! the Sunday bulletins and through Book Club email communications The book club is open to January, "El Greco," An everyone who likes to read Please epic tale of an uncompromising join us for fun, insightful and inter- artist and fighter for freedom, esting discussions of our chosen Do minico s Theo to kopo ulo s, selections known to the world as “El Greco.” Jan 17, Tuesday, at 11 The film was shot in Crete, Athens, a.m in the Cathedral Library: "Out Rhodes and Spain Music by Vanof Arcadia" by Nicholas D Kok- gelis The movie has won eight onis “Out of Arcadia” is the se- awards Language: English/Greek quel to " Arcadia My Arcadia." with subtitles This book is about the American      Odyssey of Angelo Vlahos    s Feb 21, Tuesday, at 11 a.m in the Cathedral Library: " The Red Tent" by Anita Diamant This is the story of Dinah, daughter of Jacob and sister of Joseph She is a minor character in the Old Testament, but the author has broadened her story March 21 Tuesday, at 11 a.m in the Cathedral Library: "A Long Way Home" by Saroo Brierley This is the miraculous and triumphant true story of Saroo Brierley, a young man who used Google Earth to rediscover his childhood life and home in an incredible journey from India to Australia and back again Annunciation LIBRARY s      s “ .”               s February, Cloudy Sunday – Ouzeri Tsitsanis, During World War II, when Greece is under the submission of the Germans, one Christian man, Giorgos, falls in love with a Jewish woman, Estrea, something that is completely forbidden Can they and their families overcome all the obstacles, along with the racial discrimination and hardship? The story mainly unfolds in an ouzeri, in which Tsitsanis, one of the greatest Greek composers, librettists and singers of the 20th century, works Donations were received from: Ms Anna Tsivourakis (book on Repentance), Mrs Tasy Penner The library staff encourages ALL Annunciation mem- (religious books from Greece), Mrs Vasso Drakou (novels from bers to start their new year by visiting our library Greece), Mr Nick Harrison (books about the Greeks), M/M Gus Below is a list of some of the RELIGIOUS books available for James (informative books on different subjects), M/M Alex Koyour personal reading: tarides (the two books written by Nick Kokonis on Arcadia) What We See and Hear in a Greek Orthodox Church, The Mystery of the Church, Understanding the Greek Orthodox A monetary donation was made by Anna Tsivourakis in memory Church, Orthodox Christian Beliefs about the Bible, Sacred Sym- of Dr George Dandalides bols Used in the Orthodox Church, Of Life and Salvation Please make a monetary tax-deductible contribution to the Also—on a shelf in the RELIGION section sit fifteen Annunciation Library this New Year of 2017 so that NEW pubNEW easy-to-understand books on different Bible topics Each lished materials can be bought to meet the needs of the Sunday title begins with the word “ALL”, such as: School program, the Oratorical Festival, and the Annunciation All the Men in the Bible Family! THANK YOU!!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! LIBRARY HOURS—Every Wednesday from 10:00 A.M to 1:00 P.M for all members of the Annunciation family, and every Sunday for upper Sunday School classes Page ~ January 2017 ~ Sun Mon Tue Wed New Years Day The Circumcision of Christ and St Basil the Great Orthros 8:45 Liturgy 10 Office Closed Thu Fri Royal Hours of Theophany Orthros 8:30 am, Liturgy 9:30 am Great Agiasmos Holy Theophany Orthros 8:30 am, Liturgy 9:30 am, Great Agiasmos St John the Baptist Orthros 8:30 Liturgy 9:30 Hope & Joy Vasilopita Activity 13 14 Community Dinner 6:00pm Orthros 8:45 am Divine Liturgy 10 Greek School 4:30 pm 10 12 Women’s Study Group 10am Greek School Golden Years 4:30 pm 10:30 Greek School 4:30 Bible Study 6:30 Greek School 4:30 pm Community Dinner 6:00pm 19 Parish Council Oath of office Vasilopita Luncheon GOYA Basketball 15 16 17 Orthros 8:45 am Divine Liturgy 10 Office Closed Women’s Study Group 10am Folk Dance Festival GOYA Meeting Annapolis 6pm 11 18 Golden Years 10:30 Greek School Greek School 4:30 4:30 pm Sat Folk Dance Festival Annapolis 20 21 St Euthymius Greek School 4:30 the Great Orthros 8:30 pm Liturgy 9:30 Community Dinner 6:00pm Richmond Basketball Tournament 26 28 Bible Study 6:30 22 23 Orthros 8:45 am Divine Liturgy 10 Richmond Basketball Tournament Cretan Meeting Kefalos Meeting Greek School 4:30 pm GOYA Basketball 24 Women’s Study Group 10am Greek School Golden Years 10:30 4:30 pm Greek School 4:30 Bible Study 6:30 29 30 31 Orthros 8:45 am Divine Liturgy 10 Three Hierarchs Orthros 8:30 AM Liturgy 9:30 AM Greek School 4:30 pm GOYA Basketball NJ Clergy Retreat Women’s Study Group 10am Greek Letters Celebration Dance Ministry Glendi Notes: 25 Golden Years 10:30 Greek School 4:30 No bible study NJ Clergy Retreat Community Dinner 6:00pm 27 Page ~ February 2017~ Sun Mon Tue Wed Greek School Orthros 8:45 am Divine Liturgy 10 am 4:30 pm 11 Women’s Study Group 10am Golden Years, 10:30 Greek School 4:30 St Theodore the Commander Greek School St Haralambos Orthros 8:30 4:30 pm Orthros 8:30 Liturgy 9:30 Liturgy 9:30 Community Dinner Greek School 6:00pm 4:30 pm 12 13 14 Greek School 4:30 pm Women’s Study Group 10am Greek School Golden Years, 10:30 4:30 pm Philoptochos Luncheon Meeting Sat HWC Bake Sale/Craft Show William and Mary OCF Retreat GOYA Basketball Orthros 8:45 am Divine Liturgy 10 am Fri Presentation of William and Mary our Lord into the OCF Retreat Temple Orthros 8:30 Liturgy 9:30 Greek School 4:30 pm NJ Clergy Retreat Community Dinner 6:00pm Stewardship Sunday Triodion Begins Fast Free Week Thu Bible Study 6:30 15 GOYA Basketball Greek School 4:30 16 10 17 Hope/Joy Kolyva Workshop Cretan Dinner Dance Hellenic Center 18 AHEPA Apokreatiko Glendi Community Dinner 6:00pm Greek School 4:30 Bible Study 6:30 19 20 21 GOYA basketball Women’s Study Group 10am Golden Years, 10:30 Greek School 4:30 Meatfare Sunday Orthros 8:45 am Divine Liturgy 10 am HWC Luncheon Meeting Bible Study 6:30 26 27 Cheesefare Great Lent Begins Sundday Orthros 8:45 am Compline 6:30 Divine Liturgy 10 am Bible Study following compline 28 Women’s Study Group 10am Golden Years, 10:30 Greek School 4:30 22 23 Greek School 4:30 pm Community Dinner 6:00pm 24 25 Page 10 Stewardship Thank you to everyone who has filled out a stewardship card for 2016 As of December 15, we have received 290 cards and $362,182 towards our goal of $390,000 With the New Year upon us, we hope that you will take a moment to fill out a stewardship card for 2017 We our currently updating our system to the new software, Parish Data System This program will be a tremendous asset to our clergy, pastoral assistant, office staff and ministries I would like to take a moment to tell you a story When I was a child, I helped my father, Jim Clark (a child of the depression from Alabama), work our large vegetable garden We didn’t have very much and my Dad (a WW II veteran who served in the Pacific) worked three jobs We truly depended on what we grew My father taught me that each crop had its own particular needs the timing of the planting, the depth of the seed, when to fertilize and water, and when to harvest Of course being a kid, I wanted to ride my bike, read a book or watch the latest episode of Star Trek instead of pulling weeds or hauling buckets of water I didn’t realize that my father in his own quiet way was teaching me about my favorite parable Fast forward a few years to college There I met a young woman who was beautiful inside and out She had a loving soul and a true heart of gold She invited me to join her and her friends at the Greek table in the student center There I met an amazing group of people, some of whom are here today They talked passionately and with emotion about everything One topic that captured my attention the most was when they talked of their faith They spoke about growing up surrounded by family, their youth group, church on Sunday and the beauty of something called Holy Week My new friends, whether they knew it or not, were planting seeds at that table and the Orthodox Church I heard about the Theotokos and how her acceptance of God’s request changed the world forever I learned that we are all members of the Body of Christ and that without love I am nothing but a noisy gong I learned that faith is not an academic pursuit but must come from the heart and that in the words of Saint John Chrisostom “Orthodox isn’t a name you call yourself, Orthodox is a life you live” In the 36 years that I have been in this community you’ve taught me many things You’ve taught me about family You’ve taught me how family can passionately disagree about who has the best team, UVA or VA TECH, but still come together to enjoy the game We can debate enthusiastically who has the best recipe for tsoureki but still come together to break bread And as members of the Body of Christ we come together with faith and love to partake of the Mystical Supper You’ve taught me about unconditional love I’ve even learned some Greek along the way Koukla (κούκλα), Koumbara (κουμπάρα), moutra (μουτρα) but there are other words you teach me every day through your actions You’ve taught me philotimo (φιλοτιμο), ipomone (υπομονή), Irene (ειρήνη), me fovasee (μη φοβάσαι), seehoreesee (συγχώρεση) and agape (αγάπη), Thank you for teaching me the deep meanings of these words every day through our stewardship to our beloved Cathedral Thank you for teaching that in a culture that encourages to focus on ourselves, OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST challenges us to reset our priorities Thank you for opening your arms and hearts years ago to embrace a timid Baptist girl Thank you for teaching me about God’s love and I ask your forgiveness for the times I have fallen short During this time, I met Greg Dragas on a Norfolk softball field He was the coach of a team called Annunciation (all of Protestant teams were curious what that word meant) I was the score keeper for the arch rival Baptist team We exchanged lineups behind the backstop and a mere three years later he asked me out (Greg isn’t one who makes quick decisions.) Not long after our first date, I asked him if I could go to church with him He told me about the Divine Liturgy and that I would hear ancient hymns, smell fragrant incense as our prayers rose toward heaven, and be surrounded by icons of saints to remind us of sacrifice and to connect us with the past I think of the words of a saint of our Church, Maria Skobtsova, Saint Maria of Paris, who gave her life to save another She said “ No amount of thought will ever result in any greater formulation than these three words ‘love one another’” That day at the end of the Liturgy, Father Charles Goumenis came forward to give the sermon He spoke of love and forgiveness In that sermon, I learned about God May you have a blessed New Year To end I would like to quote the author Robert Louis Stevenson “Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant” I pray that together we continue to scatter good seed in the field and that we sow the seeds of kindness, patience, truth, acceptance, peace, forgiveness, and love Cindy Dragas Stewardship Committee Page 11 Ladies Philoptochos Society The ladies of the Philoptochos Society of the Annunciation Cathedral have begun monthly meetings, activities, fundraising efforts and philanthropic pursuits, particularly as we approach the holiday season, when there seems to be an even greater need We welcome the ladies of our community who are not currently members to join our chapter and become involved in making a difference in our community, nation and world through our ministry’s efforts Please Join us for the Vasilopita Celebration 2017 Sponsored by Philoptochos Annual Vasilopita Luncheon VASILOPITA LUNCHEON The Philoptochos annual Vasilopita Luncheon is scheduled for Jan Please join us as we bless our ministries and community for the coming year Sunday January 8, 2017 FEBRUARY GENERAL MEETING A general meeting will be held Feb 12 at the church Please plan to attend and bring a new member along! after the Div Liturgy in the Hellenic Center JOIN OUR MISSION – BECOME A PHILOPTOCHOS MEMBER Be part of the Philoptochos sisterhood and mission The Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Society, Inc., is a duly accredited women's philanthropic society of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Our mission statement includes aiding the needy and sick, promoting the charitable purposes of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese through educational resources, perpetuating Orthodox Christian traditions, and promoting participation in the Greek Orthodox community Join today and help make a difference in our community, state, country and world SHARE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESSES Philoptochos is trying to collect every member’s email address Please email jgoumenis@centurylink.net with your email address(es) so we can add you to the list to facilitate better communications Stewardship Philoptochos annual stewardship of $30 are now due for the 2017 calendar year Prompt payment of your dues is greatly appreciated AGORA The Philoptochos Society has a small market, the Agora, in the Hellenic Center, where we sell some traditional Greek foods and items Please support our Agora – it’s a great place to pick up hard-to-find items and even has some good gift ideas Proceeds from the Agora help fund Philoptochos projects Άγιος Βασίλης έρχεται! All Proceeds Support Saint Basil’s Academy As always, anyone who would like to volunteer to help with any of our projects, please contact any board member for information Assistance is always appreciated Sincerely, Lia Russell JoAnna Goumenis Publicity Chairman President Community Dinner Page 12 St Maria of Paris Community Outreach Ministry Thanks You! "For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me." Matthew 25:35 The community dinner celebrated the two- year anniversary this past March In reflecting on the past two years, one thing has become clear Working to help others is wonderful activity that brings people together and often helps those who volunteer more than those who receive This is not to say that our guests not appreciate the Thursday meal; to the contrary, we continuously hear excellent comments about the food and hospitality But it has been a blessing to see parishioners and non-parishioners alike, young and old, come together and work hard each Thursday to create and deliver a small token of our Cathedral’s appreciation to the community An exciting event this past year was the recognition of the ministry and volunteers in the archdiocese website and blog You can find the material at either: goarch.org/archdiocese/departments/parishdevelopment EveryGoodandPerfectGift.org/st-marias-table/ This year, the ministry outreach expanded the volunteer efforts beyond preparation and delivery of the Thursday dinner In October, the ministry collected and delivered 100 coats to the Wesley clothes closet In November, a drive was conducted for toiletries and other personal hygiene items that were donated to the Norfolk Emergency Shelter Team (NEST) and in December, ministry volunteers assisted with NEST registration and preparing bags for distribution to Norfolk homeless When we started the ministry, it was our wish to extend beyond offering a meal, and activities this year have been consistent with this plan As always, it is the numerous volunteers and donors who make everything happen in the ministry The committee thanks each and every one of you With your help, a total of 278 volunteers organized 46 dinners, hosted 3,109 guests and provided 4555 servings during 2016 Donors included 52 organizations and individuals who provided monetary donations or gifts in kind We look forward to continuing our efforts for 2017 TEAM CAPTAINS Congratulations to the Team Captains who have successfully and efficiently organized their teams for multiple dinners during 2016 COOKS, SERVERS AND GREETERS Thank you to the following cooks, servers and greeters who supported their Team Captains and offered their time to serve those in need Maria Achilleos Patti, Caitlin, Courtney & Hunter Allen Thanos Andritsos Paula Alexakis Evan Almyrantis Spiro Apostolakis Katherine Anninos Denise Auraynsen Jereomy Ayers Chris Bachas Bessie &Leon Barnes Veda Cantero Cori Celliares Presbytera Chrysanthie, Sotiria, Christopher, Andreas, Niko and Demetri Bessinas The Birthisel Family Roman Blair Johhny & Michelle Boogades Ta’boise Boone Eloise Bore Susan Bore Bob & Natalie Bradford John & Stella Brangan Sylvia Butler The Cain Family Stephanie Catherines The Catravas Family Persi Charalambous Dean Chioros The Chrysostomides Family The Clay Family Connor Conelias Presbytera Athena Constantinou Cynthia Coureas Fr John Cox Lew & Ander Crenshaw Christos & Tony Damalas DD Darling Emily, Ray and Selena Davis The Delidakis Family Harry Delyannis George Dimas John Douglas The Douklias Family Bridget Downing Meg Downing Cindy, Greg and Gregory Dragas Lynne Eklund Helen Emmons The Feliberti Family The Ferguson Family Richard Fouad Helen Gabriel Alexis and Hannah Garland Helen Gavaris Billy Giannoutsos Patty Giannotsos John Georghiou Mike Georghiou Melonie Georges Patty & Billy Giannoutsos Sophia Goanos Maria Grasos Joann Grindstaff Mike Griffith Helen Hahn Maria & Will Harless Jonathan Harrell Nick Harrison Barbara Higgins Al & Evelyn How Jack & Stella Jacovides Stephanie Joannou Evel Johnson Zachary Johnson Lydia Kampitsi Betty Kambitsis Charlene Karalis Heather & Vassilios Karangelen Evan Katsanos Stacie Katsias Carrie Knott John Koubaroulis Toulla Koyzis Tommy & Elaine Kyrus Takrim & Rich Labib Fr Michael Lambakis and Family Andreas Lazanas Takrim Labib Marian Leavitt Community Dinner Lona Liosatos Helen Brock Louis The Loucas Family Mary MacDougal Manonli & Maria Makridakis John Mangus The Manning Family The Manuel Family Thomas Manuel John Maroulis The Marshall Family Mia Mathas Philip Malamatos Linda Meares The Mendrinos Family Luke Mengel Fay Missaillidis David Miller Lily Miller Andrea & Bruce Mills Jim & Chris Milonas Fay Missalidis Jim & Nicholas Moscopoulos Anna Nagorniuk The Narlis Family Elias Nassam Vitaliy Nazarenko Hannah Nelson Andelo Neskis George Neskis Andy Nichols Athena O’Dea Maria O’Hearn Francine Pantak Aly Pantas Judy Pantelides Dimitri Papdopoulos Marina Papadopoulos The Papafil Family The Papelis Family Iris Pappas Rita Parish Maria Parker Anna Pedos Giovanna Peri Helen Pratsi The Pugliese Family Taylor Pulley Phil Roussis Fred & Diana Roybal Christina Rudloff Ron Russell Afi Savvakis Miro Savvakis Glenn Semones Cindy Shakallis The Skendaris Family Despina Sofroniou Stacie & Kathy Stasias Kathy Stephanitsis Anna Maria & Peppy Stepanovich Mary Sternberg Marilyn Stulb Baily Sullivan Maryann Tadros Lena Thames Page 13 The Tryphonas Family Anna Tsivourakis Dino Tsakonas Kathy Valianos The Vastardis Family Ted & Tisa Vergakis Mary Venable Stella & Joyce Venetidy Kostas Vlasakakis Patti Wainger Nia Webb Nikki Webb Alexia & Jane Williams Sam Williams Tina Williams Jonathan Wise Kylie Wheeler Debbie Woodell Elizabeth Woods Mike Zarpas Ev Zervoudakis DONORS The Committee would like to offer a heart-felt thank you to families and organizations that have made generous financial donations as well as significant in-kind contributions to the ministry Your support is greatly appreciated Annunciation AHEPA Annunciation GOYA Annunciation Kefalos Society Annunciation Greek Festival Committee Annuniciation Philoptochos Society Annunciation Hellenic Women’s Club Azalea Inn Ladies Lunch Bunch St Nicholas Philoptochos Society Anonymous John Apera Curtis Bly Michael Caragino Persi Charalambous George and Myroulla Chrysostomides Helen Clark Bob Clark Bob & Diane Clay Tony Damalas Diane Deeb Greg & Cindy Dragas Lynne Eklund Royal & Elizabeth Ferguson John and Toni Georghiou Mike and Maria Georgiou Jim Hewett Jack & Stella Jacovides Katherine Katsias Vasilios & Heather Karangelen Tommy & Elaine Kyrus Antonis & Patti Leondaridis Everett Lisberg Susan Matiatos Manoli and Maria Makridakis Jim & Linda Meares Rita Parish Ted & Drucie Papafil Yiannis & Ginger Papelis Ioanna Phillips Spyro & Roseanne Phillipakis Chris Platsoucas Nitsa Pratsi Maria Parker Fred and Diane Roybal Family Routsis Ron Russell Emilia Simmons Bill & Roxie Skenderis Jim & Karen Sparks Despina Sofroniou Andy and Sylvia Touzos Nikki & Steve Webb Tina & David Wills Debbie Woodell Page 14 Losing Ourselves in Christ’s Mission Spring Regional Retreat 2017 Featuring Fr John Chakos Long term OCMC Missionary to Guatemala WHEN : WHO: February 3-4 College Students Young Adults (overnight in hotel) Registration Link: WHERE: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQL Sd0UK0BZgsXO5T2OjKlxxsnw6uquCrh56Q cv2PzQ8TlgT2Q/viewform?c=0&w=1 The College of William and Mary Williamsburg, Virginia COST: ONLY $10 Questions/Contact: Sam Williams w.sam.williams@gmail.com or 804-347-0508 Page 15 Home Building at Project Mexico Hampton Roads Young Adult Service Trip July 21-July 27, 2017 Who?  Hampton Roads Young Adults 18+  Sam Williams will lead the trip with 14 other participants When?  Friday July 21—Thursday July 27, 2017 Where?  San Diego, California & Tijuana, Mexico Details?  $100 due January 31, 2017  Balance of $440 due April 30, 2017  Price does not include our flight to San Diego (Plane tickets will be purchased together at a later date.)  Group will fundraise for the estimated total cost of $1200 per person Interested? please contact Sam Williams at w.sam.williams@gmail.com or 804-347-0508 www.projectmexico.org Page 16 Hellenic Women's Club The Hellenic Woman's Club is having a wonderful year so far! We started off with our Annual Spaghetti dinner in September We started baking right away and had amazing ladies dedicate their time and hands to help us bake each week Thanks to everyone who made our Bake Sale a success!! We had an incredible turn out for our Christmas Luncheon with our Seniors as well as our visiting seniors from St Nicholas and Sts Constantine and Helen Also in December we had our Christmas luncheon with the Philoptochos Society We will start baking again in January, dates will be posted soon Our Hellenic Woman's Club will be having our Valentines Luncheon on Sunday, February 19th Here are a few pictures throughout the year so far! PARISH REGISTRY BAPTISMS December 17– Lilian Maria Duke Sponsor– Yiannis and Gina Polychronopoulos WEDDINGS FUNERALS Page 17 November 19- John Aaron Sanders & Alexis Pappas November - Agatha Belliares Sponsor- Michael Papkonstantinou November 8- Mary Galanides November 26- Jeffrey Bouley & Angela Cordisco November 23- Katina Konstantouros Sponsor- Alexander Dakoglou Page 18 Norfolk Catering Company  Is your one stop for all business and personal catering needs  Party Room Available  Business Meetings: platters, buffets, box lunches  Baptisms, Wedding Receptions (You can find us on wedding wire as well)  Funerals—Makaria/Memorial Needs  Graduation/Birthday/Anniversary Parties, Retirement Dinners  Family Reunions www.norfolkcateringcompany.com Call today to discuss your special event: 757.288.2881 The Norfolk Grille 142 W York Street Norfolk, VA 23510 NORFOLK COFFEE & TEA WORLD'S FINEST COFFEE Roasters—Blenders—Packers Serving Hotels & Restaurants Since 1918 In Memory of Our Grandparents and Parents Fragiskos G & Irene M Stephanitsis Nicholas & Evangelia Stephanitsis Gerasimos & Irene S Stephanitsis Page 19 Change of Address? If you have recently moved or are vacationing long term, please let the Cathedral Office know, 757-4400500 Services To schedule all services such as memorials, 40 day blessings, baptisms, and weddings, please call the Cathedral Office, 757-440-0500 Hospital and Shut-In Visitations When parishioners of the Annunciation are admitted into a hospital or recovering at home and wish to have a priest visit them, it is imperative that a family member contact the Cathedral Office, 757-440-0500, immediately Hospitals not notify the Church when Orthodox patients seek medical attention Kollyva Important Phone Numbers, & Email Addresses Father George Bessinas Office: 757-440-0500 Home: 757-497-1192 Email: frgeorge@annunciationva.org Father Constantine Rogakos Office: 757-440-0500 Email: frrogakos@gmail.com Thomas Manuel Pastoral Assistant/Youth Director Office: 757-440-0500 Email: thomas@annunciationva.org Helen Manuel Office: 757-440-0500 Email: officeadmin@annunciationva.org Bonnie Winstead—Bookkeeper The Cathedral does NOT provide Kolyva for Memorial Services Parishioners in need of Kollyva may call Drucie Papafil, 757-489-4313 or Tasy Penner, 752-1294 Office: 757-440-0500 Email: bookkeeper@annunciationva.org Artoklasia Hellenic Center: 757-963-5634 Cathedral Fax: 757-423-6929 For anyone interested in having Artoclasia made, please contact Emilia Simmons, 757-481-1509 Annunciation Observer Deadline The deadline for submitting articles for the January/February Annunciation Observer is February 15, 2017 Articles not submitted by February 15 will NOT BE IN THE Annunciation Observer Please send all articles to Helen Manuel or Thomas Manuel at Officeadmin@Annunciationva.org or thomas@annunciationva.org John Boogades Bookstore: Corin Baker & John Mangus Email: bookstore@annunciationva.org Annunciation NON-PROFIT ORG Greek Orthodox Cathedral U.S POSTAGE 7220 Granby Street PAID Norfolk, VA 23505-4119 Norfolk, VA PERMIT 23

Ngày đăng: 20/10/2022, 21:03

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