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Word Perfect - Tiếng Anh - Nguyễn Hữu Hạnh - Thư viện Đề thi & Kiểm tra

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Unit 6 POLITE /PLEASANT/ RUDE/ OFFENSIVE Lịch sự / Nhã Nhặn / Khiếm Nhã / Khó Chịu Part I 1 polite [pə''lait] (to s o ) having good manners and consideration for other people; behaving in a way that is[.]

Unit 6: POLITE /PLEASANT/ RUDE/ OFFENSIVE Lịch / Nhã Nhặn / Khiếm Nhã / Khó Chịu Part I 1- polite [pə'lait] (to s.o.) having good manners and consideration for other people; behaving in a way that is socially acceptable: lễ độ; lịch It's polite to let people know if you're going to be late I know you don't like my father, but please try to be polite to him He gave a polite smile When you make your complaint, make sure you're polite about it 2- well-mannered ['wel'mænəd] (of a person) polite : lịch Their parents brought them up to be well-mannered 3- pleasant ['pleznt] (to s.o.) friendly and polite: lịch thân mật; nhã nhặn He's a very pleasant boy I'm not particularly keen on her, but I always try to be pleasant to her 4- nice [nais] (to s o ) pleasant and friendly: tử tế; ân cần I met a lot of nice people on holiday I can't criticize himbecause he's always been nice to me 5- to compliment ['kɔmplimənt] (to s.o on sth) to say very nice things to someone about something: khen ngợi; ca tụng (ai, việc gì) Everybody complimented her on her excellent speech 6- a compliment ['kɔmplimənt]an expression of admiration or praise etc : lời thăm hỏi; lời chúc mừng That was a superb meal Compliment to the chef 7- to pay (s.o.) a compliment: to compliment someone: khen ngợi ; ca tụng He paid her the compliment of saying that she had the best singing voice he had ever heard -to flatter ['flætə] (s.o.) to say or suggest that someone is more attractive or intelligent etc than they really are, especially in order to get something from them: tâng bốc; xu nịnh; nịnh hót You're flattering me - I know my German isn't that good He flattered her on her new dress, hoping that she might agree to go out with him that evening 9- flattered ['flætəd] made to feel pleased and honoured by something unexpected happening (indicating someone's high opinion of you): lấy làm hãnh diện Although I didn't want the job, I was very flattered that they had offered it to me 10- flattering: causing you to feel flattered: làm tôn vẻ đẹp lên; làm hãnh diện Your invitation is very pattering, but I'm afraid I can't accept 11- flattery ['flỉtəri] flattering remarks : tâng bốc; nịnh hót Flatter will get you nowhere! 12 -civil ['sivl] polite, but often only in the minimum way, without being friendly : lịch (nhưng thường mức tối thiểu; không thân thiện) Although they don't like each other, they’re always managing to be quite civil 13- tactful ['tækfl] careful not to say or anything that might offend or upset someone: lịch thiệp; khéo léo We decided that it would be tactful to leave, since they obviously wanted to be alone Hotel receptionists have to be tactful when dealing with difficult customers 14- tact [tækt] the ability to be tactful: khéo léo; tài xử trí She showed great tact in her handling of the situation 15- diplomatic [,diplə'mætik] tactful and showing skill in dealing with people: có tài xử trí, có tỏ khéo léo giao tiếp I think that under the circumstances the most diplomatic thing would be to say nothing 16- to crawl [krɔ:l] (to S.O.) (Colloquial) to be excessively polite and pleasant to someone,especially someone who is in a superior position to you, because you want some favor from them or because you want them to like: nịnh bợ Nobody likes her at work because she crawls to the boss 17- a crawler ['krɔ:lə](colloquial) a person who crawls: kẻ nịnh bợ; kẻ luồn cúi đê tiện He only got promotion because he's a crawler, not because he deserved it Part 1- rude [ru:d] (to s.o.) not polite (often intentionally) : khiếm nhã; hỗn láo; thô lỗ How old are you, if it's not u rude question? Didn't anybody teach you that it's rude to stare? He was rude to me about my work 2- bad-mannered / ill-mannered ['il'mænəd] (of a person) impolite; having bad manners: bất lịch sự; có cách cư xử thơ lỗ Take your feet off the chair and don’t be so ill-mannered! What bad-mannered young people they are! - cheeky ['t∫i:ki] lacking respect and politeness (especially for someone that you should respect, for example your parents or teachers); not embarrassed to or say things that may be considered impolite by others : xấc láo; hỗn xược Do as your father says and don’t he so cheeky! I hope you don't think this is cheeky, but could I help myself to another drink? 4- cheek [t∫i:k] cheeky behavior or words: lời nói ứng xử hỗn láo; hỗn xược Be quiet! I don't want to hear- any more cheek from you She's just told me I should get a toupee What a cheek! (= How cheeky!) - unpleasant [ʌn'pleznt] (to s.o.) unfriendly, rude and unkind : không thân thiện; khơng vui, khó chịu Because he’s so unpleasant it's difficult to discuss anything with him Stop being so unpleasant to me, I've done nothing to you 6- nasty ['nɑ:sti] (to s.o.) very unpleasant and unkind: khó chịu; kinh tởm That was a nasty thing to say Why you dislike her so much? He’s so irritating that it's difficult not to be nasty to him 7- hostile ['hɔstail] very unfriendly and aggressive, especially in showing that you not like someone or something: không thân thiện khiêu khích (để chứng tỏ bạn khơng thích / điều gì); hằn học A rather hostile crowd gathered outside Parliament to protest at the latest cuts in the health service The village is rather hostile towards tourists 8- tactless ['tỉktlis] without tact : khơng khéo xử; khơng lịch thiệp; sống sượng It was tactless of you to ask about his girlfriend – you know she's left him 9- to offend [ə'fend] (s.o.) to hurt someone's feelings, often unintentionally, by being rude or tactless : làm khó chịu;xúc phạm tình cảm (thường khơng cố ý thơ lỗ hay khơng khéo xử) I don’t know what I've said to offend her, but she's not talking to me Do you think they’ll be offended if I don’t go to their party? He was quite offended that you forgot to send him a birthday card 10- offensive [ə'fensiv] rude and insulting; causing you to feel offended : sỉ nhục; gây khó chịu làm phiền; chướng His behavior was so offensive that we left His offensive remarks about the other guests spoiled the evening? 11- to take offence (at sth) to feel offended by something often unnecessarily: cảm thấy bực bội khó chịu chuyện (thường không cần thiết) I hope you won't take offence if we ask you to leave now we're both very tired She seems to have taken offence at something I said 12 - to insult ['insʌlt] (s.o.) to deliberately offend someone by being rude to them, usually in what you say: lăng mạ; xúc phạm (ai) I’ll never forget him for the way he insulted me I don’t mind you saying nasty things about me, but don't insult my mother I’ve never been so insulted in all my life! 13- insulting [in'sʌltiη] causing you to feel insulted: nói lời lăng mạ lăng mạ She made some very insulting comments about his clothes 14- an insult ['insʌlt] an insulting remark or action: lời nhận xét hay hành động lăng mạ, xúc phạm The argument became very personal, and a lot of insults were exchanged Their offer is an insult How they expect somebody to live on such a miserable salary? 15- abrupt [ə'brʌpt] quick and rather rude (especially in wanting to end a conversation) nhanh thơ kệch(vì muốn kết thúc nói chuyện); thơ kệch; sỗ sàng 'I’m far too busy to talk to you now,' he said, in his usual abrupt manner 16- short [∫ɔ:t] (with s.o.) abrupt (especially because of anger or impatience): nói ngắn gọn vắn tắt( tức giận hay khơng kiên nhẫn); cộc lốc, cộc cằn I didn’t mean to be so short with you this morning - it's just that I'm under a lot of pressure at the moment 17- crude [kru:d] rude, offensive and vulgar : thô thiển; thô tục They spent the evening drinking beer and telling crude jokes Exercises: 1- Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) which best completes each sentence 1- He was rather me He just said 'No' A short with B crude to C rude with D tactless to 2- The local people were not very friendly towards us, in fact there was a distinctly atmosphere A rude B offensive C hostile D abrupt 3- I knew she wasn't going to like what I was going to say, so I tried to find a way of saying it A civil B diplomatic C flattered D well-mannered 4- Don't you think it's rather asking him to lend you more money, when you still haven't paid back what you already owe him? A cheeky B hostile C unpleasant D crude 5- I'm sorry I was so when we met, but I was in a hurry and I couldn't stop and talk A short B hostile C abrupt D unpleasant 6- Don't be so ! Where did you learn such bad language'? A ill-mannered B crude C tactless D nasty 7- It's not very to talk with your mouth full A tactful B gentle C polite D educated 8- I find his behavior towards me quite He treats me like an idiot A offending B insulting C crude D ill-mannered 9- I'm that you should accuse me of lying A offensive B insulting C offending D insulted 10- Don't be ! Say thank you A nasty B rude C tactless D crude 11- I'm sorry about all the things I said to you A hostile B abrupt C nasty D short 12- Telling him he was boring wasn’t a very thing to say A well-mannered B nice C flattered D mannered 13- Why are you always so to me? Have I done something to offend you? A cheeky B unpleasant C tactless D crude 14- It isn't exactly to be told that you're starting to look old A flattering B well-mannered C civil D complimented 15- The interview went very well Everyone was very to me A pleasant B flattering C tactful D diplomatic 16- I dislike him so much that find it difficult even to be to him A tactful B diplomatic C civil D well-mannered 2- The word in capitals at the end of each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space Fill each blank in this way EXAMPLE: We had an interesting discussion about football DISCUSS 1- The entire audience took at his racist remarks OFFEND 2- Try to be .when you tell her the bad news TACT 3- I think that with a little……… I could persuade him to change his mind FLATTER 4- What a telling him that he's the best teacher she's ever had! CRAWL 5- What lovely children, MANNER 6- I find that advertisement to women OFFEND 7- That was a rather remark You've obviously upset him TACT 8- He's the most unpleasant, person I've ever met! MANNER 3- Fill each of the blanks with one suitable word 1- That's an ! How dare you tell me I’m stupid! 2- You're me I'm not as clever as you say I am 3- What a ! That man just walked straight to the front of the queue 4- She paid him a on his taste in clothes 5- I'm that you have such a high opinion of my work 6- I hope you won't be if I ask you not to smoke 7- Try to show a bit more when you tell your parents you don't agree with …….There's no point in upsetting them by being rude Unit 5.1 1B 2C 3B 4C 5D 6C 7A 8A 9C 10B 1IC 12D 5.2 selfishness appreciation unkind consideration sympathetic greed kindness appreciative 5.3 give with tight grateful appreciate for self greedy ... MANNER 3- Fill each of the blanks with one suitable word 1- That's an ! How dare you tell me I’m stupid! 2- You're me I'm not as clever as you say I am 3- What a ! That man just walked straight... you don't think this is cheeky, but could I help myself to another drink? 4- cheek [t∫i:k] cheeky behavior or words: lời nói ứng xử hỗn láo; hỗn xược Be quiet! I don't want to hear- any more... the things I said to you A hostile B abrupt C nasty D short 1 2- Telling him he was boring wasn’t a very thing to say A well-mannered B nice C flattered D mannered 1 3- Why are you

Ngày đăng: 27/10/2022, 16:28



