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Word Perfect - Tiếng Anh - Nguyễn Hữu Hạnh - Thư viện Đề thi & Kiểm tra

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Unit 13 Vague/ Incomprehensible/ Clear Mơ Hồ / Khoâng hiểu được / Rỏ Raøng Part 1 1 vague [veig] not certain or definite (of something said or written); not clear (of a feeling, idea, memory etc ) mơ[.]

Unit 13: Vague/ Incomprehensible/ Clear Mơ Hồ / Khoâng hiểu / Rỏ Raøng Part 1-vague [veig] not certain or definite (of something said or written); not clear (of a feeling, idea, memory etc.) mơ hồ, mập mờ, mang máng He's rather vague about his plans - I don't think he knows what he's going to I’ve got a vague feeling that something is wrong 2-faint[feint] not strong or clear (of a feeling, color, sound etc.) yếu ớt, không mạnh rỏ rệt I have a faint memory of being here before The photographs are a bit faint (On the phone) ‘You’re very faint I can hardly hear you.' 3-ambiguous [æm'bigjuəs] able to be understood in more than one way, and therefore unclear or confusing: hiểu theo cách khác nữa, mơ hồ His answer was ambiguous - I'm not sure if he agreed or not 4-muddled ['mʌdl] confused and disorganized: bối rối, lộn xộn, bị rối loạn The arrangements are muddled, so I don't know where or when we're meeting I'm getting muddled - what I have to now? 5- garbled ['gɑ:bld] not clear; confused (of an explanation or statement) không rỏ, lẫn lộn (về lời giảng hay lối phát biểu) His explanation was so garbled that I have no idea what actually happened 6- inarticulate [,inɑ:'tikjulit] unable to express yourself clearly; not clearly expressed (of speech) khơng có khả diễn đạt rõ ràng,ấp úng, lủng củng He had drunk so much that he was completely inarticulate He woke up suddenly, made a few inarticulate noises, and then fell asleep again 7-unintelligible [,ʌnin'telidʒəbl] impossible to understand (perhaps because something is garbled or not clearly expressed): khơng thể hiểu được(vì lẫn lộn không diễn đạt rỏ ràng) His accent is so strong that he's unintelligible 8- incomprehensible [in,kɔmpri'hensəbl] impossible to understand: hiểu This document is incomprehensible 9- illegible [i'ledʒəbl] impossible to read (because the writing is unclear) khó đọc, đọc His handwriting is illegible 10- inexplicable: impossible to explain: làm sáng tỏ được, làm sáng tỏ I find your behavior quite inexplicable Part 1- clear [kliə](to s.o.) easy to understand and without confusion: dễ hiểu không lẫn lộn, rõ ràng When you arrive, you'll be given clear instructions about what to What's the problem? It all seems perfectly clear to me 2- to be clear (about sth) to understand something completely: khơng cịn mơ hồ điều gì,hiểu điều thấu đáo I asked her to explain again because I wanted to he clear about what I had to I wasn't clear whether she was talking to me or not 3- clearly ['kliəli] without doubt: hiển nhiên,khơng cịn nghi ngờ This is clearly a matter for the courts to decide.When I asked him he didn't answer He clearly didn't understand what I was saying 4- to clear (sth) up: to find a solution to, or remove doubt about something (a problem, misunderstanding etc.) giải chuyện gì,xua tan nghi ngờ I've called this meeting to try to clear up any misunderstandings 5- to make (sth) clear to explain something (your feelings or intentions etc.) in a way that is easy to understand: làm rỏ gì/ làm cho hiểu rỏ I had a word with him because I wanted to make my feelings clear - he understands now I would like to make it clear that I'm not criticizing you 6- to clarify ['klærifai] (sth): to make something clearer and easier to understand(especially by giving more information or explaining more simply): làmchuyện rỏ ràng,dễ hiểu hơn,làm sáng tỏchuyện We've asked the management to clarify exactly what its intentions are Could you clarify this point for me- does this train leave every day except Sunday, or only on Sunday? 7- obvious ['ɒbviəs] clear; easy to see or understand: dễ nhìn thấy hiểu, hiển nhiên He was terribly rude - it's obvious that he planned to offend me Her reason for lying is obvious - she was too embarrassed to tell me the truth 8- obviously ['ɒbviəsli] clearly: cách rỏ ràng, hiển nhiên She had a terrible time Obviously she won't go there again She obviously hates me He's obviously having a bad time 9- to sink in: to become clear in the mind; to become completely understood (often of sudden or surprising events) ăn thấm vào đầu,được hiểu hoàn toàn (thường biến cố bất ngờ) Things happened so fast that it took a long time for them to sink in Winning a gold medal hasn't really sunk in yet 10- to take (sth) in: to understand and absorb something completely: hiểu tiếp thụ (một cách triệt để) Everything happened so quickly that I couldn't take it all in I don't think I took in anything of what he said 11- to make (sth) out: to see, hear, read, understand etc clearly: nhìn thấy, nghe, đọc hiểu cách rỏ ràng The road sign is too far away- I can't make out what it says I couldn't make out what he was saving - there was too much noise Can you make out the signature on this letter? I can't make out why she left - I thought she was happy here E x e rci s e s : 1- Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) which best completes each sentence 1- We left New York when I was six, so my recollections of it are rather A faint B muddled C garbled D unintelligible 2- His papers were so that he couldn't find what he was looking for A garbled B ambiguous C muddled D inarticulate 3-He speaks so quickly that most of the things he says are A inexplicable B unintelligible C illegible D inarticulate 4- I've got a(n) idea what you mean A ambiguous B faint C muddled D vague 5-She was so angry that she became quite A vague B garbled C inarticulate D inexplicable 6- I asked him what to but his instructions were so that I still didn't understand A inexplicable B garbled C muddled D illegible 7- Her sudden disappearance was A unintelligible B illegible C inarticulate D inexplicable 8- Her comment was so that some people thought she was pleased while others thought she was annoyed A incomprehensible B ambiguous C unintelligible D faint 9- The report was written in technical language, which would have been ., to most people A incomprehensible B illegible C inarticulate D garbled 10- The signature at the bottom of the page was totally A inarticulate B ambiguous C incomprehensible D illegible 11- Could you that last remark? A clear B clarify C clear out D make clear 12- He that nothing would change his mind A cleared B cleared up C made clear D made it clear 2- For each of the sentences below, write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence, but using the word given This word must not be altered in any way Example: It's no use arguing: I've made up my mind, point Answer: There's no point in arguing, I've made up my mind 1-The news of his death was such a shock that it hasn't been fully understood yet Sunk _ 2- There are a few problems which we ought to try to find a solution to Clear 3- She clearly doesn't like me Obvious _ 4- He's got such a strong accent that half the time I can't understand a word he's saying, make 5- He gave us so much information that it was impossible to absorb everything, take 6- It's obvious that he doesn't understand you Obviously 7- Do you understand how to find my house? Clear _ ... clarify exactly what its intentions are Could you clarify this point for me- does this train leave every day except Sunday, or only on Sunday? 7- obvious ['ɒbviəs] clear; easy to see or understand:... 1 0- to take (sth) in: to understand and absorb something completely: hiểu tiếp thụ (một cách triệt để) Everything happened so quickly that I couldn't take it all in I don't think I took in anything... he was saving - there was too much noise Can you make out the signature on this letter? I can't make out why she left - I thought she was happy here E x e rci s e s : 1- Choose the word or phrase

Ngày đăng: 19/10/2022, 06:30


